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Rin Kurotsuki
Rin Kurotsuki is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 08:08 PM

I originally posted this on my Quizilla, and the second part is still being typed up because I'm a bit tired. So, here's the first half, and I ask you do not post until the second half is up!

We ran quickly and quietly back to the Akatsuki base. We had finished yet another, pointless mission. Leader-sama, or Pein, was busy with other things, disputes and such, so he threwstuff at us to keep us busy. I entered the base alongside Hidan and Kakuzu, who as usual were arguing over nothing. "I don't f---ing care as long as I get more people to sacrifice to Jashin-sama." Hidan retorted to something Kakuzu had said. "I'll tell Pein-sama we're back." I said dully, turning walking down the dimly-lit corridor to Pein's office. "We've returned. I managed to scribble down some notes while we were observing the area." I tossed the notes onto his desk. "Thank you. You will have a mission with Itachi and Kisame starting tomorrow morning." Pein ordered, although I saw a slight curl of smile play on his lips. "M'kay." I nodded and exited his office.Then I stopped, realizing who I was to go on the mission with. Uchiha Itachi. The only man in the entire world who could get my heart to speed up so swiftly it hurt.

I walked silently to my room at the base, falling onto my bed after shutting the door. I fell asleep fast, only to dream of tomarrow's mission, but even more so of him. I woke up to a loud bang from outside my room. "Deidara! Some people would like to sleep!" I heard Sasori shout angrily from his room. I walked out of my room to the kitchen, not realizing my choice of pajamas I had chosen the night before. I was oblivious to quite a few things when I first wake up. I stopped when I felt something staring at me from behind. "What?" I said sleepily. I turned to see Kisame with a bloody nose. "What?" I asked again. I looked down to see which PJs I had on, "Oh. That." I smacked my forehead when I noticed my short, tight pajama bottoms. I raised my hand and smacked Kisame's face with it. "Kisame, stop staring at Heiwan and get ready for our 'mission'." a familiar monotone voice ordered from behind Kisame. Kisame turned to the side. "Itachi," he pointed at me, "do you not see what's she's got on?" "Yes, but we need to get ready to leave. Heiwan should wear less revealing clothes in a house full of men." Itachi's face didn't change. He walked past Kisame, brushing against my shoulder to get get some coffee.
I slid on my Akatsuki jacket and followed close behind Itachi, Kisame walking shamefully in the rear. It's not like Itachi's wasn't my friend, but he's so...distant. He never gets too close to anyone. "So where exactly are we going?" I asked, walking up beside Itachi. "This isn't actually a mission. Pein remembered your birthday was coming up so he told me and Kisame and not you. This is a vacation." Itachi replied with no hint of excitement in his voice."Really?! I didn't think Pein was that nice!" I put a finger to my chin, "So why am I going with you guys?" "For protection, in case something should happen." Kisame chimed in. "Oh, okay." I nodded, "So where are we going and for how long?" Itachi sighed, annoyed by all the questions, "You'll see where soon and for a week."

Apparently it waspretty far, because we walked forever. We stopped to rest under a giant oak tree and I eventually climbed to the top. "Hey you guys! I see a restraunt up ahead, can we go?" I called down to the twoninja below me. "Sure," Itachi stood, "I'm hungry. Come on, Kisame." We made it to the restraunt in no time. We were seated at a table in the back and Itachi revealed luggage stowed away in his jacket. Those things could be useful. "I packed everything for us. Unfortunately Konan was away so that does mean everything." Itachi glanced at me. "O-Oh.." I took my luggage from him. My face was turning red. We ate our meal quickly and left, leaving the money on the table.

Itachi stopped a few feet from the entrance of a large hotel the next day. "It's beachfront. Pein said our week begins once we check in." Itachi explained. "Beachfront? As in the ocean?" I asked excitedly, "Pein sure knows how to pick vacation spots!" "I picked this. Pein told me to pick." Itachi said somewhat quietly. "Well then you know what I like, thank you!" I hugged Itachi quickly, caught up in the moment. He tensed once I let go.

We checked into the same room, which was more like an apartment. It had two bedrooms, both attached to bathrooms, a kitchen, a lounging area and two balconies. One was attached to the lounging area and one to a bedroom. But it only had two bedrooms. There were three of us. "I refuse to share a room with Kisame. He's pervy towards me." I stated. "Then we'll share a room and he can have his own." Itachi rubbed the sides of his head. "Y-You don't have to share a room with me, Itachi-san..." I said shyly. "I don't mind, you don't snore like that idiot during missions." Itachi grabbed his and my luggage and took them to the room with the balcony attached. I followed him in there to see only one large bed. With lots of pillows. One bed... I whine in my head. Itachi was neatly placing his clothes in a drawer when I walked over to my suitcase. I opened it to reveal my bikini on top. "You picked my bikini?" I asked. "It was the only one I could find, so yes." he didn't look away from his unpacking. I sighed, pulling my clothes out neatly, as he had packed them, and placed them in the drawer next to Itachi's.

The next morning I awoke to find Itachi standing out on the balcony. I slipped my slippers on and walked quietly up behind him. "Gorgeous..." I said once I had reached the railing. "It'ssupposedly the most beautiful beach on the continent." Itachi stated."It's the most beautifulone I've seen,definately." I nodded. I stared out onto the clear blue waters, waves moving into the pure white sands on shore. Ifelt the breeze hit my face and the gulls call to each other.If I could, I'd never leave..I glanced over at the silent Uchiha, He seems less distant somehow. Itachi pushed himself up off the railing and turned, gesturing me to follow, "Come, I'll make breakfast." I nodded and followed him to the kitchen.

Surprisingly, Itachi was a great cook. It was the best breakfast I've had since who knows when."Kisame always sleeps until 1:00 every time he gets the chance." Itachi muttered to himself, sitting down across from me and setting his coffee down. "Itachi-san, this breakfast I've ever had. I never would of thought you could cook, no offense." I smiled. For once, there was a slight tint of pink on his face. "Thank you. I would make breakfast for my little brother sometimes." he said, the words 'little brother' came awkwardly out of his mouth. "It did you good." I stuffed another forkfull of egg in my mouth. "Hn," he sipped his coffee, "So how old will you be again?" "Eighteen. You turnnineteen later this month, right?" I set my fork down. "Yes. On the Eighteenth." "So let's share this little birthday vacation, it doesn't have to just about me." I suggested. "I'd prefer not to. Your birthday's closer, so we're celebrating yours." Itachi set his coffee down, wrapping his hands around the mug. "...Well at least act like your having fun. Or enjoying it somehow." I sighed, "You're still young, so you need to have a good time." Itachi just stared blankly at his coffee.

Itachi insisted on just himself washing the dishes, since it's my birthday, almost. I was forced to just sit and wait on a chair. "So what do you want to do today, Heiwan?" he asked, wiping his hands on a towel. "Hit the beach, definately." I leaned back in the chair and thought, though my mind drifted to Itachi. "Then go get our swimsuits. We'll go before Kisame wakes up." Itachi gestured towards our room. "M'kay." I hopped up and retrieved the suits. We took turned changing,grabbed some beach stuff,and walked down to the beach. I didn't think you'd bring a suit, Itachi-san.." I glanced at the Uchiha. "Even I like to swim, Heiwan." he looked down at me. I hadn't realized how much taller he was thanme until then. We reached the beach and set up our giant umbrella, laying a few towels on the sun-warmed sand. Itachi had broughtus lunch in a cooler, and set that down in the shade of the umbrella.

We spent a few minutes relaxing on the sand. I spent those minutes staring at clouds, picking out shapes and patterns. I sat up after those few minutes, though, "Let's go swim in the water, before the Shark comes." "Okay.." Itachi stood, walking into the shallow parts of the water. He sighed. "Sometimes...I wish I weren't a shinobi anymore." he spoke softly, almost to himself. He looked down at his reflection in the water, which was only to be distorted by the small waves. For a moment, I was silent at his sudden openess towards me. "Me too...If I could, I'd never leave. I told myself that earlier," I walked up next to him and picked up a brilliant blue shell I saw, "When your somewhere so peaceful like this, sometimes, for just a little while, your pain and your past slip away into nothing and all that matters is what's happening now." Itachi turned at me with a surprised yet sorrowful look on his face. "What?" I asked, staying focused on the shell. "You...why is it I can talk to you so easily when I'm cold to all the other people I know?" he stepped in front of me and and looked at me seriously. "No one can be cold and hold in things forever. I'm just easy to talk to, I guess." I held the blue shell to my ear. I smiled. If I was going to have to leave, I was going to take the sound of the ocean with me. I told Itachi to hold on and ran back to our spot on the beach to place the shell in my beachbag. I ran back to find Itachi sitting in the shallow water, staring blankly at the clear blue waves. "What's wrong, Itachi-san?" I placed a hand gentely on his shoulder. "I don't know. Let's head back inside..." he stood and walked off.

We made it back to the hotel room soon, and Kisame was awake. He frowned, "A little protective of Heiwan, ne, Itachi?" he looked at the oversized towel Itachi had slung over my body. "Around you, yes." Itachi scowled and whacked the back of Kisame's head. " seem happier." the shark-man eyed Itachi. "Just relaxed, I guess." Itachi shrugged. Kisame looked at me, "What'd you guys do on the beach?" "Collect shells." I glared at Kisame. I knew he was thinking we did 'Stuff'. "I'll get a shower and then we'll make dinner." Itachi called from our room. "Alright!" I shouted back. Kisame smirked, but
I didn't notice. "Finally.." Kisame whispered to himself. He stood and walked over to me. "H-Hey, what are you doing?" I eyed him. "Finally, I get five minutes alone with you." he smirked again. I started to back up, but he followed me. I hit the wall and he ripped my protective towel from me. He looked up and down my body in the bikini. He puts his hands on the wall on either side of me. I had no escape. "It's you and me right now, stop thinking of your precious Uchiha." his breath met my ear. "Let me go." I said calmly, closing my eyes.

Part 2 will be coming, so please bear with me! Keep watch for it.


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