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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 03:08 PM

Boredom Relief Plan: COMMENCE

Two high-school girls are bored one day, tired of the cycle of schoolwork that never seems to end. Most high-school girls would relieve such boredom by texting, or shopping, or gossiping about cute guys. But these two particular high-school girls are NOT most high-school girls.

They are Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima.

And the prime components of their “Boredom Relief Plan” are none other than four particular schoolmates, the Sohma boys.

Holy crap. What exactly is going to come of this?

Only one way to find out…


"Oh. My. GOD." Arisa yelled to the world in general, slumping back in her desk; the entire classroom jumped and stared. "I didn't think I could get any more bored than I already was... And then I did! THAT PISSES ME OFF!"

Hanajima, who was busy French-braiding Arisa's hair, did not miss a beat as her friend slumped back, continuing to braid as if nothing had happened. Her reply, however, gainsaid that image:

"I am also bored, Arisa," she murmured, her own long black hair done up in a high ponytail. "I grow weary of the monotony of schoolwork."

"When's Tohru getting back from delivering those papers to the Teachers' Office?" The 'Yankee' girl demanded. "I need one of those hugs of hers that makes all this shit seem to go away."

"We must have patience; the office is on the other side of the school, after all," Hanajima pointed out.

"Uh... Uotani-san," piped a classmate, a boy named Katsu, "you've been complaining of boredom for the past two weeks... You haven't tried doing anything about it though? Why don't you try something like..." He thought for a moment. "...finding a hobby?"

Arisa frowned. "What, like I'm not busy enough? If I'm not in school, I'm doing homework, and if it's not that, then I actually AM at work, and whenever I get free time I'm hanging with Saki here and Tohru. When do you expect me to find time to fit in knitting or rock-climbing in there?"

"Well, you don't actually have to do those things, just--"

"How about a club, Uotani-san?" Another classmate spoke up, this time a girl named Asami. "You don't belong to any, right? It's after school, and even though there are meetings and everything, it's okay if you miss out every so often because of your work."

"Nah," Arisa replied, shaking her head. "There aren't any right now that I'd want to join--"

"Then shall we make our own?"

Everyone looked at Hanajima, who was still steadily braiding Arisa's hair.

"I, too, am bored," she reasoned with the class at large without looking up from the tresses in her fingers. "And it is true that no current clubs interest either me or Arisa... Therefore, the logical conclusion would be to start one of our own that would provide... amusement for us."

The class shivered at the pause before "amusement." Though they had long since gotten over the idea of Hanajima being a malicious witch, they had also since become familiar with her unique brand of "humor" that could sometimes have consequences for others.

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The Dreamer
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Old 10-28-2009, 11:08 PM

The class room door opened to reveal the girl, Tohru Honda, a gentle smile on her face as she spotted Arisa and Hanajima. Stepping into the room, she shut the door behind her and made her way to her desk, where she plopped herself down and leaned her chin on her open palm. Glancing at the two, it was simple to see that they were concocting something, and she tilted her head to the side. "What are you two talking about?" she asked curiously, watching Hanajima braid Arisa's hair.

The wind felt good against his face as he sat atop the roof. He hated school... And more so, he hated that stupid rat, Yuki. Kyo sighed, gazing up at the clouds. It had been a couple days since he had yelled at Tohru about worrying too much... He had stayed relatively out of her way for a while, and inside, he felt a bit lonely. Sitting up, he scratched his head, making a frown on his face. "What the hell am I thinking?!" he said out loud, frustrated with his own thoughts about Tohru.

Momiji, on the other hand, had nothing to worry about. Sporting relatively cute clothes, he waltzed through the school. He was getting more and more used to girls coming up to him, and after having to dodge so many, he was fairly tired and wanted to relax. And so, he began to look for the one and only person who helped him do just that... "Tohru!" he called, opening the classroom door, which also got him looks from many of the people in there.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 12:48 AM

"Tohruuuu," Arisa moaned in mock-distress, throwing her arms around the girl, "Me and Saki are bored."

"This is true, Tohru." Hanajima also hugged the girl from the opposite side. "We require aid in relieving our boredom. Specifically, the aid of your friends the Sohma boys, including the ones who are not in our class."

Arisa looked up from hugging Tohru. "Huh?" She asked quizzically. "We do?"

"Of course we do... In order for my plan to be set into motion."

The entire class felt a chill fall over them.

"Wh-what was that?!" Katsu exclaimed, terrified.

"S-so cold," shivered Asami with a petrified expression on her face.

Hanajima paid them no mind, but produced a volume of shojo manga from her schoolbag. "May I present 'Love Love Host Club Hustle'," she intoned.

Arisa took the book from her, completely unphased by the flowery shojo manga cover in contrast with Hanajima's serious demeanor and ever-present black nail polish. "So this is part of your idea?"

"That is where you are wrong, Arisa." Hanajima was suddenly smiling cheerfully. "That IS my idea."

And then the already chill temperature in the classroom plunged to Arctic.

That was when one Yuki Sohma chose to step into the room. Noticing everyone's horrified stares latching onto his person, he himself began to notice the freezing air of the room.

"Uh..." He hesitated, his eyes falling upon Hanajima-san and Uotani-san, both of whom were standing near Tohru and grinning at him VERY suspiciously. Even more suspicious was the gleeful way that Uotani-san was clutching that overly-sparkly shojo manga volume. "What's going on in here?"

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The Dreamer
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:45 AM

Tohru smiled as she was squished, gently, between Arisa and Hanajima. "What do you two want with the Sohma's?" she asked curiously before hearing her name called by a young boy. Her eyes turned up to meet Momiji's, but a moment later she was spun around to look at the "Love Love Host Club Hustle" manga that now rested in Arisa's hands. She tilted her head to the side and smiled sheepishly. "I'm not sure about this Hanajima... Do you reall think the Sohma's will agree to this?" she asked before hearing another familiar voice. Tohru turned around, only to be faced with a worried looking Yuki standing beside Momiji, whose face seemed aglow with the knowledge of what might be coming.

Kyo suddenly perked up, a strange feeling in his gut, as if something bad had been mentioned of him. A shiver went down his spine. For some reason, something was telling him to run... To run and never look back. His face paled for a moment, but he quickly recovered and shrugged it off. It couldn't possibly be anything to worry about, could it?

Rising from his place, he opened the door and began to descend the stairs from the rooftop, walking towards the classroom, hands dug into his pockets, eyes closed as he walked. But, there was a commotion up ahead, and he opened up his eyes to see both Momiji and Yuki standing at the door of the classroom. His eye twitched angrily. "What the heck do you think you two are doing?" he asked in an upset tone before looking over to a chilly classroom, and the plotting group of three girls. He glanced at Yuki. "What's going on here?" he asked, now realizing where that worried feeling in his gut could be coming from.

Momiji's eyes sparkled as he entered the room, runing up to Tohru and poking her side gently, a hand up to his mouth, a finger poised in cute way at the corner of his mouth. "Tohru-chan... I want to be a part of the Love Love Host Club!" he said excitedly, looking at the sparkling manga, wanting to rip it away from Arisa in order to look at it.

[[ 'ooc I'm not sure how I should make her talk... ]]

Last edited by x x _ m o n e t _ x x; 10-29-2009 at 01:57 AM.. Reason: Fixed Tohru Post

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 11-10-2009, 08:11 PM

Arisa grinned approvingly at Momiji before opening the volume of manga and flipping through it; as she did so, her grin got wider and wider, until she finally closed the book with a loud snap.

"Boys," she cried triumphantly, pointing a finger at the Sohmas in the room, "prepare to become this high school's very first Host Club!"

"Wh-what?!" Yuki cried in return, NOT liking the direction this was going. "What are you talking about?"

"You will fulfill girl's fantasies and desires of being courted by princes," Hanajima spoke up in her usual monotone.

"And delinquents," Arisa added unabashedly.

"And adorable youngsters," Hanajima finished, pointedly looking at Momiji.

"Something's missing, though," Arisa mused, staring at a random spot on the ceiling. Then she abruptly shouted, "THAT'S IT!"

"What's it?! What are you--NO! Whatever you're plotting, I'm not doing it!" Yuki firmly declared.

"Do you want me to curse you?" Hanajima asked darkly, her hair flaring around her face in an otherworldly manner.

Yuki visibly shrank, his face a mask of horror. He turned pleading eyes on Honda-san, the only person who might possibly be able to stop the two menaces in front of him.

"That white-haired guy," Arisa continued, seemingly unaware of Hanajima's horrifying demeanor. "What's his name... Hatsuharu? Him, too. Girls love the strong, silent type. He'd be perfect."

"I-I don't think that--" Yuki stammered out bravely.

"PERFECT," Arisa stated again QUITE firmly.

"Together, my brother and I can make a curse so powerful that only God could abate it," Hanajima promised.

"Honda-san," Yuki quavered, "tell them to stop..."

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The Dreamer
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Old 11-23-2009, 06:32 AM

Tohru's knowledge of the Sohma's curse made her flinch a little at the mention of women being close towards them, fulfilling "girls' fantasies and desires". And so, she couldn't help but take pity on Yuki's situation and say to Arisa and Hanajima "I'm not sure if that's the best idea... You know, forcing the Sohma's to bend to women's needs is a bit harsh, isn't it? Could you two find something else to fill your time?" she said in a careful way. Although she was sure Hanajima wouldn't curse her, one couldn't be too careful, could they?

"Host Club?!" was what seemed to be said through gritted teeth from Kyo. His eyebrow twitched angrily as he almost seemed to growl. "You think I would agree to being part of a Host Club?! What makes you think I want to be anywhere near girls... Better yet, what makes you think I want to be fulfilling their fantasies?!" he asked in a tone that made it obvious that he believed Arisa and Hanajima had gone insane.

Momiji's eyes glittered excitedly. He loved attention and loved being loved by girls. What could be better?! "Of course I would love to do it! Tohru, please?" he asked as he tugged on her shirt, giving her an innocent look.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 11-25-2009, 01:53 PM

"Absolutely not, Tohru!" Arisa declared cheerfully. "This has got to be it!"

"While it is sweet how you try to protect the Sohma boys from us, Tohru, our minds have become set on this diversion," Hanajima added. The entire class shuddered at her blatant admittance of using the boys in a way that was definitely not in their best interest.

"She's scary," a short girl whispered.

"Really scary," a taller boy muttered.

Yuki nodded frantically at Kyo's words. "For once in my life, I agree with Kyo!" The pale-haired boy exclaimed. "I refuse! I am not going to do it! And I'm not going to drag Haru into this, either!"

"Not. Even. God," Hanajima repeated her previous words emphatically, her hair rising to float menacingly around her face once more. Yuki visibly wilted.

Arisa was ignoring the plight of Yuki Sohma, turning to grin approvingly at Momiji. "See, this one has got the right mindset! Good on you, Momiji-kun! Alright, that's one inducted into the Host Club... The rest just need a little..." Her grin took on a dark side. "...convincing."

An iron pipe was suddenly in her hand.

"Where did that come from?!" Came a cry from somewhere amidst her classmates.

"An iron pipe?"

"A pipe!"

"It's got bloodstains on it!"

"Sohma-sans..." Katsu quavered out, his face pale. "Just... just do it, please! I don't want to see any you get hurt..."

"For your own health, Sohma-sans!" Asami cried, clasping her hands together fervently, eyes wide and pleading. "For your own safety! We'll support you!"

The rest of the class took up the cry of encouragement.

"Do it, Sohma-sans! We're behind you!"

"We'll come and visit you!"

"It's for your own good!"

"Don't die!"


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