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Klaw is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 03:56 AM

It was a gloomy, rainy evening in the city and a rather odd girl was returning home, holding a dark purple umbrella over her head to keep dry in the pouring rain. Her name was Bailey, and she stood at 5'7'', had pale skin and long brunette hair.Her hairstyle was rather cute, it had quite a bit of volume near her head but where it ended ad her lower shoulders tapered to the middle, and she had a cute bit of bangs.It was sort of an 'emo' looking haircut but she didn't much care.

The odd thing about her was her eyes.They were red-brown, but in bright lighting they looked pure crimson.And they weren't contacts, that could be made certain if you payed close attention to her eyes, as there was no indication of where the 'contacts' stopped.She wore a long sleeved shirt that showed her shoulders in dark purple, with a print of cute black bats on it, rateher generic looking jeans and plum high-top sneakers, with white laces and soles.

As she was walking through the streets she heard something odd--A cat's cry. a stray cat was normal for a big city, but it sounded more human, like a girl imitating a cat and doing a very good job of it.She turned into the alleyway where she heard it and looked around, and was quite surprised what she saw..

(There ya go. c: Okay the topic name lies she has no bat parts at all, she's a vampire girl, not a bat girl, so no need for them to be there. :P I forgot to mention her gigantic melons but I'm too lazy to go back and fix that! XD YAY LAZYNESS)

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 04:22 AM

A young looking cat girl in her teenage years looked up seeing the odd girl.The cat girl looked to be around 16 or 18.She had black tattoos all over her body including her face.She had orange hair and silver eyes.They almost looked clear.She had cried out due to some men had been attacking her wanting her to be their toy.At first they were flirting.But when she refused them they began beating her.Luckily they got scared when she began scratching one of the men's face.She had a few cuts and dark bruises.

The young girl went by the name Kairen.She looked to be shivering.Though it was hard not to shiver since she wore a corset that showed her skin to her chest down to her belly button on the corset.She wore a skirt that looked fluffy with her corset and matched well.
She was speechless at the girl her stood in front of her."Who are you?"She asked covering her chest since her corset revealed her chest quite a bit.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 04:34 AM

"My name's Bailey.Are you alright? I heard you scream..Wow, are those real?They're so cute..Your ears that is..C'mon, you need to get out of the rain, in those clothes you'll catch a cold in no time.." She said, her voice has an odd accent, caused by her tongue going by the next oddity on her--She had fangs.Like, real fangs, in place of all four canines.And they looked fairly sharp. She made sure the cat-girl was underneath her umbrella and she reached her hand down to her, offering it to help her stand.

"Wow, you got screwed up..Nice ink, by the way..Really adds to that cat like look." She said, seeming to be admiring the girls unique parts.

Even if the girl wasn't bi or gay, something was a bit mesmerizing on Bailey--Her chest. She was quite well endowed, they looked to be at least a large C cup, easily a D.

(Okay that last bit was kind of perverted to add in but HEY I'M PERVERTED BY NATURE SO IT'S OKAY. XD Mind=miles into the gutter. )

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 04:41 AM

Kairen stood up by taking Bailey's hand."Oh you mean the tattoos?Their birthmarks.Im Kairen Reika by the way.My last name isn't Reika its actually my middle name but you can call me either Kairen or Reika."She said with a smile.When she notice how big her chest was she almost couldn't believe it.Kairen's were a pretty good sized but not as big as Bailey's.She was in the C cup's but not way into them.

"You've got huge jugs."Kairen said with an amazement in her tone."How did they get so big.Mine aren't as big as yours but dang their huge!"Kairen said looking at them and poking her breasts a bit.She couldn't believe they could be that big.Kairen's ears began to twich a bit from the rain and their sensitivity along did her tail sway but only from the excitement.Her tail had a blue ribbon onto it that had two bells on it.Everytime her tail swayed the bells would make a jingle sound.

{lol thats ok perverted ness makes it much more fun!such as in my post xD}

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 04:55 AM

"Yeah, they're really cute, you look like a tabby cat..Ah, nice to meet you, Kairen.." Bailey lightly blushed when the girl poked her in the chest. "Ah..Thanks.I got lucky I guess.My mom has pretty big ones too, guess I got it from her." She laughed. "Looks like the gene pool liked you too, Yours are a pretty good size." She laughed. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?I'm not trying to be creepy or anything..It's just, you're standing out here without an umbrella when it's raining cats and dogs, and you're beat up, so..Just..Tryin' to be nice to a cute girl." She smiled at Kairen.

(Must sleep brain cells sleeping wihtout me, typing no worky)

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 05:00 AM

Kairen smiled at Bailey."I don't really have a place to stay.You can basically call me your average alley cat."Kairen said with a chuckle.When Bailey made a comment about her chest she couldn't help but to blush also."Yeah i have a reasonable chest size..though im not even sure if i look good with a big chest."Kairen said nervously.She was quite self concious about her looks,and her body figure.She was thin but she didn't think she looked pretty enough.Though she was pretty enough to get hit on by dangerous men.

"Can i stay at your place?I promise i wont be a burden."Kairen said hoping Bailey would let her spend the night."I can and probably will do what you ask if you let me stay.I'll be a good alley cat."

{oki tay :3}

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 10:59 PM

"Aw, I think you look cute.Pretty in fact.Or even, dare I say, hot." Bailey giggled. "Of course!I'm the one who offered.Stay as long as you need, I could use some company." She grinned. "Follow me! She said, making a gesture to come along and beginning to walk, making sure Kairen was under her umbrella. "We'll get you bathed, get you some food..You can borrow my pajamas, there's no doubt they'll fit..I have to get big shirts because of, well, watermelons stuffed down my shirt." She laughed.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 11:16 PM

Kairen chuckled."Thats alright i don't mind clothes being bigger on me."She said holding onto Bailey's hand staying under the umbrella."Will your mom be upset if i do stay?"She asked looking up at Bailey.She never been to anyones house before so she was unsure.Her orange furry soft ears were sensitive to the water that the twiched a bit.And her orange and white tipped tail swayed letting the bell jingle making her want to chase the belle on her soft furry orange white tipped tail.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 12:05 AM

"I don't live with my mom, I'm 23." Bailey said, leading Kairen to her apartment complex. "Here we are.When we get inside I'll get you in a nice hot bath." She smiled. "You could use it..You don't smell funny or anything, it's just it'll help you relax, and get the coldness of this water off."

"That's good, my pajamas are even roomy on me, I buy the shirts in 3x so they're extra comfy."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 12:19 AM

Kairen giggled."Ah ok."Kairen said letting the bell on her tail jingle once more as her tail swayed a bit hyperly.Kairen was excited to be living with Bailey.It could be because Kairen already liked Bailey thus far or she had sudden interest in her.After a few minutes of walking Kairen spoke."How much longer?"Kairen was getting a bit tired of walking.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 06-28-2010 at 12:42 AM..

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 12:55 AM

"Not much farther, it's that group of buildings over there." She said, pointing to an apartment complex about a block down the street.

Once they got up to the building she lived in she opened the door and closed her umbrellas once both of them got in, shaking off most of the water underneath the small bit of roof outside before leading Kairen up to her apartment, and reaching into her pocket for her keys. "This is my place right here.One bedroom one bathroom, kitchen, living room and laundry room.Not much else than that but it's a pretty good size for just one girl.Well, two now." She laughed.Now that she was in good lighting you could see something on Bailey's shoulder, right below her neck: four bits marks, similar in shape to those her fangs could make, which had scarred but still looked quite new, as they weren't faded or anything.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 01:34 AM

Kairen notice the bite marks on her neck.She assumed her and her boyfriend were a hardcore type of couple who loved biting one another.Kairen was okay with"Can i ask you something?"Kairen asked looking up at Bailey.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 01:48 AM

Bailey opened the door and walked in, locking the door after Kairen came inside. "Yeah, what's up?Ask away, I'm pretty much shameless." She laughed.

(Woah really friggin short)

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 01:59 AM

After Kairen walked in she then began speaking having her tail stop swaying and having her hands behind her back."What are those on your neck?They look like bitemarks.Im sorry if im butting in but i just got curious im sorry if im prying."Kairen said nervously.Kairen was never good at talking about things she was curious about.

{lol its ok probably my fault for posting something short xD}

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 03:40 AM

"They are bitemarks.I had this crazy girlfriend once who bit me, I knew she liked it rough but I didn't know she was a vampire.Then i turned into one, dumped her a couple months later because she was a jerk..I don't kill people or anything, a friend of mine's a doctor, gets me blood bags so I don't have to hurt people.I should probably get one now actually..Eh, it can wait until dinner, bath first. Bathroom's this way." Bailey said, leading Kairen to her bathroom and not saying anything about the vamprie thing again, as if being a vampire was a normal thing.Such a strange girl..

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 03:45 AM

A vampire least she isn't a cat She said referring to herself.Once they were in the bathroom Kairen wondered if Bailey was taking one too since she was in the bathroom with her but she didn't ask.The story about becomming a vampire seemed a bit sad to Kairen.Kairen was born a cat girl.But her kind was always hunted.Men wanted them to be their slaves to do their dirty work or even be a sex toy for them which disgusted Kairen.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 03:55 AM

"You mind if I take a bath with you?My tub's big and it saves water..I like girls, but I won't stare. Promise." Bailey asked, slipping off her shoes and socks and setting them by the bathroom door. "I can help you scrub your back and such."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-28-2010, 04:12 AM

"I don't mind,and i can scrub your back too."Kairen said happily.Though Kairen was mostly afraid of showing most of her scars she had underneath her clothes from what those men had done to her.Kairen began taking her shoes off.Once her shoes were off she then transformed into her cat form so it was easily to get her clothes off.She looked like a very cute real cat now.But more of an orange and white fox.She looked up at Bailey and meowed.She transformed due to she was too embarrassed about showing off her body to a girl she just met.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 06-28-2010 at 04:16 AM..

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 12:16 AM

She started the water and put in some strawberry scented bubblebath while Kairen transformed, and was surprised to turn around and see not a girl but a little orange and white cat.

Bailey giggled at Kairen, and got herself stripped down before getting into the water and helping her new friend in, before shutting the water off. "You can turn back if you want, I won't be able to see anything behind the bubbles."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 01:27 AM

Kairen went deep into the water in her cat form then transformed into her human form."I bet you really liked my true kitty form."Kairen said with a giggle.Her tail swayed and the bell still jingled as it swayed.Kairen was a very cute and soft creature.Its sometimes hard to believe someone can hurt someone so pure and gentle.

"Hey Bailey...i want to get to know you that ok?"She asked looking a bit shy to have said that.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 01:53 AM

"It was very cute." Bailey giggled, fiddling with a bit of bubbles in her hands. "Do you want to take that bell off?I wouldn't want it getting damaged in the water."

"Of course!You're going to be living with me for who knows how long, so it's understandable that you'd want to know more about me." She smiled, relaxing in the hot water.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 02:03 AM

"Sure i don't want to ruin it in the water."She said taking the bell off and setting it outside of the tub and onto the floor.
"YAY!then can i ask what your interests are?"She asked blinking her eyes cutely as she also fiddled with the bubbles.She loved how the water felt on her skin.It was very relaxing.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 02:12 AM

"Well..I like music and other artsy type stuff, I like body modification related things, my favorite color is purple and my favorite animals are bats, and cats. I was born on October 30th, I guess that would explain all of the 'halloween related' likes of mine." She laughed. "I can't think of much else.You already know that I'm gay, and I'm a vampire..Not exactly of my own will but it's not like I HAVE to have fresh-out-of-the-vein blood, so I'm good.Hell, I don't even have to drink human blood.It's just convenient due to having a doctor for a friend..Tastes better, too."

The mention of body modifications wasn't surprising, she had three earrings in each ear, one in the normal placing, one a bit further up and one even higher, all evenly spaced.She also had a tongue piercing and a nose piercing, which was a stud in the left side.She also had tattoos, but they weren't visible above the water.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 02:25 AM

"You like a lot of good things.i also like music.i like swimming as odd as that sounds comming from a cat."Kairen said with a chuckle."I love any kind of squeaky toys.And not just chew toys."Kairen said with a giggle."I love bells as you notice my tail bell.I adore yarn but i get tangled up into it.I adore all sea food and pizza and hamburgers."

Last edited by MoodyBats; 06-29-2010 at 08:11 PM..

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 08:12 PM

"Ah, so pretty mcuh you like kitty things, other than swimming..Some ats like swimming, but not the breed you are, Maine Coons and some turkish breed I think." Bailey said, laughing. "Gawd you're just too cute..I never thought I'd hear a girl saying things like that, makes me wonder if that's what it'd be like if pets could talk..I'd never treat you as a pet though, that's just cruel..Hell, I don't even treat pets like pets sometimes, I used to have a few cats, then I moved out..Now they're like 'who the hell are you' and all love on my mom."


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