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TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 09:04 PM

Okay, this is my first roleplay thread, so bear with me. ;)

The School for the Odd & Devious

This is a school for all high school students who are.....out of the ordinary. Okay, let's just face it! Their monsters. There are vampires, demons, elves, you name it their here. However humans are strictly forbidden. No ifs, ands, or buts.

SOD, as the school's names is abbreviated, ( or SOB as the students refer to it ;) Who says monsters don't have a sense of humor? ), is a private boarding school. The students, except for their odd talents and appearance, are like any other kids their age. There are jocks, preps, nerds, ect.
Please fill out a "admissions" form to enroll. This will be a private rp once students are selected, but everyone is welcome to enroll! Remember the more unique your character, the more likely that you will be chosen. The entry time is set to close THIS Friday. So hurry! I will send you a private message if you are in, and a private thread will be set up. Good Luck!

School's in session! Are you ready to start? We promise not to bite.....much

Last edited by TaintedDream; 10-11-2009 at 11:09 PM..

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 09:15 PM

SOD, as stated earlier is a private school, so space is limited! They are only excepting 25 to 30 new students. So " how do I become a student", you ask? It is simple. Hurry and sign up and show us your uniqueness! Please fill out and post the following form. :)

-Your Student/character's name
-Species (No humans!)
-A picture (please, no rosario vampire characters)
-favorite color, band, and animal
-personal quote
-personality/ appearance, ect
- & anything else you want to share!

I want you to post all of this directly to the thread. The selections will be made at the very latest by Friday. Depending on the amount of people interseted, I may allow for more students and even exchange students after the start date....We will see. Also my student will be posted as soon as possible to help give you an idea of how you should post your character. Have a little patience. Thanx!

I hope you get accepted!

A picture of the school!

ATTENTION! You may now also apply to be a teacher, as students do need teachers. Teachers however are not actual main characters, just small roles, so you need a student as well! List your first three choices of subject.

Last edited by TaintedDream; 10-12-2009 at 12:29 AM..

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 09:44 PM

-Your Student/character's name--Talitha

-Species (No humans!)--Half demon half human (is that ok? If its not let me know and ill change)



-A picture


-favorite color-orange

band---my chemical romance

animal---kitty cats

-personal quote---Don't know Don't care

-personality/ appearance---Shes quiet and sticks to herself most of the time. Shes outspoken in class and she loves to do extra assignments. Once you befriend her though you cant shut her up. All she does is talk talk talk. appearance look at her picture (do we got school uniforms? If so I wanna know what they look like so that I can put her in her uniform.) She has green eyes and red hair and pure white skin.

- & anything else you want to share! Shes kinda emo when it comes to the way she acts. SHes always alone and not outspoken unless it has to do with schoolwork. Her hobbies include drawing and writing in a book she one day wants to have published.

forgot to mention her abilitys are as follows

1) she can talk to any animal
2) she is a shapeshifter
3) great archery and ninja skills (not powers just a lot of practise.)

classroom choices

Last edited by Talitha001; 10-12-2009 at 12:38 AM..

Lusalma is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 09:57 PM

-Your Student/character's name: Lusalma Sidhe
-Species: Sidhe and something else
-Sex: Female
-Orientation: Straight
-A picture: (no credit for making the pic and wings smooth out into grey cloak unless under extreme emotion)
-5 likes: reading, playing, traveling, plants, healing, pets
-favorite color, band, and animal: red, Linkin park, and fox
-personal quote: “Who gets to decide who you are if you don’t even know yourself?” -Friend
-personality/ appearance: preppy, hyper, happy, curious.
Lusalma has traveled throughout her whole life, she never settled in one place for too long. Due to this inablility to settle Lusalma became very curious and friendly. However, she also developed a slight case of ADHD and now is sent to private boarding school in hopes to help her overcome this disability. As a child protégé in plants and bipedal development Lusalma was instituted and graduated a Healer program, however her bedside manner is somewhat…annoying. Thus as her mother I wish to apply and hopefully enter Lusalma into this private academy. Hopefully she will make friends and learn to live without always being uprooted.
- & anything else you want to share: Lusalma acts very young but she really isn’t…please be patient with her. Thank you ^.^

Teachers: Herbalism and Literature and Disguise
Link to Picture:

Last edited by Lusalma; 10-16-2009 at 11:38 AM..

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 10:03 PM

Name: She is simply known as Nox Flos, which translates from Latin as 'Night Flower'.
Nicknames: Nox, Ni, Flower, .....

Sex & Orientation: Female, and straight.


Species: A half-demon, but she is rather secretive about this.

Abilities: Nox is able to change her appearance at will, unlike her full demon father, so far she has not been able to shift to a different species. She has fought in battle along side her father by his request and has also been keeper of Death's Gate, as a child. (See pics)

Favorite colors: Black and Red

Favorite band: Doesn't really have one, likes Mudvayne and She Wants Revenge...

Favorite animal: Raven

Likes: Daggers, wolves, writing, art, and archery

Personal Quote: Do unto others, -- and there will be consequences....

Personality/ Appearance: Nox keeps her skin very pale and her hair black, no matter what form she takes. Her appearance tends to change depending on her mood. She is rather shy, but talkative around friends.....She has been sent to this school by her father for reasons unknown to her. She fears this is another of his cruel tests.

Last edited by TaintedDream; 10-11-2009 at 10:23 PM..

KittyKatastrophe is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 10:12 PM

Your Student/character's name- Tabitha
-Species- Vampire
-Orientation- straight
-A picture- (but with black hair, the red is the same though)
-5 likes- Music, Boys(obviously), adventure, reading, playful arguing.
-favorite color, band, and animal- purple and silver, Escape the Fate and brokencyde, Zebras
-personal quote- Sorry did i ask you what you wanted me to be?
-personality/ appearance- dresses like an emo, somewhat talkitive, likes to argue, adventurous, flirty at times.
Tabitha has been kicked out of many towns, why? because she always ends up in a crowded room full of humans, and just happens to lose control. school never worked for her because simply humans have blood and tabitha is a vampire, do the math. She has a bit of an attitude and she likes to argue for no appearent reason.

anything else- She tends to over react so if she stomps out of a room then dont think about it too much

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 10:16 PM

Great entries so far! Keep them coming! :D

mochi-PANda is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 10:28 PM

-Your Student/character's name Clea Sunscape
-Species Half Elf
-Sex Female
-Orientation Heterosexual
-A picture
Favorite Color: Pale Green
Band The Hush Sound
And animal Owl
-Personal Quote: "I try to look on the brighter side of Life, and although things could get worse, I look for the silver lining."
-Personality/appearance Often times rather shy to outsiders, Clea opens up when with friends and family. She's very cheerful, and looks for the silver lining in ALL things, good or bad.

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 10:56 PM

Very Good! These characters are great! We need some guys though....

em0tard is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:19 PM

-Your Student/character's name: Rei Iwazowa
-Species (No humans!): Vampire
-Sex: female
-Orientation: whatever she wants at the time.
-A picture (please, no rosario vampire characters):
-5 likes: reading
causing trouble
-favorite color, band, and animal: black
-personal quote: "If payback is a B**** and revenge is sweet then im the sweetest B***** you'll ever meet"
-personality/ appearance, ect: Hot headed, weird, likes to read and draw, badass type.
- & anything else you want to share!

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:28 PM

lol. Love the personal quote em0tard. ;)

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:33 PM

yeah I love it to. he he its so awfuly neat.

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:39 PM

Yes. ^.^
If any of you know any other ppl that might be intersted, sent them over!
Please & Thank you ;)

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:42 PM

-Your Student/character's name Ai Chakuzu
-Species (No humans!) half-vampire, 1/4 elf, and 1/4 human (that's alright right?)
-Sex Male
-Orientation Bi
-A picture (please, no rosario vampire characters)
Listening to music
Hanging out with friends
-favorite color, band, and animal
color: Blood Red
Animal: Wolf
-personal quote
"Speak your mind, stop beating around the bush, or get out of my way and stop wasting my time"
-personality/ appearance, ect
Personality: Silent and distant. If you can see past his cold exterior he's very caring and protective. Seen like a mysterious type so...ew fangirls...
Appearance: Look in picture
Height: Uhmm...about 6 feet something...
- & anything else you want to share!
He has a very secretive past but then again, who doesn't? He's an orphan and the school officials found him in a rather dark alleyway covered in blood (how cliche) Seems to always be carrying a small blood red notebook around with him. Oh and he has glasses

And there you have a guy...though I really wanted to make a female character...and sorry I keep changing the pic...I think the first one looked better...oh well. I wanna teach Music and Art! I put this in Akuma's info first...forgot to put it in Ai's eh-heh...

Last edited by Aoi Kazuya; 10-12-2009 at 01:13 AM..

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:46 PM

Aoi! Yay! Your character form pic is seriously Hot! *drools* Nice job.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:48 PM

omg seriously he is hot lol and here I thought I would be the hottest one in this school =[

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:49 PM

lol. Your character is cute, but sorry, so far he takes the cake for hotness! ;P

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:50 PM

aww crud which one? I'll switch it back

mochi-PANda is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:52 PM

Uh........ *feels out of place* Welll...this is an odd conversation.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:53 PM

I hope it was the first one...

@mochi-PANda: don't worry about it...we have many of those XD

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:54 PM

*huggles* can we get started yet? Im dying to role play over here.

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:54 PM

The first one, he fits the persona better. The second one is cute too. You could submit him as a different character.....? Okay. Here is the dilema. So I was checking out other rp and some of them just establish the characters and then anyone can play that character. While in other rps, the person who submits that character plays that character. No one else. Which do you guys like better?

Talitha001--> Sorry, not yet! We need more characters,....well we need more characters! So if your anxious, go steal people from other rps! lol ;)

Last edited by TaintedDream; 10-11-2009 at 11:58 PM..

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:55 PM

we play the people we submit, cause well...their our characters.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:56 PM

I say everyone plays there own character and then miscilanious characters like townspeople who are gonna die can be played by whoever. But I think you should designate us each a class to teach. We can just play a teacher. That way you dont have to just be a boring teacher.

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 11:59 PM

ooooh! I like the designating teachers! yay! good idea!


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