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Old 06-21-2009, 12:25 AM


Welcome to my OC request thread. ^^ I've been meaning to create one of these for a loooong time, but never got around to it. x3; Well, now I have! <3
I have a lot of OCs, around 55, so there should be at least one character you'd be willing to draw, right? ;3
Not all of the profiles are finished yet, but if you see a character that interests you that you would like to know more about, don't hesitate to ask me. ^^

Gold: Whatever amount that's under my avatar
Items: Check out my Item Shop to see what items I'm selling. =3
Art trades! I am always open for art trades. <3

If you are interested in drawing one (or more! <3) of my OCs, please fill out this order from and post it in the thread. :heart: (Unless, of course, you were directed here from the Draw the OC Above you thread. ;3 )

PHP Code:
[COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="4"]I want to draw for you! <3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
B][U]Character(syou'd like to draw:[/U][/B]

If you would like to search for a certain character, but aren't sure what section they are under, this handy dandy little index should help. x3 No section will have more than ten characters, though most are currently less than five. ^^


.1.Welcome & Index

.2.Craving Art of & Current Commissions

.3.The Detromis

.4.Fantasy Creatures-Elves

.5.Fantasy Creatures-Nekos
Eony & Scarlet

.6.Fantasy Creatures-Vampires

.7.Fantasy Creatures-Misc.

.8. Fantasy Humans
Maria Susan


.10.Modern Humans-Magic

.11.Modern Humans-Magicless
Quin & Veronica

.12.Fan Based Characters

.13.Pokemon Trainers

.14.Hogwarts Students

.15.Mythical Beings

Last edited by Catonia; 09-17-2009 at 05:56 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:26 AM

Currently Craving Art of:
Naida [Fiery Steps]
Ebony and Scarlet [The Tumbling Tricksters]
Forest [The Finicky Feline] ❤
Olivia [The Lackey]
Ink [The Naga]
Pathenius [The Incubus]
Mica [The Word Wizard]
Maria Susan [NOT a Mary Sue] ❤
Samuel [The Photographer] ❤
Cassidy [The Dreamer]
Ty [The Cartoonist]
Joyce [The Happy-go-Lucky Maid]
Crissy [Little Miss Rich]
Aliza [Poison with a Smile]
Maple [The Reticent Ranger] ❤
Rin [Two for the Price of One]
Lalita [The Goddess of Merriment]
Hope [The Allegory] ❤

I know I'm craving a lot of different characters. xD Ones with ❤ next to them are ones are reallyreallyreally want. <3

Current Commissions
A List of all of my current Commissions, to help me keep track. ^^
.1. tentenpuff (???)

Last edited by Catonia; 09-17-2009 at 05:57 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:26 AM

The Detromis
All these girls are part of the Detromi family, even though their last names are different. The Detromis were an ancient and powerful family in the land of Clothia, and their Other blood ran thick through their veins producing some of the strongest mages in the land. They always had close relations with the royal family and the blood of these two family's was frequently mixed through marriage. But that was in the past. Numerous attacks from their neighboring country, Rinnerrath caused the Clothians to dwindle in number, the Detromis along with them. Now days there are only five members of this once powerful family left

These characters are used in a RP called Spiader Webs. The author of the thread has received permission from all of the participants and is preceding to make the story into a comic.
Comic can be read here!

The Child Smith
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Lalalie Issan
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Her long straight brown hair got in the way one to many times, before she got fed up with singeing the ends off. After reaching that point she'd decided to cut all of it off, but she didn't. A visit to the hairdresser's and a change in the way she wore her hair saved it from being chopped off. Now it's kept in twenty nine different braids, two of which hang down from her temples framing her face. The rest are gathered in a high ponytail. Now, even when her hair isn't in a ponytail it only reaches her shoulders, and she doesn't have to comb it very often! Ecah of her braids has a unique bell attached to it, given to her by fellow smiths.
Alternate Hairstyle: The two braids that frame her temples are still there, but the rest of her hair is let loose and swept back out of her face.
Eyes: Large and expressive sky blue eyes
Height and body type: She's tiny not having reached her growth spurt, and if you aren't studying her closely you'd think she was delicate. You'd be wrong. Despite her tiny size she is very strong. A result of working long hours in a forge since she was very young.
Clothes: When she's working in the forge she wears a pair of soot stained brown pants, and a sleeveless brown top. Covering her to about knee length is a thick leather apron, which has obviously been used for a long time, considering all the burn marks. It's still in good condition though. Covering her small feet is a pair of leather boots. When she's working she never wears any jewelry, for fear that it might be damaged.

When she's not working in the forge she likes to wear a knee length light blue dress with small cobalt blue and yellow flowers stitched along the hemline and the ends of the flared long sleeves. The jewelry that's absent when she's working makes itself known when she's not. On her right arm is two silver bracelets and one gold, and on her left arm the pattern is reversed with two gold and one silver. Around her neck is three different necklaces, one copper chain which looks like three different vines twining around themselves. A silver necklace with looks like thousands of miniature raindrops strung together. Lastly is plain gold necklace with a small round locket attached to it. Adorning her ears is a pair of copper earrings also shaped like vines with tear dropped shaped sapphires dangling down.

One article of clothing that's conspicuously absent is her boots. Most of the time she goes barefoot, disliking the confined feeling the footwear gives her.

Alternate Outfit: A black veeneck tunic with silver around the edges over a short sleeved blue sky blue shirt. Dark grey leggings tucked into brown knee high boots that are fastened by a series of largish silver buttons. Around her waist is a brown belt with a round silver buckle, attached to the belt is a large brown pouch that holds her extra metal and her money.
Other about appearance: N/A
Sexuality: Unsure
Personality: If she's learned anything in life it's that no matter what happens you have to make the best of it. Do what makes you happy, treat other's the same or better than you'd want them to treat you and always follow your heart. I'm not saying she's perfect, far from it! It takes quite a bit to anger her, but if you do, you'd better run far away. Lalalie can hold a grudge for years if need be, and she never forgets your offense until she's satisfied her need for revenge. And if you've made Lalalie thirst for revenge, you deserve what you get!

Despite her code in life, she has a hard time living up to it most of the time. Hey, have you ever seen a pre-adolescent child able to be happy twenty four seven? Of course not. She's prone to frequent bouts of depression, but they never last for long, and it's almost always easy to snap her out of it.
Family: Sassita - mother(dead), Mikalen - father(dead), Niawna - aunt, Paige - cousin, Sornderhans - uncle, Dixon - half brother, Vervain - aunt, Ivy - cousin, Birch - cousin
History: To be added
Occupation: Apprentice Blacksmith
Other: Lalalie has the powers of a Bender and a Glider.
Bender = Somone who can manipulate metal with their bare hands just like it was clay.
Glider = The rules of gravity are almost suspended for these people. They can jump incredibly high, lift objects that seem like they would be too heavy for them to lift and they can glide through the air, rather like a flying squirrel.

Art Received:


The "Guardswoman"
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Niawna Hath
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: She has wavy brown hair that reaches just below her shoulder blades. One chunk of it is died bright pink due to a bet she lost.
Eyes: They are an expressive sky blue, even though that expression is usually frowning.
Height and body type: She is slightly above average height for a female, and she is skinny with well built muscles, though you can't usually tell with the clothes that she wears.
Clothes: he wears the guards uniform of Rinnerath. A red tunic over light brown pants and undershirt, calf high reddish brown boots. When on official duty she will also wear the red hat with it's snow white plume, and red caplet. All of this, except for the cape, hat and boots, is several sizes too large for her, and it makes her look bulky. The only weapons she carries openly are the standard issue sword and dagger, but the reason for her bulky clothes is because she carries a large arsenal of daggers and other small pointy objects concealed on her person.
Other about appearance: Most of her body, minus her hands and face is covered in a mass of scars. Livid, ropey, faded, you name it and she has one like it.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Nia always looks like she's mad at someone, and she usually is mad at a certain little devil. She has an incredible drive to succeed at all that she does, and she doesn't lose gracefully. Her drive to be the best caused her to leave her home at a young age.
Family: Sassita - sister (dead), Mikalen - brother in law (dead), Yarrow - twin brother (dead), Lalalie - niece, Paige - daughter, Ivy - niece, Birch - nephew, Sornderhans - brother in law
History: To be added
Occupation: Guardswoman *coughassassincough*
Other: Nia has an affinity with plants. If she is angry and there is plantlife nearby, the plants will come to life and attack. If she is hurt then the plants will give off energy that will heal her. She doesn't know that she has this ability.

Art Received:


The Princess
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Paige
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Paige has wavy dark red hair that reaches the backs of her knees, part of it is cut short to make bangs which frame her face. She likes to keep her hair in a braid whenever possible, because she thinks it's a pain to deal with any other way, but unfortunately for her, her nursemaids like to put it up in elaborate hairdos that give her headaches within seconds.
Eyes: Her blue eyes are a little on the large side, frame a button nose, and are very expressive.
Height and body type: She looks a couple of years older than her actual age because she is tall.
Clothes: She prefers to wear clothes suitable for going out and playing in, but once again her nursemaids get the final say on what she wears, usually it's dresses that look like they came out of a storybook.
Other about appearance: People speculate that she must look like her mother, whoever she may be, because the only thing she shares with her father is her hair color.
Sexuality: Unsure
Personality: At heart Paige is a tomboy, she loves to run, play, shoot things and throw mud. She is a very feisty girl, and will argue with almost anyone about almost anything. She believes that everything in life should be fair, and that everyone should be treated equally, which is quite surprising considering her upbringing. Part of the upbringing has left her with a tendency to pessimism, and a strong bout of cynicism which people find surprising in a girl so young.
Family: Capros - father, Niawna - mother, Lalalie - cousin, Sornderhans - adoptive father/uncle figure, Vervain - aunt, Ivy - cousin, Birch - cousin
History: To be added
Occupation: Princess
Other: Paige has incredibly powerful abilities as a melter.
Melter = Someone who can melt a person's brains out of their skull. Strong ones can also change other's memories and place compulsions upon a person.

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Last edited by Catonia; 10-29-2009 at 01:52 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:27 AM

Fantasy Creatures-Elves

The Recluse
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Elissatine "Elli"
Age: 1563 (looks to be in her early twenties, late teens)
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Hair: Her platinum blonde hair falls in gentle waves to the back of her knees, and she never, ever ties it back. Living in the forest like she does, one would expect her to have twigs and other small debris littered throughout such long tresses, but Ellisatine has spent so much time among the trees that she has perfected the art of leaving no trace of herself behind, even so much as a tiny bit of hair.
Eyes: Her eyes are a pale blue, seeming washed out at the best of times, and like small chunks of ice when she's angry.
Height and body type: Elli is taller than most, and she is flat chested, and while her waist curves inwards, her hips are just as flat as her breasts. Many people mistake her for a boy, and a teenage boy at that.
Clothes: She wears what most people would consider a tunic if they had to classify it, and what she considers a very long and shapeless shirt. Sometimes she might wear a piece of twine around her waist to hold the shirt in place, but most of the time she doesn't bother. Her only other concession to what she considers frivolities is a pair of soft doeskin boots and a small choker with a emerald attached that as given to her by her mother.
Other about appearance: N/A
Sexuality: Aesexual
Personality: A lot of people would call her cold and unfeeling, when exactly the opposite is true. She cares deeply for the forest and all of the animals that live within it. It's other elves she doesn't like. Elli believe that most are superficial and not worth knowing, and they few that aren't, well, she hasn't found them yet.
If she has a choice she will spend all of her time in the woods, and she rarely interacts with other's of her race, and as such, when she does she will say whatever is on her mind, no matter if it is rude or untactful since she doesn't understand the rules of society.
Family: She refuses to claim any of them as family.
History: She grew up among other elves, though she was never happy as a child. Elli always longed to spend her time alone with nature. As soon as she was able to live on her own she left her home and moved into the deep forest, learning the ways to coexist in harmony with her surroundings. To never take what wasn't offered freely, to never hurt an animal unless she needed to defend herself, and the only in dire peril. Now she can move freely in all parts of the woodlands, and the animals know who she is and they accept her as a part of life.
Occupation: Animal Protector
Other: She has the power to heal plants.

Art Received:


The Exotic Dancer
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Silvia Longshadow
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: 1/3 Gerudo, 2/3 Hylian
Hair: Her thigh length red hair is kept in a thick braid held high up on her hair with a silver clasp. Two bits are shorter than the rest and frame her face.
Eyes: Her eyes are the color of amethysts and usually look like she's about to fall asleep.
Height and body type: She is on the tall side with well developed curves, she has compact muscles from years of dancing.
Clothes: She dresses the part of a desert dancer. The colors she dress in are purple and silver.
Other about appearance: Her nose is on the large side, somewhat resembling a beak.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Silvia is very sweet and gentle. She hates conflict and will avoid it whenever she can, but if you press one of her trigger points she won't hesitate to rip you a new one. Though she truly is quite the pacifist. She can spend hours upon hours either among a rambunctious crowd or out in the middle of nowhere all by herself and be perfectly happy either way. Silvia normally seems to be very sleepy and it can take awhile for her to respond, but that's because the lack of heat makes her sluggish. She can spend countless hours dancing alone or for an audience, she just loves to dance in any way that she can. When she dances people tell her that she seems like a whole different person. Her sleepiness becomes sultry and she becomes quite the flirt.
Family: Mother, Step father and three sisters
History: Silvia was born in a small oasis inside of the Gerudo desert. Her mother was distantly descended from the Gerudo people while her father was Hylian. Her mother looked like she could be a very tan Hylian, but some sort of genetic throwback caused Silvia to more closely resemble her female ancestors.
She was raised solely by her mother since she followed a lot of the ancient Gerudo traditions. They traveled all over Hyrule, but they would always return to that little oasis where Silvia was born. Her mother taught her how to dance, and how to make a loving out of her dancing without having to sell herself.
She found out that she could use magic through her dancing when she was five years old. If she's doing a dance that celebrates fire and she's thinking of fire, she can create fire. The same goes with all the other elements and healing, and she can influence people's emotions as well. Nowadays Slivia can use a little magic without dancing, but it's always stronger when she's am actually preforming.
She travels around alone now because her mother is busy raising her little sisters. Silvia's mother finally found a Hylian man she thought was strong enough to share her life with and now they are set on raising a brood of children. Silvia loves to visit and play with her sisters.
Occupation: Exotic Dancer
Other: She is very in tune with nature. When something is out of balance it makes her feel unwell and she will go out of her way to fix what is wrong, not just to make herself feel better, but because it's the right thing to do.

Art Received:


The Cleric
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Tekitti Kazzia
Age: 378 (Looks to be in her early twenties)
Gender: Female
Race: Desert Elf/Angel
Hair: Waist length straight white hair with two green streaks though it. One on each side of her head. (Feel free to mess around with her hairdo)
Eyes: They are bright green and almond shape
Height and body type: She stands at 5'11" and is very skinny, with an average sized chest, small waist and hips.
Clothes: A silken white top with green trim, a matching ankle length skirt that has slits up the side till the middle of her thighs. She has a pair of pure white boots that never have a speck of dirt on them. They reach her knees and are laced with dark green laces. She always carries a a large oak staff with a emerald attached to the top.
Other about appearance: Her skin is dark brown. She also has big fluffly feathery white wings. (You don't have to draw them, she can make them disappear at will) Her left ear is pierced by three gold hoops.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Kitti is the type of person who would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it, even if it was the middle of winter and she had no other clothes. She will always put other's needs before her own, it's just a part of her nature. Because of this need to protect of her's, she has actually become a solitary creature. As soon as she has saved one person she immeditately races off to the next.
Family: To be added
History: To be added
Occupation: Cleric of Light

Art Received:


The Dragon Princess
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Rua Nightwing
Age: 247 (looks to be in late teens, early twenties)
Gender: Female
Race: Half Dragon/ Half Shadow Elf
Hair: Chin length curly black hair with red bangs.
Eyes: Red, with slit pupils, almond shaped
Height and body type:
Other about appearance:

Art Received:


The Changeable Thief
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Emaile [eh-MAI-el]
Age: 11 (He looks to be in his late teens)
Gender: Male
Race: Hylian
Appearance: Emaile stands at the amazing height of 5' and weighs next to nothing! His mother once told him that the God of Lies in all his wisdom built their race to be small and skinny as it is always easier to add bulk than it is to lose it. Emaile took this wisdom to heart, and even though he can't change his weight or height by shapeshifting, he wears layers of clothing and tall boots to help himself appear larger than he is. He likes bright colors like blues and reds, but actually wears dull browns and greens as to help him blend in better. His face is slightly angular and his eyes tilt up at the corners. As for his eye color and hair, in the norm he keeps his hair and eye color to a nondescript brown, though he likes to keep his hair long. When he's 'working' his keeps his hair short, but makes his eyes a bright blue so as to help confuse anyone that might try and catch him.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Emaile is a lying, thieving little sot, who can be incredibly endearing when he's not trying to steal the shirt of your back. He can be a bit overly enthusiastic about his thievery, but despite his whimsical tendencies, he is actually quite the practical soul, if a bit different. He has never been caught stealing because he knows to keep a low profile and not to brag about any of his successes. It's not that he isn't tempted, because as a natural born braggart he is incredibly so, he just knows he won't be able to fill his vow if he does. At times he does become a bit fed up with being practical, and he has been known to do some crazy stunts when he's in that mood.
Family: To be added
History: Emaile's family specializes in a particular brand of magic, the power to change one's appearance. Their powers make them age and die faster than the average Hylian. His ancestors were given a powerful spell spell by the evil king Ganondorf, one to make all of their descendants powerful magicians, but it seems to have skipped Emaile. Everyone else in his family is really good at changing their shapes, but the only thing he can change is his eyes and his hair. They're all thieves and try to cause as much discord in the land of Hyrule as they possibly can, in honor of the man who gave us our powers, his parents say. They use their power of shapshifting to impersonate important people and make it seem like they are doing bad things. When Emaile found out that he would never be as good at impersonation as the rest of his family he vowed to become the best thief his family had ever seen.
Occupation: Thief
Other: N/A

Art Received:
None as of yet

None as of yet

Last edited by Catonia; 04-22-2010 at 04:13 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:27 AM

Fantasy Creatures-Nekos

The Tumbling Tricksters
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Ebony
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Half cat/Half human
Hair: Waist length curly black hair
Eyes: They're a dark brown reddish color. In some lights they're crimson red
Height and body type:
Clothes: They usually wears matching outfits to confuse people further. They wear short sleeved red tops, black capri length pants and a bright red sash around their waist.
Other about appearance: Their troop made them get their ears pierced to help them tell which twin was which. Ebony has a gold hoop in his left ears, and Scarlet has one in her right ear.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Ebony is much quieter than his outgoing sister, preferring to spend his free time reading, or sleeping. However, he enjoys playing tricks on people just as much as his twin, only his tricks are much more subtle.
Family: Scarlet - twin sister, Ruby - Mother, and Father is unknown
History: The twins grew up in a traveling performers troop. They never knew their parents, but the troop members were all the family they ever needed. At the age of five they joined the troop officially as tumblers, and have continued to do tumbling so ever since.
Occupation: Tumbler
Other: The twins are nearly inseparable and can communicate with each other mind to mind.

Name: Scarlet
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Half cat/Half human
Hair: Waist length curly black hair
Eyes: They're a dark brown reddish color. In some lights they're crimson red
Height and body type:
Clothes: They usually wears matching outfits to confuse people further. They wear short sleeved red tops, black capri length pants and a bright red sash around their waist.
Other about appearance: Their troop made them get their ears pierced to help them tell which twin was which. Ebony has a gold hoop in his left ears, and Scarlet has one in her right ear.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Scarlet is the more outgoing of the twins, and she loves to talk. She acts ditzy and stupid, but she's really not, it's all an act. She's learned that because she's a girl, people tend to underestimate her, and if she acts dumb, they'll treat her like she won't know what they're talking about. She's learned a lot of secrets that way. Scarlet loves playing tricks on people.
Family: Ebony - twin brother, Ruby - Mother, and Father is unknown
History: The twins grew up in a traveling performers troop. They never knew their parents, but the troop members were all the family they ever needed. At the age of five they joined the troop officially as tumblers, and have continued to do tumbling so ever since.
Occupation: Tumbler
Other: The twins are nearly inseparable and can communicate with each other mind to mind.

Art Received:


The Merchant
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Catonia Silversight
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Half cat/Half Human
Hair: Waist length braid with small curls framing part of her face. Her hair is brown, darker near the bottom and lighter the closer it gets to her face.
Eyes: Silver eyes, little or no pupils, she's nearly blind in the daylight; she can only see things in dark places or at night.
Height and body type: She 5'0" tall, and her overall body type is small and thin.
Clothes: She wears a black silk choker around her neck, a long sleeved v-neck dark purple shirt with sleeves that flare out around the wrist and a black undershirt is visible through the neck of her shirt. Tight black pants cover her legs, along with knee high brown boots. A small gold hoop earring adorns her left ear.
Other about appearance: She has cat ears and tail, all of which a a dark brown color that could be mistaken for black in some lights. Her skin's naturally tanned, but very lightly.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: She's kind and sweet most of the time, but she is fiercely protective of the things she loves, and if anyone threatens those things she can be very cruel, and she doesn't ever forget when someone tries to cheat her. She can be very forgiving, but if you'd done something that really made her mad, the forgiveness you'd receive might be in the form that she hadn't killed you.
Family: Vera(cat)
History: When she was born she was abandoned because of her unusual eyes. Left squalling in a pile of garbage she was almost dead. A mother cat heard the noise of the baby and went to investigate. When she saw that the baby was part cat she couldn't leave her there. So, the mother cat nudged Catonia and then picked the malnourished baby up by the back of the neck and carried her off to her litter of kittens.

Catonia grew up among the city's many cats, never having quite enough to eat, but happy nonetheless.

When she grew into her teens she would often wander off by herself, and she find a lot of unexpected treasures. Being the smart girl she was she sat down by the main road of the city and showed her beautiful, unique and sometimes downright weird items to the public. Her things sold fast, and Catonia finally started being able to eat and take better care of herself.

Now after years of prosperous buisness in the rare and unusual she owns her own shop.
Occupation: Merchant
Other: She never goes anywhere without her feline companion, Vera; who is silver in color with bright blue eyes. Vera helps Catonia when she has to go out in the daylight by relating what events are happening around her telepathicly.

Art Received:


The Finicky Feline
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Forest
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Half human/Half cat
Hair: His long black hair reaches below his waist, and is very shaggy, falling into his eyes quite often. He prefers to wear it loose, but one of his friends is a hairdresser and likes to experiment on Forest, so it’s not odd to see him in some very inventive hairdos.
Eyes: His eyes are bright green, and have slit pupils like a cat.
Height and body type: Forest is 5’7” with a rather lean physique.
Ears and Tail: The fur on his ears and tail is quite fluffy. Their primary color is yellow and sandy brown with black stripes. His tail is ringed with these stripes and the tips of his ears are also black.
Clothes: Forest prefers to go shirtless whenever possible, but if he has to wear one it’s usually a rather simple short-sleeved pale green button down that he only buttons up halfway. His pants are a slightly darker green than his shirt and ride low on his hips. They’re on the loose side, but flare out at his ankles. Along the bottoms are yellow roses. Around his neck he either wears a green collar with gold tags, or small gold rose shaped locket on a matching chain. A black belt encircles his waist, and does nothing to help hold up his pants.
Other about appearance: Forest has a yellow rose tattooed over his heart with vines radiating outwards from it. The vines travel across his chest, his back, down his stomach and end somewhere near mid thigh. Another yellow rose is on his left bicep, and the vines from that one wrap around his arm and end at his wrist.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Forest is normally a rather laid back and mellow individual with a love for peace. He loves to read and hear new stories and he has an almost photographic memory for them. Forest also loves to garden and spend time tending his own rather large garden. His favorite type of flower is a yellow rose. Oftentimes he has trouble concentrating on doing one thing at a time and will flit between several different activities in a day. The only time he doesn’t have trouble focusing is when he’s with his on again, off again boyfriend, Veil. Forest is desperately in love with Veil, and every time Veil breaks up with him it breaks his heart a little more.
Occupation: Storyteller/Florist
Other: Cat Form

Art Received:


The Itty Bitty Kitty
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Kilan
Age: As old as time
Gender: Neuter, though goes by female pronouns
Race: Spirit Cat
Eyes: Her eyes are a beautiful blue color that seem to stare into your soul.
Fur: Most of her fur is pure white, except for around the mouth, the tips of her ears, her paws, and some stripes on her back and tail, which are all light gray.
Jewelry: She has small silver hoop earrings near the tips of both of her ears, and these earrings sometimes have a small blue stone the same color as her eyes, and sometimes they don't. The earrings are a sign that she is a knowledge seeker, and she never, ever, ever takes them out.
Size: She's a very, very small kitty.
Human Form: In this form she has long white hair with grey tips, incredibly pale skin and pointed ears. She has the same eyes as her cat form and none of the body parts that makes gender discernible.
Sexuality: Aesexual
Personality: Curious, always curious. She is extremely intelligent, and very close to being the smartest creature alive. Because she is a seeker of knowledge, she refuses to take sides in any type of conflict. You can ask her any type of question, and depending on her mood, she might answer you, so be careful.
Family: N/A
History: To be added
Occupation: Collector of Knowledge
Other: N/A

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None as of yet

Last edited by Catonia; 11-25-2009 at 03:16 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:27 AM

Fantasy Creatures-Vampires

The Lackey
Name: Olivia April Lenning (Lil Liv)
Age: 558 (Looks to be between the ages or 6-8, except during the full moon. Then she looks to be about 18)
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Hair: Her red hair is the color of new copper pennies and reaches a little ways below her bottom and is straight. She prefers to keep it in either pigtails or a braid, though she will change her hair style if the situation calls for it. Sometimes she will curl her pigtails to match the gothic lolita look she likes.
Eyes: They are a silvery pale gray
Height and body type: Olivia's body type is small and waiflike, standing at 3'6" and weighing 52 lbs.
Clothes: Her favorite type of clothing is gothic lolita, in colors like black and green, but she will wear whatever the situation calls for, be it high and formal to 'I'm a poor lost urchin girl'.
Other about appearance: Unless she has just fed her skin will be very, very pale. She can almost always be seen carrying some sort of doll or stuffed animal in which she hides various sharp implements.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Olivia is very obedient and will obey any order she is given from anyone that she considers a higher rank than her. Even if it goes against all of her personal morals, which it will be admitted are quite odd. She values the lives of animals as being far more important than that of humans, seeing people mostly as a food source. Olivia is very a very quiet and solemn individual and she rarely smiles, except when she's around her older brother, whom she loves dearly, despite his part in her curse. She seems to have become resigned to her fate of appearing her true age for only twelve days out of a year, though she has vowed to viciously mangle the woman who cursed and hurt her brother so.
Family: Lothario - older brother
History: To be added
Occupation: Lackey
Other: When she was a very young vampire she was oftentimes very violent and went on killing sprees. A witch placed a curse on her so that she would only look her true age during the night of the full moon. The witch told her that until she could act her like an adult she didn't deserve to be one.

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The Lover
Name: Lothario Marcus Lenning
Age: 561 (looks to be 21)
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Hair: Wavy and copper colored, like a new penny. It reaches the middle of his back and he usually keeps it pulled out of his face in a ponytail.
Eyes: Dark Silver
Height and body type: 5'7" 146 lbs He has the compact body of a dancer, with lean muscles and a trim waist
Clothes: His clothes are an eclectic mixture of old fashioned lord and club hopper. He prefers to wear these colors: Blue, silver and gold. ((Favorite outfit is the one shown here!))
Other about appearance: N/A
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Lothario is ultimate womanizer, as well as the male equivalent. Indeed, if something has two legs and can speak intelligibly, they're his type. Human, Vampire, it doesn't matter to this playboy. Though he does draw the line at children. He is a strongly opposed to pedophilia, and will go out of his way to stop that sort of thing. Surprisingly, in light of his willingness to sleep with just about any adult, Lothario is an absolute neat freak. He is obsessive about keeping himself and his surroundings clean. If he has to go into an area that doesn't meet his high standards of cleanliness he feels the urge to grab cleaning supplies and get down to the business of cleaning.

Loathrio is very protective of his little sister, Olivia, and he would do anything to protect her, even when she vehemently protests such actions.
Family: Olvia - little sister
History: To be added
Occupation: Playboy
Other: N/A

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Last edited by Catonia; 01-13-2012 at 02:21 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:28 AM

Fantasy Creatures-Misc.

The Goldfish
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Glassaile
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Merman, Goldfish variety
Hair: Very long copper hair the color of a new penny.
Eyes: In his mer form they are bright orange, but in his human form they are brown with orangish highlights.
Height and body type: Glassaile is quite androgynous and his height and weight reflect that.
Clothes: It all depends on who is is at the current point in time. Touching fabric or made clothing cause Glassaile to take on the attitudes of what type of person might wear the clothes.
Other about appearance: Glassaile's tail is a mix of white and orange with the fins being especially floaty. And, being a goldfish, Glassaile can change his gender at will. He quite likes to change into a girl. He has freckles.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Family: Two daddies and many, many, many siblings

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The Centaur
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Trystan
Gender: Male
Race: Centaur
Hair: His hair, mane and tail are snowy white and curly.
Eyes: His eyes are a thoughtful blue
Height and body type:
Other about appearance:

Art Received:
To be added

To be added

The Naga
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Ink Hessthian
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Half Naga hybrid between a Green Anaconda(Mother) and Leucistic texas rat(Father)
Appearance Ink's height is likely to be the very first thing you notice about him. He stands somewhere in the vicinity of six feet five inches and his body is quite slender for his height. He moves with the fluid grace typical of the naga race and is often seen wearing too many layers, even in summer. His tongue is forked just like the snakes he takes after. His waist length snowy white hair has small green beads interwoven throughout some of the strands and he usually keeps it tied out of his face in a rather messy knot at the back of his neck. Ink's eyes are a pale shade of green with slit pupils and slant upwards sharply at the corners. His skin is a dusky tan from all his years in the desert and he has a smattering of green scales across his cheeks, his shoulders, the backs of his hands, his lower back and a trail of them starting at his chest and ending down near his groin.
Other about appearance: Because of his human heritage Ink can change between his human-esq form, and his naga form. In his full Naga form his snake like features become more pronounced and his legs fuse into a tail. His tail is pure white with pale green spots reminiscent of an anaconda's markings
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Ink is normally a rather quiet fellow, more prone to speak through his actions rather than his words. He loves warm places, which is one of the things that attracted him into becoming a baker. Having spent all of his early life in a dessert Ink is incredibly naive about city life, while alternatively very knowledgeable about the circle of life. When something confuses him, or if he's uncertain about something he has a habit of tilting his head to the right and tasting the air with his tongue. He has a quick temper, but his bursts of anger always fade quickly. If Ink feels like he's being threatened he tends to attack first, and skip asking questions later. Despite this he can be quite gentle to those he cares about, showing an often disturbing tendency in one so large, to cuddle. He is easily charmed by pleasant sounds, like music, water fountains and soothing voices.
Family: Big Family.
History: Ink's parents both half nagas of different species. His mother was an anaconda while his father was a leucistic texas rat snake. He has somewhere around the number of twelve siblings with himslef being comfortably in the middle. He grew up in the desert as a nomad, wandering from oasis to oasis with his family until the day his mother and several of his siblings were killed by a rival clan of eagles. At that point what was left of his family decided to split up and go different ways to try and find out if they could ever rebuild their clan, many of them opting to stay in the desert. Ink decided to try his luck in the city where he wandered into a little bakery shop and became entranced.
The Yeast of All Bakery is famous for having fabulous breads, pastries, desserts, and excellent tea and coffee. They have a small cafe for their patrons to enjoy their purchases and attentive waiters and waitresses. Their deliveries are speedy with a 100% guarantee of satisfaction. Their prices are a little on the high end, but the money is well worth the product. Because of their phenomenal success the owners will occasionally hire completely untrained aspiring bakers into their fold. They give the new baker a rent free apartment above the shop, and in exchange half of the new baker's salary goes back into the Bakery for emergencies.
Ink is the most recent baker to attract their notice, despite the fact that half of the things he bakes are inedible.
Occupation: Apprentice Baker

Art Received:
To be added

To be Added

The Incubus
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Pathenius Daymon
Age: Unkown (looks to be 19)
Gender: Male
Race: Incubus
Hair: He has light, almost platinum blonde hair that tends to spike out about his head
Eyes: Turquoise
Height and body type:
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Homosexual

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The Anti-Social Fey
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Creena
Age: Around 150, give or take a few years
Gender: Female
Race: Fey (Fairy)
Hair: Knee length black hair with dark purple streaks
Eyes: Dark, dark violet that have an upwards slant to the corners
Height and body type: As a result of her dislike of being around merry people, she hasn't absorbed much happiness, and thus she isn't very large. She's about the size of someone's hand.
Clothes: She dresses toga style in a ragged old piece of black fabric that she found lying somewhere.
Other about appearance: She has dark brown skin
Sexuality: Aesexual
Personality: Creena is the unhappiest Fey you will ever have the misfortune to encounter. Other Fey avoid her company, and with good reason. She is depressed and moody, angry and vengeful, and every bad emotion you can think of at times. She is determined to get rid of what she calls her "curse".
Family: N/A
History: Creena has always been thought of as more than a bit strange. She has always tried to avoid big gatherings of people, unlike her fellow Fey. She can't stand being expected to be happy all the time, or, as she sees it; "forcing other people to be happy." As such, she has taken it upon herself to find the Goddess of Happiness and ask her to make it so that Creena doesn't have to exude happiness from her very pores. If that fails, she plans to bother all the gods she could possibly find until she finds one of them that can help her.
Occupation: Pain in the a- *coughcough* Wanderer
Other: N/A

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Last edited by Catonia; 01-09-2011 at 04:10 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:28 AM

Fantasy Humans

The Word Wizard
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Mica Mcardle
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: He has shoulder length curly back hair that is kept out of his face with the use of a purple bandanna.
Eyes: is eyes are blue, or violet depending on what mood he's in, and his surroundings, though it can be quite hard to see them as they are normally hidden behind a pair of black rimmed spectacles.
Height and body type: Mica is tall, standing at 6'2". He is quite skinny as well, and despite the many hours he has spent outside, his skin always stays the same pale color, never tanning or getting sunburnt.
Clothes: His clothing really changes depending on the situation called for, but he normally wears a flouncy cream colored shirt, knees length black pants, lace up ship's sandals and a matching blue/purple head scarf and sash.
Other about appearance: He tends to have a lot of bruises on his knees and elbows.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: He is always asking questions. His favorite is 'why?' Curiosity could be his biggest weakness or his greatest strength, depending on who you ask. His insistent questions tend to grate on one's nerves after awhile, and they have gotten him into more than one sticky situation. Despite his seemingly fragile personality Mica has a stubborn streak a mile wide, and he always does his best to stay focused on his goals, no matter what they may be.
Family: Ruby (Mother)
History: Mica grew up as the son of a sailor, even though he never stepped foot on the sea until he was thirteen. His mother was overprotective and didn't want her only child out among the dangers of the water. The only reason Mica did manage to start sailing was because one day he ran away to join the navy. While he was there he learned that he had a rare type of magic, and they taught him how to use it effectively, and then they taught him how to kill with his word magic. Eventually they concluded that his training was as complete as they could give him, and they sent him back to land to serve under the guardforce in Fairholt. Since coming back to the town of his birth, he found out that his mother had killed herself after he had run away, and his father had been killed in an accident at sea. Now he lives in the house that he grew up in, finding out that his parents had left it to him in the case that he was still alive.
Since he came back to Fairholt he has been employed to track down assassins, and eliminate them.
Occupation: Assassin assassin/ Midshipsman in His Majesty's Royal Navy
Other: Mica can use the power of words to control people. He can he say a sentence, and the person he is attacking believe that to be true. So, if he told someone that jumping off a bridge would help their family survive, or some such thing, they would go jump off a bridge. Or he can say that they were just cut by to pieces by thirty swordsmen, they suddenly are wounded exactly like he describes, so he has to be careful how he words things. However, uses his magic takes a LOT of energy, and if he is interrupted in the middle of a spell it will backfire on him, three times as powerful as it would have affected his intended target. Also, someone with a strong mind, or someone with well placed wards might not be affected by his magic.

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The Drunken Pirate
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Cattarina O'Conner
Nickname: Rina
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Her long, straight, bright red hair reaches the the back of her knees, and is almost always braided.
Eyes: Her left eye is the color of brandy while her other is blood red, which is why she keeps it hidden behind a plain black eyepatch.
Height and body type: She stands at an even 5'5" and she is very fit. She has just the right amount of curves to utilize her scandalous outfits to the fullest, but not so much that she would injure herself while in a fight.
Clothes: She wears a tied red top, a short black skirt, white and red stockings, black boots with red lacing's, black gloves and a black bandanna. Her jewelry consists of two gold bracelets on each arm that go over her gloves, three small gold hoops in each ear, a black belt with a gold buckle and a small round piece of gold attached to a string around her neck. She never takes off her necklace since it is very special to her, as both a symbol of her first love, and her first successful raid.
Other about appearance: She has several tattoos. One on her left forearm; a black skull. A small red heart on her right cheek. A red sunburst pattern around her belly button, and a black and white butterfly in the middle of her back. She has a large scar that starts next to her right eyebrow and slashes across her nose and ends in the middle of her left cheek.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Rina is an innovative and courageous individual, when she isn't drunk. Since she is rarely seen without a bottle of brandy in her hands, that is a very rare occasion. When she's drunk she suffers from violent mood swings, laughing and happy one moment, depressed and violent the next. She is very reckless, and tends to jump into things without any forethought on her part.
Family: She has a father and nine brothers back in her home town, but she doesn't speak to them.
History: In her younger days she worked as a pirate, and she quickly became the captain of the ship. All that ended one day when the man she had fallen in love with betrayed her and her crew, and tried to kill her. The scar she has on her face is evidence of that fight. After she was forced to kill her love she lost her taste for pirating, and now she wanders through taverns, spending the money she obtained from her pirating days on drinking.
Occupation: Pirate
Other: She has a a large gray and black cat named Rouge that follows her everywhere. For some strange reason, he also wears an eye patch over his left eye, and he drinks alcohol at the same time that Rina does.

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The Naive Bard
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Lyonell Kings
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Shoulder length wavy golden blond hair
Eyes: Violet
Height and body type: He's 5'7" and much too skinny for his age
Clothes: Purple, purple, purple. (He likes purple ;P)
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Lyonell is probably one of the sweetest boys you will ever meet. He is generous to a fault, but surprisingly naive about the world. He can be quite shrewd about the strangest of things and completely innocent about others. Even mentioning the word "sex" around him will cause him to turn an interesting shade of red. He is smarter than he let's on, but sometimes has trouble following orders, which once made his friend Azrael comment, "You're about as smart as a bag of rocks, and half as useful." He is fiercely protective of those he loves, even going as far as to be willing to kill for them. Lyonell loves animals and children, but he has a special fondness for cats. He believes that they host the souls of restless spirits, and that the right cat will always find you in your time of need. He is a wonderful musician, and has an aptitude for any type of musical instrument.
Family: Lioniss - Father, Elizabeth - Mother, Leonard - Brother (deceased), Arabella - Sister, Reginald - Brother, Katelyn - Sister, Timothy - Brother, Harriet - Sister, Lillianne - Sister, Quin - Brother, Issabelle - Sister, Vanessa - Sister
History: To be added
Occupation: Bard

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The Artist formerly known as "Thief!"
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Railen Clairson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human, though he has just a teeny tiny bit of fey blood
Hair: His chin length hair is multicolored. His bangs are a bright red and the rest of his hair is saffron yellow
Eyes: His left eye is smoky gray and his right is much duller, being blind
Height and body type: Tall and angular
Other about appearance: His ears have slightly pointed tips
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Railen is known best as a womanizer, and truthfully, he is. He enjoys women, not as things to be used, but as people. His favorite thing to do is try and puzzle out why a woman is acting a certain way. Even though most people call him a rake and a rascal, he is actually a very nice man, despite the fact that he is a thief at heart. He actually enjoys art, looking at it, or creating it, which is why he is known as a painter.
Family: Clair - mother, Evan - twin sister, Many many siblings
History: He is the eldest of far too many siblings, though for the safety of all concerned, he and his siblings pretend that the other doesn't exist. This separation started when their mother died, and Railen had to leave town quickly, or have his hand chopped off for thievery. Some months ago a fight with someone trying to take his life left him blind in his right eye. Loss of depth perception really hampered his ability as a thief, and so he is contemplating changing his career to that of a full time artist.
Occupation: Artist/former thief
Other: His paintbrush can be used as a weapon. He just needs to twist off one end and inside is a very sharp needle, usually covered in poison. He also has a collection of daggers.

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The Short Tempered Thieflord
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Grace Antana
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Dark brown, almost black hair is kept in a french braid and reaches the back of her knees, intertwined throughout her braid are silk scarves of all sorts, she has so many nowadays that it's almost impossible to see her original hair color.
Eyes: Bright vivid green
Height and body type: Grace is tiny, standing around 4 feet 10 inches, those who don't know her would call her delicate, though she's anything but, her small body is very strong, especially her wrists and arms.
Clothes: She wears a sleeveless white button vest over a skintight black sleeveless shirt, her billowy dark violet pants are gathered at the bottoms, and her arms, waist, ankles, wrists and neck are all covered with more of her scarves. She prefers to go barefoot, but when she has to wear shoes he wears a pair of hard soled slippers.
Other about appearance: She looks much younger than her age, her figure like the rest of her body small, almost none existent, she has been mistaken for a boy and a child on many different occasions. Her skin is naturally tanned.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Easily irritated, even though she rarely shows it. Vengeful. In most cases she presents a bored face to the rest of the world. She’s often been described as a heartless murderer. And even though she can kill an adult without one drop of regret, she has a great compassion in her heart for young children and animals.
Family: None, they’re all dead.
History: When Grace was born her family abandoned her in an alley, they couldn't afford to feed her, and as a girl she would have been useless to them anyway. She was found almost dead by a old woman who's daughter had recently given birth. She was raised by the family until she was six, believing that she was their daughter, until they disillusioned her. The family had gone into debt, and they sold her to a establishment that dealt in child prostitutes.
When Grace was nine she'd just had enough one day, and she strangled the man who owned her, and then she ran, keeping the red silk scarf she use to kill him. After she'd hidden for a few days and the fuss had gone down, she returned to her old family and strangled them in their sleep, she did it in revenge for what they had put her through.
Until she turned fourteen she kept herself alive by lifting the lay. She'd gotten very good at what she did, and whenever she saw a silk scarf in a target's house she would steal it for her won personal collection. She was caught by one of the Rouge thieves one day, she'd been encroaching on their territory. The thief who'd caught her offered her a choice, become part of the Rouge Court, or die. She choose to become part of the court.
In the years since then she has risen in rank until she became a Theiflord. Grace never cared about the fact that no one wanted to be under a female's rule, she killed those who were very vocal in their opposition of her. Now no one voices their complaints where Grace might hear.
Occupation: Thief Lord
Weapon: All the scarves on her body.
Other: She specializes in lockpicking, lifting the lay and strangulation.

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Fiery Steps
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Naida [na-EE-da]
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Arabic with some elven blood
Appearance: Naida has waist length curly black hair that she usually keeps tied up in a ponytail. A golden circlet with a sapphire attached to it encircles her brow. Her bright blues eyes are lined with khol, which only accentuates their unusual color. Her skin is the color of milk chocolate. She isn't very tall, but her slender willowy frame makes her look taller than she is. Somewhere in her background is elven blood, and it shows in her delicately pointed ears. Naida wears a black top that shows off her midriff and her arms and has golden bells attached to the bottom fringe. Her skirt is split down the sides and is also black. She ties a golden sash around her waist and wears several golden bangles on each wrists. Around her upper arms reside a pair of gold belled armlets, and her neck is covered by a black silk ribbon with more tiny bells attached to it. Her navel is pierced by a sapphire blue jewel, and her ears by two gold hoops in each ear, one at the lobes and the other at the tips.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Naida is a very energetic and bubbly type of girl. She laughs and smiles easily. She's quite good at multitasking and helping others keep on track as well. Sometimes she can have trouble keeping her wild side and her more civilized sides in balance. Naida is absolutely terrified of getting hurt, be it mentally, emotionally or physically and will go to paranoid lengths to try and avoid it.
Family: To be added
History: To be added
Occupation: Arabian Dancer
Other: Naida has three pet cats that travel around with her and the caravan. Their names are; Kalil, Inara and Hessa. Kali is a male black and gray tabby with green eyes, Inara is female mostly white cat with small splotches of cream all over and yellow eyes, and Hessa is pure gray with blue eyes.

Art Received:
None Yet


NOT a Mary Sue
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Maria Susan Sprakle
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Though some people suspect that she has a bit of Hobbit in her bloodline)
Appearance: Maria is described as anything but slender and graceful; She’s rather short and on the plump side as a matter of fact. Her waist length hair is incredibly frizzy and she tries to tame it by confining it in two low pigails and covering the top of her frizz with a scarf. She calls her hair brown, and that’s good enough for her. In actuality her hair is just about all shades of brown under the sun. If one were to grip a handful of her hair they would see thousands of different shades. Anyone who grabbed her hair would also be likely to draw back a bloody stump, but it was his or her choice, right? If one peers very very very hard through her thick spectacles, they might see that she has hazel eyes that are almost always narrowed with annoyance. Her fair skin is easily sunburned, and covered with freckles. She tends to wear rather generic I’m a Poor Village Girl clothing, and around her neck rests an amulet who’s only claim to fame is that it doesn’t have any.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Maria Susan Sprakle absolutely hates to be called by the nickname of Mary Sue. She is quite willing to rip anyone (besides her mother) a new hole if they dare to try calling her it. All in all, she can be quite irritable and nasty if she doesn’t get her way, which is often. She has quite the temper, and doesn’t hesitate to take it out on anyone near her. She is quite the proud girl, and doesn’t bend well under pressure. Despite all of her rather caustic personality traits, she has a soft spot for some of the more odd and outcast creatures of society. She has an irrational fear of maple trees, and pink bunnies...
Family: Janet - mother, Henry - father, Gina, Melony, Tina, Leane - little sisters
History: Maria Susan is the oldest child in her mother’s brood, and is rightfully the next ruler of Hamletburg. Not that she gives a rancid flying monkey turd about running the town, in fact she thinks the Overlord is doing good enough for a newbie, but she can’t stand to be treated like a servant. Which is why she decided to fund and head the expedition to find the Heroes and dethrone the Evil Overlord.
Occupation: Servant/Hero Support/Heiress
Other: Maria has the oh so amazing ability to make small breakable things break by glaring at them, but, large not breakable things can be heard to snicker when she tries. She has a notquitesocute animal friend by the name of Glork. Glork is a Hobgoblin who loves to swear at everyone and everything, and he really likes to steal Evil Overlord Nemo’s underwear and string it up around the town.

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None yet

The Inventor
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Gidgit Jessica Syril
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Gidgit keeps her waist length platinum blonde hair tied into twin high ponytails, and keeps them that way with two black clips shaped like bows. The only hair that escapes these confines is her straight bangs and two small locks that dangle in front of her ears.
Eyes: Her eyes are a mix somewhere between jade green and gold.
Height and body type: Gidgit is 5'6" tall and quite curvy. She considers her size DD breasts to be the bane of her existence and always does her best to bind them down.
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Harry - father, Hope - cousin, Jaymes - cousin, Emily - cousin (Deceased)
Occupation: Inventor/Tinkerer

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Last edited by Catonia; 01-24-2010 at 11:21 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:29 AM


The Persacom
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Bea
Age: Three months (looks to be Nineteen)
Gender: Female
Race: Highly advanced Persacom, close to being a chobit
Hair: Her hair is pure black, tends to be curly and is pulled back away from her face with an orange headband. She tends to pull her hair to rest over her shoulder.
Eyes: Her eyes are bright blue
Height and body type:
Other about appearance: Her headband opens up and that is were one can find her plug in ports.
Sexuality: Whatever her owner wants it to be
Occupation: Computer

Art Received:
None yet


The Broken Doll
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Skye
Age: Seven Years (looks to be about ten)
Gender: Male
Race: Persacom
Hair: Skye has chin length auburn hair that has a trend to be eternally messy, no matter how many times it’s been combed.
Eyes: They used to be a brilliant sky blue, but they have become faded as his sight system fails and now are almost entirely blank.
Height and body type: He’s a little bit shorter than the average ten year old, and looks like he has a little bit of baby fat, just enough to have what aunts consider pinchable cheeks.
Clothes: His outfit is very simple. A gray tank top, white knee length shorts with two big pockets, one on either side of his shorts, and a pair of black converse sneakers. Sometimes he’ll wear a dark blue collar with a brass tag attached.
Other about appearance: Skye is a very old model persacom, and it shows in his making. He has two metal white cat ears on top of his head where his ports are located and a white metal tail. The artificial skin and fur that used to cover his body has worn away at the joints revealing his original framework, even on his tail.
Sexuality: It was never programmed in
Personality: In general Skye is a very sunny and cheerful person. He loves to play and will willingly play whatever game is asked of him. He’s not at all shy. He has his times where he will act sulky and brood, but they are almost always over quickly.

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The Android
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Rosaline
Age: Unknown (looks to be in early twenties)
Gender: Technically neuter, but someone installed girl parts once upon a time
Race: Android
Height and body type:
Other about appearance:

Art Received:


Last edited by Catonia; 08-06-2009 at 01:17 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:29 AM

Modern Humans-Magic

The Schizophrenic Artist
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Seth Greenburg
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Seth has pitch black hair hasn't been cut since he was very young. He usually keeps it braided and his hair is as thick around as his fist and the end reaches just below his knees. The random bits that escape from his braid appear to be curly. However, the weight of all of his hair makes it appear straight when it's long.
Eyes: His eye color... changes depending on which personality is currently in control. When he's 'Seth' his eyes are dark blue, when he's Taylor his eyes are orange, when he's Rob his eyes are dark red, and when he's Gin his eyes are green. Sometimes one eye will be one color and the other will be a different one.
Height and Body Type: Seth is 5'7" and he's skinny, but not overly so.
Clothes: Seth prefers to wear a pair of faded jeans, shiny black boots, a dark green t-shirt and some sort of long sleeved jacket, usually made of leather, or denim. ((Feel free to mess around with his clothes, I don't mind ^^))
Other things about appearance: His ears are pierced by two small dark ruby earrings, and a palm sized shield is hung on a chain around his neck . He has a tattoo on the palm of his hand of an eye and one on his back of black phoenix.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: It all depends on who's in control. Seth is easily bored by most things. Taylor is a sex fiend, constantly talking about it, flirting with anything on two legs, and not caring whom she gets it from. Taylor is also decidedly female. Rob is sadist and a masochist... He has a short temper and doesn't care about who he's going to beat up. Gin has the mentality of a small child. Easily amused and easily upset, he can be hard to talk to, though he tries his best to be polite at all times. 

Occupation: Student/Artist
Family: Mother, Father
History: Seth's parents are serious buttheads, rigid, unfeeling, and cruel if they don't get what they want. All of Seth's life he could never measure up to their standards and the cold attitudes his parent treated him with caused Seth to spend increasing amounts of time out of his house hanging with a motorcycle gang. When he was sixteen he was riding his brand new motorcycle, alone for once. It was near the end of November and the roads were icy. Seth wasn't paying enough attention to his driving and he skidded on a patch of black ice, right into an incoming vehicle. It was a miracle that Seth wasn't killed and he only sustained minor injuries considering what could have happened. He broke his left arm, fractured his right leg and sustained what seemed to be minor head injury. Except for the fact that it caused Seth to have split personality disorder.
Other: Seth hopes to one day be 'normal' again.

Art Received:

In one of the RPs that Seth was used in, his other personalities received bodies of their own. This is art I've received of them.




The Fashion Obsessed Crossdresser
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Alexander O'Hara
Nickname: Lex
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Eyes: He has large expressive eyes that are a brilliant shade of turquoise and are framed by long lashes.
Hair: His wavy hair is the color of wild honey and reaches just below his shoulders when it's loose, though he prefers to keep it in a high ponytail.
Height and Body type: He is quite petite, even if he really was a girl. He stands at 5'2" and weighs 105lbs give or take a few pounds. He has a heart shaped face, pouty lips and a button nose.
Clothes: He thinks girl's clothes, in the norm, are cuter than male's. He doesn't have any one set outfit, though he seems to favor crop tops, camisoles, skirts and knee highs boots, in shades of purple, turquoise, blue, white and green. He always wears a heart shaped silver locket on a chain around his neck. Both of his ears have been pierced twice and he is frequently seen wearing earrings that match whatever outfit he happens to be wearing.
Other about appearance: Lex is often mistaken for a girl on first, second, third and even fourth glance, and the fact that he is most often seen in female apparel supports this image.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Lex always tries his best to be a happy and optimistic type of person, and he can usually carry it off. He loves fashion, designing it, dressing in it, reading about it, and he's quite good at what he does.
He is an insomniac, and it's very very rare that he ever gets a good night's sleep. It's in the dead hours of the night that he gets his most disturbing flashes of memory, and those are the times that he is most definitely not happy, bubbly or bouncy.
Family: Mother, Father, Opheila(older sister), Jacquline(younger sister)
History: Lex had a fairly normal life before he hit puberty, except for the fact that he had two sisters who enjoyed having him play princess with them. Not that Lex minded in the least.
All of that changed, though, when he hit puberty, and he started seeing things that no one else could see. Monsters, swirling bits of color and other such unusual things. For a while he thought he was crazy, until he met a girl named Bella. She was his guardian angel, and she protected him from the demons that tried to capture him. She was the first and only girl that Lex ever loved. In the end, though, Bella was critically injured and her life force faded away. With her last bit of energy she made Lex forget that he had ever met her, and did her best to suppress his powers to help keep him safe. The magic she used on him is started to wear off now, and he is starting to remember her in bits and pieces, and his powers are also returning.
Occupation: Student/Fashion Designer
Other: Lex has magic powers, though his powers are passive rather than offensive for the most part. He acts as a sort of amplifier for magical energy, everyone around him who has magic notices a dramatic increase in their powers, which can be a bad thing since it also amplifies demonic powers. He can also see spirits and auras, and the range that he can sense a demon is much higher than most other's. Unfortunately for Lex, because of his other abilities he has little to no fighting skills. However, if someone else weakens a low level demon, he can very briefly take over the demon's mind and cause it to do his bidding.

Art Received:


The Pessimistic Pyro
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Necia Delgato
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: She has waist length straight black hair that tends to fall into her face.
Eyes: Her eyes are a very light brown and almond shaped, but it's hard to see them behind her glasses.
Height and body type: She's very tall for a girl, about 5'9" and she's very skinny
Clothes: She wears a black and red striped tank top underneath a sleeveless black jacket that has small silver chains attached to random spots. A black and gray plaid skirt covers part of her legs, and a pair of ripped jeans under that covers the rest. Necia wears a pair of black slip on shoes.
Her right ear has three small hoops, her left has two red studs, she has a black choker on her neck and several different colored bangles on her wrists.
Sometimes she can been seen in a very matrixy styled black trenchcoat.
Other about appearance: She's very pale.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: She is easily bored, and she only really gets interested in a subject if it is gory. Most things that other people find morbid, make her laugh. When she's bored she tends to look like she's pouting. She's also a pessimistic and always, always expects the worst to happen, and when it doesn't she gets upset. If it does happen, however, it makes her feel extremely happy. She's also a bit of a masochist, and while she won't deliberately injure herself, she will pick and prod at any wound she does get, just to make it hurt for a longer period of time. Necia's temper is slow to build, but when it reaches it's peak, people had better watch out. She has recently become interested in Psychology and she spends quite a bit of time trying to figure out the people around her's motives. She has quite a few sadistic qualities, which clash horribly with her wiccan beliefs, resulting in quite a few odd set of circumstances.
Family: Karen (Foster Mother), Nigel (Foster Father), Maria (Foster Sister)
History: Necia's parents gave her care over to her grandfather, and she never heard of them after that. Her grandfather lived in Spain and taught her how to speak spanish, their native language and installed a set of wiccan core values into her heart that she has always managed to retain despite what life has thrown at her. When she was six her grandfather died of a heart attack while they were visiting The United States and she was shuttled into the foster system. She started having trouble at the very beginning when it was found out that she spoke only a few sentences in English. Even after she learned English she could never seem to become settled in with a foster family. Eventually she became known as a trouble maker, especially after the fire. One of her foster families were very conservative Christians and when they found out about her wiccan beliefs one of the children tried to burn her, accusing her of being a witch. The fire he tried to burn her with raged out of control as her terror fed it. The family all lived, but they were all badly burned. Necia, however, was unharmed, and thus the police decided that she must have have known about the fire beforehand. She got a reputation as an arsonist after that, even though she was only ten.
Necia's experience with the foster system really degenerated after that as each house she was sent to was worse than the last. She was raped when she was fourteen and one night when the man was trying to rape her again she got ahold of a lighter. Needless to say, he didn't survive that encounter.
Occupation: High School Student/Grocery Store Clerk
Other: She can see ghosts, and even though she doesn't know it, she's a bit of an empath. Her special brand of magic is an immunity to most heat, everything except for the most extreme degrees, and the ability to control fire. It has to already exist for her to use it, however. She can't make fire appear from nothing.

Art Received:


Last edited by Catonia; 08-06-2009 at 01:15 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:29 AM

Modern Humans-Magicless

The Pacifistic Bookworm
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Anne Park
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Short feathery light brown hair with natural orange highlights
Eyes: Dark green, they're usually covered by thick glasses. She's nearsighted. The frames of her glasses are black and they've been broken in the middle several times, and put back together with tape.
Height and body type: She's in that growing stage where your body is too lanky as you haven't quite grown into your skin. She has small breasts, narrow hips and a waist that's barely there.
Clothes: She wears a dark turtle neck sweater to hide the bruises she always has, a pair of ripped light blue jeans, and light colored sneakers.
Other about appearance: Her skin is pale. She never, ever wears jewelry.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Most of the time she quiet, shy and she has trouble talking to people. She is fiercely protective, and a peacemaker, so even if someone does hurt her she will forgive them. It's one of the reason's she hides her bruises, since she doesn't want her father to get taken away from her, because she knows that no matter what happens, he's still a good man underneath the depression and the alcohol.
Family: Ronald-father, Maria-mother(Wherabouts unknown)
History: Anne was an accident between her parents. They were young and reckless, and they had a one night stand and as a result Anne's mother got pregnant. Maria wanted to get an abortion, but she chickened out at the last minute. Ronald had no clue that he was a father until the day Anne's mother dropped her off on her father's doorstep as a baby. Her father took her in and raised her, but she did not have an easy childhood. Her father works at a lowpaying job and is an alcoholic. When he drinks he is rough and he frequently beats Anne for both real and imagined slights, but when he's not he tries to be the best father he knows how to be. He loved Maria, and the fact that she lied to him about Anne, and just left has left a gaping wound in his heart.
Occupation: Middle school student
Other: She loves to read and is usually seen carrying some type of book with her.

Art Received:


The Photographer
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Samuel Conner
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human, part Arab, mostly Caucasian.
Hair: Pitch black it's just long enough to tie back, and when left to it's own devices his hair tends to curl up at the ends
Eyes: Dark forest green
Height and body type: He is tall and muscular, not OHMIGODSCARY muscular, but he does have a fair bit packed onto his lanky body. His arms and chest from carrying around heavy photograph equipment and his legs from hiking around while carrying that equipment. His skin is naturally tan in color.
Clothes: He wears a green short sleeved shirt that is several shades lighter than his eyes with black around the hems, a black vest with many many pockets that has faded to charcoal gray from being own so many times, hip hugging black pants and black boots. He has one green stud in his left earlobe, and a small green stone on a silver chain around his neck..
Other about appearance: His nose is too big to be considered attractive.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: He loves watching people as they go about there daily activities, and he is able to capture the best in them with his photos. He learned how to be an makeup artist so he could help others bring out their best qualities. He smiles and laughs more easily than he frowns or sulks, and he is a wonderful confident, he will never reveal your secrets.
Family: Cassidy - sister, mother, father
Occupation: Photographer/Artist

Art Received:


The Dreamer
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Cassidy Conner
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Cassidy has long curly light brown hair that reaches below her bottom, and she usually keeps it out of her way by braiding it. Unfortunately, her hair is so curly that over the course of a day most of it escapes the confines she places it in.
Eyes: Her stormy gray eyes are hidden behind her silver rimmed oval shaped glasses.
Height and body type: Her skin is a healthy peach color, and in the summer she tans easily. She stands at 4’11 ½”, though, if you asked, she would say that she’s 5’ even. She has fairly large breasts for someone her size.
Clothes: Cassidy likes to wear long flared sleeved black or white tops, brightly patterned long flowing skirts, and either sandals or boots. Her jewelry consists of two small silver hoop earrings, an anklet with bells attached, and a necklace with a removable stone. She changes the stone to match whatever skirt she’s wearing. She also has a fondness for crosses.
Other about appearance: She always carries a bookbag with her that has two notebooks, five pencils, seven erasers, two black pens, and myriad colored pens inside.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Many people would describe Cassidy as a ditzy, head in the clouds type of girl. The reason for this is because she'll often stop talking in the middle of a sentence, and forget to start again. A lot of people think it’s because she’s stupid, but in a lot a cases the reason she stops is because her brain is thinking faster than she can talk, and then when she stops she’ll start thinking about something else entirely. Cassidy is a real daydreamer, but she actually does something with her daydreams; she writes them down, and uses them in her writing.
Despite her tendency to stop in the middle of a sentence, Cassidy can still talk your ear off, and she isn’t afraid to talk to anyone. So, she has a lot of friends, but not any real close ones, not someone she can talk to about what really matters to her. She’s a very trusting person, and that’s another reason why some people thinks she’s stupid. She's surprisingly smart, of genius caliber when she focuses.
Family: Samuel-brother, Mother, Father
History: Cassidy’s real parent’s died in a car crash when she was three years old, and she was placed in an adoption agency after she had lived at some relatives house for a couple of months. Her aunt and uncle already had seven children, and they weren’t able to take care of her. At Rainbow Heart Adoption she became good friends with an older boy named Samuel after he protected her from a pair of bullies. She would follow the older boy around everywhere he went, and when he was adopted she cried for weeks. After two weeks had passed, the couple that had adopted Sam came back and adopted Cassidy as well, because Sam had liked the younger girl as much as she had liked him and had been miserable without her.
After that she grew up with a loving family. Her new parents are lawyers, and they were hoping that one of their children would follow in their footsteps, and up till a year ago, Cassidy went along with their plans, but she eventually realized that it wasn’t something she was passionate about. Being the accepting people they are, her parents didn’t pressure her into what they wanted, and now they support her in her writing career.
Occupation: College student/Book store clerk/writer for the school newspaper, and local town paper
Other: Cassidy is currently attending college as a Junior at the age of sixteen.

Art Received:


The Cartoonist
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Tyrell (Ty) Gathern
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: He has short curly black hair that is almost always messy.
Eyes: His eyes are a mixture between green and grey.
Height and body type: He is currently 5'7", but he is still growing. Ty is fairly skinny, but not quite stick thin, though he is close.
Clothes: He dresses in monotone colors. And he'll wear whatever he grabs in the morning. Usually white pants and a black tank top.
Other about appearance: He is quite pale and blushes really easily.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: He is very, very shy, but only around males. He has no problem talking to girls, but that's only because they don't interest him. Ty has a great sense of humor, and he uses that in the cartoons he is almost always drawing.
Family: Mother, Father Kate (older sister)
Occupation: Student/Cartoonist
Other: Ty is color blind, and deathly allergic to artificial sugar.

Art Received:


The Actress
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Katelyn (Kate) Gathern
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Eyes: She has dark gray eyes with blue specks throughout.
Hair: Her hair reaches just below her shoulders and is pitch black and curly. She usually keeps it up out of her face in a bun or a pony tail, leaving two curls on either side of her face hang free.
Height and body type: She stands at 5'3", and she is physically fit from years and years of dancing.
Clothes: (Feel free to make one up! She likes jeans, crop tops, blues, purples and greens)
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, Father, Ty (younger brother)
Occupation: Dancer/Singer/Actress
Other: She has an alter ego known as Alisha who is a popstar.

Art Received:


The Happy-go-Lucky Maid
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Joyce Harden
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: It falls to the middle of her back in gentle waves. Her hair started growing in white at a young age, and now all of her hair is snowy white. She usually keeps it tied back in a low ponytail, sometimes with a giant sky blue bow.
Eyes: They are the color of milk chocolate.
Height and body type: She is tall and thin, and in very good shape.
Other about appearance: She is tanned from all the time she spend outdoors.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Joyce is usually as sunny and happy as her name implies. She loves to laugh, and is easily excitable. She considers Crissy to be her very best friend in the world, and she sees it as her job in life to make sure that her friend succeeds. On one of the rare times that she's depressed or upset in can take a lot of effort to get her out of her black mood. She loves to sew, and she has quite a bit of practice at basic jewelry making.
Family: Valary (Mother), Malcom (Father), Peace (Little sister)
Occupation: Maid

Art Received:


The Love Bound Chefs
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Quin
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Irish descent
Hair: His red hair is straight and reaches his waist. He usually keeps it tied back in a loose ponytail.
Eyes: He has laughing blue eyes.
Height and body type: He is 6'1" and quite skinny. No matter how much he eats he doesn't seem to gain any weight.
Clothes: He wears a simple green vee-neck t-shirt, faded blue jeans and black boots. He has a sharktooth on a black cord around his neck and he wears a silver hoop earring in his right ear.
Other about appearance: Quinn has a small goatee and mustache.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Quinn loves to laugh and play, and he teases almost everyone. The only people he doesn't tease are those he's mad at. He loves to cook almost as much as he loves his fiance, Veronica, which is saying something. His favorite type of food to cook is italian.
Occupation: Chef
Other: Quin is engaged to Veronica.

Name: Veronica
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: She has chin length black hair that frames her face.
Eyes: Her eyes are the color of chocolate, or so Quinn tells her.
Height and body type: Veronica stands at 5'5" and is a little heavy set.
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Veronica is usually very quiet and polite, only opening up to those she trusts very much. Once she does, though, she can be quite silly.
Occupation: Chef
Other: Veronica is engaged to Quin.

Art Received:


The Fashionable Farmer
[imgright][/imgright][imgright][/imgright]Name: Dana [DAY-na]
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Straight blonde hair that reaches to just below her shoulder blades. Depending on where she's currently living it will either be in two braids (the farm) or let loose (West Coast).
Eyes: Bright blue. One the farm she has to wear large thick coke bottle glasses, on the west coast she wears contacts.
Height and body type:
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Lesbian

Art Received:
None yet


Last edited by Catonia; 08-06-2009 at 02:09 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:30 AM

Fanbased Characters
Some of the characters listed in other parts of the thread can be classified as part of this section. =3
These are the characters:
Bea (Chobits)
Skye (Chobits)
Silvia (Legend of Zelda)
Emaile (Legend of Zelda)
All of the Pokemon Characters
All of the Hogwarts Characters

The Woodcarver
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Fate Whittler
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Long, wavy, reddish brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height and body type: About 5'6" and in good shape from the amount of time she spends out in the woods.
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: In general Fate is a bit on the quiet side, preferring to listen rather than talk. Because of her quiet nature, many animals like her, and one brown raccoon in particular has adopted her. Fate loves to crave wood and create things out of a simple branch or plank of wood. She is a very trustworthy person, and if you tell her a secret, she will keep it to her grave.
History: Fate moved to Flower Bud Village a few years ago from Mineral Town so that she could apprentice under Woody. Nowadays she has her own small figurine shop, while she works on finishing up her learning on furniture.
Occupation: Wood cutter and carver
Other: The raccoon that has adopted her is named Terri, and she likes to bite people other than Fate.

Fate is a Harvest Moon Fan character.

Art Received:


The Ninja
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Aoi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human with some cat like features.
Hair: Dark blue in color, reaches her ankles. It is kept pulled back in a ponytail except for two long bits that frame her face. She also has two buns on either side of her head near the top that resemble cat ears in shape.
Eyes: Blue almond shaped eyes with slit pupils.
Height and body type:
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Ninja

Aoi is a Naruto Fan character

Art Received:

To be added

The Deceptive Fortune Teller
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Maicex
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Part human, part shapeshifter Nobody
Hair: He can change the length and color of his hair at will, though his preferred style is waist length or longer black hair with white tips.
Eyes: He can also change his eye color at will. He prefers purple or orange, since they freak people out the most.
Height and body type: He is short for a man, but tall for a girl, and his body type is such that you can't tell which he is from a glance.
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Smiling, smiling, smiling. He almost is always smiling, no matter how he really feels. If he frowns, you had better run for the hills!
Family: None. They're all dead.
History: Before Maicex was turned into a Nobody he lived and worked with the Celestial circus. They traveled across all sorts of different worlds, never staying long in one spot. Maicex was the resident psychic and a juggler, and surprisingly, he actually did have the ability to see into the future, though he didn't have much control over it. Instead, he watched everything that was going on around him, and deduced things through the power of observation. He learned from a very young age that if you stayed quiet then people would talk about things they wouldn't normally say in your presence, and then at a slightly older age, he learned that if you smile at someone, it encourages them to talk more. So, smiling became a habit that he continues to do even as a Nobody, and he rarely ever reveals his true feelings.

Maicex became a nobody after his circus was attacked by the Heartless. He blames himself for his companion's deaths because he had a vision of the attack, and he didn't tell anybody because he refused to believe it was true.

After he became a Nobody he gained the power of Illusion, and with his three crystal balls he can make anybody see what he wants them to see, for a short period of time at least.
Occupation: Former Psychic, Present Bad Guy

Maicex is a Kingdom Hearts fan character.

Art Received:
None Yet

None Yet

Last edited by Catonia; 08-06-2009 at 02:45 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:30 AM

Pokemon Trainers

Little Miss Rich
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Cristine Davis
Nickname(s): Crissy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Crissy has curly black hair that reaches just below her shoulder blades, and she prefers to keep it up out of her face with a butterfly shaped hair clip, leaving two curls to dangle in front of her ears. Her eyes are a mixture between dark blue and light blue, with specks of sea green thrown in. She stands at 5'4", with peach colored skin, and she has a nice figure with c-sized breasts, a small waist and gently flaring hips. She is in particularly good shape from all the workouts her mother has put her through.

She likes to wear long, long dresses that go down to her ankles or boots to hide the scar on her leg that she got one day while riding her ponyta when she was young.

[imgleft][/imgleft]One of her favorite dresses is a sleeveless affair with a pink bodice, sky blue ribbons crisscrossing one another from the end of the bodice to to a wide pink ribbon that sits just above her hips, the skirt goes down to her ankles and is pure white, except for another wide pink ribbon along the bottom hem. Her shoes are simple slip-on affairs that are white as well. Crissy's accessories include; A black choker with a small Butterfree charm attached, a bracelet made up of cobalt blue beads, and small sapphire blue earrings.

[imgleft][/imgleft]Her other outfit is a sky blue dress that goes down to a little above her knees with lace along the bottom hem, with a shortsleeved jacket that only goes down to the bottom of her ribcage. With this she wears a pair of knee high boots white and pink boots that have reinforced steel bars in the boot that covers her injured ankle, to better support it. She habitually carries a pink parasol with blue ribbons on it and a lace trim. In addition to her normal accessories she has added two small gold hairclips to help keep her hair out of her face.

She always carries around a white and pink totebag in which she carries all the essential items for traveling alone.
Personality: All in all, she's a very sweet girl, though she can tend to act a bit spoiled at times. She loves cat and butterfly pokemon. Crissy has a bit of a temper, but it only appears if you've done multiple things to anger her. If it's only your first or second offense, she bottles up her anger, and politely asks you not to do it again. She tries her best to be polite at all times, and it's very, very rare that she would forget her manners and act in an unladylike fashion. She is a bit prideful and vain about her appearance, and she has trouble accepting help from people, unless she trusts them utterly and completely.
History: Crissy's family is one of the richest in Hoenn, and she grew up use to money. Her mother was born rich, but her father worked his way to the top, and so Crissy did learn a healthy dose of reality from him. Her two younger siblings, however, Hannah, and Nathenial, didn't. So, Crissy has been pulling her them out of trouble for years and years. She has been best friends with Joyce, her maid, since she was a tiny, tiny girl.
Just before her tenth birthday when she was going to start on her pokemon journey, something happened to prevent that. One day she was out riding her ponyta, Jasmine, who was just the gentlest mare a girl could wish for, when something spooked her. Jasmine reared back, and started galloping wildly, and Crissy fell off and landed in badly, breaking her leg. The shock made her pass out, and when she woke up hours later, it was dark, and she was in too much pain to move. She was eventually found the next day, but do to the amount of time that had passed before that, her leg never healed right, and to this day she still can't walk for long periods of time without limping. The amount of time she spent recovering, and ten her parents worry for her safety prevented her from leaving on her journey until very recently.
Aspiration: Crissy's dream is to become a top coordinator, just like her father.
Pokemon: A male ponyta named Peridot, a female skitty named Sherine and a male Silcoon named Liam.
Family: Barbara - mother, Stanley - father, Nathenial - younger brother, Hannah - younger sister

((To see small bios of Crissy's family visit her Webpage))

Art Received:


Poison with a Smile
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Aliza Fairchild
Nickname(s): Liza, Lizzy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: The first thing a person would notice about Aliza is her size. She’s itty bitty. She stands at four feet nine inches, ten on a good day, and with a pair of heels. The next thing you would notice would be her waist length lavender colored hair. She keeps most of her hair tied back out of the way in a low ponytail, except for two chunks in the front that she lets hang free to frame her face. Only then would you go on to notice the rest of her. Like her olive toned skin, her deep violet almond shaped eyes and her everpresent smile.
As for what she wears, well, after she adapted the Team Galactic uniform to fit her small frame, she wears that, cheerily, and with great pride. Aliza always wears, in addition to her uniform, a black newsboys cap.
Personality: For Aliza, smiling is as natural as breathing. She enjoys being happy, and making others happy. She loves to laugh and play. She's a bit of a socialite, and loves to be around other people and pokemon. One wouldn't say that she's all smile, however. She has a horrible temper if you rouse it, and quite the sadistic streak. Surprisingly, Aliza actually has a very practical mind. Certain things she be a certain way in her way of thinking, and if they don't fit with her mental image of what's right, then she will go out of her way to try and change it. Though, her mental image of what's right and what's wrong is different than most of society's.
Surprisingly enough, despite her happy bubbly personality, Aliza'a favorite types of pokemon are poison, ghosts and dark. Considering her history, she also has a certain fondness for fire types.
History: Aliza’a early life was very eventful. She is one of those rare people who have spotted legendary pokemon, not just one time, but on three separate occasions. When she was three years old she was outside playing the snow, rolling around and diving into various piles, when she saw a shadow pass over her. She looked up and saw a flaming yellow bird pass by overhead. When she told her parents, they realized that their daughter had seen a Moltres.

When she was five years old her family moved from Kanto to Johto having decided that they wanted Aliza and their baby daughter Kilee to grow up in a small town instead of a large one like Saffron. While they were on the train Aliza was staring out the window at the passing scenery when she spotted a rainbow colored feather drifting down from the sky. She looked up as best as she could, and that’s when she spotted her second legendary pokemon; A Ho-oh. She set up a great cry and clamor, and her parents were once again surprised and proud of their eldest daughter. When they reached Johto her parents couldn’t stop bragging about how their daughter was special. Not too long after several Team Rocket members started hanging around their neighborhood, as well as a Team Galactic member who was in the area.

Aliza, of course, was unaware of this fact, and she immediately made friends with a meowth that lived in the area. She didn’t like the meowth’s trainers, but she loved that little pokemon. She used to spend all of her small pittance of allowance money on Moomoo Milk to feed to the meowth, whom she dubbed Jenks. So maybe it wasn’t surprising that the team rocket members decided to use Jenks to get Aliza to tell them about the legendary pokemon she had seen. Two grunts tried to capture the meowth with the help of their goliaths, but somehow things got out of hand… Aliza was walking home from school when she saw the smoke. She threw off of her backpack and raced towards the source, hoping that it wasn’t Jenks’ home, and feeling dread grow within her as she got ever closer. The house was on fire! The firefighters were just arriving on the scene, and thus were too busy to notice the small girl plunge into the burning building. One young man had seen her, since he had been following her for weeks now, and he cursed before he too ran into the burning building.

Aliza was scared out of her mind, but she had to find Jenks. Five year old reasoning isn’t the most logical in the world. She pulled open a random door, and screamed when a sudden burst of flames shot up in front of her, the sudden rush of oxygen fanning the flames higher. The sound of her scream is what the team Galactic member find her. He scooped up the terrified little girl and ran out of the house. She clung to him at first, and asked him who he was, looking up into his blue eyes, wondering why he had covered up his mouth. He said his name was Neal, and that he was a member of team Glalactic. After he had set her down again outside, she realized that she had forgotten about Jenks, and she started crying. Neal was actually a pretty nice guy, and so he decided to go back into the building to find Jenks.

A few minutes later, an upstairs window burst open and Jenks was sent flying out into the street. Aliza moved to catch the cat pokemon, and she was bowled over backwards. In the next few seconds, the roof of the house collapsed and Aliza started screaming. The nice man who had saved Jenks was in there!

The fire soon spread to the houses and the forest behind it, despite the firefighters best efforts. Even the fact that they had unlimited supply of water from the nearby lake didn’t seem to help. When the firefighters had all but given up hope of saving the town, that’s when Aliza saw her third legendary pokemon. A Suicune emerged from the lake and joined it’s efforts to help the firefighters save the town and the forest. When the fire had all been put out, the legendary pokemon ran back into the lake and vanished.

For years afterwards Aliza was haunted by the thought that she had caused the man who had saved her and Jenks to die. Later she learned that he had only saved her because she had seen a Ho-oh, but he hadn’t had to go back to save Jenks. The fact that he had eventually made her think of team Galactic as the ultimate force of good, and she made it her goal to join this team and help as many people as she could. She’s put so much effort into becoming a good person in Neal’s memory that she has become the happy looking person she is today. Even now, she still hopes that he survived the fire, and any boy with blue eyes and brown hair makes ask said boy to cover up his mouth so that she can see if he’s is Neal.
Aspiration: It had always been To join Team Galactic from as far back as she can remember. Now that she has, her goal is to make the world a better place.
Family: Haylee - mother, Paul - father, Kilee - younger sister

Other: She has a Skorupi named Sting and a baby Venonat named Venus.

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The Reticent Ranger
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Maple Briarthorn
Nickname(s): Prickly
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: She isn't old enough to know, or care.
Appearance: Maple has short, thick, curly blonde hair that only reaches a little below her chin, and she covers most of it with a large green baseball style cap. She has large solemn eyes the color of fresh spring grass. She is a little on the tall side for her age, and skinny. The way she dresses, and the way she acts have made many people assume that she is male. She wears a light blue t-shirt, with matching socks and sneakers, khaki shorts, and a green kerchief around her neck. Around her waist is a curious piece of fabric, attached to a plain black belt. One side of the cloth is mostly green with small dots of color, and the other is sky blue or slate gray depending on it's surroundings. This piece of cloth, when used correctly, will change color to match it's surroundings, be they grass, rock or dirt. Maple is quite good at using it to hide herself.
Personality: Maple is a very quiet individual, rarely speaking up in a conversation, especially with people she doesn't know. Sometimes, if she is comfortable around a person, she will talk freely with them. One of the only times she will talk to strangers is if they are saying or doing something hurtful to pokemon. However, she becomes quite chatty when she's talking to pokemon. She loves them, and would willingly put herself in danger to rescue one, even if it wasn't hers. She has a stubborn streak a mile wide, and nobody can make her do something if she doesn't want to. Despite the way she acts around humans, she loves to laugh and play, just like any other child, she just confines her affections to pokemon.
History: Maple was raised by her Grandmother after her parents died in a fire when she was four. Her Grandmother was the one who raised her, and chose her name. She says she named her after a tree to honor her old friends, Professor Elm and Birch.
They traveled many, many places while she was growing up, and she met many different pokemon. They never went to the Sinnoh region, however, because that was the place that her parents died, and her Grandmother didn't want to be reminded of their deaths.
When she was six Maple found out that her parents had died saving pokemon from a fire started by humans. That was when she started distrusting all humans, and spending all her time with the pokemon her parents had loved so much.
Since that time Maple has aspired to be a Ranger, just like her parents, but when her Grandmother found out, she forbid her to even think of it. Gina was afraid her granddaughter would die just like her son and his wife, but Maple didn't know this.
A few months ago they fought over her dream profession, and as a result of that fight, Maple ran away to the one place her Grandmother had never taken her, Sinnoh.
Aspiration: Maple wants to become a pokemon Ranger, and a herbalist specializing in tasty pokemon medicine.
Gina is Maple's grandmother, and for all intents and purposes, her mother. She is a firm but kind woman, and her stubborn streak matches her granddaughter's. When she was young she was in training to become a Professor, and as a result she met two other up and coming professors, Elm and Birch. However, she fell in love with a herbalist named Tom, and she gave up her dream to help him achieve his of becoming a top notch pokemon doctor using only natural methods. They had a son together, and they named him after his father. One day Tom suddenly disappeared, and he never came back. Gina always wondered if he had just left her and T.J., or if he had died. She never remarried. When her son died, it was the saddest day pf her life after the day she realized that her husband was never coming back. It's just one of the many reasons she protested her granddaughter's choice of profession so much.
Other: Maple loves all types of pokemon, but her favorites are grass pokemon.
Pokemon: A female Chikorita named Lalita.

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The Tranquil Trainer
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Oceana
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Dark blue, it's usually kept in a ponytail and it reaches just below her knees.
Eyes: Blue
Height and body type:
Clothes: She wears a orange bikini with white spotches all over it and a matching wraparound skirt. She will usually go barefoot if she's around the water, but otherwise she wears a pair of white flipflops with orange straps. Around her neck is a circle shaped sapphire on a black cord and she wears and extra hairtie wrapped around one wrist.
Other about appearance:
Personality: Oceana is usually a very calm and understanding individual, but she had moments when she can be as unpredictable as the sea she was named after. She loves to spend time in or around water, be it fresh water or salt, and it goes without saying that her favorite type of pokemon are water types. She has a great appreciation for beauty, and she taught herself how to draw as a way to create beauty of her own. She loves to watch pokemon contests, and can't help but try to imagine up ways to improve upon their performances.
History: Oceana was born on Mandrain Island in the Orange Archipelago, though she's spent time on every island at one point or another. Her parents owned a delivery service, which meant that they mostly lived on their boat, only occasionally spending more than a day or two on land. When Oceana was seven, her father got into accident that broke his arm, and he had to spend quite a bit of time on land to recover. Oceana's mother didn't think that she could take care of their daughter and run the business, so Oceana as left with her father on Butwal Island. While her husband recovered, Oceana's mother received a delivery for Pinkan Island, but while she was en route to the island she was struck by an unexpected storm. Unable to see through the downpour, she became trapped in one of the island's whirlpools and she drowned.

When Oceana's father heard the news he was devastated, but he immediately went out in search of a job so that he could support his daughter. Oceana spent most of her childhood alone exploring the island while her father worked. When she was twelve she saw a pokemon contest on TV, and she was captivated. The girl immediately set out and got a part time job, to start raising money so that she could go to the mainland and become a coordinator. She knew that her father wouldn't be able to afford to send her there, so she was determined to earn the money herself and not put a heavier burden on her father's shoulders.
Occupation: Coordinator in Training

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The Obedient Kitty
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Felix Farhaven
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Meowth Hybrid
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Felix can come off as being an arrogant little p***k on first, second and possibly third meetings, but really it's mostly an act, one that he was taught since a very young age. Another thing he was taught was to follow orders. Unfortunately for the ones who taught him this, he follows anyone's orders, be they friend or foe. Unless he is ordered to do something he has a really difficult time making decisions on his own. When he is given a clear path to follow he is incredibly good at getting the job done, and he can usually tell when someone is lying to him. Even though he would never admit it, he is quite desperately lonely and longs for a friend or a lover that he could be himself with. When he gets upset he tends to moan and complain, and generally curse.
Appearance: Felix has blonde hair that is swept off to one side, and after the experiment that changed him into a meowth pokemorph it naturally gathers into small clumps that are reminiscent of a meowth's whiskers. He has other meowth like features, including: Black cat ears, a tail, fangs and a gold coin embedded in his forehead. Before the morph, he had bright green eyes, now he has one green, and one brown. He's a little on the short side, 5'5", but he does have a well muscled physique. Truthfully he looks more than a bit effeminate, though he is not aware of this fact.
Clothing: Felix wears a white sleeveless top that only reaches his midrif, in place of the places where the sleeves and bottom hem should be is black fish nets. He also wears a pair if white pants. His accessories include a green belt, boots, fingerless gloves and around his neck is a small green collar with a gold tag.
History: Felix's mother was a member of team Snag'em when he was born, and she was always much to busy stealing pokemon to bother taking care of her child, so he was given into his father's care. That wasn't the best idea seeing as his father was weak minded and did whatever he was told to do, including letting the organization experiment on his child. One of those experiments resulted in Felix becoming part meowth. Another resulted in his obedient attitude. In more recent years Felix has been employed as a spy, his most recent task to head out into the more pokemon infested areas and find out if it would be a hospitable place to set up a branch of Team Snag'em.
Hometown: Eclo Canyon, Orre
Pokemon Type(s): Steel, Grass, Ground and Felines

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Last edited by Catonia; 10-15-2009 at 04:23 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:31 AM

Hogwarts Students

The Social Butterfly
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Zoe Ollivander [Her name is pronouced as Zo]
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Human
What House: Gryffindor
Hair: Zoe has waist length dirty blonde hair that curls up at the ends. Part of it is kept in a bun on top of her head, held in place with a strand of pearls, while the rest is left to hang down.
Eyes: Big and blue, partially hidden behind rectangle glasses.
Height and body type: She is short, and skinny, and she barely looks like she has gone through puberty, with small breasts and hips.
Clothes: She wears a long sleeved collared white shirt, an ankle length red skirt with gold designs all over and a black trim. Covering her feet are simple black slippons and white stockings. She also wears a black cloak, and the Gryffindor house tie and badge.
Wand: Her wand is: Unicorn Hair, 9 inches, oak.
Pet: She almost always has her white and black Owlet, Whisper, perched on her shoulder.
Personality: Zoe is a people person, and most people like her on site, or after speaking with her for a little bit. She loves to play tricks on people, but only harmless ones. She has three rolemodels; the legendary tricksters, Fred and George; and Dumbeldore. Zoe is also very much a traditionalist, in everything except for magic, in that area she wants to discover something new that's never been done. She is actually very mature for her age, despite her love of tricks.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family: Mother, Father, Grandpa Ollivander
History: Zoe grew up with her family in Diagon alley, her parent's only child, and the only grandchild. Her Grandpa Ollivander doted on her, the same as her parents. Coming from a long line of wand makers, it was no question that she'd get into Hogwarts, just what house she'd be accepted into.
When she was very young her favorite game to play was Muggle house, no magic allowed, but none of her family approved if that game, asking her why she didn't play Quidditch instead. Zoe never had an answer to that.
Other: Zoe's favorite class is Muggle Studies.

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The Ravenclaw
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Synder MacBrian
Age: 15, almost 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
What House: Ravenclaw
Hair: He has short shaggy dark brown hair
Eyes: They're brown
Height and body type: He is tall, about 6'1", and incredibly skinny.
Clothes: His faded blue jeans and blue t-shirt are almost always wrinkled and rumpled, since he doesn't care about his appearance. He has two things that he never takes off; A intricately woven wristband from Australia, and a good luck coin from China that he keeps on a chain around his neck. His house robes are usually wrinkled as well, and his tie is askew.
Wand: Phoenix Feather 12 1/2 inches, Ash
Pet: He has a pure black cat with green eyes named Jenkins
Personality: Synder frowns when he's concentrating, or puzzling out a problem, and he does that a lot. This tends to make people think that he's a mean boy, even though that's not true at all. He just usually doesn't pay much attention to other people, and when he does, he's shy. He is incredibly smart, a genius at tactics. No one has beaten him at chess for a long, long time because he is able to anticipate moves far in advance.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family: Mother, Father
History: Synder's father is originally from Ireland, and his mother is English. Ever since he was young they have traveled all over the world, and there is very few places he hasn't been. In the two years before he was chosen to go to Hogwarts his parents settled down in London England for most of the year, only traveling during the summer. While they traveled Synder was privately tutored by his parents, and while they settled down he was sent to an ultra smart private school. Receiving an owl from Hogwarts was quite the surprise, and when he showed it to his mother she revealed that both of his parents were from wizarding families, even though they had no magic of their own. They hadn't told him about his heritage because they wanted him to live a normal live in case he didn't have magic like them. Since his birthday is September 2nd he wasn't sent the letter until he was almost twelve, and now he has the dubious pleasure of being a year older than most of his classmates.
Other: Synder's favorite classes are Charms and Muggle Studies

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The Transfiguration Expert
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Darcie
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Human, part African American, part English
What House: Syltherin
Hair: It really depends on what mood she's in, since she uses magic to change the colors to suite her whim. As of the moment, her hair is pale purple with two green steaks, one on either side of her head. Her natural hair color (not that anyone will ever see it) is dark brown. Her hair style changes frequently as well, though in a fit a pique she cut most of it off, and now it only reaches a little bit below her chin, longer when it it decides to stay flat, seeing as the ends naturally curl inwards towards her face.
Eyes: Her eyes are one of her more eerie features, changing from pink to purple to green and back to pink again. It was an accident in Transfiguration that she takes full advantage of.
Height and body type: Darcie is a big boned beauty with large breasts and hips and a minuscule waist in comparison to those two assets. She is a little on the tall side, and her skin takes after her father's side of the family, only a few shades lighter than his dark chocolate. She's more of a milk chocolate color~
Clothes: Underneath of her black robes Darcie wears a green crop top, hip hugging jeans, knee high black biker boots, and she has a small skull clip clipped onto the knot on her tie.
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, 14", Pine
Pet: The family owl named Falip, and a small green and silver snake named Hess
Personality: Darcie has always gotten what she's wanted, and that tends to make her a bit spoiled and arrogant. Underneath of that, she can be a very nice person, but those moments are rare. She is very good at figuring out what needs to be done in a situation, and she can be ruthless about it, but despite knowing what to do, she rarely acts on it. She prefers to wait and see what's going to happen. When she does actually act upon her thoughts, she is very persuasive, and a good leader.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, Father, James (brother)
History: Darcie never got along with her younger brother James, and they fought constantly. They still do, in fact. Anything one likes, the other hates. Pretty strange for twins, eh? It really irritates the two of them that they are both in the same House, but despite that, the one thing that they can agree on is their pride in being Slytherins.
Darcie has always been interested in Transfiguration, and she has been working very hard at it, so hard in fact, that she has become an animagus. She has never told anyone about this. Something that might surprise people is the fact that she is a panther animagus, and not a snake.
Other: She has minor abilities as a parcel tongue, and her best subject is Transfiguration.

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The Potions Student
[imgright][/imgright]Name: James
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human, part African American, part English
What House: Syltherin
Hair: Since Darcie has short hair, James, or course, has long hair that reaches the backs of his knees. Another contrast to his sister is the fact that he doesn't dye it, leaving it to it's natural black coloring. He usually pulls it back to keep it out of his face.
Eyes: His eyes are usually narrowed in a glare, and are poisonous green in color.
Height and body type: He is slightly taller than his sister, and they have the same basic bone structure, though James is incredibly skinny. He has the same colored skin as his sister.
Clothes: His black robes have a few stains and burns along the bottom hem from the occasional miscalculation in Potions Class, though those are rare. Underneath of his robes he wears a long black t-shirt, black jeans and black shoes and black fingerless gloves.
Wand: Unicorn Hair, 15", Maple
Pet: The family owl named Falip, and a brown and black male tabby named Vern.
Personality: James is very ambitious, and he doesn't let anything get in his way. This drive can make him seem cruel and malicious, but it's just that he puts himself first in most things. However, if he fell in love with someone, then he would always put their own wants and needs above his own.
James is very good at keeping secrets.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Mother, Father, Darcie (Sister)
History: He has never gotten along with his older sister, and they are always fighting.
He has been interested in Potion's since he was five and his parents got him a "My first Potions Set" for Christmas one year. Ever since then he has been experimenting on how he could change and alter already existing recipes, and one day he hopes to create a brand new recipe that will make him rich and famous.
Other: His best subject is Potions.

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The Farmboy
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Daemyn
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human
What House: Hufflepuff
Hair: He has eternally messy red hair that varies in shade from very pale orange to dark red.
Eyes: He has big brown doe like innocent eyes.
Height and body type: He is short and stocky, and he has tanned skin from all the hours he spends outside.
Clothes: Under his robes (which he still isn't used to wearing) he wears a pair of faded blue overalls, and under that is a plain white t-shirt. His feet are covered by his trusty old sh*t kicker boots, though they are entirely free of the substance. Daemyn had never worn a tie before coming to Hogwarts, and it made him uncomfortable, so the teachers and him devised a compromise. As long as the tie was somewhere on his body, it would be acceptable. He wears it as a headband.
Wand: Unicorn Hair, 12", Willow
Pet: He has a barncat that followed him from home that he affectionately calls: "The Lil Witch." Most people call her Lil Cat
Personality: Daemyn is honest to a fault, and that has made him very blunt. He says whatever's on his mind, but he does know when not to say anything. In all actuality, he's a fairly quiet person, only talking to close friends, or when a teacher asks a question. He's a very sweet individual, and he never forgets a friend's birthday. A lot of Slytherin's tease him because of his country accent, but he doesn't let it bother him. He is loyal to a fault, and would be more than willing to risk his life if it would help his friends.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family: Mother, Father, many, many siblings.
History: Daemyn is muggle born, and he grew up on a farm out in the country. He is the only one of his extraordinarily large family to have magic. His parents weren't all that surprised when he was first invited to Hogwarts. After all, they had always believed that magic existed, and strange things had happened around their son for a long time.
Other: His favorite subjects are; Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, because they remind him of the farm.
He has a secret crush on Zoe.

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Last edited by Catonia; 08-06-2009 at 02:13 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 12:31 AM

Mythical Beings

The Goddess of Merriment
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Lalita
Age: Ageless (Looks to be a small child)
Gender: Female
Race: Goddess
Hair: She has sunny golden curls that fall to the middle of her back.
Eyes: Large eyes that are a color somewhere between green and blue
Height and body type: Lalita's preferred form is that of a child.
Clothes: Her preferred from of dress is soft pastel blues and pinks that she drapes about herself in a sort of robe, with sleeves that brush against the floor.
Other about appearance: At rare times she will take the form of a grown woman, the only differences between her child form and her adult form is age, and the bodily changes that accompany them.
Sexuality: Aesexual
Personality: What else the goddess of merriment, but happy? Lalita is very rarely less than absolutely ecstatic, and she is very easily excited into being so. She is very hyper and always smiling. She tries to be helpful... but her enthusiastic attempts usually cause more harm than otherwise.
Family: N/A
Occupation: Goddess of Merriment

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The God of Lies
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Mai
Age: Ageless (Looks to be early twenties)
Gender: Male
Race: God
Hair: Ankle length long hair that switches constantly from one color to the next, never really settling on one
Eyes: His eyes are the same as his hair, though they seem to favor unnatural colors such as red, orange, purple etc.
Height and body type: His body is androgynous, though the most observant would be able to guess male.
Clothes: The clothes he wears help hide his true gender. Long, loose and flowing.
Other about appearance:
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Mai is a born liar, and he's very good at it, but that does not mean that he always lies. In fact, if he senses that the truth would cause more deceit and trickery to happen, then he is more than happy to tell the truth. He loves to play tricks on people, and causing others to fall into confusion is one of his favorite activities. He is an incredible actor and changes his whole mood and personality to the one that most fits his needs at the moment.
Family: N/A
Occupation: God of Lies
(AN: An alternate version of Emaile and his family worships Mai as their patron God, which is why they named e-MAI-le the way they did.)

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The Allegory
[imgright][/imgright]Name: Hope "Henry" Siryal
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Human-ish
Hair: Hope's hair is a very pale blonde, and reminds one rather of a dandelion, what with it's fluffiness.
Eyes: His eyes are big and pale blue and he always seems to have a rather lost or hopeful look in them.
Height and body type: Hope is rather short and thin enough that it would only take a stiff breeze to blow him away. His hands and feet are too large compared to the rest of him, but his brother told him that means he'll grow up big and strong, so it doesn't bother Hope all that much.

Clothes: He is most often seen in faded gray clothing, unless someone happens to take him in and give him something better.

Other about appearance:
Personality: Hope is considered to be simple minded, and it's pretty true. He is entirely too trusting of strangers, and he has a habit of getting lost, though he would protest that he is not lost, he knows exactly where he's going, just not how to get there. Hope also has a habit of speaking in third person perspective, and he doesn't have a very large vocabulary.

Family: Elizabeth - mother, Jaymes - brother
Occupation: Allegory of Hope/Despair
Other: Hope has a penchant for walking into walls and other inanimate objects if not watched, and one should never ever leave him alone out in the rain. He tends to have the turkey reaction...

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Last edited by Catonia; 08-06-2009 at 02:13 AM..

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Old 06-21-2009, 09:30 AM

*cuts ribbon*

I declare this thread open! ^^

From Winter to Spring
Siipu is offline
Old 06-21-2009, 06:29 PM

I want to draw for you! <3
Username: Siipu
Character(s) youd like to draw: Elissatine
Examples: My Art Shop there's few.
and you can find more samples from my art style from My DeviantArt

Price: You can bribe me. You can find some items
that interests me from My Quest Thread
And also from My Art Shop. :]


oh oh First Post. :eager: :heart:

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 06-21-2009, 06:57 PM

wow, great characters!
i've never done one of these before but i'd love to draw one for you if you wanted.

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Old 06-21-2009, 09:47 PM

@Siipu: First post are awesomes. x3
And, would you be interested in a Bleeding hearts belt? <3

@lunanuova: Thank you. >w<
I always love art. <3 Would you please fill out the order form and post it here? ^^

From Winter to Spring
Siipu is offline
Old 06-21-2009, 10:59 PM

i'm sorry but i already have that item. D:

Last edited by Siipu; 06-21-2009 at 11:14 PM..

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Catonia is offline
Old 06-21-2009, 11:37 PM

White Heartface fox? =3

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-22-2009, 12:21 AM

-storms into the thread and tackles Nia then gets up and walks away like nothing happened-

From Winter to Spring
Siipu is offline
Old 06-22-2009, 12:28 AM

that sounds great.
you can send the trade to me,
i'll accept the trade when I've made and sent the art for you. :]

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Catonia is offline
Old 06-22-2009, 12:46 AM

*blinks up at teh sky* What happened? owo

@Siipu: Okidoki. ^^

From Winter to Spring
Siipu is offline
Old 06-22-2009, 12:52 AM

I could actually draw you another OC
if you want?
if you do, shall I fill another form?


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