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One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 05:51 PM

I'll just start with a profile. XP

Name: Llyud
Age: 20
Gender: Male, obviously.
Personality: Cold and aloof. At least so far. But in his position, who wouldn't be?

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Light[xero]kn!ght is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 05:56 PM

Personality:smart, shy, and little unnerved at times
Apperence:looks clothing

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 06:31 PM

He gave a heavy sigh as he was sitting by his 'masters' side. But the problem was, he hated the man. He had been taken prisoner and pretty much forced to be part of the mans harem. And what made it worse was that the guy seemed to really have a thing for him. And made him wear a Harem skirt rather then a pair of pants. How much more humiliating could it be? Except for the fact that he was constantly chained. His feet, as well as a chain around his neck for his 'master' to hold.
And the guy kept trying to make him feed him fruit and such too, like some kind of slave. But of course, he refused. And the last time, he had even hit the man with the tray in the head.

He wasn't one to give in to ole perverts. Once he had a chance to escape, he would take it. No doubt about that. And sometimes he was considering to just choke the man with the chains that was currently binding him. But that wouldn't give him a chance to escape. That would rather just have him killed.

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Old 02-28-2009, 06:49 PM

Yui looked at Llyud."What's the matter?"He asked grinning mockingly."You don't like it here?"He then asked tugging at his neck chain.That was his favorite piece of Llyud's outfit, made out of pure gold,and love.The man then leaned in and said with a devious grin on his face."I can put a smile on that sad face of yours."

A young elf was on his way towards the Harem House.His mission was to gain as much information as he can on this place,because it might have mystical properites the world has never seen.He stood at the door,and looked at it.It was made out of wood,and had two deep brass colored knockers.He then took one and knocked on the door three times.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 07:15 PM

Why on earth would Llyud be happy here? It was like a living hell. His 'master' was a real bastard, and on top of that, the other males of this ridiculous harem were jealous of Llyud, since he had become Yui's favorite. It was the wings, wasn't it? But he was not getting rid of them for the sake of Yui not liking him. They could be his way to escape some day.

But as Yui tugged the chain, Llyud gasped some in surprise. Even if he should be used to it by now. But he just didn't seem to be able to get used to this. And as Yui leaned in, he was being way too close in Llyuds opinion. So even if it would just cause him more trouble, he showed his opinion in this matter, by giving his 'master' a fist in the face. Llyud clearly was not backing down. If he didn't like some one, and they were too close, he would hit them.

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Old 02-28-2009, 07:22 PM

His mouth was bleeding slightly,but he paid no mind to that.Yui was about to say something when he heard the door get some knocks."Torven,please get the door."He said.Torven nodded his head,and flew to the door.Torven was a young fairy,and unlike the others.He wore a one piece outfit that had two thick straps,and the body in a triangle shape,the bottom was a lot of see through fabic of different colors, that fluttered around when he flew in the air.He landed and opened the door."Welcome to Yui's Harem."He said smiling."My name is Torven."The man looked at him,and seemed a little confused."And I'm Artemis.Do you know where your master is miss?"Torven laughed and let Artemis enter."I'm sorry Artemis but Yui doesn't own female Harem's."He frowned and seemed a little confused."Yep.I'm a boy,anyway.The master is this way."He then flew off for Artemis to follow him.
((Torven is the size of a teenager,since Fairies are smaller than other races,and he's an adult))

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 07:31 PM

Hearing the knock on the doors, Llyud took his chance to get a bit of a distance between himself and Yui. Even if it was limited to the reach of the chain. But the further away he could get, the better. So as some one else was being let in, Llyud took his distance, and pulled his legs up, sitting somewhat curled up, making himself as small as possible while he hid himself under his wings. He hated this place. He really wished he could just kill Yui and leave.
He didn't even look up or speak to the guest. He was here against his will, so no one could expect him to show any type of respect towards anyone. Specially not the 'master'.

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Old 02-28-2009, 07:38 PM

"Master Yui."Torven said landing in front of Yui."A man named Artemis is here to see you."He then moved to releval Artemis."Hello Artemis."He stated smiling.Yui then looked at Llyud,and tugged at his collar.Artemis opened his book and wrote that down,as well as the room, and Torven's outfit.After jotting those down he closed his book and looked at Master Yui again."I'm came here since I heard rumors about this place,and it's mystic properties,plus I hoped to make some good pantings out of it."He added smiling.

Artemis was also a writer and painter.He enjoyed painting grand buildings and bath houses from all over the globe,and this place would be his most grand work.The elf wouldn't also mind living here for a little bit.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 08:15 PM

When he felt the tug of the collar again, he almost fell backwards. He really wish that Yui could quit treating him like an animal. Hadn't he learned his lesson from the fist in the face? That should be a painful reminder. But it really seemed as if Yui didn't give up. But Llyud would be just as stubborn back. He refused to move from his position, and instead wrapped the wings up closer around him, pretty much hiding his entire from behind them. He was not to be an eye candy for yet some other guy. And unless Yui wanted Llyud to break yet another piece of jewelery that Yui had put on him for decoration, he would to better in stopping the constant tugging of the darn collar.
The first time Yui had tried to decorate him, he had broken allot of jewelery to show what he thought about it all. But he had eventually gotten tired of it, since it seemed to never end. But now he pretty much ruined the decoration every time Yui went over the edge. Even if there always seemed to be something to replace it.
Llyud must really be the most troublesome of the members of the harem.

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Light[xero]kn!ght is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 08:31 PM

Artemis perplexed by this creatures attitude,he walked over to Llyud and sat in front of him."That's Llyud."Torven stated smiling."He's Master's favorite."Artemis looked at Torven,and then at Yui."Yes he is,but he seems to be unhappy..."He then sighed mockingly."I've tried everything, but I guess I'll just have to figure a new way."He then tossed the collar,and stood up."Come Torven.Let's find Luwid."Torven smiled and flew into the air with his dress flowing behind him.

Artemis decided not to follow instead he wanted to know what Llyud was." you mind moving your wings?You seem to be the most interesting since well your not like Torven,and your wings are a beatiful shade of red also."He said smiling.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 08:45 PM

Llyud clearly wasn't all that friendly. Not even towards Artemis. Even as Artemis was giving him a compliment. But Yui was giving him compliments all the time, so there was nothing special about that. And as Artemis asked him to move his wings, he would move them, but not as Artemis was hoping for. He actually flapped them, hitting Artemis with them on purpose, before he simply wrapped them around him again. Artemis never said how he wanted Llyud to move his wings, so he was still not showing himself for Artemis.

It was true that he might be among the most interesting there. His race were dying. And faeries and such were quite common if you kept an eye out for them. But what Llyud was was quite a rarity. And of his coloring was even more rare. So no wonder that he was the favorite.

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Old 02-28-2009, 08:52 PM

Artemis hit the ground with a soft thud."Please.I'm not going to hurt you,I just wanna start a sketch,and since your the only living thing here that seems interesting I wanna draw you first.Plus Torven and Master Yui have gone off somewhere."He said picking up his book."I won't take long in my sketch,and I promise that I won't do anything to hurt you, and I might be able to change Yui's mind about you staying here.I can be very persaive at times."He then added staying where he was.The elf didn't want another attack so he just sat on his legs.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 09:12 PM

He was still being stubborn. What on earth could this guy do? Llyud strongly doubted that Artemis could convince Yui to give him the only thing that Llyud wanted. To be free. There just was no way that something like that would happen. So he was not coming out from behind his wings. And he was not giving the elf the joy of getting to see him.

"If you want to do something for me, how about you just drop dead?"

Llyud simply wasn't in the mood to sit around and let some one draw him. He wanted to get out of this, thin and pretty much see trough harem shirt and get a pair of proper pants. And he didn't want to be decorated just so that Yui would enjoy looking at him.
And there was no doubt about that Llyud was unfriendly towards everyone here.

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:32 PM

He sighed deeply."Fine,I won't draw you,just please come out."Atremis said placing his notebook and penicl beside him.This was wearing out his nerves.He wanted Llyud to at least let him see what he looks like."Well you come out if I give you my pants,and I can wear what ever skirt your wearing?"He then offered.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 10:13 PM

That last deal sounded both dumb, but fair. Then Llyud would get out of this dumb skirt and into a pair of pants. That would be paradise. So Artemis finally managed to convince him to show himself, as long as Artemis could keep that promise.

"As long as you keep that promise, I will show myself..."

He said, flapping the wings at Artemis again, but at least he moved them so that Artemis could see him this time. And as long as he didn't have to do any dumb poses, he would be ok with it.

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Old 02-28-2009, 10:18 PM

Artemis flinched at the gust of wind but then smiled."Thanks."He stated before he looked at Llyud.Then a blush came onto his face."No no you don't have to do any poses."The elf said."Now how about those pants you wanted."He added looking at his own.He'd give anything to not look at Llyud,he actually found the Aegyl to be attractive,and didn't want to show it since it might make Llyud a little uncomfortable.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 12:36 AM

Llyud looked at him for a few moments. He hadn't looked at Artemis yet, but he kind of regretted he did. Since he was caught right away. He really wished right now that this guy had found him rather then Yui. This guy seemed to be allot more friendly. And he wasn't asking Llyud to do anything he didn't want to.

But that, just made him somewhat depressed. He knew very well that he was stuck here, with that creep that called himself master, who was constantly trying to get his way with Llyud. Even if it usually left him with a nasty hit in the head, face, or stomach. And some times, a stomp on the foot. It was a miracle that the worst Yui did to him was tug the collar once in a while. He probably didn't want to cause harm to his favorite. But Llyud certainly wasn't afraid of causing Yui harm. He was doing it all the time. And it always felt good to do so. Was a good way to relieve some stress.

But he snapped out of it at the mention of the pants, looking down on Artemis a bit. He was wearing robes. Did he really have pants on under there?

"With such an outfit I'm surprised that you actually wear pants. You don't fly either, so it's not as if anyone would ever notice."

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Old 03-02-2009, 07:52 PM

Artemis chuckled."Yeah,but luckily I have a long robe on me."He then stripped out of his pants.His robe covered most of his torso and legs,no skin really showed unless he started walking,then a small patch of the side of his thigh can be seen,but nothing more."Here."He then tossed Llyud the pants."You don't seem to like it here much,I see."The elf then said picking his things up and placing them in a bag that he had.

Yui came back with Luwid hanging off of him and Torven trailing behind them laughing to himself."I see our guest has brought out Llyud."He then saw the pants."But what is this?"Artemis looked at him."In order to get him out,I had to give him my pants,but I really don't mind since I don't seem much different with them."He then turned to him and his robe showed no indication of pantslessness.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 08:23 PM

"Really? It's not really that bad if you like being captured and brought here against your will, forced into wearing barely nothing so that people will enjoy watching you like some kind of object and some guy constantly pulling the chain around your neck, trying to make you do what he wants you to do. Doesn't that sound like allot of fun?"

There was clearly only sarcasm in what Llyud told him. He obviously hated everything here. And that was showed once Artemis gave him the pants. He put them on rather quickly. So that Yui would take them when he got back. And he pretty much just ripped the darn skirt off of himself, forgetting that Artemis might want it. But he left the jewelery alone this time, since now he at least wasn't wearing the darn skirt to make it all look pretty.

Yui could say what he wanted to, Llyud was not going to take the pants off. Was more comfortable and less revealing wearing pants then some damn skirt.

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Old 03-02-2009, 09:30 PM

Yui sighed."Do what you want."He stated waving his hand in the air."But when our guest leaves,you're going to be quiet sore when I get through with you."He then raised and eyebrow at Llyud.

Artemis wanting some of the tenstion from the air loosened, he looked at Yui and asked."Since your home looks absolutly lovely,do you mind giving me a tour?"Yui looked at him."No not at all."Luwid then moved and let his master leave with Artemis.Before exiting the room Artemis looked at Llyud,and left bad,but instead he said."Enjoy the pants."Then he and Yui left to see the rest of the house.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 10:29 PM

Llyud just glared Yui a nasty glare. That bastard wouldn't dare touch him. So far, Yui had only gotten hit or smacked every time he got too touchy. Llyud was not going to become a toy for Yui like the other of the guys in the harem.
Llyud really didn't like anyone here. And he probably hated the other guys more then Yui, since some of them were jealous at Llyud for being the favorite. He wouldn't be surprised if Yui's former favorite was planning something really bad.

And as Artemis was leaving to take a look around with Yui, Llyud actually gave Artemis a somewhat of a smile, but making sure no one else got to see it. It was for Artemis only.

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Old 03-06-2009, 10:37 PM

Luwid and the others looked at him."Llyud, why are you so weird?"Luwid asked getting a little annoyed at the Ageyl. Luwid was in love with Yui,and it was obivious, he wanted to be with Yui,but Yui had to fall for Llyud. Torven ran in the middle of the both of them.
"You two always get into fights,and Yui won't be happy with either of you if you behave badly in front of Artemis."The fairy said in a high voice. Fairies had high voices compared to the other races,but the female fairy voices were a lot higher,so Torven's voice was like that of a young boy's. Humans or other races that weren't fimilar with faires would think that Torven was a strange teenager since his voice was high, but he was a teenaged boy.

Luwid sighed."Your such a peace keeper."He growled at Torven.Torven just shot him a glare and responded."Yeah well you two would have each others throats if I wasn't here."His wings fluttered angerily and he pouted.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 10:48 PM

Llyud just hated the other guys in the harem. He probably hated them more then he hated Yui. You had to be insane if you fell for some one like Yui. He was treating everyone well and all, but they were all prisoners. And made to please the guy. Llyud had managed to avoid that though. But when Luwid spoke to him, Llyud simply turned his back at him. He wasn't afraid to be rude to the guy. And on top of that, he was pretty much talking ill about Yui.

"You're the weird one. You must be insane to like a freak that keeps you prisoner in this place. But I don't expect you to understand. It's obvious you have lost your mind from being here for too long. Either that or you were already dumb when you were brought here. Some one must have been desperate to get rid of you."

It was obvious enough that Llyud were just trying to get in Luwids nerves. It was a good way to make time fly. And this way, if he managed to escape, he wouldn't exactly miss anyone.

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Old 03-06-2009, 10:54 PM

Luwid pushed Torven out of the way,and punched Llyud right in his face.Torven landed on the ground,and started screaming."LLYUD!DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!AND LUWID DON'T HIT LLYUD!"He then tried to get into the middle again,he held Luwid back,but the nymph was too strong for him so the fariy got tossed again."Luwid!Master Yui isn't going to be happy!"He said still sitting on the ground.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 11:03 PM

Llyud probably should have seen that hit coming. And yet he didn't really react to it till it was too late. He ended up taking the full blow, falling over from the force of it. Seems he really hit a nerve when pissing off Luwid. Though, not Luwid would most likely be in more trouble then Llyud, since Llyud was the favorite, and now he had a huge bruise on his cheek, and it was slightly swollen and really sore. And on top of that he got the taste of blood in his mouth. And even if he shouldn't, he spit the blood out on the floor. Not as if he had anywhere else to do that.

At least Llyud had a better temper then Luwid, so he wasn't hitting him back. He just mumbled something, just loud enough for both of the harem guys to hear.

"You people really are insane..."

He mumbled as he got up to a sitting position, carefully rubbing his cheek to make the pain go away.


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