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"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 12:01 AM

Hullo. You may have seen me around once or twice. If you haven't, I'm Torrinne, but feel free to call me Torri. Like so many other people in this forum, I'm seeking a good one-on-one roleplay or two. I provide a great deal of information in this post in order to, hopefully, convince you that posting a reply in this thread and inviting me to roleplay with you will be worth your time and energy.

I would consider myself to be somewhere between literate and advanced lit. This means that I am capable of turning out 3-4 paragraphs of fairly meaningful writing per post without effort. How much I post will, of course, depend on how much I'm given to work with, and I have been known to write anywhere from one short paragraph to ten lengthy ones, depending on the situation and the partner. However, I am a firm believer in quality over quantity, and I would prefer to write (and receive) a short but well-written and detailed post over a long post full of nonsense. I will make the occasional spelling or grammar error, but I always spell-check my posts, so they tend to be few and far between.

I play both male and female characters, and am willing to do yaoi, yuri, or het. My preference is to play a female character, so I am more likely to agree to yuri or het roleplays, but I will consider yaoi, so don't be afraid to ask.

I am going to have somewhat limited Internet access this summer. When I have Internet, I will most likely have it for a large chunk of the day, meaning that I'll be able to post several times, but I may have to go a day or two between times when I have Internet. If it matters, I'm on Eastern Standard Time (USA).

Now, for the most important part. I have some plots in mind, and there are certain genres that I would be agreeable to working out a plot in. Genres first, then plots.

Genres I would enjoy: (More plus signs = more love)
  • Medieval +++
  • Fantasy +++++
  • Pirates +++++ (Bonus points if they're airship pirates.)
  • Post-apocalyptic/dystopia +++
  • Futuristic/sci-fi ++
  • High School +
  • Steampunk/Victorian ++++

I realize that some of these are pretty broad. That is 100% intentional. Also, for mega-bonus points, use combinations of the above. I also enjoy romance, but not on its own, and I don't require romance in a roleplay.

There are a few things I will not consider, under any circumstances.
  • Incest. (You only have to have it sprung on you once before you start mentioning it...)
  • Romance, when not combined with another genre.
  • Most series-based roleplays (with the specific exceptions listed below).
  • Anything that would violate the Mene rules. (So don't ask me to cyber with you!)

Now that that's out of the way, here are a few plots that I would love to use. If you are willing to play one of these, I will most likely automatically agree to roleplay with you.

#1 - Glass Slippers
[based on the song Glass Slipper by the dresden dolls]
Getting yourself hitched to a girl based on her shoe size isn't really the brightest idea in the world. Charming and Cinderella are going to have to jump quite a few hurdles before they get to happily-ever-after. I would prefer to be Cinderella in this plot.

#2 - Thank God I'm Pretty
[not particularly based off the wonderful Emilie Autumn song by the same name]
Fairly basic rich girl X bodyguard. Except the bodyguard doesn't want to be there, and the girl isn't the pampered princess that had been expected. Bodyguard can be male or female, and my preference is to be the rich girl.

#3 - The Runaway
Pickpocket X noble (both could be male or female). When the pickpocket gets caught with his/her fingers in exactly the wrong pocket, he/she ends up having to help a runaway nobleperson survive on the streets and avoid his/her family.

#4 - Companion's Choice
Series-based, and set in Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar. A working knowledge of the series would be appreciated, but isn't strictly necessary. Pretty much any pairing you can imagine, or non-romance HeraldXCompanion. For this plot, being able to play multiple characters is a must.

And that's about it. I'm open to suggestions if you have a plot that you'd like. If you're interested in samples, see here.

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Maka-chan is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 05:15 AM

i'll roleplay with you.But i warn you i only play female and i can't do yuri :sweat: i like royalty types or anything really as long as it has a good storyline.:heart:

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 02:58 PM

Okay. To be perfectly honest with you, judging by the quick look I just took through your posts, we're not really at the same level when it comes to literacy. I'm willing to work with you, but I want to make sure you're not going to be intimidated if I start out by posting a lot more than you do. I occasionally have diarrhea of the mouth. ^_^"

As for royalty types, did you look at the third plot I put up? That might be something to interest you. Or we could make something new up.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 06:17 PM

I'd be game for roleplaying with you. I'm fine with whatever, but I'd prefer a female role (though I can do a male role if it is really necessary). That being said, I'm open to romance, being heterosexual or lesbian romances. I'm open to most genres. High school ones get on my nerves if they are not based upon a good plot. My favorite kind of plots are post-apocalyptic, though in real life I'm not fond of zombies. I'm also very content with complete opposite characters (like in the one you mentioned with a rich girl and a bodyguard, thief x noble, etc.). I can post very short paragraphs with loads of detail or lengthy ones. I'm kind of psycho with spelling/grammar errors (when I make them) so there will be few on my part. I'll try to post at least once a day, but it will probably be more unless I am very busy (which I will notify you if I am.) I'd be very happy if we roleplayed, a lot recently I have been wanting to do a one on one. ^.^

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 07:04 PM

Haha, I hear you on the spelling and grammar mistakes. If I miss one, and then catch it later, I'm liable to sit here grouching at my computer (to the never-ending amusement of my roommate). Sounds like we could work together nicely. Like I said, I'm perfectly comfortable with playing a guy, and since I've got a couple of girl characters elsewhere, I'm leaning more towards guy right now if that's okay with you. I kind of picture both the bodyguard role and the thief role as being guys, when I imagine them in my head, so either of those would be good. Post-apocalyptic doesn't have to be zombies. I tend to think of nuclear winter (possibly because of the current political climate), which could lead to mutants, superpowers, something like that. Or just strictly survival-based.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 07:12 PM

Haha. I always tick off my friends. I'll sit here, re-reading old posts of mine. If I see a single error, spelling or grammatical, I will fix it and continuously re-read it until I'm satisfied. When I see my friends typing and I see a typo in their writing, I go nuts. I seriously have a spaz attack. I jab the screen where the typo is at and I force them to change it. You being a guy is fine with me, I thought of the thief and bodyguard as guys, so that is fine. Nuclear winter is a great idea, I like when RPs incorporate today's society/world. Survival based sounds great, a lot different than the typical "There are zombies. You must not be bitten." XD So, what would you want to do?

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 07:26 PM

Hmm. You mean I actually have to make a decision? I guess if it's up to me, I would go with the nuclear winter scenario. That sounds interesting to me today, now that we have it more worked out. Would you like to do profiles, or just jump in?

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 07:43 PM

Haha fine by me. Ya, we can do profiles. Basic skeleton(?):
Location when nuclear winter started:
Bio: (1 paragraph)
Personality (3 sentences)

Is that fine? Do you want to do real or anime pictures? And what would the story between our characters be? Strangers that meet and fall in love? Just strangers that meet? Friends?
I'd prefer real pictures, but I'm good either way.

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 07:51 PM

That looks good to me. I can certainly do real pictures. Starting out as strangers would probably be best, I think, to make things last longer. Do you want to do thread or PMs?

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Maka-chan is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 09:05 PM

i don't actually the 3rd plot setting im not into runawaysxnoble/royalty i don't really think they go well.I can't really wrok with those kind of things :sweat: i actually haven't been on here in two weeks so my posts were pretty poor i just got back yesterday xD though im working on using better words.what type of setting would you want to go with?

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 09:07 PM

I'd prefer threads ^.^
Around what age should the characters be?
Will there be romance later on? (Just wondering)

Arcturus Sinclair
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Old 06-01-2010, 11:39 PM

I'd be interested in doing: Thank God I'm Pretty.

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 12:06 AM

@musik - I'd prefer late teens to early 20s. As for romance, I would say probably. I enjoy romance, but I'll have to see where it goes.

@Arcturus - Sounds good. I see you do all the varieties of pairings as well, so what are you thinking rolewise? Like I mentioned earlier, in my head when I think of this RP, the bodyguard is usually male, but I don't see why s/he couldn't be female.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 12:11 AM

I can do a male bodyguard. God knows I have enough guys. XD

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 12:18 AM

Sounds good. ^_~ Okay, nitpicky details: Threads or PMs? Profiles yes/no?

Arcturus Sinclair
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Old 06-02-2010, 12:20 AM

Thread, I'll be more likely to remember it. XD And I normally do small profiles: name, age, picture. But I can do more if you want.

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 12:22 AM

Small profile is fine by me. I can make the details up as I go along. Do you have a preference regarding real pictures vs. anime?

Arcturus Sinclair
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Arcturus Sinclair is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 12:27 AM

I use both, depending on my character.

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 12:39 AM

Alright. If it makes a difference, I think I'm using a real photo for this one. I guess there's only one remaining question: would you like to do the honors and make the thread, or shall I?

Pm Me To Role-play With Me
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Maka-chan is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 05:17 AM

are you up for a new setting type?

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 02:03 PM

Sure, if you have a suggestion. Just to warn everyone, I'm going to be really AFK today. It's supposed to be gorgeous out, so I'm going to take a walk and take some pictures.

Fate Amore
Fate Amore is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 05:25 PM

Umm...may I still role play with you? I am sorry if I am too late^^'

"Yes, we have no bananas!"
Torrinne is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 05:28 PM

You're not too late. ^_~ I see you're new, welcome to Mene! What sort of RP are you interested in?

Pm Me To Role-play With Me
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Maka-chan is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 05:31 PM

its alright and might take me a while to brain storm on a new setting with royalty. but do you want to stick with the royalty i can choose something else.
do you like assain roleplays?im actually very much into those and i put fantasy into those

Fate Amore
Fate Amore is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 05:31 PM

Well I really love to do fantasy based role plays and I have several ideas that can be adjusted to your liking. Also, yeah I actually just got my account today but I can tell that whoever made this site had to have helped make gaiaonline and I have been rping on there for years now. :)


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