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Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 10-21-2013, 10:10 PM

((Yeah...I don't do well with titles. xP So if you've got a good one, I'll change it~ ))

Khan rustled past the busying streets. His clothes were worn down, and the passing people seemed to look at him with a look of some disgust, and some pity. He brushed them off though, his dark hair going in front his eyes, partially blocking his view. Unlike many of the others, his hair held slight blonde streaks in it, and it wasn't quite as dark as everyone else's. His eyes also, were unlike others', as they were more of a light hazel colour than most. Even his skin tone was at least a shade lighter. It came with his mother having been a foreigner, so he got some of her looks as well.

He quickly let his hand reach out as he was passing a vendor, who was selling fruits, and swiped an apple. If people saw him, then they didn't care. He did this at least once a day. Even though he was only at the tender age of seventeen, he lived alone, his parents having abandoned him when he was a child. Though, Khan had a slight feeling that they had been murdered by some passing by bandits. Then again, he had been quite young, so maybe they really had just up and left him. Either way, it didn't matter all too much to him; he was fine by himself.

As he bit into the apple, some of it's juices running down his chin, he saw the people around him clear a path. Quickly following the others to the side, he watched as a few soldiers ran down the street, as if chasing someone. There were about four, but Khan had a feeling that there were more, but they were in hiding. He knew that the soldiers had a tendency to do that. That was one thing he really respected the soldiers for; they were trained well, and did their jobs excellently.

As soon as they had passed, the streets were filled with simple commoners once more. The chitter-chatter commenced, and the streets were soon filled with thousands of unbelievable rumours of why the soldiers seemed to be in a rush.

"I heard the Sultan's wife was sleeping with a commoner, like us!" he heard one woman's hurried whisper, "The Sultan must have found out about it!"

"Well I heard that there is a secret drug society. The Sultan has been planning to attack it for months!" another woman whispered.

Khan smirked. Woman and their silly rumours; they'd rarely ever find out if they were right or wrong. He slipped into an ally, eavesdropping on every possible conversation that he could hear. The people on the streets...they always had fun stories to tell each other, and Khan had great joy when listening to them. Biting into the apple again, he continued to listen to the numerous rumours that were making the streets sound much busier than they really were.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-22-2013, 02:04 AM

Ilyas yawned and stretched languidly in his bed. It was well past noon and he was just rising for the day. The empty space on the bed beside him was cold and he could tell his bed mate had already left hours ago, not that he cared. Rolling over, the price studied the garden outside his window for a moment before sighing and dragging himself out of bed. It wasn’t like he had anything important to do. Being the second son of the Sultan gave him many liberties and Ilyas took advantage of them. The young man, still unclothed clapped his hands and servants appeared from where they had been awaiting the moment of his awakening. Two servants rushed off to the kitchen to fetch the prince’s breakfast while two others busied themselves in covering his naked body with beautiful clothing that had been tailored specifically for him.

As his servants dressed him, Ilyas regarded himself in the mirror. Gold chains hung around his neck, his skin paler than most from being cooped up inside too much. His father hardly ever let him leave the palace, much to his annoyance. Ilyas couldn’t help but feel that he was missing out trapped inside his father’s cage, though it was a large and luxurious one. He often daydreamed about running off and having an adventure of his own. The sultan tried to appease his curiosity by inviting storytellers from all over to tell him stories of faraway lands across the deserts but their ballads only seemed to whet his appetite for travel even more.

His dirty blonde hair spiked this way and that, still mussed from sleep and bored blue eyes reflected back at him and as the servants stepped away, Ilyas got a full-length view of himself. A sleeveless short white robe barely covered his chest while loose white pants embroidered with golden thread enveloped his legs. The ensemble was finished with a sash of golden cloth tied around his waist and a pair of black slippers. Ilyas was stunning and he knew it. No thanks were due to his father he knew. His looks were all his mothers, a foreign beauty that his father had not been able to resist.

By the time he had finished admiring himself in the mirror, breakfast had arrived. The opening of the door revealed a commotion in the hallway however. ”What’s going on?” he asked one of the breakfast servants with a frown. The boy seemed to wither under his gaze, ”Z-zahid has g-gone missing…” he managed choke out before bowing to his master. ”Whaaat!?” Ilyas roared to at no one in particular. ”My brother has gone missing and no one saw fit to inform me?” Ilyas’ temper was legendary, as was his father’s, and most of the servants instinctively bowed and did their best to stay out of his way lest they inflame his wrath further.

Storming out into the hallway, Ilyas looked left, then right, trying best to gauge who might the most-informed about the current state of affairs in the palace. Deciding that none of the riff-raff in the hallway would known anything more than gossip that had likely already blown out of proportion, the prince stalked off towards the throne room to ask his father directly.

((I think the title is good!))

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 10-25-2013, 08:55 PM

((mkay. And sorry for the short post, and long wait. Stuff to do. ^^;))

Khan sighed, still remaining unmoved. The rumours seemed to have gotten silly, and useless. Kidnappings, murders, affairs, anything a person could imagine! His apple was now finished, the core laying on the ground, thrown aside without a care. Standing up, he made his way out of the alley, and back into the busy parts of the street. He pushed people out of his way, not caring about whoever he pushed.

Khan walked out of the busy streets, and into the "black market". Essentially, it was a strip of streets that sold drugs, etc, though it wasn't only that. It was more like the street for exceedingly poor people. Most of the street rats--like Khan himself--spend their time there, wether they bought anything there or not. Khan usually ended up here though, because most of the street rats shared with each other--and Khan wasn't a huge fan of stealing all the time, because it was so easy to get caught.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-09-2013, 04:53 AM

((This is going to be super long, I apologize in advance. ^^;))

Ilyas burst into the throne room, uncaring that there were quite possibly important state affairs taking place within the chamber. The interior guard stood at attention as he entered but the prince ignored them, choosing instead to focus his attention on the group before the sultan’s throne. It looked like some sort of peasant dispute. Ilyas could never believe that his father had the patience for such petty affairs… Ignoring the two simpletons who had turned to look at him, Ilyas approached his father. He opened his mouth to speak, but the sultan quickly silenced him with a wave of his hand.

Irritated, Ilyas waited impatiently as his father dismissed the two petitioners. As soon as the doors were sealed shut behind them, the young prince allowed his anger to flare verbally. ”What’s this I hear the servants tell? Zahid has gone missing and no one deemed me worthy to be informed?”

”Now now,” the sultan’s adviser intervened, ”Your father is a busy man. The matter has already been dealt with…”

”So Zahid has returned?” Ilys asked flatly.

This time it was his father who spoke, ”No, my son, but he will be returned to us soon, I am sure. I have sent my personal guards to deal with this matter. Why don’t you call some pretty girl to your bed to amuse yourself whilst you await his return?”

Ilyas snorted. That was his father’s solution for everything, ‘go amuse yourself with bed sport and make me more sons’. Ilyas could care less about his harem for the most part. He enjoyed their company from time to time, but dealing with jealous feminine rivalry wasn’t really his thing…

How can you think about women at a time like this?” Ilyas contoured angrily, ”My brother is missing, possibly even dead! I think I will go find him myself since you show so little regard for your first born son…”

The adviser's jaw fell, ”You little swine! How dare you accuse your father of such disregard? And have you lost your reason? One son gone and you want to leave just like that? If Zahid is dead, then you will need to be here to take his place!”

”I will not lie with a woman between my legs as my brother is in danger!” Ilyas fumed.

”Then make yourself useful and participate in these hearings, the experience could serve you well in the future,” the sultan pleaded.

Ilyas rolled his eyes and stormed out of the room. ’Well that didn’t go as planned…’ he though as he made his way to his brother’s room. The hallway to Zahid’s camber was littered with servants unsure of what to do in the master’s absence. Some of his harem sat crying on the floor while others stood in various states of shock and confusion. Ignoring them as if they were statues, Ilyas entered his brother’s room and took in the scene that greeted him.

The curtains that veiled the garden were in tatters and signs of struggle were apparent. Drops of blood could be seen here and there on the floor and a girl lie dead on the bed. It was obvious that the assailants had entered and exited through the garden. Zahid had put up a struggle but was ultimately captured.

What was left of his anger quickly turned to fear. From the looks of things, his days as the second son were numbered. Though he held no true love for his brother, Zahid had effectively acted as his buffer against responsibility. Ilyas wanted to enjoy his life, not spend it cooped up in meetings of the state. If something happened to Zahid, the freedom he had been allowed would be permanently revoked.

With that in mind, he would go out and rescue Zahid himself, not out of love, but rather concern for his own cushy lifestyle. His venture would be dangerous but Ilyas preferred to die on some grand adventure than between palace walls of old age or some political strife.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 03:43 AM

((It's short, but I tried my best. ^^; I'm sorry for the long wait for this. Finally I'm able to write for this little brat again :) ))

Khan sat lazily on the top of someone's roof. Wether it was the roof to a house, or a business, Khan didn't know, and didn't care. He laid back slightly, letting his arms rest under his head, crossed slightly. He'd spent the last few hours or so "borrowing" things from people. It was all useful thing, mainly food and clothes, sometimes he'd steal little luxurious things such as medicine, shoes, etc. He listened as the people grumbled past each other, some minding their own business and some eager to start fights. Speaking of which, that was why Khan was currently on the roof; someone had seen him slipping a piece of fabric under his shirt, and instead of telling anyone, had begun to chase him. Obviously, the man had been to eager for some sort of fight, but Khan for one was not. He wasn't the type the liked getting into useless fights. Khan, being the smart man he was, had quickly fled the scene and run to a couple of rooftops before settling on this one.

He let his eyes roam the sky, instead of the unpleasant streets for once. The sky was a brilliant, the sun blazing down on the Earth as if trying to burn every human being alive. Based on the heat, Khan concluded that the sun was doing quite a good job of that. Just as he was about to close his eyes to hopefully catch up on a little bit of sleep, a yell seemed to fill the streets.

"You stupid little rat of a child! You come down from the right now and settle this with me! I swear if you don't I will go up there myself to get you!" Khan sat up quickly, peering down onto the streets to see the man from earlier. Damn, he had caught up. Deciding to have a little fun with the situation, Khan stood up and waved the piece of fabric in the air so the man could see. The man's face turned bright red with anger as he yelled some more, threatening to go up, but Khan knew that he wouldn't dare. He was too much of a wuss.

"You stupid old man! Can you not even spare a piece of cloth? Or are you so stupid that you have to get into a petty fight with a kid!" Khan yelled, smirking. Apparently, that did it for the man, and the man began to yell even more fiercely.

Khan was definitely going to have fun with this.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 02:21 AM

((That's not short! O. o))

Back in his own chambers, Ilyas began to set his plan into motion. First of all, he would need to change his clothes. If he walked the streets of the capital wearing fine silks embroidered with golden thread, he would be easily recognized and quickly escorted back to the palace without fulfilling his mission. After sending all of his servants away, the young prince began sifting through his wardrobe in search of something more appropriate to wear. It took some time to find something suitable but in the end he dressed himself in a pair of plain baggy maroon pants and a somewhat faded red tunic. Over these he wrapped a white head cloth that served to cover some of his face and hair. A pair of plainer slippers and a sash completed the ensemble.

After stashing a small bag of coins on his person, the prince set to quietly destroying his room. Using a small dagger, he slashed at the curtains and the bed, tossing cushions on the ground and spreading feathers in the air. Once satisfied with the effect, the prince left his room through the garden and began the slow and painful process of sneaking out of the palace. As a youngster, he would do this at least once a week, much to the dismay of his father, but it had been a while since he put his skills to work. In the end he was able to sneak away unseen, but the process took longer than he had expected. Cursing the necessary delay, Ilyas quickly made his way through the large marketplace in the middle of the city. He would need provisions for the trip and he planned on picking up what he needed there.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-30-2014 at 08:44 PM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 01-27-2014, 09:15 PM

((aha, sorry. It looked short when I was typing it. Guess it spanned out when it was actually submitted. Anyways, sorry for the long wait. ^^; ))

Khan found himself running back into the market, still having his fun teasing the man. He even had a chance to slip a couple of other things into his pockets during his little run. Unfortunately he had been too caught up in his little fun that he hadn't noticed someone approaching him unit it was too late. The person grabbed his arms, twisting them behind Khan's back, and gave the man who was chasing him a cheeky grin. "Friend of the ole' cooke, eh? How lame, to gang up on someone at least ten years younger than you," Khan scuffed, ignoring the slight pain that came from having his arms twisted in an awkward way. As the old man approached, Khan tensed up slightly, knowing what was coming. It wasn't as if it hadn't happened before--though not many times, because he was usually very skilled at getting away. Within the next few minutes, Khan had suffered various insults thrown at him, as well as many kicks, punches and whatever else could physically hurt him. Apparently satisfied, the old man walked away with his friend, leaving Khan to sit on the ground, sporting a rather beat up appearance with the cloth he had stolen. "Didn't even care about the cloth. 'E just wanted to beat up someone, stupid old man," Khan grumbled, standing up. The people around him seemed to barely care, obviously having seen it many times before. It was unusual after all. He wasn't the only "street rat" who liked to have fun. And he wasn't the only one who lost from time to time.

He ran a hand through his hair, before setting off, still grabbing a few things from random people he would pass. It wasn't until he got near a younger looking man--probably around his age--that something really caught his attention. A gold chain hanging out of the pale boy's pocket. Quite rare and unusual. In fact, everything about the man seemed to be unusual. Definitely an appearance a person wouldn't be able to forget. After all, he looked like a complete foreigner. Shaking his head slightly, Khan changed his direction slightly, and began to walk a little quicker. This way he'd be able to get the chain before the odd man would be able to notice. I can definitely sell it for a good price, Khan thought with a smirk. As he passed the boy, he let his hand drift a little bit, snagging onto the gold chain, and ripping it gently out of the boys pocket. Unfortunately, it hadn't been as graceful as Khan had hoped--or expected--and he found himself tripping over something, and landing face first into the ground.

"This just isn't my day," he mumbled, getting into a sitting position as he rubbed his forehead, still holding on the gold chain.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-30-2014, 09:02 PM

((Sorry for the uuuber long wait on this one! If you don’t want to continue this after so long just let me know.))

Ilyas was overwhelmed with the sights and smells of the open air marketplace. It wasn’t the first time he had been there but today he was in a hurry and didn’t have time to stop and ogle the wares. He needed to find a bag, some gear, and some food as quickly as possible. It wouldn’t take long for his absence to be discovered and then he would not only be running after his brother; he would be running from the very palace guards who had vowed to protect him. Obviously they hadn’t been up to the task so perhaps he wouldn’t have such a hard time evading them after all. Still, haste was necessary and Ilyas made quick work of finding a sling bag and some dried beef and berries as well as two large canteens.

Mentally checking off what he needed, Ilyas realized he had yet to procure a weapon. He was making his way towards a booth with a number of scimitars lined up for purchase when he felt something brush against him. Almost before he had realized what happened, a young man sprawled in front of him. Ilyas was almost ready to ask the man if he was alright until he noticed the golden chain in his hand. Recognizing the piece of jewelry, Ilyas’ face hardened. He could easily call for guards to arrest the thief but then his own cover would be blown, which wouldn’t do. Stepping over the man as he righted himself, Ilyas snatched the necklace back with one hand and firmly grasped the man’s wrist with the other to prevent him from easily escaping.

“Just what were you planning on doing with my necklace, boy?” he asked in a harsh whisper. “No doubt you would have sold it to the highest bidder I’m sure,” he said, answering the question himself. Just then he got an idea. The boy didn’t look like much but he was in need of information and this man looked the type to come by it easily enough… “Lucky for you, I won’t turn you in, provided you do me a service that is…” he said, tightening his grip on the other man’s wrist to make his point.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-23-2014, 11:52 PM

Khan's eyes widened as his wrist was clutched, but quickly narrowed them, showing that he wasn't about to back down. Sure he had lost the necklace--though he was sure it'd be easy to get back if he was super careful--but he wasn't about to let himself be intimidated by this man. He pulled at his wrist, at first it was only slightly, not wanting to show signs that he was struggling, but when he realized that the man's grip was too tight, he began to struggle more. You see, Khan was a master of escaping. He could run and hide and jump all over the place. Hell, even put him in a locked cage, and he'd be able to get out! But actually escaping while someone was holding him...not so much. He just wasn't quite strong enough. Sure, he could probably play a few mind games, or outwit the person, but he could never escape with brute force like some.

Even so, he continued to pull, and still continued when the man began to speak. "Of course I'll sell it, you dumbass! What do you think this place is? A paradise?" Khan shouted, his eyes holding a fierce glow, "It's the basic law here; it's a one man game." That wasn't completely true for everyone, but for any "street-rat" it was. Kill or be killed; steal or die.

Khan only stopped his desperate struggles when he heard the man's proposition. If the man did turn him in, Khan doubted he'd be able to escape. His previous thoughts of being able to get away from the man disintegrated when he realized his strength. And with the way the man was acting, Khan was positive that the man would drag him to the guards or whatever himself.

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, eyeing the man up and down, before becoming completely relaxed. "And what would this service be?" Khan questioned, "Stealing? Lying? Killing? ...If it is killing, I don't do that." He paused for a minute, letting himself just stare into the other man's eyes while he thought. He could probably bribe the man into giving him something too, perhaps not the golden necklace, but maybe something else of close value. "And if the job is more...let's say valuable than just being given a free pass? Then what will you give me?"

((It's fine, it's finnee~ I'm fine with waiting a long time, so long as it doesn't exceed 2 months or something like that. After all, I've given you a long wait too ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-19-2014, 12:38 AM

Ilyas watched the boy struggle under his grasp before finally relaxing. Still, the prince held his captive tightly, not trusting him not to bolt at the first chance that presented itself. “If I wanted someone dead, I’d hire a professional,” he said mockingly, “Not some scrawny boy who can’t pick a pocket without getting caught.” Glancing about them, Ilyas realized that they were far too exposed for his liking. Hauling up his captive, he dragged the boy over to a nearby alley so they could have a bit more privacy for their “negotiations”.

“Now, you seem like the type who gets around, sees things and hears rumors that might be of value to certain people. If you can provide me with the information you’re looking for, I’ll let you go, and maybe even give you a few coins for your trouble, now what do you say?” Ilyas looked the boy in the eyes. Though he was a bit scruffy, he couldn’t help but notice the life in the street rat’s eyes. Though his life might be tough, it was clear that he truly lived it. The young prince couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy over this boy’s freedom in comparison to his own lavish yet boring existence.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-16-2014, 03:39 PM

((Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm going to unsubscribe from this. Feel free to ping me back though if you want to start it back up at some point. ))


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