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Dead Account Holder
Korigan-Aikidoist is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 09:20 PM

*You wake up in the middle of a street, unable to remember anything, see anything, or hear anything but your own breath and the light thumping of your heart; The mist is too thick to see through, you can barely see five feet ahead of you. You suddenly remember someone important to you, is missing, you hesitate for a moment to remember who it was.* (Now we start, post your information in parentheses, such as name of your character, the person important to you, the background of the character, which preferably is sort of troubled but you cant remember all of it quite yet in the story, Now I welcome ye, To the cursed town, of Silent Hill...)

Last edited by Korigan-Aikidoist; 08-13-2009 at 03:53 PM.. Reason: Typo

Dead Account Holder
Korigan-Aikidoist is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 12:46 AM

(Anyone going to post? anyone may join!)

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 07:33 PM

Glancing around curiously Lusalma wonders where she is NOW and how she got there…hoping that she would remember THIS time around, even though she never did before. (NAME: Lusalma IMPORTANT PERSON: Samual BACKGROUND: Lusalma is a 17 year old who looks as if she is 12 going on 13. Since she could remember, which isn’t that far back, she was always moving from one place to another, she never lived in the same spot for more than a year. Throughout this long haul she always found some evidence on her body or around her that allowed her to contact this mysterious personage named Samual who encouraged and guided her through many tough situations…at least the ones she could remember… Now she is again stuck somewhere that is unknown in some way she doesn’t remember. )

Last edited by Lusalma; 10-16-2009 at 12:36 AM..

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:18 PM

((so, I haven't ever played the games, but I've seen the movie. May I join, or must this follow the plot of the games?))

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 02:56 PM

((I think the master of the RP isn't here yet, he hasn't really responded but yeah you can put your profile down and we can start playing between each other, what do you think?))

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 04:44 PM

((Sounds good))

Name: Maya James
Important Person: Her older brother Michael
Background: Maya Was a very studious child, always making good grades in school. Her brother was the opposite. However, since Maya's brother always hated organized sports, this made their parents very unhappy as they wanted him to be either a pro athlete, or a successful businessman. Viewing him as an obstinate child, they lavished Maya with gifts and praise, and often yelled at and hit her brother. This made Maya very angry though, as she idolized her brother, so she did everything she could to make her parents mad at her, she dressed goth, she smoked in the school bathrooms, she got tattoos and piercings, and she began to dabble in the occult, trying to contact the dead, but through it all her parents just shrugged and said "It's a phase". When Maya's brother moved out of their parents house, she went with him, despite the pleas from her parents to stay. Maya, dropped most of her behaviors, but kept the goth look because she thought it was pretty, and still attempted communicating with spirits because she thought it was fun. Boy, was she ever wrong. She and her brother decided to do a tour of the country's ghost towns one summer vacation. Little did they know that it would go horribly, horribly wrong.

((does this sound good, or is it too long? Oh, Lusalma, what time-zone are you in?))

Last edited by Kokoro chan; 10-15-2009 at 05:52 PM.. Reason: added profile

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 07:29 PM

((I'm in the SE time zone with the USA, FL to be specific and I don't think its too long, do you think we meet each other in the fog or do we wait a little?))
Sighing and finally shrugging in acceptance of her ignorance, she looked down and around her feet. Seeing nothing Lusalma frowned. She usually had at least some type of bag with her at all times, common sense for when aliens abducted you. Getting more and more worried as she searched and searched but found nothing Lusalma finally sat down with teary eyes and a trembling lower lip, valiantly trying not to cry. 'where is my stuff? I know I have stuff, that's the only thing I do remeber!' Before Lusalma could get any deeper into her self pitying thoughts Lusalma heard a rustle in the fog. Glancing up sharply she scrambled to her feet, remembering she was somewhere she has never been before and she has no means of least she didn't think so.

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 07:34 PM

((It would probably be easier if we meet right away, but we could explore the freaky town a little first. How long before the shit hits the fan? (as in, really really SCARY things pop up and try to kill us?) Oh, I had to ask about the time zone, because it seems as though you are often on at a different time than me, and I wanted to be able to sync our posts. Im in the pacific time zone.))

Maya blinked and stretched, feeling the hard ground beneath her. She rubbed her eyes, willing the fog on her mind to clear. She struggled wearily to her feet, shaking her head. She looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Wha? Where am I?


she called softly, nervoulsy. A deep sense of dread filled her heart. She was forgetting someone. But who? Where were they? Why was she so afraid for them?

Last edited by Kokoro chan; 10-15-2009 at 07:56 PM..

cody1964 is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 08:41 PM


Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 08:58 PM

Maya began to slowly, silently walk through the town, the feeling of oppressive dread still filling her heart. She could hardly see, and that frightened her as well. She could make out shapes of buildings against the sky, but what they were, or where she was, she did not know. She wandered blidly through the city, almost tripping on the curb of a sidewalk.

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 08:59 PM

((that's cool, I think that they should maybe explore a bit before they meet up, that makes sense, just in case more people want to join))
Lusalma watched and listened with straining ears, hoping that it wasn't anything dangerous or disturbing. Finally mustering her courage Lusalma cautiously approached the edge of the cloud of fog. Seeing and hearing nothing else Lusalma slowly swept her leg out in a small semi-circle in front of her. having no impact or obstruction Lusalma stepped half a step forward and repeated her action. For several more steps she felt nothing. When Lusalma was finally fully into the cloud of fog her foot hit something. Stumbling back half a pace in surprise Lusalma froze in shock and gasped. Stopping and breathing quickly Lusalma's curiosity probed her into action. Moving forward until she hit the object again, Lusalma poked it. Feeling resistance but no movement Lusalma slowly stooped to her knees and felt along the ground. Feeling a cord Lusalma felt towards the source where it hit a stretch of cloth....the cloth felt very familiar. Gasping in surprise and hope Lusalma grabbed the strap and lunged out of the fog bank, dragging the battered, black backpack with her. Staring at the back pack in surprise Lusalma half sobbed in relief and gathering the backpack up to her bosoms, cuddled it...

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 09:18 PM

Maya continued her slow pace along the sidewalk, unsure of where to go. She almost screamed when she bumped into a dead shrub along the path, but managed to squelch it into a strangled squeek. She dropped to her knees and felt aropund the base of the bush for a suitable stick to use as a walking stick. Finding one, she began using it as a cane, tapping it in front of her to see her way. The fog seemed to lift a little and she could now make out doorways, looming dark shadows in the fog.

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 09:32 PM

Looking up from her smothered backpack Lusalma realized how stupid she must look, lunging and darting blindly within the fog....fog that could hide anything. Shuddering in a sudden spurt of fear Lusalma started crawling, dragging the backpack with her, towards a random direction, constantly looking around.
Seeing a sudden dark shadow Lusalma froze, face close to the ground, and watched for any movement. Seeing none Lusalma cautiously approached. With a couple moments of good crawl Lusalma started seeing the outlines of a picture on a brown, murky base. Getting still closer Lusalma saw that the picture was that of a did she know it was a Marine? Damn, anyway she gasped in hope and lurched out of her hands and knees stance, towards the door, hoping it was open. Banging against the door she heard a loud thud, it was metal and loud. Freezing Lusalma waited for any response, hearing none she jiggled the handle. It was stuck. Frowning in displeasure Lusalma stepped a couple paces back and kicked the door in frustration. It opened.
Starting in surprise Lusalma cautiously approached. Seeing and hearing nothing she slowly went into the half opened door...

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 10:30 PM

Maya tapped her way up to one of the building doorways and looked for a plaque or sign ANYTHING that might tell her where she is. As always, the person she could not remember, but was SURE she had to find was in the back of her mind, and she was getting more terrified by the minute. She brought her hand up and rapped tentatively on the door.

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 10:41 PM

Starting at the abrupt sound of a knock Lusalma looked back to the side of herself, towards the door she had crept away from, looking a light switch. Hesitantly peering out of the darkness Lusalma timidly whispered, "Anyone there?"

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-15-2009, 11:03 PM

Maya pressed her ear against the door, and heard the faint whisper.

"Oh thank god. I was beginning to think that no one was here. Can I come in? It's freaky as hell out here."

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 12:16 AM

Perking up slightly at the sound passed through the door Lusalma stated slightly louder, "Yeah, you can come in...but it's darker in here, the lights aren't on...I can't find it..." Glancing uneasily around at the looming shadows Lusalma hesitantly edged towards the door, fumbling forward she slowly turns the knob and still watching the shadows, opened the door.

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 12:23 AM

maya edged in and shut the door behind her.

"At least there's two of us in here, haha. Oh, I have a cell in my pocket I think. Maybe I could use the light from that to find a switch."

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 12:35 AM

Glancing in surprise at the nice voice Lusalma sees ((what's the color of your face >.< also I am low on power with my laptop so I'll have to stop soon and talk in the morning >.<)) and smiles in relief, straightening up from her defensive crouch she states clearly, "Yeah I think that would work, don't you?"

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 02:07 AM

((Lol, the color of mine, my avatars, or my characters? LOL, we're all a pale white complexion.))

"Ooh, I wish' I'd thought of this sooner."

Maya dug through her pockets for her cell phone. She pulled it out and squinted at the screen.

"Dang. No bars. Well, the battery is about 3/4 full, so we can use it as a light for a few minutes."

She opened the phone and flashed it at the walls near the door, then around the room.

"See anything?"

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 01:02 PM

((yeah but I was talking about the eyes and hair, Because I was going to say 'sees her green/blue/brown eyes' not red the way whats the monster going to be? Something gross might be fun ^.^ and we can add romance or something for someone we save or saves us...personally right now I want to try role playing a see if I can do it >.<))
Hearing the terms bars and cells jogged a sense of deja vu from Lusalma's over taxed mind. Shuddering in relief as the pale white glow swept across the store front Lusalma scanned the shadows, trying to remember what exactly a Marine store would have. Seeing a map sign posted slightly to the left of where they were standing Lusalma went up to it and studied it. Seeing the terms 'Uniforms' pointing to the right she also noted that the 'Weapons' and 'Survival Supplies' were to the left...pondering the decision of getting clothed or equipped Lusalma turned to the girl behind her and asked, "Do you want to get dressed or equipped? Also may I ask your name? My names Lusalma..." Finishing her abrupt introduction Lusalma glanced shyly over at the other girl.

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 08:25 PM

((Lol, my characters eyes aren't red, They're actually gray. Her hair is dark brown. I know my images were black and white, so it's hard to tell. Romance is good. Oh! We could save my chicks bro, LOL. eventually. I dunno. As for the monster, it should be this... well, the grossest monster from the movie that comes to mind was the headless armless torso that looked like the bones were to big for the skin and it shot acid...))

Maya squinted her eyes in the glow, trying to read the signs without moving closer.

"My names Maya. Nice to meet you. I think. I mean, it is, but under weird circumstances. You know. Anyways, It would probably be best if we supplied ourselves first. We can be prepared for... something."

Last edited by Kokoro chan; 10-16-2009 at 08:51 PM..

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 08:56 PM

((Hmm good idea, oh just to warn you for the next two days I'll be on little to none at all, visiting the country, no reception @.@ anyway what about a sewer monster, or a cannibal?))
Nodding her head in acceptance and understanding of the idea Lusalma started heading towards the left, away from the clothes. As she was walking she peered at Maya and smiled happily, she wasn't alone anymore...which felt kinda weird now that she thought about it. Pushing the disturbing thoughts aside she followed the arrows painted on the floor, with a little signs of guns, fishing rods, back packs, and other survival gear positioned next to it. Lugging along her bag Lusalma realized, she didn't know why she was even carrying it, what was in it and how does she know it was hers?...staring Lusalma wasn't watching where she was going and crashed into a maniquen doll. Groaning on the floor Lusalma held her head and swore never to think and move at the same time. It was painful!

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 09:11 PM

((Sewer monsters and cannibals are scary too. Ugh, espcially if it has swarms of rats or cockroaches. double ugh.))

Maya heard the crash and finally moved forward from her position holding her cell phone high over her head for the light.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?!"

She knelt next to Lusalma and offered her hand to help her up.

"Maybe we can find some flashlights while we're here."

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-19-2009, 01:03 AM

((I just finished watching the new version of King Kong, I know really late huh XP, and I thought a really gross scene was when all those guys fell into the ravine...really scary @.@))
Glancing shyly at the outstretched hand Lusalma gratefully accepted and using the added leverage picked herself up relatively quickly. Whispering in an embarrassed manner Lusalma replied to the concerned question,"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you very much for helping...I'm really glad I'm not alone..." Glancing to the side while she finished this statement Lusalma's eye caught on the glass display case...full of uniforms...
((MUHAHA!! MILITARY FETISH!!...*cough* I don't really know if there is one but I thought that would be funny ^.^))


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