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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 01:24 AM

Dylan tugged at his friend's sleeve with a sigh. "Are you really going to make me go with you? You know that all that psychic stuff is just a crock, right Tara?" The copper haired man doubted his words were going to make any difference. His plump friend tended to ignore anything he said when it contradicted what she thought was true.

The cinnamon eyed girl plunged down the bustling street with a grin. Her ankle boots pounded against the cement as she weaved her way through the crowd, until at last a telltale sign caught her eyes. "There it is! Come on, stop complaining." With that, she dragged her average looking friend inside.

He made no protest after that, but simply settled onto the nearest available free space he could find. The table was comfortable enough, though Dylan had to wonder if those stacks of paper he'd made fall were important. He shrugged, and watched as Tara went to ring a bell vigorously. The chiming sound went on and on as she fidgeted with her dress, strangely elegant hands twisting and turning the hem over and over again. At least she was wearing leggings, otherwise the poor young woman would have been quite embarrassed by her nervous actions.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 02:12 AM

"La di da da dum ta doo.... A little bit of mint... A smidge of lavender... And now my tea is complete!" A sultry, captivating voice sang as the woman leaned over her little treat. She had made herself some tea to go along with the lemon scone she had made earlier. Just as she was sitting down, preparing to eat, she heard the bell. With a sigh she got up, leaving her snack where it sat. "I'll be back for you later delicious." She said before going to see who was requesting her services. Talia, why didn't you put up the sign today? The naturally tanned woman thought to herself before she appeared from behind a cloth curtain. She carefully flipped a bit of her long curly cranberry colored hair over her shoulder and locked her crystalline ocean blue eyes on the girl ringing the bell. "You require my assistance?" Talia asked in a kind voice, letting her eyes drift over to the girl's friend who had knocked her papers off of the table before returning them to the girl. Before the girl could respond, Talia motioned for the girl to follow her to the table where the boy was. Talia carefully fixed the skirt of her floor-length light purple spaghetti-strapped sweetheart neck-lined dress before she sat down. The dress hugged her curvacious frame perfectly. Talia had a little meat on her bones, and she liked that about herself. It made the features of her face look even more sweetly alluring than they had when she was younger and skinnier. Of course all her curves were in the right places, a blessing and a curse in her opinion. Shaking her thoughts away she motioned for the girl to sit across from her. "So how can Talia help you, Tara?" Talia asked, sensing that the girl was called the name Tara.

"Eugh...", grunted a raspy voice from beneath a thin sheet in the darkened room. A few moments later a head of messy dark brown hair sat up, rubbing his head. Killian's head felt like it was being mined with a pick-axe. He let himself gather a little more before he reached into the drawer beside his bed and grabbed a syringe and tourniquet. He tightened the tourniquet before injecting the fluid of the syringe into his veins. After all that was situated he pushed himself completely out of his bed and headed towards the shower to wash the stench of last night from his body. After five minutes of cleaning he got out and looked at himself in the mirror. His forest green eyes were bloodshot from what he had done last night and he just looked terrible. He was pale and incredibly skinny. Sometimes he chose not to buy food in order to support his recreational habits, only making sure to pay rent on his cruddy apartment. With a shrug he went back into his bedroom to dress himself and head out. He typically wore a faded pair of jeans and a t-shirt with some sort of design on it along with a pair of dark grey sneakers he'd had forever. On the street he ignored everyone he passed, not caring about them. He was just going. Killian was supposed to meet up with his friends later, but for now he had time to kill. He just didn't know what to do, so he figured he'd walk until he thought of something.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 03:25 AM

The woman was amazing. Tara smiled almost giddily at this show of power, while Dylan rolled his eyes. There were ways to find such things out. Only so many names existed in the world, and Tara's purse had a keychain with the initial of her name on it.

"Would you read my future?" The honey blonde haired woman plopped down at the chair, sitting near the table. She leaned her elbows against the round top, after shoving Dylan off the surface of course.

He grunted as he moved, and turned to glare at the striking psychic. "You may be able to make Tara believe you, but I know better!" Dylan hated how his disbelief sounded so hollow. Even so, there was nothing more he could say, not with Tara there. He might hurt her feelings, and the young woman was like a sister to him.

Instead he turned away, slipping outside and grabbed his cellphone from the pocket of his faded jeans. Flipping it open, Dylan dialed his, and Tara's, friend's number. Killian would probably need reminding about their meeting at the Old Dale bar.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 03:50 AM

Talia smirked and shook her head at the guy's skepticism. She had run into his type before, always doubting her abilities. It was understandable, she had doubted them when they first manifested. Over time she figured it all out, but still. Plus it was wise of him to doubt. There were so many pretended to have gifts, learning to use broad terms that roll off of their forked tongues for money of those too naive to see the trickery. Talia despised those people. The psychic took a deep breath to clear her troubled thoughts away and waited until after the guy was gone to start her reading. "I see a long life ahead of you. You will run across several obstacles, often times feeling as if they are impassable. But do not fret, you will over-come these troubles. You will find love in your journey. Strong bonds will be formed." She began her reading, taking on this mystical tone, her eyes focused deep into Tara's eyes. Then her eyebrows wrinkled. "Very soon a friend will need your help. The path in helping this friend will not be easy. It will be full of darkness and pain. You will feel as if you are going to break, so will your friend. Fight. Encourage your friend. For neither of you will be alone on this path. There will be three of you. You'll all become closer at the end of the path, two of you closer than the other." Talia added, that was all she could read without a more specific question and even then she wasn't guaranteed to be able to answer the question. "Anything else, Tara?"

Killian nearly jumped out of his skin when his cell phone rang, forgetting that it was not on vibrate. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and slid the lockbar to answer it. "Yeah?" He answered without even looking to see who had been calling him. He continued to walk while on his phone, now entering a busy sidewalk where he was forced to just shove people out of the way. Most of them were rather unhappy with his rude behavior, but once again he didn't care.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 07:45 PM

"N-no, that's fine. Thank you though." The young woman put her payment down hastily. Her eyes were wide, full of worry. She knew Dylan was fine, but Killian was another matter. He'd been loosing weight recently, and there was just something off .... "Excuse me." With a nod the plump girl sprinted out of the shop.

Dylan opened his mouth, had the time to say "Hey Killian you ..." before the phone was snatched away by a worried looking Tara. Blinking incredulously, the man turned to enter the store his friend had just exited. He wore a thunderous expression as he moved to place his hands with a loud thump onto the psychic's table. "What the heck did you say to her? I've never seen Tara that worried before!" That's wasn't true, when Tara's sister had ended up in the hospital with some tropical disease she'd been a wreck, but this ... and so suddenly ...

Oblivious to Dylan's outburst, the short woman was chattering at her friend with a panicked edge to her voice. "You're coming to the bar tonight, right Killian? Promise you're going to be there." She had already been worried about him, but now this psychic started talking about a friend needing her help, and Tara just knew that wasn't Dylan. Surely, surely, if she managed to talk to him, there might be a way to figure out what had begun to bother him so.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 07:57 PM

Talia watched, slightly concerned, as the girl left so hurriedly. She hadn't meant to upset her, but Talia only ever spoke the truth and sometimes that wasn't easy. The boy had come back shortly after the girl had left. Her eyes drifted to his hands on the table before she looked back at him with a calm expression. "The truth. That's the only thing I ever tell anyone. She was worried about someone, and she is right to worry about them, and I picked up on it. She needed to know, and you'll find out yourself soon enough. Who knows, you two might help save a life, hm?" She said standing up. She carefully picked up Tara's payment and handed it back to the boy. "Give this back to her. I didn't mean to upset her. Now, Dylan, if you'll excuse me. I have my tea waiting."

Killian took a moment to register Dylan's voice, but by that time another voice had popped up on the phone. "Tara? What in the wor- Are you okay?" He asked, hearing the panic in her voice. He stopped dead in the middle of the busy sidewalk, forcing people to walk around him. He had a worried expression on his face as he spoke on his phone. "I'll be there. I promise. What happened, Tara? What got you so... riled up?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 08:36 PM

He stared down at the money for a moment, then let out a long sigh. "You upset her with your tricks and I won't let that stand. You're going to help make this right." The man wanted nothing more then to expose this woman as a fraud, but he didn't know how to, and certainly didn't want to hurt his friend by doing so. It took him a few moments, but Dylan finally realized that she had used his name. "How did you .. Find out my name? I never said it, and neither did Tara." She'd done her research all right.

"I'm fine, I was just worried about you." He had been looking horrible, and seemed to be getting worse by the day. Then that psychic had to say what she did... Well that had just made it all worse. "Well . I kind of went to see this psychic. Dylan thinks I'm silly for believing, but ..." The young woman trailed off uncertainly. She wasn't quite sure what Killian thought on the whole psychic, paranormal, supernatural front. They hadn't talked about it over much, if at all.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 03-30-2013, 08:57 PM

Talia looked at Dylan and just smirked. Of course he didn't believe. "I sensed it, but you don't believe that's possible so think what you'd like." She responded before turning to head towards her curtained room. She paused just before it and turned back to Dylan. "As for your friend, all I can offer her is my guidance. The path has been set into motion and there's nothing that can be done now. The three of you choose how the path ends, no matter what I say. I look forward to seeing you again, Dylan. People like you are good for people like me. You give us a challenge." She said before disappearing behind the curtain, at which point the sounds of a chair scooting out and a tea cup being set on a saucer could be heard.

Killian sighed and shook his head. He was quite fascinated by the whole supernatural-paranormal topic, but he chose to look at it on a level that required reason. "Okay. Your reading just spooked you. Geez, I thought someone died or something. And don't listen to Dylan, he's full of shit." He said, beginning to walk again. It was a relief that it had only been over a reading, his heart had been pounding so hard he thought he might pass out. "What'd the psychic say?" He asked out of pure curiosity. It had to be something if Tara had worried over it, then again she believed in that stuff on a much higher level than he did so it could have just been that. But he doubted that. Tara was smart so surely she wouldn't be that blinded by belief, at least that's what Killian thought.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-31-2013, 12:19 AM

She smiled and laughed a little at Killian's words. He always did know what to say to lighten the mood. Still, Tara just couldn't shake that feeling of worry. It was persistent, and simply wouldn't let go no matter what she thought. "That a friend needs my help, and I've been worrying about you a lot lately. You've been losing so much weight Killian, and you aren't looking the greatest either." She couldn't really say when she'd begun to notice, but whatever was dragging her friend down had been going on for far too long.

She clutched the phone tightly as Dylan stormed out of the shop angrily. They both began walking back the way they had come, towards the bar. It wasn't really all that far from the psyhic's shop, not when you were used to walking all around town. The few blocks were nothing, and so they were sure to get there early.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 03-31-2013, 02:27 AM

Killian was glad Tara laughed a little bit, but then he had to snort. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me, alright? You only need to worry about yourself." He said, crossing the street to a less crowded sidewalk. "I'm about to be at the bar. I'll see you guys there, hitting a dead zone." He said, ending the call hurriedly before he made his way into a damp, cold alleyway. There was guy in a hoodie there waiting for him. Killian discreetly pulled out some money and exchanged it for little baggies that he snuck safely into his pocket before continuing on his way. It didn't take him long to reach the bar so he just went on in and sat at a booth and ordered a shot of whiskey.

Talia finished her tea and scone before getting up from her seat to wash the dishes she had used. By the time that was done she had another client waiting for her. This client requested a very quick reading and was in and out within five minutes. Since there was no one scheduled to visit her, Talia decided to close up for the day and go run a few errands. She had put on a springy-green wrap to cover her shoulders and grabbed her large beaded bag before heading out. She was heading to the bookstore so she could buy some books to help in her research. After that she thought perhaps she should go to the produce market, but she also wanted to go see if Arina's had anything new. Arina's was a shop that sold miscellaneous items of the supernatural variety, so Talia liked to see what all there was.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 02:20 PM

As soon as they were inside the building, Tara craned her neck and jumped a little to find Killian. She grinned the moment she saw him, and ran over to give the young man an enthusiastic hug. "Oh good, you really did make it! How are you doing? Everything going okay with that job of yours?" She loosened her hold enough to send Killian a questioning look, but her arms were still wrapped around her friend's shoulders. Tara didn't just hug anyone, even Dylan got those sparingly. For some reason though, it didn't bother her to be so ... well clingy, with her green eyed friend.

Dylan moved to the bar, waved a hand, and ordered a scotch for himself, and a fruity vodka drink for Tara. He knew she wouldn't want anything else unless she ordered it herself. The young man weaved his way through the crowd carefully, and slipped into the seat facing his two friends. He'd leave the spot beside Killian to Tara. He was starting to think that the young woman might have a crush on the pale man.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 04:01 PM

Killian looked up when his friends joined him, mainly because of Tara's hug, which he half-way returned. "Course I made it. Said I'd be here." He said, switching his gaze to what had held his whiskey. He appeared to be deep in thought for a moment. Maybe he was, and maybe he wasn't. As he turned the shot glass between his fingers on the table, Killian noticed the bone on the side of his wrist was more prominent than it had been which made him think he'd lost more weight than he'd realized. "The job's goin' good. I'm fine." He answered simply, not moving his eyes away from the shot glass. He seemed to be transfixed on it. As if it were some sort of ancient relic, or as if it had suddenly sprouted a head and was talking to him. It took him a moment to force his eyes to his friends, and once he did he pushed the glass away from him so he wouldn't be tempted. "How about you two? All good? No trouble, right? Y'all haven't started doin' drugs or anything right? Cause I might have to beat the mess out of ya." He asked, poking a little fun even if his jokes were slight jabs at himself. But he played it cool, nothing was wrong. Yeah, right. You can't lie to them forever. They know something's up. You practically look like a twig now, you dumbass. Course they wouldn't understand either. He thought, shifting his gaze towards the bottles behind the bar for just a moment before looking between Dylan and Tara.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 06:26 PM

Dylan snorted. "You're such an ass! Course we're not into that stuff!" He glanced at Tara. "Well Tara might be gullible enough.."

"Shut it Dylan!" Turning to Killian she was all smiles as she settled down beside him. Tara was determined not to let him see just how he worried her. Such stick thin limbs, such an unhealthy complexion... "You're sure you're okay? You look kind of sick Killian." Alright so her worry ruled.

It was no surprise to Dylan, in fact if she hadn't brought it up he probably would have. Maybe that psychic had been right. Shaking his head, Dylan tried to chase the thought away. Not true! The woman had to have some tricks lying around to help her figure things out like that. He sipped his drink, thinking over how to trap the woman into revealing herself as a fraud.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 04-05-2013, 01:24 PM

Killian smirked at Dylan's remark. "Really? I thought you already knew that." He responded before looking at Tara. He turned his head to look up at the ceiling as he ran a hand through his hair, his lips set in a thin line as he thought on how to answer that. No, I'm not okay. But I can't tell them that. They'll just try to help me. Might try to send me to some rehab place where they try to teach you internal healing and shit like that. No. I'm fine. I don't have a problem. I'll just eat a little more and gain some weight. Surely I can just explain not eating as a lack of funds, right? Yeah. What if they ask you where all your money is going?... Landlady raised the rent. Yeah. That works. He thought, letting his eyes dart back and forth as they continued to look at the ceiling. "Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He answered, tilting his head back down to look at his friends. His green eyes scanned the room for a moment before settling on the front door. He was thinking again, deep in thought. He was so deep in thought that you'd probably have to shove him a bit to get his attention.

((OOC: I won't be on much until Tuesday. Got lots to do, but I'll post if I get the opportunity to sneak on.))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-11-2013, 10:04 AM

Shaking his head, Dylan waltzed over to the bar and ordered himself a good sized plate of food, hamburger and fries really. The moment he left, Tara moved to give her friend's shoulder a hard shove. "You're lying. Now tell me what's going on. Or I'll annoy you until you do." The young woman had been worried for far too long, and now she was determined to find out what was going on.

Dylan glanced back and shook his head slightly when he saw the way Tara was acting. Instead of returning right away, he started to chat happily with the bartender.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 04-25-2013, 09:25 PM

Killian turned his attention back to his friend, noticing Dylan was no long at the table. His eyes look down to Tara for just a moment before he looked at his hands on the table with just a slight shake of his head. "Pester away then, cause there's nothing going on. Nothing that should concern you anyway." He said in a flat voice that meant he wouldn't further this discussion. She'll find out eventually, y'know? Yeah, but I can't tell her. Well why not? Gonna let her find out when you're in the hospital or dying? No, but I can't tell her. She'll just go into mom-mode and I don't want that. So I'm not gonna tell her... not yet anyway. Besides... I'm fine.

((Sorry. I forgot to reply. D: ))


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