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Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 01:41 AM

Firstly, if you want you can check out more info on the characters in my blog. Not all the characters up yet but I'll get to them eventually.

So here are some character development drawings I made for Shine.
My inspiration for this whole thing was from Glampanda's Hell and Haydevil art contest on GaiaOnline where I drew one of her characters as a whore with a male corsette ^^ It was the start of everything.
Shine started out as a very pouty character but turned into a master of emotions who hates people, which explains why there are so many emotions in the first picture below. I considered giving him a twin who had the opposite personality but chose against it.

Here are some more drawing of Shine, the top two have him at work, I was working on the poses he would need to be drawn in while waiting on tables, another part of his job.
The bottom two are of him as he really is, Mr. Grumpy face.

I've also done another sketch of Shine, as he is the main character, and I think I might color this one and keep the sketch paper in the background with a few splashes of a background because I Like the way the pen I used and the paper worked together when zoomed in a lot.

Next are the first four pages of the manga, read right to left. I actually drew them left to right, two to a page of paper, but in each page I drew them so that the speech bubbles space would need to be right to left...
On page 2, I made a typing error, but then I found that it would be kind of interesting as a sort of slang or something he says randomly. Kind of like Deidera from Naruto Shippuden and the way he says "yeah" so much.

It would be great if I could get some response to this, my last thread drifted off to the next page pretty quickly so I was somewhat disappointed. However, I got a lot of material here and I haven't put up my traditional art in a long time. I'd have to say my anime has improved since my previous manga attempts which were foiled.

I've started a storyboard for the manga (stick figures, it gave my friend a laugh as she's never seen me do them before) and I think that it will help.
At an anime convention two years ago, the mangaka for 'My Cat Loki' had a workshop and she suggested Manga Studio for putting in all those pretty shadings and the like (or maybe she advised against it and said we should Comic- something one another...I can't remember) so I think I'll invest in that at some point.
Check out my Deviantart, though I haven't put up anything too recently I don't think...I take requests ;D so if anybody gets interested just drop me a pm lol.


Another two pages, 4 more are done and need scanning lol. Not inked, and I'm a little sad about how Shine's intro pic came out as but I can always redraw that at some point...

Sorry for it being so dark, My computer takes forever to get the picture into photo shop to fix the coloring so I thought to just use windows' easier though lower quality editor...

Last edited by Sev en Ester; 10-21-2009 at 11:58 PM..

icekat311 is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 02:47 AM

I love it Sev-tan yay it so awsome yay yay. and funny too. how old are you just so i can feel more inferior i am so suckish at my art, y didn't anyone tell me before i got this far

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 02:59 AM

Sixteen going on seventeen~

That sounds like a song O_O I swear that's a song....

Anyway, dun worry about it. I don't know about you but I learned to write by being told that the alphabet were pictures xD So I thought I was drawing, not writing..*loves that tid bit of Kindergarten*
I've had a lot of artistic influence in my wittle kiddie years. My bro started drawing *he rocked way back when* and I copied him and started drawing ;P When I realized I was crap at everything sports and I had no social life (at the tender age of 8) I started drawing more. I feel I came into the anime world a bit late though...Didn't start until 6th grade for that, and that when I really started drawing in my opinion.

Half way through this I realized it sounded like I was writing my own bigoraphy >>'


I think Artistic-ness skips generations in my family, because my grandma was an amazing artist (so I've heard) but hated it *gasp!*, my mom is crud at it (sorry mom, it's true) and then there's me and my bro, both leaning toward careers in the art world.

Gaaaaaaaaaah biography again D:

But anyway *punches biography crap out of the way* You're arts good. You seem to enjoy it and you put effort into it. That's a lot more than what I can say about other people I know

icekat311 is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 03:52 AM

yay thank you sev-tan i am still inferior. And that is a song sixteen going on seventeen from sound of music,

ahhhh i said the bad words together, "sound of music" Ahh i said it again.

I try my best at what i do. And my teachers like it some i guess

Send a message via MSN to ENORCA
ENORCA is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 01:25 PM

>_> I liked the sketches more than the manga pages. why? Because in the sketches your lines vary in depth, and in the manga all lines are in one width and there are no shading or colors :/ what is more I find the speech bubble outlines and the litters inside of them a bit too heavy - it should look that there is more ink in them, than in rest of the drawing ;D Both of these things makes the manga pages to look a bit dull.

But your anatomy skills are great and the character Shine looks very original and interesting - good enough for a real selling manga :D

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 08:31 PM

I was too terrified that I'd ruin it if I did shading xD I've got some gray scale markers but I tried them out on another drawing and wasn't overly found of them.
I'm looking into the manga studio program which would have shadings and textures that I could add.

I completely agree for the bubbles though, I forgot to leave space for the bubbled and I wanted to be able to move their position if i found the placing annoying later on. I used a cut out tool, and that was the best I could get for a ring.

I should probably put up that gray scale attempt to get advice on how to work with those too...

icekat311 is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 09:37 PM

i added you on deviant art. icekat311

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 12:01 AM

It's cool, I like it ^^ It makes me want to read more because I'm curious about the characters. I like your style, it's awesome.

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 12:33 AM

Thanks ^^

Added you too Icy >w<

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Ettilai is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 12:46 AM

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Luck Sevens! Its awesome! I would totally buy it if the story was made into a book..^^ Ish so Yettilicious! (Yes, I made the word up.)

icekat311 is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 12:52 AM

yay i is happy you added me thankies

13th is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 04:53 PM

I like Shine, he must be kinda funny to draw ^^
About the manga pages, I think that more frames + shading to it would improve it, but you are talented, so keep it up :3
Just remember to do your very best in EVERY picture, or else it won't be as good as it could
Also try to draw the "speak bubbles" yourself

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 11:34 PM

I'll remember to not ink the space for the speech then next time, forgot with these...I'm not too sure about my speech bubble skills but that's what a pencil is for :D

Thanks for the advice!

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ENORCA is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 10:33 AM

there are manga shading programs? :0 could you tell me how they (or it) are called, please? :D

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-23-2009, 02:36 AM

Yup, here's one that I THINK was reccomended...

And here's Deleter's Comic Works programs.

I can't remember which was being hated on and which was being adored xD To the reviews and ratings then I guess

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi
Kaihei Tsukiredi the Black Mage
BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi is offline
Old 09-23-2009, 10:28 PM

Awesome sketches and manga pages. Perhaps you should try shading in objects and the characters and adding more details into the backgrounds.

Konami-tan is offline
Old 09-25-2009, 03:35 AM

I really like your drawing style, and the character designs look great too.

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 09-29-2009, 02:39 AM

Thanks ^^

Okay, next two pages are done, I'm going to keep them in pencil though until I've practiced more with a pen... It's got more shading and I tried a little bit of background...Not a terrible lot though because it would botch up the whole thing...Rather try a bit more on separate paper before putting it in the real thing.

ThePsychoSheep is offline
Old 09-29-2009, 08:41 AM

The characters look unique.The style is great.Theres only one thing that bothers me-In the first sketch his legs look a little too thin :(.But still Great work!

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ENORCA is offline
Old 09-29-2009, 04:09 PM

Sev en Ester@ Thank you :)

Ciera is offline
Old 09-29-2009, 06:20 PM

supposely wonderful your a true artist.

Inoue_Ichigo is offline
Old 09-30-2009, 02:11 AM

good job, keep up the good work!

Ciera is offline
Old 09-30-2009, 03:24 PM

oh my o///o the males are very charming

Sev en Ester
Sev En Ester
Sev en Ester is offline
Old 10-03-2009, 03:36 AM

xD Yes, they are charming! I'll try to get the next couple of pages done and up this weekend.

The Flakey
Alfanzo is offline
Old 10-07-2009, 05:01 AM

Oh my goodness. Your art is incredible! I love the facial expression especially! Keep up the awesome work!


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