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FallOut-Sun is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 08:11 AM

@Hatake Ayumi: True. MxM is Lovely eye candy.

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 09:03 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Popcorn Gun
NPCs involved: Channah &...DUN DUN DUN!! The Toy Maker...that guy really should have a name, especially is Channah's going to recieve a kiss from him!
Comments: Holly Jolly, haha. Wanted to put a twist on it. :' ) Happy Holidays.
Participation prize: We get one right? If that's the case, it's covered in my first entry.

Last edited by Popcorn Gun; 01-03-2011 at 01:29 AM..

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 10:02 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Seito
NPCs involved: Abel and Lance

Bad IdeaX

“You just kissed me.”

Lance began to sweat a little. He was dead, in fact he was deader than dead. Shit! What the hell was he thinking? Okay so maybe lifting some of Mr. Mayor’s mulled wine was not the best idea in his book. But it was only one cup! There was no way he got tipsy after one cup. No, he clearly must have gotten tipsy otherwise if he had valued his life at all, he wouldn’t have done what he just did.

“You. Just. Kissed. Me.”

Oh great, emphasize on every single word. Yup. He shouldn’t have done it at all.

Lance took a step back. “Now, Abel. Let’s not do anything rash,” he said nervously.

Abel grabbed Lance by the collar of his shirt. “Do you have any idea what you’ve just done?” the elf hissed. Words could not begin to explain the anger Abel felt.

“But it was mistletoe!” Lance defended himself. A death glare from Abel silenced him. “Mistletoe or not, you shouldn’t have done it!” Abel snapped back. “Do you realize what you just unleashed?!”

Lance opened his mouth to answer but Abel continued on ranting. “Of course not! You idiot! I have enough troubles as is when it comes to Nalin.” The elf gestured to the flower shopkeeper across the room, completely obviously and blushing redder than an apple as Channah teased him mercilessly.

“Nalin?” Lance squeaked. What kind of trouble could Abel possibly have with Nalin of all people? Nalin was like the nicest person on the planet. The only person who could possibly be nicer was Cecilia and only because she didn’t know people could be so cruel and heartless.

“There are enough people on this island who think I’m dating him. I don’t need you adding fuel to the fire!” Abel exploded.

Oooo. So that’s what this was about. Fangirls. Now that Lance thought about it, there were quite a few of people who were convinced that Abel and Nalin were dating. Suddenly what Abel was trying to tell him clicked together. Oh no! What if people started thinking that he was dating Abel? … Nah! It was just a little harmless kiss under the mistletoe. No one saw that! No one would believe it if they did?

Before Lance could say anything though, there was a crash and something fell out of the closet. They both looked to see a girl with a birthday cake hat on the ground with a camera recorder on her hands. She quickly stood up, squealed slightly, before taking off and yelling, “Omigosh guys! You’ll never guess who Abel just kissed! I HAVE PICTURES!!”

Lance swallowed hard as he watched the girl disappear like a ninja. Oh boy, he just had to curse it didn’t he? He turned back to Abel whose hands seem to be burning a bright blue flame. Lance held up his hands up in defense and squeaked.

This was gonna hurt.


Yes. Definitely not one his better ideas.

Comments: Inspired by/Companion piece to Iro's Abel/Lance picture. So much fun to write. <3
Participation prize: Holly Jolly, Homemade Angel Please? :3

ToriKat is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 11:18 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: ToriKat
NPCs involved: Goddesses, Peeblo, Abel, Nalin, Lance, Li Mei
Entry: Mene - WN 10 - Mistletoe2 by ~torikat on deviantART
Comments: Wanted to try a crazy pic. xD Humorous holly jolly pairings...and then I kind of lost where I was headed with it. xD
Participation prize: Already chose one from first entry!

Y'all keep making Nalin*tried to make it interesting?* ;D

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 11:32 AM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Seito
NPCs involved: Nalin and Abel. With a side helping of Peeblo, Yumeh, Afrodonkey and Birthday Cake Hat Girl.

Best laid plans go awryX

Birthday Cake Hat Girl (whose name is actually Seito. No relation to another certain minion-loving, insane, overlord Seito) had a mission, an impossible mission that no other girl succeeded in finishing.

Get a picture of Nalin and Abel kissing.

Yes, she knows that’s insane and yes they probably aren’t dating. (She’s crazy, not deluded). But hey, a girl can dream right?

The only problem was how to do it?

Waiting for them to do just simply kiss wasn’t going to happen nor was waiting for one of them to crackle and confess their undying love for each other. No. This plan would require courage! Intelligence! Stealth! And lots of duct tape!

Once her supplies were gathered, Seito took off. Finding Nalin was easy, kidnapping him was even easier. All Seito had to do was to start a group hug with Nalin in the middle. Once everyone was busy hugging each other, using duct tape, a wig, a smoke bomb and barrel, Seito had successfully manage to kidnap Nalin without anyone being wiser. (She even managed to kidnap a minion from the other Seito, dress him up as Nalin and leave him in Nalin’s place.)

Abel on the other hand was another story. Seito hadn’t seen hide or hair of him since the winter event had started. Still with some handy anti magic charms (the other Seito really had a lot of things), she did manage to track him down, tie him up with duct tape and deposit him into the same room as Nalin. She made sure her camera was set up in the perfect position. For extra motivation, she tied a mistletoe above them and left a note saying: “If you want your freedom, kiss under the mistletoe and you’re good to go.”

Seeing their faces when they woke up and realized what their predicament was priceless.

(Seito wonder if she should use the other Seito’s plan to rule the world using these two. She’s fairly certain it would work.)

“I am not doing this,” Abel swore.

“I can’t be believe they actually manage to kidnap us,” Nalin said in distress. “I know we’ll regret this, but I don’t see any other way out of here?” he continued meekly.

Abel could only glare at the mistletoe hanging above them. “Fine.”

On the other side of the door, watching from the camera, Seito could only crackle in glee. This was it! They were actually gonna do it! She would finally have proof!!

And then Yumeh dashed into the room.

“W-wait, what? Where did Yumeh come from?” Seito asked. Before she could figure it out though, Afrodonkey with Peeblo on his back came bursting through the door. In the confusion, Nalin and Abel manage to get free and flee from the scene before Seito could stop them. All she was left with was an empty room and a trampled mistletoe.

“NOOO! So close!” Seito said with a sob. “But I will not give up! I WILL GET THAT PICTURE ONE DAY!”


Comments: I don't care what anyone says. They're drunk of holly jolly punch or something. Don't believe them. The Birthday Cake Hat Girl in the story aint me!
Participation prize: I already choose it? xD

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 12:42 PM

lol I love that you added a variety, Tori.
The bottom is cute, too. ^^ What is on the bottom left of it?

At Your Service
harakun is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 02:47 PM

Love those stories, Seito! X3
And Tori's sketches. Awesome as usual. :squee:

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 05:41 PM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: monstahh`
NPCs involved: Vicky and Mr. Mayor


Midnight Kiss
by monstahh`

[The scene is set at a New Years Party at Mr. Mayor's house, there are still some remnants of Christmas decorations hung about. Guests are drinking champagne or sparkling ciders and mulling about enjoying the new years party.]

My. Mayor: Welcome Vicky! I'm so glad to see you here! He opens his arms in a warm embrace for Vicky.
Vicky: Mr. Mayor! (She hugs him.) So glad to see you, I'm sorry I missed your Holiday Party...I was on vacation!
Mr. Mayor: Oh yes I'd heard about that from your sister. She told me you'd gone to an island resort to treat yourself.
Vicky: Yes I did and it was wonderful!
[Clocks in the background show several minutes to midnight.]
Vicky notices the clocks first.
Vicky: Oh how exciting, only a few more minutes left of 2010!
Mr. Mayor: Oh, really? Mr. Mayor smiles at Vicky. Well can I offer you some champagne then?
Vicky: Oh yes, please do. She smiles back.
[They go into the kitchen, past a group of guests. There is a big cake on the counter, and Mistletoe above the door to the back-porch.
Mr. Mayor hands Vicky a champagne flute with strawberry champagne.]
Vicky: Thank you so much! This party is lovely!
My. Mayor: I think so too.
[Clocks show less than one minute to midnight. Other guests start the countdown.]
Guests in the background: 10...9...
Mr. Mayor: Oh Vicky come here, to the porch, lets watch the stars as we ring in the new year!
Guests in the background: 8...
Vicky: Alright!
(They cross the stage to door to the porch.)
Guests in the background: 7...6...5...4...
[Mr. Mayor stops in the doorway.]
Mr. Mayor: Oh, Vicky. (He wraps his arms around her.)
Vicky: Yes? (She blushes.)
(Mr. Mayor points up at the mistletoe, and leans over to kiss Vicky.)
[Curtains fall.]

Comments: I had a lot of fun writing that, actually. :lol:
Participation prize: Homemade angel

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 05:55 PM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: blueblackrose
NPCs involved: Peeblo, Trick, Channah and Nami


The Festival of Winter Nights was in full swing when two naughty pranksters, Peeblo and Trick, put their heads together. They had both been pretty good until now, they agreed. It was time to liven up this festival with some pranks. So they plotted to trick that old bat, Channah, into getting kissed under some mistletoe. Trick got the mistletoe while Peeblo hand crafted a note to fool Channah. Once this was complete Trick took the letter to Channah’s house and slipped it under the door. He smirked as he laughed to himself before going back to where the dance was to be held.

Peeblo giggled with glee as he wrote another letter this time to Nami. “This shall be fun. I can’t wait to see their faces.” It wasn’t long before he was finished with his letter to Nami. He scampered off and dropped the letter off at Nami’s home. As he turned to head back there was a gleam of mischief in his eyes and an evil grin upon his lips. There was no way their plan would fail is what he thought and no one would know he was behind it all.

“What is this,” Channah wondered. She was surprised to find a letter from some unknown person inside the envelope. As she read she couldn’t believe her eyes. It appeared that she had a secret admirer who wanted to meet her at the dance. This made her suspicious, but the thought also excited her. She smiled to herself as she went to get ready since the dance would be starting in a few hours.

Nami questioned the letter in his hands. Who would send me this he pondered. It had to be Jeryck. He was one of the few that would have that type of information about the island. He went to get ready since this would a dance he didn’t want to miss.

It finally came time for the dance. Peeblo lurked around in the shadows watching and Trick waited in his hiding spot with the mistletoe. Channah arrived and waited by the window as the letter instructed. Both Trick and Peeblo giggled when they seen the unsuspecting Nami enter the room. He wondered why Channah seemed to be waiting there for someone. Had he been wrong? Channah smiled at Nami thinking he couldn’t be the one. Trick made his move and appeared above the two with mistletoe. There was a smirk on his face as he dropped it into Channah’s hair.

Both Channah and Nami looked at each other embarrassed. Channah had the sneaking suspicion that this had all been planned out. Quickly the two kissed each other hoping no one would notice. Peeblo busted out laughing and pointed. What fun he thought. Hearing the laughter Channah glared at Peeblo, readying her purse. Marching over, mistletoe still in her hair, she swung it at the imp and started to beat him. “I’ll teach you for trying to make a fool out of me!” Nami quietly snuck away.

Comments: Today's lesson is that you never mess with a lady that knows how to swing a purse...
Participation prize: Old Jack Frost

ToriKat is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
lol I love that you added a variety, Tori.
The bottom is cute, too. ^^ What is on the bottom left of it?
It's a mistletoe, lol. xD

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 07:39 PM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: fairywaif
NPCs involved: Tesel and Magnus and brief mentions of Vicki, Nalin, Abel, Nami, Channah and Lise (It is a party after all!)
Entry: Tesel surreptitiously tugged on her dress, wishing it wasn't so snug. Vicki had insisted she wear it. She loved her sister, but she could be wearing on the nerves. So she had given in. She hadn't even wanted to come to this party in the first place. She was not a party kind of girl, although it was very civilised and polite. Also, she felt naked without her pudao in hand. She surveyed the room. Lise was also standing in a corner, but she was talking to Channah. She was probably asking where Channah managed to get her heads, and how could she get one. Tesel really didn't want to think about it. Nami, who she didn't tend to see much was talking to Abel about the latest magic items he had gotten in. Nalin had managed to get himself backed into a corner. He was blushing furiously as girls crowded around him, trying to manuever him to the mistletoe. Tesel sighed and poured herself another glass of punch. She turned around, feeling a presence behind her. She restrained herself from lashing out at whoever had crept up behind her.
"Oh, hello Magnus." She turned back around and continued sipping her drink.
"Hello Tesel," Magnus said in his deep melodic voice. "How are you tonight."
"Bored." She leaned back against the table, a slight smile beginning to shadow her face.
"Well, let's see if I can change that. Why are you here anyways?"
"Vicktoria." Tesel groaned. "She can be...well extremely annoying until she gets her way."
Magnus laughed, a deep, low chuckle. "I've experienced that myself. But I imagine you have to put up with it more, being her sister."
"You have no idea!" Tesel smiled, put at ease by Magnus' manner. "I love her. Really, but she can be such a PAIN!" She brought a hand lightly to her forehead. "Don't tell her this but I wouldn't trade her for another sister. Seriously, don't tell her. I won't hear the end of it for WEEKS."
"I promise. You won't hear word of it passing my lips." Magnus smiled softly.
They talked for a while, until the party began winding down. Magnus took her gently by the wrist and led her out. He stopped at the doorway.
"What are you stopping for?" Tesel said.
Magnus pointed up, and then gently kissed her on the lips. Tesel blushed as Magnus walked her down the stairs, stunned.
"Good night. I hope to see you soon."
"Yeah...good night. And...thanks."
Comments: I wanted to do a pairing that not everyone was doing, and I thought of Magnus and Tesel and realised they'd be perfect for each other!
Participation prize: Jack Frost please!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by harakun View Post
Love those stories, Seito! X3
And Tori's sketches. Awesome as usual. :squee:
<3 thank you!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 10:41 PM

Guess who got caught kissing!
Username: Suona
NPCs involved: Abel and Tesel, with some Nalin and Magnus on the side


Abel shifted his feet and leaned against the wall, surveying the room. Everyone was gathered in one of the many rooms that Mr. Mayor had to offer. There were tables of goodies, and Abel had noticed Mr. Mayor at one earlier, cleverly sneaking some of his wine onto a table. Decked out, there were table cloths on the tables, with charming little poinsettia centerpieces that Nalin had provided, tid-bits here and there, a Christmas tree in the corner with presents beneath it, and Abel's least favorite of all – mistletoe; placed strategically all around the room. He'd been eyeing the fungus since he had come in.

Abel's brows furrowed together and he pulled his scarf up higher, safely guarding his lips from any possible danger that the mistletoe had to offer. What was people’s fascination with kissing one another beneath a fungus, he'd never know, but he didn't intend to get sucked into the madness. Holiday cheer he can do, but some traditions just are beyond him. He'd had enough rumors about him going around that he didn't need to be seen kissing someone. His life was private and not for others to dwell upon, although they never seemed to be capable of butting out.

He frustratingly twisted the gift bag in his hand as he eyed the Christmas tree across the room. A few of the storekeepers and some other notable citizens had done a Secret Santa gift exchange, and Nalin had somehow managed to talk him into participating.

Taking a deep breath, he made a B-line for the tree, steering clear of the other people. He came to a stop next to the pile of gifts, letting out the breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, and neatly set the bag down below the tree.

Unsure how this thing worked, since Nalin hadn’t quite explained it, he peeked around the tree for something with his name on it. Turning his head, he hissed as an ornament poked him in the eye. Trying to blink away the pain, he saw that Tesel was standing in front of him with a very irritated look on her face. She held a gift bag loosely in one hand as though it was something unsavory that she didn’t wish to be touching.

He must have looked baffled, because she let out an irritated huff and jutted it in his face, “It’s for you.”

Before he could say anything, the Mayor’s hand intercepted the gift and pointed out the mistletoe above. “Kiss!” He said with a grin, the smell of wine on his breath. They both looked horrified and shook their heads in protest.

Suddenly Magnus’ hand gave a hard pat on Tesel’s back, “Go ahead, you two!” he boomed as she stumbled foreword.

Shocked, Abel quickly pulled the Mayor in front of him, successfully blocking the kiss. Turning, he saw Vicky, her face red with anger as she glared at her cousin and the mayor.

Abel quickly turned and slipped away to somewhere safer.

Comments: Its the only thing that I could think of. It was a bit nicer beforehand, but I had to cut it down to be 500 words.
Participation prize: Fun with Tinsel, please. ^^

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 10:52 PM

hehehe suo that was great! and i'm sure abel would be happy with this outcome :P

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 11:25 PM

lol Thanks, Linnea!
Yeah, I was trying to think of something that seemed like it could possibly happen.

Might do another one, but I haven't decided.

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 12:30 AM

Soon to be last call for anyone wanting to enter!

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 02:36 AM

Will the Community Discussions thread you make be stickied or something so that we can find it easily? Or all of us who entered going to be pinged?


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