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Little Miss Flip-Flops
So many questions... never enoug...
Little Miss Flip-Flops is offline
Old 07-30-2009, 07:12 PM

Okay so a group of my friends and I went to a Saving Abel, Papa Roach, Hinder, and Nickelback concert. It was totally awesome, we all signed a beachball that got tossed to us, Nickelback threw beer out into the audience, and at one point Chad Kroeger was joking/complaining about the air conditioninng position up on stage. So one of the boys in my group of friends got the ten of us to scream out "THEY LIKE THEIR BALLS SWEATY!!!" of course they didn't hear us cuz we were all the way out in the lawn, but we did get some really weird looks from the people around us. Papa Roach also had everyone wave their middle fingers in the air and scream out that "Paris f*cking Hilton is a hollywood whore!" Oh, and it was the lead singer of Papa Roach's birthday.

  • Crazy or stupid things that you've screamed out at concerts
  • Bands you went to see, and funny things they said or had you do

Last edited by Little Miss Flip-Flops; 07-30-2009 at 09:23 PM..

Tilly is offline
Old 07-30-2009, 08:59 PM

That sounds like a terrible line-up to me. D:

Hmm.. Best show I've ever been to musically was Hey Rosetta! in this chruch in town. It was forever ago, but it was amazing. they actually had like a whole orchestra and they played all my favorites and it was perfect. Amelia Curran also played, and I love War Brides sercrelty and I totally knew all the words. except my parents were there too, making it slightly less cool. Or once I went to some concert with a bunch of friends, I have no idea what the bands were but they really sucked. So we started a mosh pit in the middle of a bunch of preteens and it was insane. I stepped on a person by accident.

Oh, and Feist. Feist was the best. She got the whole audience to give her a chord in her key and they she started.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 07-30-2009, 11:30 PM

The last band I went to see in concert was the Cure. I don't believe Robert Smith said anything wacky or had us do anything of that sort. But then again, it's pretty difficult to understand him when he talks. :3

I'm gonna go ahead and shoot this over to the Music forum now. ;D

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-31-2009 at 06:44 AM..

pumpkins is offline
Old 07-31-2009, 12:26 AM

what's a concert or gig if it's not totally crazy? : D Last one i went to was KoRn's gig. It was nice, tho the mosh pit was really lame. haha. I did get a pick they threw to us.
I thought it's a common thing that the artist or the band's singer tell the people to raise the middle finger and shout sumthing, uh, rude.. : D

I've broken bones, shouted my voice off, fallen for a girl, made out and passed out during various gigs. Not mentioning festivals. haha.

I really want to go to LMFAO's gig where they get drunk on the stage haha they're awesome

Ambutts is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 04:19 AM

I was at a concert that had Cute is what we aim for, Simple plan and metro station.
And crazy girls are crazy omg.
They were sitting in front of me and I think they were like 7 or something and they started to dance all crazy.
I think me and my friends were laughing at them the whole time.

do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 03:12 PM

When I went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the power surged in the middle of one of their songs- my favorite one, actually. So all their lights went out, their amps and microphones stopped working, and it was chaos in the audience and on stage for about five seconds before they were able to get things under control. The lead guitarist was shouting an apology and trying to keep us entertained (without a microphone- so that was pretty impressive, considering the size of the place) and then the traditional part of the orchestra started playing Christmas carols. The guitarist got us to sing along and we got through two or three before the power came back and they resumed the concert. Hehe, that was so much fun...

Best concert I've been to was when I went to see Carbon Leaf. I stood right by the stage and was close enough to touch some of the band members if I had wanted to. They were so sweet and entertaining! Lots of amusing things happened at that concert, and I got a high-five from the basist. Afterwards, they went out and mingled with the fans, so I bought a CD, and got it signed by the lead singer, and got a picture with him. :drool: I wanted autographs and pictures with the other band members and the opening band as well, but I got dragged out before I could. Ah well, next time I see them, I'll hit them all up. c:

Little Miss Flip-Flops
So many questions... never enoug...
Little Miss Flip-Flops is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 03:19 AM

Tilly; I thought it was a great line-up... Dx

Captain; Oh, *smacks head* I should've known to put it here.. thanks

Pumpkins; Y'know I don't think the NIckelback concert had a mosh pit at all... hmm I've never broken any bones at a concert, or passed out.. but i couldn't talk later that night, or the next morning lol

Ambutts; I would have been one of those crazy girls, I was screaming my a$$ off, dancing like a complete idiot and singing at the top of my lungs

Iltu; One of my friends once went to a concert when the power went out and the band had everyone crowd really close to the stage and they continued.

Scene Damage
Scene Damage is offline
Old 08-18-2009, 05:26 AM

I've had my nose broken at Deez Nuts, broken ribs at Prom Queen and sustain many smaller injuries on a regular basis.

Otakuisms are Everywhere~
DarkxLorelei is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 04:47 AM

When I was into "All Time Low" like maybe a year or two ago, Before they got mainstream.
They were playing at a local club, and I was a fan. I went to go and see them.
It was all nice, and everyone there got to meet/take pictures/get autographs from these people, because well, no one thought they were to be famous. The music was great, but the bad thing was, a large Mosh pit formed around me and my friends. That was not pleasant.

Anyways, after getting out of that mess, this girl lost her cellphone, so we decided to help her look for it for awhile. We all eventually gave up, as she was going to get a new one anyways, so we enjoyed the rest of the concert. When it was finally over, this girl comes up to me holding this mangled mess of electronic material. It was her cellphone... Trampled. She just walked over, holding it by a wire and said "found it..." I could not help but feel sorry, but I just laugh at it now XD


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