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Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:33 PM

Welcome to the Coffin, the musty hang-out for our Wardrobe charity, where everything is done in poor taste. Much like a wardrobe, they're both made of wood and capable of storing your bodies. Or sleeping in. Or possibly going on adventures in strange lands (with or without the aid of 'shrooms).

Everyone is welcome to join Llama and chat, there will be games, prizes, but mostly bawdy comments and debauchery.


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-03-2016 at 06:16 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:34 PM



The point of this is to play the various mini-games offered, each one awards prizes. The person with the most points at the end of the event will get:


The games are random and have no purpose other than to amuse me.

All games will be made in a post by Llama with the title Mini-game Showdown. Follow the rules and complete the challenge to get points, point amounts will be stated in said post.


Current Points:
Kay - 42
Siipu - 38
SuperZombiePotatoe - 26
Shadami - 10


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-03-2016 at 02:25 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:34 PM


All contests will run until the end of the event. The basic rules are you must follow the given theme and use only your own items (NO DAC)! No mules, except charity approved mules.

Create your very own addition to the Skeleton army, is he a lowly foot soldier? Is she a general? It doesn't matter, but they better be ready for battle (and be a skeleton, of course)!

To Enter:
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]They may take away our skin, but they'll never take our... bones![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Army Rank[/B]:


Username: XoGIZMOoX
Army Rank: Fatalities of all ranks in the war against the hungry unknown ^.^

Username: Shadami
Army Rank: behind enemy lines

Username: SuperZombiePotatoe
Army Rank: Airforce/Archer (They won't never see me coming :D)

Username: dragoness129
Army Rank: Corporal

Username: Linnea
Army Rank: mountie!

Show off all the classic ghosts, ghouls, and spooky creatures! Frankenstein, Dracula, all of those are welcome here!

To Enter:
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]


Username: star2000shadow
Creature: Vampire

Username: Gremmy -Gizzies Charity-
Creature: A goulish witch

Username: XoGIZMOoX
Creature: Wolf man

Username: Shadami
Creature: Frankenstein's monster's daughter, Frankie

Username: dragoness129
Creature: Zachary Binx from Hocus Pocus

Username: Linnea
Creature: You can't get any more old school than Nosferatu

Everything doesn't have to be scary, show off your funniest costume you've got!

To Enter:
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Stay Spoopy![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]


Username: shadami

Username: XoGIZMOoX

Username: star2000shadow

Username: SuperZombiePotatoe

Username: dragoness129

Username: Linnea
Pig in a blanket... get it!

Username: Kay

Yeah, you won, big deal. You ain't truly done nothing until you win twice, right? So here is your chance! Take the item you won in the raffle, make an awesome avatar, and enter it here. The entry pool will be small, so a better chance you'll win, right? Please actually use the items to make an interesting avatar, rather than simply adding it to the one you've already had.

To Enter:
[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I'm a weiner![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Raffle Item Won[/B]:


Username: Shadami
Raffle Item Won: the spider hairpin and the voodoo skin

Username: Kay
Raffle Item Won:Whimsical bard, angelic blessings, year of the warm fuzzies


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-03-2016 at 04:16 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:35 PM


Each day you can try your luck to find treasures buried long ago. No one will miss them, right? Probably not, just don't get caught by that creepy groundskeeper.

Try your luck with a roll each day and see what you find. Jewels? Treasures? Ratty clothing? Whatever it is, at least it is free, right? Not like they were using it.

[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Lime"]Robbin' a grave - Day 5[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Stealth Roll[/B]: [dice]x[/dice]


Huh? You can't seem to find the groundskeeper anywhere. Well, this should be easy! 1+ for stealth.

The graves are not speaking to you today. Did you take your medication? Guess you'll just have to wing it.

Day Five RollsX


Huh? You can't seem to find the groundskeeper anywhere. Well, this should be easy! 1+ for stealth.

The graves are not speaking to you today. Did you take your medication? Guess you'll just have to wing it.

Username - Grave, Stealth

dragoness129 - 6,5
Shadami - 6,1
Siipu - 2,5
Salvete - 4,1

Day Four RollsX


Oh, the groundskeeper is asleep, should be easy enough to sneak past him. Roll a 2+ for stealth.

Why don't you aim for the high numbered graves? 4-6 should net you treasures!

Username - Grave, Stealth

Shadami - 1, 6
Siipu - 1,3

Day Three RollsX


After a long, cold day the groundskeeper just wants to curl up by his fire in a barrel and relax. Plus, he found a nearly empty bottle of some liquor by one of the graves and some broken scraps of pottery. Might as well enjoy it. You only need to roll a 3 or higher for stealth.

You have an odd feeling (get it, odd? Ha!) about the graves tonight.

Username - Grave,Stealth

Kay - 3, 5
Siipu - 3, 4
*Hime* - 3, 4

Day Two RollsX

Stealth 4+ and Graves 1-3

Username - Grave, Stealth

Shadami - 1,6
Kay - 4,4
Siipu = 3,6
*Hime* - 4,3

Day One RollsX


The groundskeeper has been drinking on the job, it should be pretty easy to avoid detection. (Roll a 3 or higher for stealth)

You have a good feeling about all the EVEN NUMBERED graves, perhaps it is treasure calling to you?

Username - Grave, Stealth

Salvete - 2,2
*Hime* - 6,1
Shadami - 2,5
ObviouslyAya - 4,1
Kay - 6,4
Inspiration - 4,6
dragoness129 - 6,1
Siipu - 1,1
Eastriel - 1,4
zigbigadorlube - 5,1

Game will reset around 8pm EDT for a new night of grave robbing, but you can do it at any point within the window.


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-03-2016 at 07:12 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:35 PM


First poster on pages listen will get a random common from this event. Choices may be made available.

Page 3 - salvete
Page 6 - dragoness129 ✓
Page 9 - zigbigadorlube ✓
Page 12 - Shadami ✓
Page 15 - Kay ✓
Page 18 - Kay ✓
Page 21 - Shadami ✓
Page 24 - Siipu ✓
Page 27 - Shadami ✓
Page 30 - Xogizmoox ✓
Page 33 - Queen_Andais ✓
Page 36 - Siipu ✓
Page 39 - Siipu ✓
Page 42
Page 45
Page 48
Page 51

Other Posting Prizes
The people will win a random EI from the event.

Posts First
Posts Last
Posts the Most

The RaffleX

24 hours only! This will run from event start time until the same time the next day, so buy your tickets while you can.

Raffle has ended!

All items are perfect for creating an awesome Halloween costume, and the winners will be eligible for a SPECIAL AVATAR CONTEST, where they will make an Avatar using the item they won and enter to win even more prizes.


➽ All donations should be sent to Prismatic Llama (host) and need to specify the raffle number, and if they are for someone else, that as well.
➽ You can only buy 20 tickets per raffle for yourself. (100gp max for each #)
➽ You can gift entries to others, just note that in the donation.
➽ NO MULES! Except approved charity mules who are playing for their charity.
➽ There is no minimum for tickets purchased, all raffles will happen at the close of this portion.
➽ Don't complain if you don't win.
➽ The raffle will be held LIVE in this thread, 24 hours from the start. I will attempt to give a one hour warning to buy any last minute tickets.
➽ All trades need to be accepted by 11/30/16 or the Llama will be keeping them.


RAFFLE #1 - Eastriel:
RAFFLE #2 - Eastriel:
RAFFLE #3 - *Hime*:
RAFFLE #4 - Inspiration:
RAFFLE #5 - Shadami:
RAFFLE #6 - Kay:
RAFFLE #7 - Kay:
RAFFLE #8 - Kay:
RAFFLE #9 - Shadami:
RAFFLE #10 - Eastriel:
RAFFLE #11 - xoxoAngiexoxo:
RAFFLE #12 - Eastriel:


1. Warmhearted Whalecow


1-20. ObviouslyAya
21-40. M i n u x e
41-60. Eastriel
61. Velvet

2. Keen Kaze-ten


1-20. ObviouslyAya
21-40. Eastriel
41-42. Velvet

3. Loyal Lion-Dog


1-20. ObviouslyAya
21-40. Eastriel
41. Velvet
42-51. *Hime*

4. Magical Mysteries


1-20. Kay
21-40. Inspiration
41-60. Eastriel
61-62. Velvet

5. VooDoo Doll Skin


1-10. Shadami
11-30. Kay
31-50. Eastriel
51. Velvet

6. Year of the Warm Fuzzies


1-20. Inspiration
21-40. Eastriel
41-42. Velvet
43-62. Kay

7. Angelic Blessing


1-20. ObviouslyAya
21-40. Shadami
41-60. *Hime*
61-70. Siipu
71-90. Eastriel
91-93. Velvet
94-113. zigbigadorlube
114-133. Kay

8. Whimsical Bard


1-20. ObviouslyAya
21-40. Inspiration
41-60. Siipu
61-80. Eastriel
81-83. Velvet
84-103. Kay

9. The Black Widow's Pin


1-20. Shadami
21-40. Kay
41-60. Eastriel
61. Velvet

10. Witch's Broom


1-20. Kay
21-40. Inspiration
41-60. Eastriel
61-62. Velvet

11. Spooky Hairpin


1-20. Kay
21-40. xoxoAngiexoxo
41-60. Inspiration
61-80. Eastriel
81-82. Velvet

12. Freaky Fonts


1-20. Inspiration
21-40. Eastriel
41. Velvet
42-61. Kay


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-02-2016 at 08:43 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:36 PM



A Sprinkles tradition. Mene makes it easy by letting us put YouTube videos in our posts, so why not make use of it? The idea is that we choose some themes and everyone takes turns sharing their fave videos that fit the themes. It's fun, fast-paced, and a great way to earn event currency and chat with everyone. Usually we only post MUSIC VIDEOS so please keep that in mind.

The themes:
* Halloween Classics
* Soundtracks
* Covers
* Instrumental

We will be starting at 5pm EDT. Anyone interested will be added to the posting list. We will post in order, with a space between the videos posted to make sure people have time to watch them (usually about five minutes). Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Another post will be made when it is closer to the party time.

When it's your turn, use this code to post your videos:


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-03-2016 at 02:18 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:37 PM


Something has happened!

Okay, phew. They're gone, if you heard the word 'like' one more time you might just literally kill yourself.

No point in trying to read your novel, or anything. You might as just wait for the next zombie to appear, since it seems you'll have no break. Why are you even still here? GO HOME!

You heard a twig break in the distance, you should be worried but at this time you welcome death's sweet embrace.


You shout at the unknown foe.

Oh, that is... not what you were expecting. Well, it is kinda cute, but you've already got a zombie dog, do you need a Llama too?

Though you do know a certain charity host who might like it for a pet. Why don't you try and tame it?


Roll a 69 (ha!) to tame the llama for Llama.

PLEASE PING LLAMA IF YOU GET THE NUMBER! No edits to the numbered post allowed. There is no limit to the amount of rolls you can take, it keeps going until the instance is over. Anyone can do this, if you roll the requested number you will receive a prize.


Last edited by Prismatic Llama; 11-03-2016 at 03:09 PM..

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:37 PM


Feel free to start posting, ya'll.


ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:38 PM

Yay! Hiya, I'm so excited for the event!

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:39 PM

Me too! I thought I was late for the start, but looks like I'm early. Hopefully I didn't post too early. :o

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:41 PM

I don't think I've ever been online at the exact time that a event has started *sparkly eyes*
My thread co-host isn't online yet, so I will be posting about until she's here.

I am so cold, my hands are freezing!!

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:42 PM

Hello! I'm so excited! Too bad it's almost 2 a.m. here -yawn-

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:45 PM

I didn't even know when the event was going to start, so I quickly put this together just in case earlier today. :o I'll have to work on it.

Hopefully your co-host shows up soon! Though it's pretty slow right now, it should be alright for a bit.

Hullo, Hime! I'm excited too. Wow, so late! It's not late here, but I probably wont be able to be on as long as I'd like, since the SO will be home soon enough and we have our stuffs we do together. XD

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:46 PM

Hime: Oh that's a bummer. Do you have to work or have plans tomorrow?

I have the weekend to myself and it's almost 8PM. If the event section
picks up I'll probably stay on until at least 10 or 11PM, if not longer

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:47 PM

Yeah Europe, I'm always on when noone else is :(
Sad. Hopefully this event wakes up a few Mene members.

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Prismatic Llama View Post
I didn't even know when the event was going to start, so I quickly put this together just in case earlier today. :o I'll have to work on it.

Hopefully your co-host shows up soon! Though it's pretty slow right now, it should be alright for a bit.
I actually started planning a week or so ago, which rarely happens.
I think the thread looks fantastic! I plan to register for the raffles

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:48 PM

ObviouslyAya No, fortunately not. I have a long five day weekend, jej!

Kay is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:48 PM

I was wondering when it was going to start. Unfortunately I have to leave for work in about two hours. Got to go check out the event commons and make my list of commons to get.

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:49 PM

Got lot's to do though, we're renovating here

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:49 PM

Hime: I'm sure the event will bring some people online during your day hours
What's the weather like in your part of Europe right now?

---------- Post added 10-28-2016 at 06:50 PM ----------

Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
ObviouslyAya No, fortunately not. I have a long five day weekend, jej!
Awesome! I have a normal work week starting Monday,
but work has been pretty tolerable lately. It'll just be computing
thread rolls after I get back for a couple hours each day lol

Last edited by ObviouslyAya; 10-28-2016 at 10:51 PM..

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:51 PM

It's okay. Getting colder and darker though. Sunday we'll be going back to winter time (2 am becomes 1 am). But they are giving 16°Celcius this weekend, which is not too bad for the time of the year.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:54 PM

I am SO EXCITED for this event!!!

Robbin' a grave
The 6-sided dice lands on 1
Stealth Roll: The 6-sided dice lands on 6

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:54 PM

So that's about 60F? We've had temps in the low 40s lately, and some rainy weather.
There was a tiny bit of wet snow the other day, but it melted. Thank goodness!

I bought a new autumn coat, light enough to keep me warm but not heavy enough for winter.
I also got a new scraper/brush for my car Brr, I get so chilly in my room in the evenings.

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by ObviouslyAya View Post
I actually started planning a week or so ago, which rarely happens.
I think the thread looks fantastic! I plan to register for the raffles
Thanks! I knew I wanted to do a raffle, I wanted to do like... 20 items, but I sorta... just didn't. XD I just didn't want it to be long and complicated. Should be fun.

Originally Posted by Kay View Post
I was wondering when it was going to start. Unfortunately I have to leave for work in about two hours. Got to go check out the event commons and make my list of commons to get.
Oh no, don't go to work, it is a trap!

I didn't even look at the commons yet, I know it is a trap.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:03 PM

Oohh that reminds me to go peek at the special events store <3 I am just so curious to see what there is <3


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