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kurobizzle is offline
Old 07-14-2012, 05:41 PM

The first eight Digidestined of Japan were chosen because they witnessed the fated battle between Greymon and Parrotmon years ago at Highton View Terrance. However, two other children witnessed the battle as well; a set of twins. Unlike the other Digidestined, these two have a much more dangerous battle to deal with in the Real World...

kurobizzle's Profile:

Name: Ella Kururugi
Age: 16
Likes: Music, tinkering, coffee
Dislikes: Complete silence, frilly things, darkness


Mirani's Profile:

Name: Renn Kururugi
Age: 16
Likes: Reading, the wind, winter time
Dislikes: Noise, small rodents, heights
Other Characters:
Tai & Agumon- kuro
Matt & Gabumon- Mirani
Izzy & Tentomon- Mirani
Sora & Biyomon- Mirani
Mimi & Palmon- kuro
T.K. & Patamon- kuro
Joe & Gomamon- kuro
Kari & Gatomon- Mirani
Myotismon- kuro
Wizardmon- Mirani

Last edited by kurobizzle; 07-14-2012 at 05:47 PM..

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 07-14-2012, 09:03 PM

Renn's eyes opened slowly as he slowly dragged himself back to consciousness. His muscles were cramped from being in the same position for so long and he stretched, trying to ease the tension. His back arched like a cat and he heard a few cracks before he allowed himself to relax once more. He glanced at the clock and saw that he'd woken up a few minutes before his alarm was due to go off. Well at least he wouldn't have the thing blaring in his ear. He hated that thing. He woke up on time so what was the point in having it really?

He pulled back the vertical striped blue and black blanket of his bed and swung his legs onto the floor, wincing slightly as the cold wood hit the previously warm soles of his feet. He pulled himself off the matress and padded over to the door, opening it and hurriedly making his way to the bathroom for a shower. He always made a point of getting in before the rest of the house was awake because, if he didn't, he'd have to wait until last and he preferred to avoid that when he could if at all possible.

Five minutes later he was back in his room, hair still slightly damp from the shower, sticking up at odd angles which he didn't bother to correct. His hair was naturally essy so what was the point in atempting to tame it? He quickly reached over and pulled open the sliding door to his wardrobe built into the wall of the room. His clothes hung neatly, formal on one side and casual on the other. Not really looking at what he took otu he grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with a purple symbol on the front like a bird taking flight. Next came socks and shoes and finally a set of black and blue trainers. He glanced at the clock before exiting his room and making his way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Last edited by Magician Girl Mirani; 07-17-2012 at 04:51 PM..

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 05:41 PM

Ella knew it was morning. She could feel the summer sun trying to pry its way through her eyelids and hear the birds singing right outside her bedroom window. However, she did her best to ignore them and focus back on the calming soft beats of the techno music playing from the bud in her ear. Just as she felt herself being lulled back to sleep, a loud shrill shocked her out of her almost-slumber. Ella jumped to a sitting position and turned towards the flashing LED lights of her alarm. She cursed softly, regretting giving the machine that small upgrade, as she turned the alarm off. Yawning, she swung her feet over her bed and onto the wooden floor, careful to not step on any loose nails or screws. The girl stood up and rubbed her eyes as she navigated her way through her messy room and towards her door. Once out in the hallway, Ella started for the bathroom knowing that since she hadn't heard anyone yelling, there was no one likely inside. Sure enough, the bathroom was nearly spotless save for the foggy mirror and slightly wet floor, indicating that someone was here before her. She had a feeling who it was but decided to save her thoughts for later as she stripped off her light green pajamas and jumped into the shower.

After 10 minutes, Ella was back in her room drying her long black hair and pulling out the first clothes she could find from her drawer. As she dressed herself in a black-and-white striped baggy T-shirt and black shorts, she wondered what she would be doing today. It was the middle of summer now and she had long gave up trying to find a job. For the past week she'd been home tinkering on random projects, but she was now feeling the effects of being cramped up too long. It was time to get out, but she had no idea what to do.

'Maybe we should have gone to that camp...' She thought as she tied her hair into a loose ponytail, 'At least we'd have something to do.' Ella quickly squashed that thought as she imagined her older twin brother dealing with all his fangirls at the camp. Too many people from their school would be there and she knew how much they annoyed him.

Finally, after slipping on a pair of her favorite maroon canvas shoes, Ella walked out of her room and downstairs to see her twin just ahead of her. "Morning." She greeted Renn with a smile, "Got anything planned for today bro?"


On the other side of the city, a tall, lone figure was standing in the shade on the balcony of a giant skyscraper. A pained expression was on his face as he kept his blond head down, trying to keep as much of the sunlight away from his eyes.

'What a disgusting place this is.' Myotismon brooded as he dared to open his eyes. He quickly shut them again, but was able to catch a glimpse of what was around him. Just as he had imagined back int he Digital World, the Real World was full of those detestable human beings who scurried around like ants. How they sickened him.

Fully turning away from the sunlight gave the digimon a chance to open his eyes for another short moment. He dug into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a pink crest. This was the Crest of Light that belonged to the Eight child. Once he had arrived in Japan, he had sent many of his minions on a search for the Eight Child with copies of the crest which would react if they were close to him/her. From what prophecy said, if all eight Digidestined were together they would stop his plans from taking over the Real World. That was one thing he would not let happen.

Returning that crest, Myotismon then pulled out a second crest from his other pocket. This crest was completely black with dark purple symbol in the middle. The Crest of Chaos; something that not even his most loyal of minions knew about. This was a mission only he could deal with....

Myotismon felt a presence close by and quickly shoved the dark crest back into his pocket. "DemiDevimon, you better be here to tell me some good news." He warned, not needing to look back to know it was his loyal (and most annoying) servant.

"You bet boss! We found some place you could hide for a while!" The tiny bat-like digimon exclaimed, "It's dark and dank, just the way you like it!!"

"Good. Send some Bakemon to escort me. I can't handle this accursed sunlight." With a nod, DemiDevimon flew off. Myotismon closed his eyes as gripped the Crest of Chaos tightly. He will find his Digidestined one way or another and free himself from the chains of partnership the only way he knew how, through death.

Last edited by kurobizzle; 07-19-2012 at 06:15 PM..

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 07-19-2012, 07:07 PM

Renn turned as he saw his sister coming behind him. He smiled slightly before turning and continuing down the stairs. He turned his head to the right to look over his should er at her before replying. "Not really. I thought I'd perhaps go to the park for a bit and read. What about you?" Reading was his favourite pass time. He spent most of his life with his nose buried in a book, or so he'd been told. He could lose himself in a good book, slip between its pages and forget the real world existed for a while. At the moment he was almost half way through a new series of books which he was eager to finish. They were quite addicting and the moment he finished one he had to start the other. He knew that his sister didn't quite share his enthusiasm for the written word, instead preferring to spend her time listening to art instead of reading it. He also knew she was beginning to get a little restless. He was beginning to feel it himself. It always happened during teh summer. There were too many hours in the day it seemed and there was nothing to do besides sit around, watch TV, read and generally be bored and waste time.

As he entered the kitchen he paused for a moment, silently considdering before reaching up and pulling a box of cereal from the top cupboard before reaching into the one next door to grab a bowl. He could've had more but he wasn't all that hungry and cereal was quick and easy with no fuss.


As Gatomon aproached her master to give him her latest report she noted that DemiDevimon was flying away. Her sapphire eyes narrowed as she glared at the little thing. He was endlessly irritating and if she had her way he would have become her favourite scratching post a long, long time ago. Ignoring him for the moment she continued up the building to give her report to her master. She and Wizardmon had been on patrol for the last eight hours or so looking for the last digidestined child and still no luck. She didn't like to report bad news but anything was better than nothing as far as she was concerned and if they tried to conceal the fact taht they had not found the child yet it would probably only anger him more. No, the best option was to be honest with her master.

"There are so many humans that the stink of the digidestined is masked," she stated, coming to stand before him. She bowed low to her master before once again standing. "This place is filled with them and there are so many children. There has been nothing yet but we have searched one area of the city fully and can report firmly that the digidestined is nowhere in taht vecinity. There is also no sign of the other digidestined brats or their little pets." The last word was practically a hiss as she thought of all those little digimon, fooling around with their humans. Pathetic, all of them. She would take great pleasure in deleting them and then crushing their digi-eggs.

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 05:15 AM

"That sounds like fun. Mind if I join you? I gotta get out of this house." Ella stated as she passed her twin brother once they reached the kitchen. Her mind had become a jumbled mess from working too hard and too long on all her projects; from upgrading her and her brother's laptop to tinkering with the family car. All work and no play made Ella a stressed out girl. She seriously needed a break for once and maybe some fresh air would do.

Taking out some sliced bread from the bread box, the dark-haired girl turned on the toaster to make some toast for both herself and her brother. Even though she considered him as an older brother more than a twin, she always made sure to watch his back, whether it be from scaring off fangirls to making him breakfast in the morning. After a few moments, she had four warm slices of toast that she placed on the table before turning to the fridge to get orange juice and butter. That's when she saw the note hanging from a magnet.

Renn & Ella,

We just got a call that your grandma is really sick so we left for Kyoto this morning. There's leftovers in the fridge and extra money in the usual place if you eat all of it. We should be back by the end of the week.

Love, Mom & Dad

"Huh, no wonder it was so quiet this morning." She mumbled as she put the note on the dining table, "Hey Renn, mom and dad went to Kyoto."


Myotismon growled under his breath when he received the news from his loyal servant just as DemiDevimon returned with a Bakemon holding a large, darkly elaborate umbrella. Before anyone could react, Myotismon opened his cape.

"Grisly Wing!" A stream of bats shot out and surrounded the Bakemon. It screamed in agony before evaporating into data, disappearing from sight as the umbrella fell to the floor of the balcony. DemiDevimon cringed in fear before turning to his boss, bracing himself for an attack as well.

"I will not tolerate any failure, understand me Gatomon?" He began as he glared at the cat-like digimon, "Do not report back until you have made some kind of progress. And make sure those other Digidestined brats don't find the child before I do." Myotismon then turned to DemiDevimon, his rage towards his inept minions momentarily blocking out his weakness for sunlight.

"Lead me to this place, NOW!" He ordered as he threw his cape over himself. He then turned into a swarm of bats that flew straight towards the tiny digimon, biting its dark, feather-like skin. DemiDevimon yelped and flew away, the bats following hot on his trail down the street of Highton View Terrance and towards a wooded clearing in the middle of it.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 11:28 AM

Renn paused momentarily in what he was doing to glance at Ella and then the note attached to the fridge. His eyes scanned it quickly before he turned back to his breakfast. They hardly ever saw their grandmother. He had a few memories of her visiting them when they were younger but there wasn't really anything substancial, just the occasional card or small gift on their birthday.

His eyes wandered to the window and noted that the sun was shining rather brightly today. He frowned slightly at it. That would mean that there would be a lot of people at the park which meant that it would be harder to find a quiet place where he could read. It wasn't the end though. He'd ben to the park on many occasions and he had a few secret spots hidden away where he knew he would be spent a quiet hour reading.

"We can manage on our own," he assured Ella before finishing his cereal. He nodded in thanks to her as the toast was placed on the table before grabbing a slice and quickly spreading a small scrape of butter over it.

"What will you do while I read?" he asked curiously.


Gatomon stared emotionlessly as the weak Bakumon was destroyed. If it couldn't stand up to a Grisly Wing then it had no business in the real world. She despised weakness of any sort. It deserved what it got even if the attack was meant for her. She watched her master dissappear before leaping from the building onto a nearby roof. At least she wouldn't have to report unless she found soemthing now. That would save both time and the worry that she'd be attacked for failing to provide information. She glanced around, looking from one building to the other before jumping ato her right onto a neibouring roof. She had a human to find and the sooner she got her claws into him or her the sooner they could leave this disgusting place and return to where they belonged, the digital world.

She missed it more than she was willing to admit but she couldn't help but feel taht there was something out that that she needed to find. She put it down to the fact taht she had to find the digidestined for her master but something she had her own reasons. She put this to the back of her mind and sped up, jumping from roof to roof as she searched for teh human.

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 07:18 PM

"I guess run around, play on the playground, or just listen to my music." Ella replied as she finally took a seat and began spreading butter on a piece of toast, "There's nothing else to do. I ran out of allowance money to go out and everyone I know is out of town till school starts." Not that she would try and hang out with them anyways. She had friends and all, but no one close enough that she would try and spend time with. Most of the time she'd rather listen to music, fix things, or a mixture of both. No one so far, except Renn, had been able to stand being in her presence without going crazy with her lack of socializing. It's not like she didn't want to talk to them but rather didn't find a need to say anything. That's why it was just so easy to hang out with her brother. Maybe it was because they were twins or maybe it was because they acted the same, but she felt so calm whenever she was around him. Like she didn't have to force herself to be someone she wasn't.

Once she finished her food, she stood up and collected the dishes. "We should also buy some groceries before we get home. I don't trust those leftovers mom left." Placing the dishes in the sink and making a mental note to wash them later, Ella rushed up the steps to grab her Mp3 player before running back down.

"You ready?"


Deep underwater of a lake in the Digital World sat a mysterious, Japanese-looking home. And inside that home, was a content looking Gennai, sipping a cup of tea while watching a large map of the Digital World. Seven dots were blinking on the map near the location of Myotismon's old castle. After a few moments, the seven dots suddenly faded.

'Well well well, looks like they made it.' The elderly man thought as he took another sip of his tea. Wondering what to do for the day, he suddenly heard a pair of dings behind him getting louder with each passing second. Standing up, Gennai walked over to a small table that rested in the corner of the room. Sitting in the middle of the table was an elaborate black and white box and the source of where the dings were coming from. He opened the box to reveal a glass wall that covered two digivices; one completely black with white buttons and one that was completely white with black buttons. The old man smiled.

"Finally awakened haven't you?" He chuckled as he pressed a button on the side of the box. Once the glass cover slid open, the two digivices shot out into the air in two beams of light and out of the base. Gennai's smile did not disappear as he put the box down and walked out of the room. Passing a few hallways of his large home, he finally reached a sliding door at the end of the hall. He opened the door and looked inside the dimly lit room where a yellow, fox-like figure sat cross-legged in the middle.

"It is time." The digimon's eyes opened and she immediately stood up, crossing the room towards the shorter man. Gennai handed her a set of cards which she accepted before bowing.

"Thank you for everything." She said softly.

"Don't mention it. Now go. They're waiting for you." Without another word, Renamon disappeared.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 11:07 PM

Renn made a 'hmm' ing noise at the back of his throat at his sister's suggestion of things to do at the park. It was certainly the weather for such activities and hopefully she would enjoy herself. Things had been so dull lately. He both loved and hated the summer break. On one hand they didn't have to attend school and atempt to socialise with people that they honestly didn't find interesting or worth interacting with but on the other hand...what was there really to do during the summer time? Oh sure they could go to the park but how many times had they done that over the last few weeks? He himself went more than his sister but that wasn't the point.

"I supose," he replied mildly. He stood from his chair and made a quick trip upstairs and grabbed the latest book he was reading "The Spook's Battle" by Joseph Delaney. He was just getting to a good part and he felt pretty sure that he'd have the whole thing finished within the next day or two. It wasn't a long book after all and it was nice and light. Normally he'd read a larger book during the day but the series was addicting. He grabbed the small bag he owned and clipped the strap around his waist so that the actual bag rested on his left hip like a belt of sorts. It was comfortable and practical and just big enough to hold a book and a few esentials like his wallet or phone (on the rare occasion he actually remembered to bring it)

"Lead the way," he said lightly, opening the door for Ella and gesturing for her to go first, always the gentleman.

---------- Post added 07-22-2012 at 12:14 AM ----------

Devidramon growled to itself as it sniffed the air. There were humans everywhere but the thing around his neck was not reacting. He was not the most intellogent of digimon but he did know that if his master did not find the one he was looking for soon he would be in deep trouble. More humans passed by and he growled lowly. The crest still wasn't reacting! His temper was beginning to flare and, despite his best efforts he was finding it harder and harder to control his impulses. If the human didn't show themselves soon he was going to do something rash. The thought of spreading chaos, of attacking these humans was almost too tempting. He thought of their bodies falling to the ground, of the chaos it would bring and his resolve wavered.

With a resonating growl he took off from his perch on top of a tall building and began to fly low over the other buildings, weaving in and out of them, making his way towards a small grassy area in teh middle of all this metal and disgusting stone like substance that was far too hard and painful when you hit it at high speed. He would make his lair in the grassy, green area and wait and if the child didn't turn up...well there were always other humans to amuse him. That thought brought a twisted smile to the dragon digimon's lips as he flew towards the park.

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 08-06-2012, 06:48 PM

"Well aren't you sweet?" Ella pointed out jokingly as she stepped out the front door. Just as she expected, the summer sun was beating down relentlessly. However, thanks to the cool breeze and ample amount of clouds, today wouldn't be as hot as most Tokyo summers were. The younger twin pulled out her headphones and stuck one ear bud into her right ear, leaving the other one hanging so she could still converse with her brother. After she put her Mp3 on random and a high-tempo techno song started playing, Ella turned back to Ren to see if he was close behind. Seeing him with his usual bag strapped around his waist made her stop short as she started patting her pants.

"Whoops..." She mumbled as she realized she had forgotten her own wallet, focused solely on having her music with her. Not like it mattered. All she had left was a few cents seeing as she spent most of her recent allowance on random equipment for her projects. She gave Ren a sheepish look.

"Guess you'll have to pay for the groceries this time." She said.


Renamon landed softly on the tree tops, overlooking a snowy clearing where few houses stood. So this was the Real World. Other than the changes in foliage, it didn't look so different from her home. The digimon quickly stopped her sightseeing as she looked up at the blue sky, searching for a sign. Sure enough, two streaks of light suddenly appeared and flew past her and the clearing. From the direction they seemed to be going, the digivices were headed towards a collection of tall structures far off in the distance. Maybe that was where her human partner was.

Without waiting another minute, Renamon jumped from tree to tree as she chased the streaks of light.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 08-06-2012, 10:06 PM

Ren rolled his eyes at Ella as she realised she'd left her own wallet at home. Well considdering she was focused on her music it wasn't really that surprising.

"I figured as much," he replied mildly. "But we'll worry about that later." It made more sense to get the shopping after they'd been to teh park as anything cold, like milk, would be spoilt by the time they returned home thanks to the heat of the day. It was rather clammy with barely any wind at teh moment. He hoped it would change since this was the worst kind of heat, relentless and almost sickly. He couldn't wait to get to the park and settle himself under a large tree for some shade.

Thankfully the park wasn't that far away and they reached it within three or four minutes of walking. It was a large area considdering it was in the middle of a city with plenty of greenery and a few planned flower beds where the flowers were artfully arranged. He barely looked at these and headed straight for his little sanctuary within a slightly darker part of the park away from teh main area. It was a wooded area rather than a grassy one with trees that cast their shadows on the ground. As soon as he passed under these branches he felt the temperature drop slightly and he sighed with relief. This was much better. He glanced at his sister before sitting down under his favourite tree and pulling his book from his bag, flipping it open and beginning to read.


Devidramon felt a wave of satisfaction pass through him as he landed in a tall tree in the green aea of the human settlement. It was far more comfortable than being in the crowded streets, not quite the same as being in the digital world but close enough to quell the sense of anger and disgust he felt while he was in this realm. He hated that his master had dragged them here but it couldn't be helped. he would follow Myotismon and he would live. He would not be like those fools that questioned their master. Oh no, not him, not Devidramon. He was a loyal digimon, well loyal as long as it suited him and he knew that being loyal for the moment suited him perfectly. At least hunting was allowed.

Searching the area about him Devidramon cast his gaze to the tag and crest clasped in one long clawed hand, growling as he saw that there was no reaction. So the child wasn't around ehre. Well what a shame. He caught the scent of humans nearby and he lifted his head, taking a moment to savour the smell a little longer before his eyes narrowed. He had gone a while without hunting and his instincts were screaming at him that now was the time, that now he must attack the humans. He growled to himself before taking a moment to determine where the human smell was coming from. There were two of them and they were in...that direction. With a satisfied smirk twisting his almost draconic features Devidramon launched himself from his branch and flew above the trees in search of his human prey.


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