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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-06-2009, 02:55 AM

EDIT: Thanks to both Thulhu and Malia_Maria, I was able to get two great drawings of both Amon and Chelsea. :boogie: Since this worked well, I decided to get a third RP character drawn. If someone wants to draw Amon or Chelsea as well, feel free to do it, but keep in mind that I'll be stingy since I already have two great pictures of them. :lol:

I can pay for it in gold, but please negotiate the price with me before drawing it. It would be disappointing if I can't pay for it. :sweat:

Either way, here is the description. If it's not detailed enough, just say so and I'll add more details. :yes:

Name: Zack Gale
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Physical appearance: Zack is 5'07" feet tall and is 14 years old. He has blond hair and dark brown eyes. His hair is not too short, just short enough that it won't hide is vision. His hair is also a mess, he doesn't brush it often enough. His body is quite muscular from all the training he went through during his youth. His skin is tanned because of all the time he spends under the sun.
Clothes: As for the clothes, he wears light brown pants, a dark green t-shirt, leather boots and gloves, and a dark green scarf that hides half of his face and hangs behind him all the way to the back of his knees. Finally, he has two short swords attached to his belt, one on each side of him. The swords are about 60 centimeter long.
Posture/emotions: Zack is overconfident and likes to brag. So, I think he'd look best with his arms crossed and laughing loudly. The rest of the posture is up to you.

Name: Chelsea Welch
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Physical appearance: Chelsea has dark brown shoulder lenght hair and the haircut is simple straight hair that are held behind her a little (What I mean is, her hair isn't in her face.). Although she's 168 years old, she looks like she's 6 because of her vampiric nature. Her skin is deathly pale and her eyes are yellow, just like a cat's. She as no other physical traits, except for her sharp fangs and claws.
Clothes: She wears a fancy dress that covers her entire body; the sleeves go all the way to her wrists with frills at the end; her skirt stops above her ankles and also has frills on the edge of the skirt; and finally, she wears a tight white turtle neck. She also wears black formal shoes and a golden pendant around her neck with a large ruby in the center. The ruby is aproximately the size of one of her eyes.
Other: Chelsea also has a small black kitten. The cat can be anywhere on the artwork, I don't mind.
Posture/emotion: I'd like to see Chelsea siting on a chair too big for her while placing her elbow on the arm rest. The chair doesn't have to be too detailed, so long as I can tell it's a chair. Don't forget the cat. As for her emotions, she's haughty and cruel, so a small creepy smile that says: "I'm better than you will ever be." would be just right. I think. I'm not too sure about it.

Name: Amon
Gender: Male
Race: Demon - Although he's a demon, he looks extremely similar to a human. He has no wings and no tail, but he has horns similar to a bull. Also has large fangs. That's it for the demonic traits.
Phisical appearance: He's 6'03" feet tall. His hair is black, short and messy. He looks only 17, but he's much older than this. He also has a long scar on his face, starting from slightly above his right eye and ending on the lower right of his right cheek. His right eye was blinded by this wound and he keeps it closed at all time. His left eye is blood red.
Clothes/weapons: His clothes are quite simple: a black shirt, a pair of jeans and black short boots. His weapon is a pair of steel gauntlets that go up to the elbow. The hand is made into a claw, making those gauntlets more for cutting than punching. There is no patern on the gauntlets, it's a simple design.
Emotion/posture: I don't have a specific posture in mind, and the picture doesn't have to show the entirety of his body. One thing, though: the picture must have at least one of his gauntlets in it. It is his main weapon, it wouldn't feel right without it. If it's possible, I'd like to see him grinning in the picture. An evil grin. I plan to make him do that often, so it'd be nice to have that in the picture.

Artwork I have received so far:

Amon - SketchX

By Thulhu:

By Malia_Maria:

Amon - FinishedX

By Thulhu:

Both by Malia_Maria:

Chelsea Welch - SketchX

Both by Malia_Maria:

Chelsea Welch - FinishedX

By Malia_Maria:

Both by Thulhu:

By Brilliance:

Last edited by MasterOfHeresy; 05-18-2009 at 12:35 AM.. Reason: New request.

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:16 AM

Hello I'd like to try here is my art shop for examples. I'm thinking a color image would work best

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:23 AM

That would be great! After seeing your examples, I also think a color image would be best. The price is 1000 gold, correct? Should I post in your topic my request?

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:29 AM

No that's alright I can start right now the hockey game is stressful and I don't think I can watch :sweat: :XD
I was thinking he should be sitting somewhere is there a place he likes to sit?
Oh and yes color is 1k

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:33 AM

Well, in the RP the whole city is in ruins, so I guess some rubble or maybe a rock. He rarely stays put, so I can't think of anything else he'd sit on. :sweat:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:34 AM

Alright I'll figure something out :sweat:
Do you want to see it after the initial sketch for approval?

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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:38 AM

Okay, that's fine with me. Though I doubt I'll retract my offer after seeing it. That wouldn't be right. :stare:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:38 AM

Okay :D
Some people just like to make suggestions while it's still changeable

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 02:41 AM

Oh! That's what you meant! Sorry, I misunderstood. :headdesk:
Well, I think it will look great: I doubt I'll ask for a change. :yes:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 03:38 AM

Here is a small version of the first sketch... any problems?
There will be some changes in coloring and computer editing

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 03:43 AM

Sweet! It looks great! Only problem, he's supposed to have one eye closed (the one that was blinded) and a scar on his face, but aside from that, it's great! :yes:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 03:51 AM

Oh I forgot!!! :headdesk:
So sorry

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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 03:52 AM

That's okay, don't worry about it. :sweat:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 03:55 AM

I'm fixing it don't worry! :D

Oh how is his skin tone? pale? more like your avi?

Malia_Maria is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:00 AM

Hey, May I give drawing your character a shot :eager:
Here is a drawing of a demon I drew with pen (usually I draw with pencil first then pen the work.. but I had no pencil's at the time I did this :sweat: so i'm kinda proud of how it came out doing it in pen for the first time :P )

and here is an angel (my usual pencil work)

so may I give it a try =D

sorry if i'm takeing up space O.O i dunno how to turn this into thumbnails :sweat:

btw.. i don't have a scanner so i had to take pictures of the drawings in order to upload 'em... hope that's ok :sweat:

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:06 AM

Thulhu: Yeah, I think my avatar's skin tone would go well on him. Take your time, I'm in no rush. :)

Malia_Maria: Sure, if you want to draw him that would be cool. :yes: As for taking up space, don't worry about it, there's plenty of space here. :lol: I usually put the picture in spoiler tags when I want to save space. You could give it a try, if you want.

Malia_Maria is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:18 AM

spoiler tag o.O?

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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:22 AM

Yes, like this:


Insert huge picture here.

This way you can hide your picture without taking over the whole page. Just click on spoiler and what is hidden will show up on the post. To make one, just type this:

[ hide ] Insert something here [ /hide ]

Make sure you remove the spaces I placed on each side of "hide", otherwise it won't work. (Which is why you can see the code I used). :D

Malia_Maria is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:24 AM

is it ok if his clothes are maybe a bit tattered to show that's he's been through a battle or two?

cool. .i'll keep that in mind =D (the spoiler tag)

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:25 AM

Sure, he HAS been through a battle or two. Tattered clothes are fine. :yes:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:40 AM

Are the horns black or dark brown?

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:42 AM

Hmm, dark brown. :)

I think it would be hard to see them if they were black, since his hair is also black... :sweat:

Thulhu is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 04:52 AM
here you are let me know if there are any other sizes
or problems

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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MasterOfHeresy is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 05:12 AM

Holy ****! It's PERFECT! :shock:
Excuse the language. :sweat:
There are no problem at all. No need to change anything! :D
I'll donate to you the 1000 gold right away. :mrgreen:

Malia_Maria is offline
Old 05-12-2009, 05:22 AM

Ok, here is the sketch =3
anything you want me to fix/add?


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