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The Almighty One: Pekoe!
Aaawhyme is offline
Old 10-01-2009, 02:30 PM

I don't care what forum this goes in, its just a rant. Nobody has to answer. >.> Though feedback would be nice.

So... yeah, I don't usually do anything like this but I feel I must rant.
Its just one of those days, you know?

Here we go: It all started at school when I found out this guy I liked for 2 years ... lets give him a name like, 'Dan'. -cough- Yeah, anyway I found out he is going to this Grad Cruise I'm on. But during the meetings at school he looked as if he had no body to hang out with at all. I mean, he was wandering around the place all lonely like. I felt bad.

On the day of the cruise (yesterday) I saw him at the BBQ we had and decided to invite him over and introduce him to my friends, so he wouldn't be so alone.
Anyway, at first he seemed a little awkward and since this is the first time he met my friends they all came up secretly to me and were like 'OMG YOU TWO GUYS ARE SO IN LOOOVVEE!'.

They didn't even know I liked a guy, so how could they see that? >.> which is a strange thing for me.. I've never dated or anything and I don't even understand what LOVE really is.

Do you know that feeling?
Maybe it's just a really strong friendship?... That gets awkward sometimes.

ANYWAY! So I'm all like, 'He couldn't like me...' but secretly hoping it right?

During the Cruise I noticed that one of my friends really started connecting with him and I was all like, 'aww, cute. :3 he's finally warming up to people.'
It was quite funny trying to watch him dance xD He's so stiff! (But I'm the same way, I can't dance for the life of me! D: )

(On a side note: I was standing there feeling awkward on the dance floor when a bunch of random guys just kind of started dancing around me in a circle and I was running around the group trying to find a way out xD ... I'LL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! -shiver- they were nice though, I know it was all in good fun.. scary though. )

So as the nice progressed it was quite obvious that my friend was ... 'after Dan', so to speak. Lets call this friend... 'Robin' -cough cough- (This was one of the friends that DIDN'T know I liked him though) Though she's the type of girl who is really experienced in this type of thing and she seemed so confident... -is green with jealousy-

It didn't really bother me that the two were hitting it off really well, that is until one of my friends who knew I liked him came up to me and told me to 'get my ass out there and break up the two'. Apparently Robin was 'stealing my man.' xD Crazy.

Though, naturally knowing myself I didn't do very much about it and tried to have fun at the party. After a while I realized that the party wasn't as fun as it seemed, specially with this big black cloud resting over my head, forcing me to constantly think about the two... somewhere in a dark secluded corner... kissing and talk'n about naughty thangs.


In the end I found them and I learned that they had already kissed and I saw him resting his hand on her arm and they were talking like they'd been friends for years.

He and I had been friends for years. They'd known each other for... half a day.

I guess it's my fault you know. I didn't dive in for the kill like Robin did, so I sort of deserved it. But still, it hurts to know that I was the one who introduced the two and I'm angry with myself for doing so, because it ruined my night.

But in the end, what can you do?

Maybe the two connected so well, so quickly, because of 'true love' (if that really exists, that is.). It took them half a day to become deep friends and it took me two years. It really wasn't meant to be, I suppose.

Now I have to go face Robin in art class. This will be fun.

Macabeak is offline
Old 10-01-2009, 07:37 PM

I don't know what to tell you, except this:

"Maybe the two connected so well, so quickly, because of 'true love' (if that really exists, that is.). It took them half a day to become deep friends and it took me two years. It really wasn't meant to be, I suppose."

Wrong! It seems to me that their relationship is much more of a physical attraction than anything else. Don't give up heart just yet! Try to be more open and talk more with him! ;) (At this point, though, it seems like flirting is out of the question if he is in a relationship with your friend)

Raccoons Should Fly
Raccoons Should Fly is offline
Old 10-01-2009, 08:32 PM

I agree with the above, but I also think that he might think of you as a friend by now, and not a romantic prospect. Since you didn't go in for the kill, as you put it, and because you've been friends with him for so long- perhaps he is afraid he'll ruin it as it is? In any case, you've got to put in a good effort and a lot of thought. Even if it isn't love, it'll turn out alright if you do what you think you should do in your heart =3

Princess_Marie is offline
Old 10-02-2009, 02:25 AM

Well at least she didn't know you liked him? also it probably won't last.

r33na1 is offline
Old 10-02-2009, 09:57 PM

aww that sucks *hugs* yea. i know how that feels. I'm pretty shy so even if i like someone, i won't say anything because 1. i'm scared of rejection and 2. i don't want to ruin anything between us (as friends) or back them into anything. mostly the first though. Idk, it seems like robin and dan just want to fuck each other, whereas you have a more emotional relationship with him which could maybe gorw into somthing bigger after dan and Robin break up (which they will because those kind of relationships never last. good luck.

Bleak Banter
The almighty useless one
Bleak Banter is offline
Old 10-03-2009, 12:22 AM

Ehehe. It's the magic of vacation. I've been on many a cruise, and every time there are relationships that spawn out of it. I had a sweet, fantastic 7-day relationship with a handsome/rich fellow while out on a cruise. Keep in mind, though, that once you're out of the cruise the romance sort of dies a little. (My brother dated a chick he met on a cruise once for months... xD it ended in embarassing disaster.)

Trust me, if you hang around enough Robin sounds like the sort of chick who lures a man in, makes him love her and then finds another one and says "I'm sorry, but I love Blank!" and ditches the fellow.

In other words, there's a good chance you'll be the one to nurse Dan back to happiness. Do NOT date him immediately afterward, because being the rebound is bad. Wait a while, be sweet and friendly, maybe make a few subtle hints along the way.

And if anybody starts to make a move on him, tell him immediately you care about him before they can sink their teeth in.

8D My strategies generally work, so I wish you well!

it seems like robin and dan just want to fuck each other
I formally disagree. I think that Robin wants to do the dance with Dan, but Dan is one of those hopeless romantic types who thinks he's in love. Something tells me he's not exactly Datey McDatey pants.

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 10-03-2009, 04:43 PM

Maybe you should tell her that you liked him. Though she might say it's your own fault for not going for him in the first place, and it might be, but who knows. I'm sorry that really sucks..but there are other guys out there. It really does suck. I doubt that it's true love for the two of them, but who knows really. You're still young, there's plenty of guys out there ^^


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