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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-30-2016, 08:09 PM

When Naia came in to the enclosure. "I have to thank you for being of so much help. aw thank you for everything and now I shall. tell you how I ended up here." Maria says then start to tell her story to Naia. about how one day she was minding her own business. trying to catch some fish to eat but did not. notice the shadow of a fishing boat,so she happen get caught in it's fishing net. she blush a bit when getting on to the next part of her story.

How she had been stuck with fishermen for two long weeks. before being bought by Mr.Silvern not that long a ago. she then waits for the hybrid to speak. she was giving the other girl time to do so while. taking the moonstones in its pouch into her hands. yet takes one out then giggles happily. they would be perfect for her underwater lamp for her cottage.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 10-02-2016, 03:30 AM

"I am glad that you like the shells, materials, and moonstones I brought you, Maria," Naia responded. She was delighted to meet the mermaid and to hear about her story. She listened patiently as the mermaid told her about how she ended up in the enclosure at the Silvern estate.

"Oh, so you ended up here very recently!" she exclaimed. She noticed the mermaid blush when she told about how she had been stuck with the fishermen for two weeks. So she followed up by asking, "How did the fishermen treat you?"

As much as Naia knew that the Silverns were doing their best to make the mermaid comfortable and feel at home, Naia knew that this enclosure was definitely not home for a mermaid. But she nodded when the Silverns told her about their plan to make it so that Maria could have an outlet into the sea to go treasure-hunting. Perhaps it would be great for the mermaid to be able to swim freely in the ocean while still having a safe home to stay in?

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 03-23-2017 at 01:50 PM..

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 10-02-2016, 04:16 AM

"They where kind but quite stubborn. I must admit I had been embarrassed being caught in a net. by the way what is it like be able to be on land are in sea when ever you like?" she ask her new friend in a soft voice. unsure how Naia felt about that topic. she knew the hybrid was a guest here. so Trevor and Amanda must know her quite well already. Maria would have to thank them later this evening if they are not to busy.

Maria kept her tail in the water while sitting on a rock. but once in a while the dolphins swim past by her. she could not help but laugh softly when one of them. had brought her a sea flower a under water lily of some sort. "Thank you my friend this is a nice gift." Maria says before taking the flower in to her hands. then fix's it into her hair so she could ware it.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 10-03-2016, 07:09 PM

Naia smiled to see the mermaid fix a beautiful flower in her hair. She realized how embarrassed Maria was about talking about the fishermen who caught her, so she decided not to ask any more questions about it to avoid making the mermaid uncomfortable. It also seemed that she wanted to change the topic to talk more about her, and Naia was happy to share.

"It is lovely to be able to be on both land and water," Naia replied to the mermaid's inquiry. "I feel like I can enjoy the best of both worlds. Most of my family members are naiads, which means they have a mermaid and a human form. We can also shift into water. I think it was an ancient magic that gave my family this ability. I have heard that maybe the child of a human and a mermaid can also have that ability naturally. Anyway, I really love being a naiad. That being said, it was not always like this."

She paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

"When I was really young, I did not know how to control my shapeshifting between my mermaid and human forms. I loved swimming in the sea and made a lot of dolphin friends. I really loved being a mermaid. But sometimes I found myself wanting to know what it was like on land. I would visit the shore to see what humans were doing. It looked pretty fun to be able to run around. One day, I was swimming near the shore and my tail was morphing into legs! I was very unsteady on them because I did not practice walking on legs before. I played with some of the children who were on the beach. But suddenly, during a game of tag, my legs started turning back into a tail!"

Naia paused again. "That is because I didn't used to be able to control it. So the children started making fun of me. It was pretty terrible. But now, I can control when I shift."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 10-08-2016, 09:11 PM

Maria could understand what it is like to be made fun of. yet never heard of the naiad race before. they must be rare but a human and mermaid having a kid. how would that work out? if one of the parents have stay in water. while the other parent has stay on land unless they wish to join in on the water fun. "That must have been hard for you. if I was able to walk on land I would love to try dancing. when I was a kid my parents would let me stay up late. on holidays so we could go watch the ships pass by at night. one evening we where close enough to see land dwellers dance. it was on a nice ship must have been some rich family." she says while recalling her own memory.

She did not wish to speak to much about her. own childhood since it was sad at times when. ever one of her class mates would be mean to her. about wanting go on land be able to dance. on those funny legs,feet people have how live on land. deep down Maria would admit she wanted to be on land. to see what its like away form the grand old ocean home.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 10-12-2016, 02:24 PM

Naia nodded and continued. "Now that I can control when I change, it has been wonderful. I made a lot of human friends and even attended school with humans and got my PhD! And I got to return to the water to conduct my research for that. I love being able to experience the best of both worlds."

She gazed at the mermaid. "I have heard that there is ancient magic that can turn a mermaid's tail into a human's. It is risky though, I think. There are stories of mermaids' tails becoming deformed because the magic wasn't done properly."

Suddenly, Amanda's stomach growled.

"Oh!" Naia said. "I didn't realize how much time had passed."

Amanda and Trevor excused themselves to go eat dinner.

Naia turned to Maria and asked if she could join her in the water to eat.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 10-13-2016, 12:08 AM

"Sure you can join me as long you don't mind. dealing with the dolphins in here. yet magic is some what trouble some. I once heard a story growing up that a rare full moon comes out. I have forgot the name of it." she says while looking up at the sky waiting. to see the stars come out in to the night sky. when Amanda and Trevor had left she waved good bye to them. knowing they would go have dinner inside of their home.

Maria wonder what there home look's like. on the inside? she had seen some of the outside. when the fishermen brought here here. mostly the front of the house,besides the area. they where tolled bring her at before being sold off. sure they past by some other animals a long the way. if she recalled right it was the back way. since so many people where around on that day. to see what the Silvern's had rare animal as well rare plant wise.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 10-15-2016, 03:25 PM

With a smooth motion, Naia took off her dress and hung it up on a nearby coat rack. Then, she stepped forward and dove into the water. Light emanated from her head and traveled down her body. Her face grew gills, webs formed between her digits, and a swirl of sparkles enveloped her legs. In just a few seconds, she was no longer in her human form. She could now breathe in water (while still being able to breathe in oxygen if she ever came up for air) and had a tail instead of human legs. A protective layer now shielded her eyes so that she could have better vision underwater.

She smiled at Maria and gazed at her surroundings. She saw many different species of dolphins in this large enclosure, as well as small fish swimming around that no doubt were used as food for the dolphins as well as for the mermaid. There were also plenty of plantlife there in the pool for food, decoration, and probably also to filter the water. She swam around to explore more of the place Maria was living and learn more about how the Silverns took care of their creatures.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 10-17-2016, 01:27 AM

Maria was shock yet amazed by what happen to Naia. once she finish she started to swim back under water. then starts to hunt for some food to eat. she wanted a bit of plant life beside's some fish. maybe a few big one's tonight since it had been special day for her. some of the dolphins swim past by them. yet also wanted to have some dinner to. this place is her home till the new. tank is made as well her sea shell cottage. that would be her home with inside the tank.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 03:56 AM

Naia was also hungry so she ate some fish and seaweed as well while watching Maria swim around. She didn't get to interact with other mermaids very often, as there seemed to be fewer and fewer of them living near where humans did, so she was really thrilled to meet Maria. She wanted to learn all about her, but she knew that Maria might be uncomfortable answering certain questions. So instead, she just waited to see if Maria would perhaps ask her any questions or offer any information about herself?

There were servants still waiting on the platform, so Naia swam up to them and gave them some requests and instructions on how to start building the seashell cottage using all the shells and driftwood she had brought. The servants were happy to help this mystical creature, and they were still somewhat dumbfounded and speechless about the magical transformation they had just witnessed. But they quickly got to work putting together some of the walls of the house for Maria.

Naia then dove back down near where Maria was swimming and eating.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 10-31-2016, 08:39 AM

Maria catch's a large fish then starts to eat it slowly. yet swims over to some coral near by a rock. she sits down on the rock thinking about the day. once in while dolphins would swim by her are Naia. just so they could show off for the mermaid and hybrid. by the time she finish eating the fish,she pulls some algae. off of the rock that look edible enough but wanted a sea cumber to go with it. so she gets up form the rock to look for one.

After ten minutes she finds one then picks it up. warps the algae around the sea cumber it was perfect now. Maria starts to eat her choices of food. yet wonder what she could tell Naia? about her own life? besides living in the ocean are being around lots of fish. at least she could tell her about other merpeople. that she knew about that lived faraway form here. but it was close enough to some islands.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-07-2017, 04:40 AM

Naia snacked on some algae near Maria. She wanted to give Naia any space she needed to become comfortable with sharing stories about herself and her life before being captured.

Meanwhile, she also glanced up from time to time at the servants who were constructing the seashell cottage. It was coming along beautifully. The servants working on this project were familiar with building other structures and enclosures because they spent a lot of time maintaining the Silverns' private zoo. Most of the enclosures they made before were smaller (because they were for smaller creatures), although they did take on larger projects like making a large environment for the resident dragons, for example.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 01-10-2017, 12:45 AM

"I grew up in a city by the norther sea's. my family was not all that big just. a older brother,mom and dad where around. but at times I felt lonely as I got older. most of the other merfolks my age stayed away form me. since I like human things so much besides exploring sunken ships." Maria say while telling Naia about some of her childhood. but bet she would like to hear more about. the city are other places she had been to. at lest she was fine with opening up to her.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-12-2017, 02:04 PM

"Where are your parents and older brother now?" Naia asked.

After waiting for Maria's response, Naia started talking about the places she had visited and the experiences she had on land that she could not possibly imagine while in the water. She described the beautiful countrysides she had driven through, what it looked like on the tops of hills and mountains, how fun it was to climb the trees and nestle in a good spot among the branches, and what it was like to attend and teach classes with humans. Naia had gone to school and done research and received her Ph.D. a little while back. And she described what animals there were on land that were not in the water. "Maybe you will get to see some of them here because the Silverns have such a large private zoo," Naia said.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 01-13-2017, 01:52 AM

She had gone quite while trying to think. about her parents and older brother for a good while. yet kept her ears open to hear about. all the places Naia had been too she was so lucky. "My parents are back at home in the city I grew up in. as for my brother he eventually. moved away form home when I was still fifteen. he came back home around seven years later. brought home a girl to meet the family. oh before I forget my brother is five years older then myself." she explains to her friend wondering if,Naia has any siblings of her own? Maria looks up to take a peak servants. wanting to see how are new home was coming a long.

Yet wonder if Trevor and Amanda would come back tonight? if not oh well she would understand. this has been exciting day for everyone. with Naia being a guest here for part of the day. so if the needed their rest for the next day. Maria would just get some rest after Naia left. she wonder if all that swimming made the hybrid would stay the night in the house?

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 03-23-2017, 01:52 PM

Naia was about to reply but stopped herself when she saw a couple of the servants approaching.

"Excuse us," said one servant, bowing. "We are very excited about building this seashell cottage using the supplies you brought. Would you like to see our progress so far and give any feedback?"

"Sure!" Naia replied. Turning to Maria, she asked, "Would you like to swim closer to where the servants are, to see what they have built so far?"

Meanwhile, Amanda and Trevor were just coming back from dinner. They had enjoyed a delicious meal of rice, pilaf, quinoa salad with butternut squash, hummus, chicken, tender roast beef, bread, and soup, all prepared by their chefs-in-residence on their estate. They were delighted to assess the progress on the seashell cottage as well.

---------- Post added 03-23-2017 at 09:53 AM ----------

sailor star rainbow:

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 03-25-2017, 11:28 PM

"Yes I would like that. lets us go have a look I did not except them. to get to work on it so soon as of tonight. maybe tomorrow when its day light hours." Maria says to Naia in happy yet excited voice. then starts to swim so they can both go see it. how her new home is being built the sea shell cottage. how much of it had they started on it?

She wonder what so far they have built look like? was a frame up yet? Maira still needs to move the giant clam shell. some where out of the site of on lookers. so she can sleep without being watch to much. the fish and dolphins she was okay with. they live in this tank so she has to get use to them.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 04-27-2017, 02:04 AM

Amanda and Trevor arrived in the aquarium just as Naia and Maria swam up to the surface near where the servants were assembling the seashell cottage. The servants who had notified them of the progress were a few steps behind, taking care not to slip on the slippery wet floors surrounding the pool so as not to accidentally fall in.

Some of the servants looked up from their work, smiling at the two mermaids and the two Silverns.

"This is great!" Amanda exclaimed.

"Wow!" Trevor added.

They were both impressed by the progress that the servants had made. Already, they had constructed one room of the cottage! It was square shaped and had one window and one rectangular doorway.

"We haven't made a door yet," one of the servants explained. "But this doorway will eventually be the entrance to this room. You can use it as a closet, bedroom, or whatever you like!"

All of the servants, Silverns, and Naia looked over at Maria to see what she thought of her new seashell room

---------- Post added 04-26-2017 at 10:04 PM ----------

sailor star rainbow:

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 04-28-2017, 07:57 AM

Maria gasp out in shock seashell room was a perfect so far. even if it did not have a door this would make. a nice sitting room to read her water proof books in. "This is Wonderful thank do much. for all of your hard work so far,this room. will be a nice sitting room I'll need a chair. maybe one made out of sea sponge and small table. a bookshelf can go on one of the wall's. to hold all my water proof books." She says in a happy yet excited voice. her new home was turning out to be great so far.

She did not mind the wait at all. knew it would take time to build the cottage. maybe Maria could ask for some fairy tail books. but would have to ask not have the little mermaid story in it. that may be hard since it was popular tale. yet wonder about what other things are home could use? she would need to think about it. watching form a far not wanting to get in the way of the servants.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 05-01-2017, 01:19 AM

The servants jotted down all of Maria's requests for the furniture for her new cottage and delegated the tasks among themselves accordingly. Several servants each got down to business crafting a small table out of seashells and water-resistant glue, while several others started drawing out, on several large sheets of paper, the measurements and dimensions for a sturdy bookshelf that would fit well in the room that they had made so far. They realized that they would have to make several small bookshelves in order to fit them through the doorway of the room.

Wanting to do the best job that they could, they asked Maria "is it okay if we make several bookshelves, in order to fit them through the doorway? and then you can place them however you want along the walls, but we will make sure they fit in the room that we made."

Meanwhile, another servant asked Maria, "what books would you like us to make you waterproof copies of?" they had their device at the ready to jot down all the stories Maria wanted to read.

And the other servants continued to work on other rooms of the cottage. They decided to make each room separately, then line up the doorways so that she could swim from room to room. That way, when they finally expanded the aquarium so that Maria could access the sea and find treasures out in the open oceans, it would be easier to transfer the seashell cottage to the larger space.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-04-2017, 04:10 AM

"Yes that is fine idea it would look different. as for book's a copy of fairy tails. if you can get ones I have not heard of. but no copy of the little mermaid story please." Maria ask the servant how had been talking with her. but she did not know what other type of books. to pick out to read maybe she should. ask for some suggestions? form Trevor and Amanda they may know some book's she may like. her tail moves around in the water. making small waves around her body.

She wonder if Naia like to read book's? if so what kind did she think Maria would like? this was a tough inside of her head. would romance stories be good to read? what kind of stories did land dwellers,have about. the times that have pass by here on land.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 05-05-2017, 01:32 AM

"How come you do not want to read the little mermaid?" Amanda asked Maria.

Trevor remembered that he had let the librarian know to waterproof some copies of books for Maria. "Please excuse me," he said. He wanted to personally visit the librarian to see what books had already been copied.

Meanwhile, Amanda and Naia thought of some more story ideas and texted them to Trevor so he could see if those were available. For example, some of the new fairy tales that had just recently been released such as "Brave" and "Frozen" and a classic, "Mulan," that promoted strong women figures. They asked Maria if she would like those stories. They also wondered if Maria would be interested in reading non-fiction books about the human world?

---------- Post added 05-04-2017 at 09:33 PM ----------

sailor star rainbow:

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-05-2017, 08:04 AM

Maria thinks for a few moments before starting to speak. "The old royal family allowed the story. to be tolled to all of are kind, one of the sister's. lived long enough to raise a family of her own. even to tell her great,great,great,great grand children. then again are race can live up to about 2,000 years old." she says in a happy yet soft voice. explaining it to the girls in the best way she could. also listen to what they both had to say. about other fairy tails they knew about that would be new to her.

"Yes I would ever so much like. to read those stories please,I once found. a book it had pictures on the cover. it said it was something called a manga. ever since I seen one I wanted to read one. yet due to myself not knowing the written language it was in. I could not bring it home with me to try read it. the words where like paint brush strokes. the photo's where in black and white it amazed me so much." Maria says while her voice drifted off in to dreamy tone. it had been a long time since she tolled anyone. about that book called a manga.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 05-06-2017, 02:58 AM

"We do have mangas in our library too" Amanda said excitedly. She and her brother both loved reading mangas, and they were pleasantly surprised to hear that Maria would request one.

"Do you remember the name of the manga?" Trevor asked. He had a feeling the manga was in Japanese but wanted to ask just in case. He wanted to find out which manga it was, so he could get her a copy and maybe a translator.

"We have so many manga that we can make copies of for you! Since you like fairy tale ones, I can think of some...well there is actually a manga called Fairy Tail, where tail is spelled T A I L instead of T A L E. There's also Fruits Basket, Chobits, Fushigi Yuugi, Ouran High Host Club...well they are not all fairy tales but they do have romance in them. What do you think?" she asked the mermaid.

---------- Post added 05-05-2017 at 10:58 PM ----------

sailor star rainbow:

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-07-2017, 06:46 AM

"Sadly I do not know the name of it. I'm also a fan of romance story's Amanda. could you tell me a little about Chobit's just a little." Maria ask her yet her voice was sad sounding. when speaking to Trevor about the manga title she did not know. all this time Naia was quite could she be thinking? are just had nothing to say about books? she used one her hands to move some hair form her face. she waited to hear what they had to say.


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