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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:28 PM

Banner art by the lovely Mythos!

Was it Zelda with the Knife in the Hotel?

Or maybe Elliot with the Tommy Gun at Kenneth’s House?

Join us as we investigate the circumstances of a murder mystery and help solve the important questions of WHO committed the crime, with what WEAPON, and WHERE the murder took place.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-20-2015 at 03:48 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:28 PM

  • Each player will be provided with a hand of 5 cards.
  • Check in each day to read up on our latest investigation and chose a location from the map.
  • Select a category (Suspect, Weapon, Location) and submit your choices using the form provided.
  • At the end of the day, you will receive a random card from the category of your choice via Private Message to add to your hand.
  • Using the checklist as your guide, cross off each card you receive, these items are NOT associated with the crime.
  • Once the event is over, you will use process of elimination to discover WHO committed the murder, with what WEAPON, and WHERE the crime took place.
  • Write up your theory of how the clues fit together to frame the crime and send your answer via PRIVATE MESSAGE to Cora or zigbigadorlube by 12:00am PST on February 25th. DO NOT post your theories in the thread.
  • Prizes will be awarded after the event.

  • Each person who correctly guesses all components of the crime will receive a Classic Movie Night .
  • Don't worry, if you left your sleuthing skills behind, incorrect guesses will also receive prizes based on participation.
  • Our favorite 3 theories will receive a medal .

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-08-2015 at 11:56 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:29 PM

  • Only one account per person may participate (with the exception of approved charity mules).
  • Do not discuss your cards with anyone else either in the thread or outside of it. Anyone suspected of cheating may be disqualified and will not receive any prizes.

  • Do I have to sign up?
    Nope! Feel free to jump in; if this is your first day you will be assigned a hand of 5 cards however keep in mind that if you miss a day, you cannot ask for cards from those missed days.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-08-2015 at 11:46 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:29 PM

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-09-2015 at 08:38 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:30 PM

Zelda Dillenger
Zelda Dillenger is the daughter of a wealthy politician and has always had everything she ever wanted in life. She’s a wild child who has cared little for the lifestyle her father wanted for her and only cares about the party. It is common knowledge that she is seen hanging off the arm of new men every other week, offering kisses and kind words in exchange for her chocolate fix. Just last week she was seen hanging off the arm of our victim. Could the Murder have been a relationship gone wrong?

Joe Moran
Joe Moran is the local head honcho of the local branch of the Mob. He is rich, powerful, and to go against him is to bring the wrath of the Menewshan mob down on you. It is common knowledge that he is big in the chocolate industry but there never seems to be any evidence against him. Those who find evidence against him seem to mysteriously disappear without a trace. Could Kenneth have stumbled upon some evidence against Joe?

Lilith Moran
Lilith Moran is Joe Moran's wife. Her life is full of wealth and power but it is also full of lies and deceit. It is said she would do anything to keep her husbands secrets safe and protect the family business. Rumor has it she's been seen secretly meeting Kenneth all over town. Could this be a secret love affair gone wrong? Perhaps a desperate plea to keep Joe's secrets?

Eugene Fitzgerald
Eugene Fitzgerald lives a very famous double life. By day he is a bus boy at the local cafe, by night a very profitable bartender for Joe's Speakeasy. His life is surrounded by the secrets of the rich and powerful. Could he have found secrets on our victim Kenneth? Secrets worth killing for?

Elliot Nitty
Elliot Nitty, the Elliot Nitty. Not much is known about him if truth be told, other then that he is the right hand man of Joe Moran and Carries a big gun. Could Joe have ordered Elliot to kill Kenneth?

Albert Dugan
Albert Dugan is an good a cop as they come. He's known for doing all the right things for the right reasons. Kenneth however is rumored to be the dirty cop nobody wants to admit exists. Albert has been chasing down this lead for as long as anyone can remember but kept coming up empty. Could Albert have finally found out this secret and decided to take the law into his own hands?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-21-2015 at 07:15 PM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:30 PM

Day Six Form:

[b][color=darkred][size=5]Day Six Investigation[/size][/color][/b]
[b]I'd like to visit:[/b] (Chose the location on the map you would like to visit)
[b]I'm looking for:[/b] (Chose a category: Suspect, Weapon, or Location)

Cora: This is it ziggles!

zigbigadorlube: This is what?

Cora: The one we’ve been waiting for, the big one.

zigbigadorlube: Do we get to arrest someone? I so want to arrest someone!

Cora: You and Me both, you and me both. We need to talk to this Eugene fellow at the Cafe and see if he’ll cooperate, if not then we’ll just have to go on our inside information and raid the speakeasy.

zigbigadorlube: Got it! Arrest Eugene and then steal all the chocolate.

~Cora places a hand on her mouth to stop herself from giggling~

Cora: Something like that, sure.

~Cora and zigbigadorlube enter the café and take a seat in Eugene’s section. Eugene spots them and hurries over~

Eugene: What can I get you fine f…. ~Eugene pauses when zigbigadorlube flashes a badge~

Cora: We just want to ask you a few questions.

Eugene: I swear I don’t know anything, what do you fine detectives wanna talk to a man like me for?

zigbigadorlube: Because you might know a certain something about a certain cop named Kenneth Smith and certain “illegal” handlings.

Eugene: What makes you think I have anything to do with that?

Cora: We have our sources, perhaps you might know a man, Elliot Nitty?

Eugene: ~Eyes go wide and Eugene appears to be doing some fast thinking~

zigbigadorlube: Take us to the entrance to the speakeasy, and we swear your name will never be mentioned to Nitty or Moran.

Eugene: I tell you that and I’m as good as dead!

Cora: We can offer you some protection...but only if you cooperate.

Eugene: ~Mutters~ Fine, but not right here, right now. I get off work in an hour...we can go then.

~Cora and zigbigadorlube spend the next hour eating lunch and having a nice cup of tea. After the hour Eugene reluctantly comes back over to them~

Eugene: Are you sure you can protect me?

Cora: Of course we can, I got me trusty gun right here!

~Eugene doesn’t look very hopeful as he leads them down some underground tunnels, at the end of and hour which they come to the entrance to the speakeasy~

Eugene: Its just beyond that door.

zigbigadorlube: Very good thank you.

~Cora and zigbigadorlube break down the door of the speakeasy. After overpowering the guard, they do a thorough examination of the place at the end of which they find more illegal chocolate then they originally thought they would. Cora stands guard over the the man whom they had taken into custody, while zigbigadorlube goes to retrieve some help on hauling out the place. zigbigadorlube returns presently; the police officers she brought with her are now taking all the chocolate in as evidence~

Cora: Its weird isn’t it?

What is?

Cora: Isn’t that the same kind of chocolate we found at the crime scene?

zigbigadorlube: Yeah but didn’t that Nitty guy say Kenneth came here?

Cora: I guess that’s true, still we’ll need to keep an eye on that Eugene.

zigbigadorlube: We do need to protect him like you promised.

Cora: Oh that’s right….I forgot >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-21-2015 at 06:29 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:31 PM


Kenneth Smith of the local police department was found dead at 5AM, on Thursday February 12, 2015. The man who found him, Albert Dugan, also of the same police department, reports that Kenneth was a bit of a loner and usually stuck to himself. He lived in a small apartment over on the east side and never missed a day of work as long as he had known him. Detectives zigbigadorlube and Cora have been called to the scene to investigate.

Cora: Sounds like a messy one ziggles, we might be in for a long week.

zigbigadorlube: Naw, Albert totally killed the guy no questions asked.

Cora: Really? You think Albert did it?

zigbigadorlube: Of course he’s guilty! Don’t you watch all those crime shows? First person on the scene is always the most suspicious!

Cora: You’re basing your investigation on a crime show.

zigbigadorlube: Well Duh!

Cora: I personally think the mob’s involved. Kenneth has been seen in the presence of Lilith Moran lately.

zigbigadorlube: Joe Moran is not going to be happy about that...

Cora: No no he’s not...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-13-2015 at 03:08 PM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:31 PM


Cora: Alright ziggles, who’s on our docket for the day?

zigbigadorlube: Our first man to the scene, Albert Dugan.

Cora: Right, well then let’s get to it.

~The two enter an interrogation room where Albert is nervously waiting to be interrogated. On the Exterior he seems rather calm and collected but you can’t seem to help but noticing that his eyes dart to the clock at frequent measures. zigbigadorlube marches in and bangs her hands on the table~

zigbigadorlube: Tell us why you did it and maybe we’ll let you off easy!

~Cora pulls zigbigadorlube aside and mutters so only she can hear~

Cora: We have no evidence yet, besides weren’t we thinking mob dealings?

~zigbigadorlube walks back over to the take and sits down across from Albert like nothing happened~

zigbigadorlube: Tell us then Albert, who do you think killed your fellow officer?

Albert: ~Eyes glance nervously at the clock~ I haven’t the faintest idea, although I have many theories just like everyone else.

Cora: Like...

Albert: Zelda Dillenger, Robert Dillenger’s daughter. She’s been dating Kenneth for some time now, I wouldn’t know for sure... ~his eyes dart around the room as if looking for a way out of this conversation~ ...but I heard that Kenneth isn’t...well he doesn’t treat Zelda really nice at all. I heard she was looking for a way out of the relationship.

zigbigadorlube: Robert Dillenger’s daughter!? That’s not good for his campaign... Can you tell me the source of this information?

Albert: Zelda. She told me herself she did ~Albert suddenly looks very nervous like he’s hiding something~

~Cora meanwhile is only half listening to the conversation. She’s more intently looking at the revolver that Albert is carrying~

Cora: Albert, you wanna tell me how that revolver got scratched like that?

Albert: ~Relieved for the change in subject~ Sure can, I had me a bit of a tussle with a local thug just a few weeks ago.

Cora: Very well you may go.

zigbigadorlube: And don’t leave town!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-13-2015 at 03:12 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:32 PM


zigbigadorlube: What are we doing at the courthouse Cora?

Cora: We’re here to find Zelda Dillenger

zigbigadorlube: At the Courthouse?

Cora: I was told we could find her here, she comes here to meet with her father often. Come on ziggles, we need to go talk with Zelda.

zigbigadorlube: ~Looks leery~ Isn’t Robert Dillenger going to get really upset if we accuse his daughter without cause?

Cora: Oh ziggles... We’re not accusing her of anything yet, we’re just going to talk to her.

zigbigadorlube: If you say so, but Dillenger holds a lot of weight in this here town...

~Cora spots Zelda and hurries along towards her~

Cora: Hey! Zelda Dillenger! May we have a private word with you?

Zelda: ~Appears very aloft, and her focus seems to be on anything but the present~ Whatever do you wish to speak with me for? I have done nothing wrong.

zigbigadorlube: We’re here to talk to you about the murder of your late boyfriend Kenneth Smith, or have you forgotten?

Zelda: ~Bursts into very fake seeming tears~ Oh my poor poor dear Kenneth, I miss him terribly already.

Cora: We’ve been told the two of you were having relationship problems?

Zelda: ~Anger, just as forced as the tears~ And who told you THAT! Kenneth and I were very much in love!

zigbigadorlube: That’s not what Albert said. He said you’d confided in him that the relationship wasn’t going very well.

Cora: Come now Miss Dillenger, would you please be honest with us, it’s not doing you any favors to lie.

Zelda: And what does that mean! How DARE you accuse me! ~Gets huffy~

zigbigadorlube: We’re not accusing you Miss Dillenger, we’re only trying to gather the facts. Please be honest with us so we can find the person who killed Kenneth.

~Zelda still looks all huffy~

Zelda: FINE! If you must know I was planning on leaving Kenneth. Kenneth is not a nice man, and I...I’ve found someone else.

~Cora pulls a small bag containing a knife in it out of her purse~

Cora: Do you by any chance recognize this knife we found at the scene Miss Dillenger?

Zelda: ~Angry again~ And why would I recognize that! My father is going to hear about this if you don’t stop accusing me!

zigbigadorlube: ~Whispers to Cora~ Maybe we better go.

Cora: ~Nods~ Perhaps you are right, ziggles.
~To Zelda~ Have a good day Miss Dillenger.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-13-2015 at 03:17 PM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:32 PM


~zigbigadorlube and Cora standing outside the Grand Luxe Hotel, Cora Looks nervous~

Cora: Are we really planning on doing this ziggles?

zigbigadorlube: Come on Cora! We can’t back down now! Finally a chance to put that good for nothing Joe Moran behind bars, don’t you want that?

Cora: Well, of course I do, but... ~Mumbles something incoherent~

zigbigadorlube: Gotta speak louder than that.

Cora: What if Kenneth also tried to accuse him ~Still barely more than a whisper~

zigbigadorlube: ~Gulp~ Well...that’s a risk we gotta take. Be strong cora, be strong!

Cora: Right! We...We Can Do this! ...Right?

~Cora and zigbigadorlube enter the hotel and ask for Joe at the front desk after flashing some credentials. At first the man behind the counter refuses to let them up but after seeing a badge flashed in his face he relents and gives them the room number for where Joe is currently staying~

~Standing outside Joe Moran’s door, Cora gives a loud knock~

Cora: Open up Moran, we know you are in there! We just want to ask you a few questions!

Joe: Let them in Marsha, let them in.

~The door is open by a small blonde haired blue eyed serving girl, and zigbigadorlube and Cora are led back to a room where Joe is having a personal barber give him a close shave~

Joe: And what can I do for you two fine folks? ~Joe looks cool as a cucumber, and flashes them a bright white smile~

~zigbigadorlube starts to ask a question but notices a peculiar item in a hotel room containing a barber, maid, and Mob Leader~

zigbigadorlube: May I ask what you are doing with a dirty crowbar?

Joe: I broke into my own basement when the lock got stuck, returning that crowbar to a “friend”. ~You notice there is something odd about the way he said the word friend~

Cora: Mr. Moran, where were you on the evening of Wednesday, February 11?

Joe: What, you think I did sumthin'?

zigbigadorlube: Just answer the question.

Joe: I was down at the local cafe with my wife Lilith. Don’t believe me, you go ask her! Now I suggest you two leave now while I’m still in a semi decent mood or I may have to tell my friend down in “Law Enforcement” that you are invading this upstanding citizens privacy.

~zigbigadorlube and Cora leave quickly and quietly~

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-13-2015 at 03:19 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 02:34 PM


Cora: Where to today, ziggles?

zigbigadorlube: We need to go interrogate Lilith Moran, both for her supposed alibi for her husband and also for her involvement with our victim. I’m still not entirely sure she isn’t guilty.

Cora: You do have a point there, why would a woman married to the most wealthy and powerful mob leader in the area be seen around town with a nothing Cop?

zigbigadorlube: Hey now, at least we’ll be able to see the inside of Joe Moran’s house. Have you seen that thing? It’s huge!

Cora: Thinking of going house shopping ziggles?

zigbigadorlube: You kidding!? I couldn’t afford a place a quarter that size, it is nice to dream though.

~Cora and zigbigadorlube walk up to the Moran mansion and it is just like zigbigadorlube said--big, expensive and an obviously showy example of the kind of power that Joe Moran has. The pair of them walk up to a large front door and knock. The door is soon opened by a maid who asks what it is they want, and after hearing their wish to speak with her mistress she ushers them inside. On the way in Cora notices a man whom she recognizes as Elliot Nitty sitting on the porch polishing a very large and impressive tommy gun~

Cora: ~Whispers to zigbigadorlube while they wait in a rather comfortable sitting room waiting for Lilith to be fetched~ Did you see Elliot Nitty out there with that gun? We’ll need to talk to him as well on the way out.

~zigbigadorlube is about to answer when a voice from the doorway cuts her off~

Lilith: How may I help you detectives?

Cora: Your husband sent us here. Can you account for your husband’s whereabouts on Wednesday, February 11?

Lilith: Of course I can, I always know what my husband is up to.

zigbigadorlube: Would you mind sharing that information with us?

Lilith: ~Looks bored~ We went to the local cafe for dinner.

~Cora looks at her for a moment as if determining whether her story is true~

Cora: Mrs. Moran, can you tell us your connection to the deceased, Mr. Kenneth Smith?

Lilith: Our “connection” is really none of your business detective. ~Anger creeps into Lilith’s voice now~ Now I suggest you get out and stop making wild assumptions. Ellie please see these two out.

~Cora and zigbigadorlube start to leave but Cora pauses~

Cora: Mrs. Moran, how did you break the heel on that shoe by the door?

Lilith: I stepped in a crack in the damn sidewalk.

~Without another word zigbigadorlube and Cora leave the house. Outside they pause to talk with Elliot Nitty, who looks up at them very nonchalant and unbothered before going back to polishing his tommy gun~

Cora: Mr. Nitty, how long have you been working for Mr. Moran?

Elliot: ~Doesn’t look up from his gun~ Better part of 5 years, what’s it to you?

zigbigadorlube: Are you a good employee? Would you do anything your boss told you to do?

Elliot: Of course, why do you think he keeps me so close?

Cora: Mr. Nitty, do you know anything about Kenneth Smith?

Elliot: I don’t know a whole lot, but I do know he’s been seen in the local hangout, you know...the speakeasy past them underground tunnels behind the cafe. You ask Eugene Fitzgerald, he’d tell y’all the same thing.

~Cora looked blankly at Elliot for a moment then threw an excited glance at zigbigadorlube~

zigbigadorlube: Thank you Mr. Nitty, have a nice day!

~Cora and zigbigadorlube hurry away from the scene as quickly as they can without looking suspicious~

Cora: Can you believe he just gave away the entrance to the speakeasy, we’ve been searching for that for ages!?

zigbigadorlube: I know! And he gave us another name! Eugene Fitzgerald works at that very cafe!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-13-2015 at 03:22 PM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-08-2015, 11:52 PM

Dystopia is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 06:34 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Kenneth's House
I'm looking for: Weapon

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:01 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Mob Headquarters
I'm looking for: Location


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:09 PM

The Cards have been revealed.


Event Coordinator
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Iro is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:09 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Kenneth's House
I'm looking for: Weapon


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:16 PM

This looks really neat!

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Underground Tunnels
I'm looking for: Location


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:30 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: (Mob Headquarters)
I'm looking for: (Suspect)

zyne is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:33 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Speakeasy
I'm looking for: Location


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:41 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Police Station
I'm looking for: Suspect

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:50 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Cafe
I'm looking for: Murder Weapon

Lance is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:53 PM

Ooh... This is interesting.

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Police Station
I'm looking for: Location


shinigamikarasu is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 08:40 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Police Station
I'm looking for: Weapon

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 08:46 PM

Neato! I've written murder mysteries, but i've never gotten to play one.

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Grand Luxe Hotel
I'm looking for: Suspect

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 08:58 PM

Day One Investigation
I'd like to visit: Police Station
I'm looking for: Suspect


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