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NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-09-2011, 10:53 PM

A role play between me and Bookwormiam2010 a take on Alice in Wonderland in reverse. Anyone feel free to read if it interests you, but don't post unless your either Me or Bookworm

Alice: Ninjakitty
Rue: Bookwormiam2010
Cheshire Cat (Kit): Bookwormiam2010
Mad Hatter (Gary): Ninjakitty

(Oh and I hope the pictures are alright let me know if you don't like them Bookworm)

Last edited by NinjaKitty; 07-16-2011 at 05:12 PM..

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-16-2011, 08:40 PM

Kit bit back a terrified yowl as he fled. Under the normal circumstances he wasn’t a typical scaredy cat. Oh no, quite the contrary actually he was usually a very brave and confident cat. One could even go so far as to call him smug. And why shouldn’t he be? He wasn’t a normal cat, he was a cat who could float through air and disappear on a whim. He was a very special cat and normally he reveled in that. But right now wasn’t the time or place. To be honest, he wasn’t sure he could even get a decent hover going right now. The Darkness was right on his tail!

The Darkness was a dangerous mass of blackness that had only recently made its presence known in Wonderland. At first it hadn’t seemed like a threat, it just seemed like a new part of Wonderland. It wasn’t surprising to see Wonderland change right in front of ones eyes. Like its name stated Wonderland was a truly wondrous place that was constantly shifting and changing. Or it had been. That was before The Darkness had arrived and started to slowly make Wonderland disappear. But it hadn’t stopped there; The Darkness didn’t just take away the wonder of Wonderland it took away all the people and things that made Wonderland so wondrous. In short with each day that passed Wonderland was disappearing and soon…soon it would cease to exist. Soon Kit would cease to exist!

With that sobering thought in mind, Kit jerked his full fluffy tail closer as he dove under a small shrub and wriggled his way through trying to put some distance between him and the dreadful darkness. He didn’t want to cease to exist! He was a cat and last he’d checked all nine of his lives were firmly in tact. And he wanted them to stay that way! But where could he go? No where in Wonderland was safe! It wasn’t like Wonderland had always been a safe place to frolic but even so it had never been this threatening. It was rather odd…The Darkness had arrived after Alice had left.. which just proved that his assumption that Alice could help rid his home of the Darkness was right. Somehow she was related to The Darkness. He just hoped that relation somehow involved ridding his home of the Darkness. He let out a yowl of pure fright as a thick tendril of darkness twined around his leg. His heart all but jumped out of his chest as he picked up the pace his gaze seeking out the familiar rabbit hole that served as the portal between his and Alice’s world. Seeing it his lips curled up in a faint smile but the smile didn’t last long as he felt another tendril twining around his tail. Gulping he tensed his muscle preparing for the mother al leaps before he flung himself into the Rabbit Hole…

What a beautiful day. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and it wasn’t too hot or too cold outside. It was a perfect day in every way. Sighing softly in contentment, Rue glanced down at the book she’d brought with her. She’d offered this voyeur out of their house to Alice to be nice. She’d had every intention of coming out here and teaching her younger sister the proper etiquette of a young lady and a slew of other knowledgeable things. And she was trying, she really was trying to teach her little sister but it was hard to teach an easily distracted audience that had no qualms about ignoring her teacher.

It wasn’t that Alice was a bad student; she was just very easily distracted. Then again, considering where she’d decided to teach her lesson for the day she was just begging her sister to let her mind run free. It was both endearing and annoying. Rue glanced down at her book again and quickly marked her place before she set it down and turned to face her sister. As she’d predicted the younger girls attention was elsewhere. Biting back a chuckle, she gently plucked a flower from its roots and leaned towards her sister trailing the flower across her cheek. “Hello…is anyone there? Or are you day dreaming again?” Rue asked with a curious tilt of her head.

(Sorry if I power played a bit. I kind of assumed Alice's personality would be a bit dazed/daydreamy...ugh if Rue's post bothers you please let me know and I'll edit it.)

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-16-2011, 09:55 PM

(it's alright that's how I imagined she would be, ditzy and daydreamy I hope my characters are alright lol I'm not sure how to be crazy but it's fun to try.

The darkness was growing reaching with its inky fingers ever farther swallowing everything in its path. The Mad Hatter wasn’t a trifle concerned as long as it didn’t interfere with his tea time. But then it was always tea time as far as he was concerned. Humming a nonsense tune to himself Theo poured another cup for his neighbor and friend the March Hare, many cups littered the table most of them cold and untouched, but that didn’t concern the pair. ”How is a raven like a writing desk?” he asked aloud to no one in particular he didn’t really expect an answer from the March Hare and he didn’t get any other then a slight hysterical laugh. ”How indeed how indeed, another spot of tea my friend?” the March Hare asked his friend pouring yet another fresh cup of tea adding another untouched cup of tea to the growing line.

Just beyond the gate the darkness grew, slowly invading the party, but the pair didn’t notice not even when the dark fingers wrapped themselves around the March Hare swallowing him up, oh look he is disappearing what fun Theo thought clapping his hands, in the back of his mind a faint thought flitted I had better run the darkness has come. Getting to his feet Theo left the yard shutting the gate softly behind him, not even glancing back the last thing he heard was a loud laugh a mad laugh as the March Hare was taken by the darkness.

Theo wandered through Wonderland unconcerned by the changes the darkness was making to his home ”Oh Alice look at what you’ve done, Wonderland is being swallowed up soon we shall all cease to be…. The queen shall be mad, yes she shall. Off with their heads! Off with their heads!” he said singsong aloud a chuckle working its way past his lips. On and on he wandered finally reaching the rabbit hole ”well well, look at that maybe it’s time to pay dear Alice a visit” he said to himself scrambling up the hole, even he himself wasn’t sure how he made it to the human world.

A light touch on her cheek snapped the young woman out of her thoughts bringing her back to the present where she very much didn’t want to be, it was just to… normal, to dull, everything was the same everyday was the same exact thing, her sister tried to teach her something, she spaced out daydreaming about the same thing she did every time she went off into La la land Wonderland. She wondered what was happening now, she hadn’t left in the best of terms, in fact when she left people had been chasing her out. ”I’m here and I’m not here, as in my body is here but my mind is not…. Yes I was daydreaming.. I just wonder what’s going on down there” Alice mused mind wandering yet again.

It was the same thing every time, Rue would try to teach her how to be a lady, try to teach her something out of some books and Alice would half pay attention, which meant everything had to be repeated again next lesson. Plucking the flower out of Rue’s hand Alice picked a few more flowers and started to weave them together into a wreath, a small one, but a colorful little wreath. ”Rue what do you think is happening in wonderland?” she asked aloud eyes fixed on the project at hand, how on earth could Rue expect her to concentrate when it was such a beautiful day out? The sky was a clear blue; the sun warmed them, with a light breeze to keep them from getting too hot. It wasn’t a day for studying it was a day for picnicking. The lovely day brought to mind the day she had gone fallen into wonderland, and again she was off in la la land.

\ (•◡•) /
bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 07-22-2011, 07:46 PM

The trip through the rabbit hole was not a pleasant one, how Alice had went through it not once but twice and not felt some amount of anxiety was a mystery to him. It was so…normal! In a world where everything was the farthest thing from normal he was going through a normal, dark, dirty, smelly rabbit hole! And the whole time he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was following him. Was it possible that The Darkness was following him to begin the take over of its next target: Alice’s world? Just the thought that that dark cloud of nothing was following him and waiting to make him cease to exist was enough to make him stop fretting about just how dirty he was getting and scoot right along through the rabbit hole. He wasn’t sure how long he spent forcing himself to crawl through dirt and heavens knew what else before finally-finally he saw the light! Well not the light but some source of light which meant he’d done it. He’d reached the end of the rabbit hole! He’d outrun that dreadful darkness!

A soft purr of relief rumbled up through his throat as he pulled himself out of the rabbit hole his tail twitching softly from side to side as his paws settled into fresh clean grass. No more dirt…wait focus. He had to focus, as happy as he was to be rid of that dirty dank hole he was here for a reason and it wasn’t to content himself with a silly romp in the meadow. It was much more serious. He had to find Alice. Shaking his head softly he stretched slowly his hands stretched out in front of him and kneading into grass. Man it felt good to feel the grass beneath his paws-wait those weren’t his paws! Those were hands and they were his! A loud yowl escaped as he sat up straight. He had hands and…he was human! He wasn’t a cat anymore..well he was an he wasn’t. he had his lovely soft fluffy tail and he definitely had his ears but the rest of him was one hundred percent human. This couldn’t be good. Wait did that mean he couldn’t turn invisible anymore? No! He didn’t want anyone to see him like this, least of all Alice. He was the Cheshire Cat, not the Cheshire Boy! This wasn’t natural…he was supposed to be a cat. ’Right, which is why I need to quit yowling and find Alice.’ putting his priorities in order. The sooner he found Alice then the sooner he could go home and go back to being a cat. A normal-well not normal, nothing was normal in Wonderland-cat. But first…Frowning softly in concentration he thought of being invisible…A few brief seconds later there was a soft pop as the recently changed cat vanished completely. Thank goodness for small blessings, he could still disappear!

Letting out another one of many relieved sighs, he set off on his mission his bright green eyes looking around and taking in his new surroundings. This place didn’t look familiar in the least, and how exactly was he going to find Alice? He supposed he could follow her scent but what if she hadn’t been to this place-his worries slammed to a stop as a familiar scent tickled his nose. Hey he knew that scent..turning a slow circle he took several cautious sniffs before he found the source of where the scent was coming from. He’d smelt this before, he wasn’t sure where or when but he it smelled familiar and right now familiar was very good. He was all but running as he followed the scent until he found its owner. Alice! A bright relieved smile broke across his face as he jogged up to Alice. He didn’t hesitate a second longer before his spoke the tiny detail that he was invisible and in the presence of not one people but two he started speaking his worry clear. “Alice! Something terrible has happened to Wonderland!” he blurted stepping a bit closer his eyes watching the younger girls familiar faces before he remembered he was invisible. Oh…well it might be helpful if she could see who she was talking to. Concentrating for a moment, there was another mute popping sound before Kit appeared sitting next to Alice-a bit too closely but what did he care? He’d spent more than his fair share of time invading peoples spaces in Wonderland-not that they’d ever seemed to care. So it was just natural for him to assume that things were the same here in Alice’s world.

Rue bit back a soft sigh as her sister admitted that she’d been day dreaming. Well at least she was honest, but honesty and childishness wouldn’t get her sister anywhere. She wasn’t a little girl anymore. When was she going to learn that these make believe people and places she kept speaking of weren’t real and that no matter how she fondly she spoke of them that it wouldn’t change things? Actually…Rue knew the answer to that question: Never. It wasn’t that Alice was incapable of getting her head out of the clouds and back down on solid ground, it was more like the girl didn’t want to. Rue could understand that, she really could because for most of her childhood she’d went through the same general phase it just hadn’t been as steadfast as Alice’s.”Well..its no wonder its called Wonderland. It clearly makes its visitors wonder.” She teased softly picking another flower and playfully tickling it across her sister’s cheek to keep the girls attention. “What do you think is happening down there? Do you think things have changed any? Or maybe they’ve just gone back to normal-not that there is such a thing as normal in Wonderland.” She said hastily correcting herself at the end. She was encouraging her sister with all this prattle about Wonderland but it was like she couldn’t help it. Her sister was a wonderful story teller and the story of Wonderland with the way she seemed to believe in it so wholeheartedly sounded so enchanting, different but very enchanting. Singing flowers, floating and disappearing cats, never ending tea parties and a spoiled Queen who had a nasty habit of cutting off peoples heads…it all sounded so unbelievable but she’d always been a fan of fairytales and other fictional stories. She didn’t believe in any of it-oh no she knew it wasn’t real…she just liked the idea of different worlds and the unimaginable. Which was silly because she was an adult! She wasn’t supposed to enjoy fictional stories or get a warm happy feeling from reading childish fairytales. And she certainly wasn’t supposed to encourage her little sister to talk and chase after such things!

Biting back a sigh she watched her sister weave together a small wreath of flowers before glancing back at the discarded book she’d brought. She should try moving on with her lesson…not that it’d do any good. She’d just end up repeating herself, and considering their current setting she really wasn’t going to make any process. She brushed a stray strand out of hair out of her face before she reached forward gently plucking the finished wreath from her sister’s hands. “Alice, we’ve been over this sweetie. Wonderland isn’t real. I applaud you and your story telling abilities but you can’t keep talking about Wonderland as if you actually went there.” she chided softly.

She’d just opened her mouth to continue sternly lecturing her little sister when another voice suddenly joined their conversation. Rue started slightly looking around for the owner of the voice. Clearly who ever it was knew Alice and it sounded young…but there was no one there. Was she imagining things? The had mentioned Wonderland. That make believe place Alice was so fond of…she was imagining things. She was letting herself be drawn into her sisters naive ramblings-pop! Rue didn’t bother holding in her scream as she stared at the figure that had suddenly appeared next to her sister. Actually next to was the wrong preposition use-on top of was more like it! Scrambling away from her sister picked up the discarded book and threw it at the kid-her eyes widened as the book connected solidly with her target, ok Rue was known for quite a few things. Her manners, her knowledge, her love of books and her sister…but her aim? Not one of those things! Trembling she reached out roughly grabbing her little sister by the arm and pulling her away from the! “What do you think you’re doing sneaking up on us? Don’t you know its rude to eavesdrop?” she demanded her voice rising hysterically as she looked at him. Something told her she was all the wrong questions but even if she had asked the right questions…well there was just no way those ears or that oddly realistic tail could be real. And he shouldn’t have just appeared out of thin air like that…What was going on?!

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 01:25 AM

It was dark, it was cramped, where was he again? Had the darkness come for him? Had it taken him away like it had taken the March Hare? But no there was a light at the end of this tunnel, a way out! He wouldn’t let the wretched darkness take him. Dirt came away in clumps in his hands as Theo clawed his way up and up out of the darkness. The light was there right above his head tempting and yet still far away. With a grunt of effort the Mad Hatter burst out through the top of the hole into sunshine. But not sunshine as he had ever seen it, it looked somehow dimmer. This isn’t Wonderland… where am I? Oh wait yes now I remember I crawled up the rabbit hole to get away from the darkness I’m looking for dear little Alice. Maybe she could help us save Wonderland return it to it once was. For the first time in ever Theo’s mind felt strangely clear, it wasn’t the crazed confusion he felt in Wonderland, but an ability to understand and reason, to think things out. He didn’t like it! No, no not one bit, it made him feel… normal not himself, he wasn’t the Mad Hatter anymore he was just Theo.

Alice’s world was so… uneventful, people walked the streets eying the strange man, in his odd clothes and top hat talking aloud to himself, about things they considered perfectly normal. He would stop in the middle of the street kneeling to investigate the odd hard path he walked on. ”How peculiar” he would mumble intrigued before his attention was caught by something else a streetlamp that didn’t move, or a normal looking animal. A butterfly fluttering past his head caught the man’s attention, and what an odd butterfly indeed. It didn’t look like any he had ever seen before certainly not like any Wonderland bread and butter fly. Entranced he followed the butterfly to a field full of flowers. ”Look at what we have here, flowers! They can tell me where Alice is!” his words caused more than a few people on the street to give him a sideways look, and a mother to grab her child by the arm and tug him away much to the child’s dismay. The tall man in the top hat was awfully interesting to watch.

Straightening his hat the butterfly forgotten, Theo went up to a bunch of daisies sitting neatly in a row. ”Ahem excuse me ladies but do you mind telling me where I am? I assume its Alice’s world but do you have any idea where she could be?” the flowers weren’t answering him. They must not know who I’m talking about silly me, I should explain to them smiling at his silliness he sat down amidst the flowers ready for a long discussion. ”Forgive me for assuming you would know who Alice is. Let’s see where to start…. Well I come from a place called Wonderland a place quite different from here. And if I might saw much more interesting, but currently is being overrun by this black evil thing, we don’t know the origin of it, but it came into being after Alice left. Alice is a little blond girl who visited us not once but twice. She left quite an impact if I do say so myself, but since the darkness came into being after she left I was thinking she may have an idea on how to stop it. It’s a long shot I know but what else have I got? Almost everyone and everything has been swallowed up you see” the flowers still weren’t answering him, much to his annoyance. Calm down Hatter perhaps their hard of hearing maybe I have to be a tad louder. Yes that must be it they can’t hear me pretty sure that was the reason Theo leaned in close and began to shout drawing more than one disapproving eye. ”EXCUSE ME, BUT DO YOU KNOW WHERE ALICE IS? IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT I FIND HER!” still no answer, now Hatter was fed up with the flowers. They were no help at all! ”Well you are just no help at all are you?” usually the polite man, Hatter was ticked that the flowers hadn’t even deigned to talk to him. ”Well I bid you good day then daisies”standing up he dusted himself off a frown gracing his features, top hat a bit askew giving him a crazed look, well more crazed than normal.

Alice hummed softly to herself placing the now finished wreath of flowers on her lap plucking lightly at the petals with her slim fingers. Her mind was where it always was, a place where everything was magical and nothing was normal. A place where a girl could never grow bored because there was always something new to look at interact with. Her mind drifted back to that one day when she had first visited that magical place. A day much like today, a beautiful yet uneventful day with her sister trying to teach her, and her attention was elsewhere. A white rabbit had caught the girls flagging attention, but what an odd rabbit it was, it was wearing a vest waistcoat and when he passed by Alice could distinctly hear him mutter ”Oh dear I’m late I’m late, she’ll have my head for sure” but when Alice tried to point out the rabbit to Rue it had gone and Rue had scolded her for making up such elaborate tales. Rue went back to reading and Alice had slipped off going after the intriguing rabbit, she had finally corned it when it disappeared, on closer inspection she saw it had popped down a rabbit hole. She hadn’t meant to fall down it, she had only meant to peek but it was as if someone had given her a gigantic push from behind and down she went into a wondrous world. A world where the flowers talked, and a cake could make her grow huge and a drink could make her grow small. Where cats disappeared and a hare and man could have tea with a little girl. All of which was run by an insane Queen who would take off your head soon as look at you and who’s favorite game was croquet played with a flamingo and a hedgehog, and men that looked like cards as the posts. Alice had been accused of stealing the tarts and given a trial during which she had eaten the cake in her pocket and grown huge. The Queen of Hearts had the girl chased out of wonderland. Her next trip had also been quite eventful this time with the White Queen and a clumsy knight, where she herself became Queen, and had an argument with her dinner a chicken who didn’t want to be cut and eaten. And a leg of mutton she couldn’t cut because she had been introduced to it, the same had gone with the pudding that got quite angry when she took a slice out of him. In the end she had woken up at home shaking her small kitten Dinah. Rue had never believed her when she told her about Wonderland though Alice tried again and again to explain it to the other woman.

”I’m sure Wonderland has come up with another range of fantastical things, perhaps beds that float or make themselves. Or cats as waiters in top hats or a bear in a tutu that brings you soap. Wouldn’t that be a sight to see huh Rue?” Alice called out dreamily turning to flash a smile at her older sister taking the flower from her sister’s fingers and weaving it into the wreath as well. A frown flashed onto her face, a familiar frown, her sister never believed what she said about Wonderland. ”But Rue it is real I saw it, I saw the flowers, and the disappearing cat Kit, I played croquet with the Queen of Hearts, and stood on trail because the stupid big head thought I had eaten all the tarts. I ate the cake that made me grow, and drank the drink that made me shrink. I had tea with the Mad Hatter Theo, with his friend the March Hare, and the dormouse in a tea party that never ended because they had made father time mad” Alice spouted off in an annoyed tone yet one that begged her sister to believe her.

A voice caught the blond girls attention a very familiar voice that brought her great glee ”Cheshire, Kit is that you?” she asked excitedly though her sister looked both astonished and frightened. Only now catching onto the words he had spoken ”Wonderland what has happened to Wonderland?” she asked just as a loud pop announced his presence but he didn’t look like he used to. He had changed into a cat human mixture, she opened her mouth to ask what had happened to him when a book sailed out of nowhere and hit him smack on the head. Just as suddenly her sister had hold of her arm and was dragging her away babbling questions that seemed out of place. Her eye was caught by a man in the field sitting among the flowers, he too looked familiar. ”Uh Kit did you bring Theo with you?” she asked as loud yelling filled the air. The man screaming at the flowers.

Last edited by NinjaKitty; 07-23-2011 at 01:31 AM..


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