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Vaneria is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 05:14 AM

I'll check-gotta go 2 reply later

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-12-2010, 10:21 PM

Issue #2

Hal Jordan flew towards Metropolis, home of the man of steel. As he passed over Gotham City he thought about Grodd and what had happened to Raven and Starfire. He passed the sign that read 'You are Now Entering Metropolis: The City of Tomorrow.' Hal flew into the city. "Ring give me Superman's location," Hal said to the ring. He saw a flash of red zip by in the distance.
"Kryptonian signature dete-" "Yeah, I see him," Hal barked back at his ring. He turned around and flew after him. As fast as Hal was with the ring, he struggled to keep up with Superman. He instead flew up into the air above the buildings. Hal saw him stop on a roof top. Hal descended onto the roof top. "Glad I could catch you," Hal said grinning.
"Always a pleasure, Hal," Clark replied to him.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 05:11 PM

Zatanna stood on a popular corner of Metropolis. She was standing behind a booth that said 'Zatanna the Magnificint.' "Now were has my bunny gone to?" she asked looking around the audience that had gathered around. As a little white bunny poked it head out from underneath her top hat.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 05:59 PM

"I've got to discuss something with you Clark. I need your take on this," Hal said to him. Superman looked puzzled.
"You're welcome to pick my brain, Hal, but isn't Bruce more the type for this?" Superman asked.
"Yeah well, you know how well we get along," Hal responded, "I just took down Grodd trying to destroy Coast city, which didn't seem like his MO. Then Raven and Starfire show up being controlled by some sort of devices. Which makes sense with Grodd but the whole thing seemed odd." Hal handed the broken mind control device to Superman. Superman stared at it for awhile. "This was definitely not made by Grodd," Superman said at last,"It looks like Kryptonian technology."
"Braniac?" Hal asked.
"I can't think of anyone else it might be. Let me dig a little deeper, for now lets keep this small. Zatanna is a few blocks over. Find her and Flash and meet me back at the Fortress I'm going to see Bruce," Superman said. Superman flew off back towards Gotham. Probably for the best. Last time he and Batman were together Bruce ended up getting decked in the jaw. Hal flew off to find Zatanna.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 09:42 PM

"Oh ther you are little fellow," Zatanna said as she took the rabbit from under her hat. "Now what were you doing under there?" she said placing the bunny on the table and grabing her top hat. "Hmm now where could his little friends be?" she asked the audience as she showed them the empty inside of the hat. She put the hat on the table, took out her wand, and said "Presto Chango." She picked her hat up and under it was a white dove.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 11:29 PM

Hal flew into an alley near Zatanna. He took his ring off to reveal his street clothes A white, t-shirt, blue jeans, and a brown bomber jacket. This wold look better if he found her in street clothes, rather than as the Green Lantern. Coming around the side of the building he joined the crowd around Zatanna and waited for her show to end.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 11:41 PM

"And for my final trick I will need a volunter from the audience," Zatanna said as made the dove and rabbit disapper. "How about you hansome?" she said as she pointed to a guy wearing a white shirt and jacket. (That'd be you sixkiller)

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 11:55 PM

(btw Hal and Zatanna know each other :P)
Hal stepped forward and winked at Zatanna. He turned to the audience and awaited the start of the trick.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 12:08 AM

(I know but the audience in the story doesn't)

Zatanna winked back at Hal, and pulled out a 3 foot by 3 foot solid wooden box from under the table. "Now sir will you please show the audience that the bow is solid and you cannot get out of it," she said as she gestured to the box.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 12:20 AM

(Yeah, I'm just cautious about story is all :P Just don't mind me.)

Hal knocked on the box. He entered it and gave a tiny shove to either side. "This is a solid box if I've ever seen one," Hal said to the auidence.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 01:15 AM

"Well now if your not afraid of tight spaces I'm going to have you stay in there put the lid on it and make you disapear," Zatanna said as she produced a lid made of wood from underneath the table.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 01:22 AM

(( Go ahead and finish the trick :P))

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 01:36 AM

After Hal had goten in to the box Zatanna put the lid on the box turned the box around three times clockwise then said "Alakazam," took the lid off of the box and showed the audience the empty box. "And now for the tricky part," she said to the audience, "to make him reapear." She put the lid back on to the box, turned it around three times counter-clockwise, and the said "Hocus Pocus" while she waved her wand and lifted the lid.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 01:52 AM

Hal sat up and waved at the audience. He got out of the box and returned to the crowd. Everyone applauded as Zatanna took a bow. When the crowd had Disperced Hal approached her. "We need to talk, preferably some place more private."

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 02:16 AM

Zatanna waved her wand and made her booth srink to the size of a penny. She bent down and picked up the now small booth and put in to the front on her jacket pocket. "Okay I know the perfect spot, follow me," she said as she walked down an allyway.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 02:27 AM

Hal followed after her. "Good to see the old act is still going strong," Hal said slipping on his ring when they were out of sight, which changed his street clothes into his Green Lantern Uniform.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 02:54 AM

"Yeah well it gives me something to do when there's no villans running a muck," Zantanna said as she looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was following them. Once she was sure of that she stopped and turned to a birck wall. "Well here it is" she anounced as she waved her wand over the empty wall and a door apeared. She opened it and they walked in. "So what is it you wanted to talk about," she said as she closed the door and walked over to a small sitting area.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 03:02 AM

"Nice place, Clark wants you, me, and Barry to meet him at the Fortress. Grodd showed up in Coast City tearing up everything then we found some mind control devices on Starfire and Raven. Turns out they came from Brainiac. Clark's off talking to Bruce right now, he says he wants to keep the investigation small for right now. This could be coincidence or this could be something huge. Anyways you in?" Hal asked.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 03:12 AM

"Sure I got nothing better to do," Zatanna said as she began to look at her nails "Do you know where we can find Barry?"

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 03:27 AM

"Flash should be in Keystone. Not sure where in Keystone though. I'll have to call him once we get there. Might as well get going," Hal said turning towards the exit. Once they were out side Hal levitated off the ground. Once Zatanna was ready they took off towards Keystone City.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 04:35 PM

"So what do you think Brainic is up to?" Zatanna said as she watched the city below them zoom by.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 05:21 PM

(Story is going to pick up soon, I swear ><)
"I'm not sure. Taking over the world is his usual thing. Personally I think there's some more going on here," Hal said. They flew over Keystone, passing the Flash memorial museum. Landing on a roof, he created a green head piece to call Barry Allen. Barry arrived on top of the building less than 2 minutes later. "Sorry, I'm late," Barry said jokingly, "Good to see you again, Zatanna. So what's going on?" Hal explained the situation to Barry. "Ok, well let's head to the Fortress then," Barry said.
"You better fly with my then," Hal said producing a platform out of his ring. They took off towards the Artic Circle home of the Fortress of Solitude.

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 06:50 PM

"Hope we arn't taking you away from anything," Zatanna said to Flash as they landed at the Fortress of Solitude.

Sixkiller is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 07:05 PM

"Nothing I wouldn't mind getting away from," Barry said with a laugh. As the approached the door it opened. Inside the fortress it was much warmer than outside. A dark shadow was hunched over a crumbled shadow. Behind the shadows was a large statue of a Kryptonian Hal didn't recognize. It kind of resembled Clark but it wasn't him. "Clark?" Hal asked shining his ring towards the shadows. There stood Metallo with his chest open revealing his Kryptonite heart, the crumpled heap was Power Girl, having been exposed to Kryptonite. Metallo stood up and looked towards the three of them. "I'm afraid the Man of steel is out, can I take a message?"
((And the fight begins! >D Have Barry grab power girl and you can do whatever you want to Metallo.))

Rider of horses and wind.
taytay20903040 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 07:56 PM

"When will you guys learn that the superheros ALWAYS win," Zatanna said as she took out her wand and prepared to cast a spell on Metallo. "Not so fast cutie," Metallo said as he grabbed a table and chair and threw them at Zatanna. They sent her flying in to the nearest wall. "Okay no more miss nice girl," Zatanna said as she spotted a piano. "REIATSU" she yelled as the paino came flying and hit Merallo on his weakest spot, his head. Flash zoomed by, grabbed Power Girl, and returned before Merallo fell down unconscious.


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