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Old 01-06-2010, 04:35 AM

Chrystal woke up as she always did. The same small area to walk around in, mostly dark, sometimes cold, and always boring. Her powers were bound to the amulet, which she assumed hadn't been found by anyone. Either that, or someone had hidden her locket away somewhere.

She had no idea how long she had been inside. Every day she tried keeping a record, but whenever she woke up the next day, everything would be gone. Apparently she could only effect the world around her when she concentrated.

Chrystal, if she were allowed to manifest in the mortal world, would be about 5'2" at full height, and maybe 100 pounds. She usually chose to have long flowing blonde hair and green eyes, but she could adjust to the Master's desires.

She knew her locket had been moved recently, and she was just waiting for her new Master to discover her.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-08-2010, 01:27 PM

Anneliese sat on her bed, a frown on her face. Stupid English teacher- she hadn't even been talking, but she had gotten detention anyways (Along with the rest of her class) and now she was grounded.

She sighed and got up, deciding to clean out her closet. It was her only shame- she never really had time to clean it. Well, you have it now, she thought bitterly, pulling it open. As soon as she did, a small jewelry box tumbled out, amlost landing on her foot.


She kneeled down to inspect it, picking it up carefully. It was so pretty... pushing dark black hair out of mint green eyes, she opened it, and found a locket perched inside.

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Old 01-08-2010, 05:26 PM

The locket was touched. She felt it. Her powers were limited but with direct contact...

Swirling energy surrounded Chrystal as she gathered her powers. She directed it upwards and outwards, focusing her powers. With all of her being she sent one thought, one urge.

Open It!

She repeated this process two more times before her reserves were temporarily exhausted.

Now all she had to do was wait.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-09-2010, 06:06 PM

Anneliese had a sudden urge to open it. With gentle fingers, she pried it open, a puzzled, curious expression on her face.


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Old 01-09-2010, 08:50 PM

A stunning, yet silent, explosion of light and vapors exploded from the locket to form a strange pillar of vapor. That vapor coalesced into Chrystal's form, the pale whitish vapor taking on color as she fully arrived in the mortal world once again. She could hardly wait until she fully gained solid form to smile, laugh, and clap her hands, as she wheeled to face Anneliese. She formed in a way that was indicative of the times; a white "cuppy cake" t-shirt, a short frilled pink skirt, and pink boots. Her hair formed as blonde and her eyes were blue this time. The locket symbol appeared on a hair clip in her hair.

"Mistress! Oh, thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She bounced up and down a few times then remembered herself, kneeling down, bowing her head, then craning her neck to look upwards at her new mistress. "I live to serve, Mistress. What is your desire?" she asked, as she waited for a response. This was going to be great! A young girl! She'll have plenty of wishes!

Last edited by TeeJayeDee; 01-09-2010 at 08:59 PM.. Reason: expanding

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-10-2010, 12:20 AM

Anneliese gasped and fell back, startled. "Oh my god," she whispered as the girl pranced around the room. She could only stare, dumbfounded, for a minute before she was finally able to get a hold of herself. She stood back up just as the girl bowed, telling her she lived to serve and calling her mistress,
"Um.... look, no offense, but who are you? And what were you doing in that locket?" It was probably more important to ask how she got in the locket, but Anneliese was feeling dazed by all that was suddenly happening.

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Old 01-10-2010, 02:41 AM

"Oh, of course, Mistress! This one is called Chrystal, and she is bound to your locket. Because of that, you are my Mistress. It has been some time since I have been out..." She paused, thinking. "The last time I was out... Well, I think the year was numbered 1959." Chrystal nodded, her eyes fixed on her mistress. "Is there anything else I can answer for you, Mistress?"

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-10-2010, 02:57 AM

"How did you get in there," she asked, some sense returning. "You're not... human, are you?" It was more of a statement then a question- of course she wasn't human. Then Anneliese shook her head. "Oh man, I'm hallucinatin," she groaned, sitting on her bed. "That box must have hit me on the head..." Clearly, she was having a hard time of it.

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Old 01-11-2010, 05:03 AM

(( ugh sorry I posted this morning but somehow Menewsha didn't take it ))

Chrystal jumped up and looked panicked. "Mistress is hurt? Where? Let me see!" she looked over Annaliese's head, even combing through it a bit with her fingers. "No, Mistress is unhurt. She is so clever! She wanted to test this one! She also knew that Chrystal was the spirit of the locket and of course is not human at all. I am devoted to you, my Mistress. Anything you wish I will do my best to provide!"

And with that, she kneeled back down again and looked up at her. She hoped that Annaliese would get used to her soon, it would be no fun going days or weeks being thought of as a hallucination, but she could use no magical powers unless she was asked to by her Mistress.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:16 AM

Anneliese stared, obviously surprised. "So... you're bound to the locket? And you'll give me anything," she asked. This perturbed her 16-year-old mind, no matter how fairy-tale it seemed. "Um... lets see. If you can really do that, can you give me a blueberry muffin like the ones you get from starbucks?" That was simple enough, right?
[[I understand. Menewsha had a problem and everything had to be backed up- therefore, everything done today was erased. Don't feel bad :3]]

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Old 01-11-2010, 08:29 AM

Muffins? Muffins? What sort of first wish was that? Oh, well, better than nothing. Chrystal surmised. "Sure." She closed her eyes a moment then stood up and handed her a brown paper bag with the Starbucks' logo on it. "There you go, Mistress!" She smiled and crossed her arms behind her back, waiting for her next task.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:53 PM

Anneliese blinked as she took the bag. "Oh wow," she said, looking inside. "Thanks." She hesitated, watching the girl with mint eyes. "So... what is the extent of your powers? Are there things you can't do?" She got up and began to pace- anyone who knew her really well would have groaned and said "She's at it again" like a bad cartoon. "Can you change things that have already happened, or can you only bring about physical things?"

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Old 01-11-2010, 06:13 PM

"Oh, well, you are already so smart about this!" Chrystal replied. "I cannot change things that have already happened. For instance..." she cast about the room looking for something that would illustrate her point and caught a headline from a Star magazine, "Tiger Woods still had all those affairs, and I can't undo that. But, if you wanted say, to meet a celebrity like..." she picked a name at random from another magazine in a stack on her dresser, "Taylor Swift. Then coincidentally you'd run into her at a restaurant or just walking down the street or something. Big stuff like that usually takes a day or two to work into the system." Chrystal loved talking about her powers, it was the precursor to her actually being able to use them, and stretch her magical muscles.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:39 AM

Anneliese tapped a finger to her lips. "What if I asked you to bring someone here? Like someone nearby; say a friend or a neighbor. Could you do that?" She continued to pace, thin legs crossing the room in a few steps, then turning and recrossing the same path.

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Old 01-12-2010, 05:38 AM

"Yes, but it wouldn't quite be the same way as the muffins. Usually, they'd come by, thinking it was their own idea, but it could be done." Actually, she could make people appear instantly but it took a lot out of her and generally made the person she brought to her very sick to their stomach. She didn't lie, just shaded the truth, which is why she prefaced her statement with "usually" because in an unusual circumstance, she could bring someone instantly.

Oh, all of her witty tricks were already coming back to her. It was always fun to match wits with the humans, simply because they were so deliciously unpredictable.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:33 PM

Anneliese came to a stop and turned to face Chrystal, sitting down in her chair. "Alright, then, I think I get it now. This is just... surreal," she admitted. "I mean, its amazing, but... what in god's name do I wish for?" She pondered this, thinking of all the things she wanted in her life. "I mean, all I've ever really wished for is an A in pe and a date with Zach Michaels." Ah, Zach. With sandy blonde hair and green eyes, he was the heartthrob of Anneliese's high school. But Anneliese was too afraid to talk to him by herself; she wasn't anywhere near popular enough. "Could you help with relationships," she asked, looking at Chrystal and chewing on her lip. Were there rules against that?

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Old 01-12-2010, 06:28 PM

"Oh, love cannot be forced, Mistress, but a date I can get you. It will be up to you what goes on from there... and about this anpe you spelled out... what exactly is an anpe?" when she said it, she said it just like she'd heard it 'A in P.E.' but she'd thought Mistress was spelling out the world A N P E. Was it kind of an ape? Chrystal wore a confused look on her face as she inquired, but at the back of her mind she was already working on the other wish.


"So, If I make this shot, I get to tell you the name of any girl in the school, and you have to go out with her." Josh said tauntingly to Zach.

"Hah, if you make that shot, not only will I go out with any girl you say, I'll kiss her right where you can see me do it!" Zach replied to Josh, who stood at half-court with a basketball, dribbling it.

"It's a bet then." He replied.

"Wait wait! If you don't make it, I do the same for you! And I know just the girl! Nancy from homeroom!" Zach retorted.

"Nancy? Eww. But OK, sure." He dribbled a few more times then made the shot.

It was going to be short, but somehow the ball lofted up a bit. It hit the rim and bounced high...

"Hah! You have to kiss Nancy!" Zach started to say when he heard the swish of the basket. The ball had fallen through the chain net on its way back down from the bounce. "No fair! That was a lucky shot!"

"Didn't say nothin' about that in the bet. Now pay up!" Josh demanded.

"All right, all right. Who's it gonna be? Nancy?" Zach said.

"Naw man, I wouldn't do that to you, even if you would do that to me. How about that shy girl that sits in the back of math class... Anna.. anna... Annaliese! Yep. that's the one."

"Annawho? Well, I guess if I never noticed her til now she can't be too ugly." He walked up to his friend Josh and shook on it. "I'll ask her tomorrow. Does she wear braces?" he asked him as they walked off the court.

"I dunno. I never seen her smile." Josh said.


Chrystal smiled again, waiting for her Mistress to respond.

Last edited by TeeJayeDee; 01-12-2010 at 06:29 PM.. Reason: typo

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-13-2010, 01:17 AM

Anneliese blinked, confused. "Anpe? Um... let me get back to you on that one," she said. Anpe? What in god's name... she shook her head, not letting herself worry about it. "Can other people see you, or can you hang out with me wherever I go," she asked, going to her window. She winced- she was asking a lot of questions, and she knew it. She did that sometimes, in Chemistry, and that was why the popular girls called her a nerd and the boys barely acknowledged her at all.

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Old 01-13-2010, 03:22 AM

"Yes, Mistress. Other people can see me, or I can hang out with you wherever you go. I am only visible to others if you want me to be. Generally, I'm visible, but if you want me to hide, I can either turn invisible, or shrink down and hide places. Whatever Mistress wishes!" She smiled and clapped softly a few times. This is going very well, she is already planning uses for my magic, and what fun it will be tricking mortals again. What delicious, delicious fun! Chrystal thought as she kept beaming at her new Mistress.

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Old 01-13-2010, 03:40 AM

"Maybe its best for now if you stay invisible," Anneliese said, chewing on her lip. "That way I can tell everyone my cousin is coming to town in a week, to explain how you came here." It was a lie, but it was a little white lie. Oh god, I hope lying isn't against her morals or whatever, she thought suddenly. She wasn't an angel, was she? last time Anneliese had checked, angels didn't grant wishes. A genie then? no, she hadn't told Anneliese if there was a limit on wishes, which she was sure she would have mentioned.
"Lisa, mom says you have to go to the store," a young boy called through the door. "We're out of bread again!"
"Oh good grief," Anneliese muttered. "Alright, lemme get changed and I'll go." She turned to Chrystal, her cheeks slightly flushed with excitement. "Well, looks like we get to go adventure for a bit," she said. "Do you know where exactly Zach is?"

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Old 01-13-2010, 04:20 AM

"Of course, Mistress, I'll stay invisible. But if you want, I can make your family remember me as anyone you want, a friend, a cousin, whatever. And Zach has just come in from playing basketball with Josh. Zach is going to ask you out tomorrow." Chrystal smiled as she followed Annaliese. Already working me into her life. This was excellent. Djinn like Chrystal weren't like they were described in the old tales, they were actually closer to that TV program 'I Dream of Jeanie' where they were bound to a master. Usually, the djinn formed no attachment to their mortal and often the mortals ended up dying or some other inconvenient thing, unlike the djinn in that show.

Chrystal had been cooped up too long after her last Master, James Dean, died suddenly on her. What a letdown that was. He was a fun Master to serve!

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-13-2010, 01:23 PM

"That would actually be really cool," Anneliese murmured. "Just make them all believe that I actually do have a cousin coming in a week, ok? That way it'll be easy to make everyone at school believe it." She reached up and searched through her closet for a jacket- when her heart stopped. "A-are you serious," she asked, spinning around to face Chrystal. "Oh, oh my god, you are awesome," she gasped. She spun in a happy little circle- if her friends could see this, they'd ask who she was and what the heck she did with Anneliese. "We better hurry and get that stuff- we have a lot of planning to do," she said breathlessly, pulling on a jacket. It was more of a sweater, light blue, and something you'd see on a college professor. Anneliese, personally, loved it, but she was teased mercilessly for it and therefore only wore it when she wasn't in school. "Are you ready?"

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Old 01-13-2010, 08:15 PM

"They will get a phone call later on today about my staying with you. Cousins of theirs will be going on an extended trip to Australia and don't want me taken out of school for so long. They'll think it is a great idea for you to have another girl around for you to interact with, Mistress. As far as being awesome, I humbly accept your compliment. And yes, I am always ready for your commands, Mistress." Chrystal replied to her comments.

Oh this was wonderful. Falsifying memories was one of her favorite ways to tinker, she was exceedingly happy now.

Strawberry Kitkat
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Old 01-13-2010, 11:03 PM

"I think I love you," Anneliese said delightedly. "Lets go." She opened the door and went down the stairs, then out the front door and into the cool winter air. She took a deep breathe, an icy sensation filling her lungs, before she turned to wait for Chrystal. Her stomach was in knots- finding that locket was the best thing to ever happen to her. Life was going to get a lot better now, she could tell.

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Old 01-14-2010, 02:04 AM

Chrystal followed her, but she felt a little lazy, even though she'd just come out of the locket. So, she closed her eyes and ZAP! She was about the size of a Barbie doll sitting on Annaliese's shoulder. "If I'm going to be invisible, I may as well stay as close to Mistress as I can. Can't have strangers bumping into meas we walk, now can we?" Her voice sounded just the same as when she was normal size, despite what one would expect from a body so small. Part of the magic, of course.


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