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Rainleaf13 is offline
Old 11-06-2009, 02:57 AM

I've been friends with this girl for about 3 years.
There are points in time where she's the greatest person ever (to me at least) and there are points in time where I feel like telling her to go to Hell.
She's gotten kind of weird ever since she moved...and a little before that.

She started copying me, and the things I do.

She's copied some of my original avatars on Gaia before, and accused me of copying her (Gr!). She changes her avatar many times during the day just like how I do, I'll be on the phone with her and she'll just say, "I feel the need to change my avatar," which is what I used to say (or something similar to that), I've made a lot of mules on Gaia, and suddenly she starts making a lot of mules, she copies the music I listen to, but the thing about her is, she'll listen to every song by the band and act all superior about it as if to say "Ha! I like this band more than you do". She copies the anime I watch or manga I read, then act like she enjoys it more, and she'll make up stuff about her personality to try and relate herself to the anime somehow.
Ever since I started wearing makeup now she wants to suddenly.

What makes me really angry though, is that my style is wearing long, crazy socks. She even told me that herself. Well, one day I went out and bought this one really awesome pair and told her about them and the next week she went out and bought the exact same pair.
What's worse is that she denied knowing that I owned the same pair.

And just last night my sister introduced to me these two new songs that I haven't heard. I really liked this one, so I had it playing softly when I called her. This is how our convo went:
Her: (She always does this, put on a fake curious confused voice as if it's completely abnormal for me to be listening to music) What are you listening to?
Me: A song my sister told me about >.>;
Her: What's it called?
Me: (trying to avoid telling her because she's going to copy me yet again) Uhhm...I don't know >.<;
Her: Yes, you do.

It's gotten to the point where I feel like I can't tell her anything any more.

Sorry for the long wall of text >.<

But what are your thoughts? Advice?

Lost soul
Erailea is offline
Old 11-06-2009, 03:14 AM

Either it's time to ditch her or come strait our and tell her to cut it out. She's obviously very jealous of you and want to be you, which is why she's mimicking everything you do. I knew two girls in college that this same relationship was going on with. They got along really well when, out of the blue, one of them starts copying everything the other does. It was even worse because she even copied her art style (we were in art college). Originally the copy cat wanted to be an animator, then all of a sudden because the other one was aspiring to be a visual development person (they do all the pre-vis for films, basically exploring what the film will look like for visual reference before it even gets started ) she wanted to do vis dev. The sad part about it is, most of the entertainment industry is out in Cali and the copy cat lives in Cali where as the other girl lives on the opposite coast. So the damn copycat has a better chance of getting a job with the art style she stole.

The copy cat girl also started copying what the other said and did. The "original" girl had a funny and really cute way of reacting to things she thought were adorable and the copy cat started mimicking it non stop. I can see where you might accidentally let it slip, I mean it rubbed off on me, but I don't go around using it all the time.

I know the "original" girl was getting annoyed with it from sidewards comments I caught. Basically in the end you have to decide what you're going to do for yourself. But I personally don't think a real friend uses you and I definitely don't think a friend is worth having they're always putting you down.

Rainleaf13 is offline
Old 11-06-2009, 05:00 AM

Originally Posted by Erailea View Post
Either it's time to ditch her or come strait our and tell her to cut it out. She's obviously very jealous of you and want to be you, which is why she's mimicking everything you do. I knew two girls in college that this same relationship was going on with. They got along really well when, out of the blue, one of them starts copying everything the other does. It was even worse because she even copied her art style (we were in art college). Originally the copy cat wanted to be an animator, then all of a sudden because the other one was aspiring to be a visual development person (they do all the pre-vis for films, basically exploring what the film will look like for visual reference before it even gets started ) she wanted to do vis dev. The sad part about it is, most of the entertainment industry is out in Cali and the copy cat lives in Cali where as the other girl lives on the opposite coast. So the damn copycat has a better chance of getting a job with the art style she stole.

The copy cat girl also started copying what the other said and did. The "original" girl had a funny and really cute way of reacting to things she thought were adorable and the copy cat started mimicking it non stop. I can see where you might accidentally let it slip, I mean it rubbed off on me, but I don't go around using it all the time.

I know the "original" girl was getting annoyed with it from sidewards comments I caught. Basically in the end you have to decide what you're going to do for yourself. But I personally don't think a real friend uses you and I definitely don't think a friend is worth having they're always putting you down.
I don't understand why she's jealous though. And if she's my best friend, shouldn't she be happy that I'm happy?
That's really unfair what happened to your!
I hate it when the bad guy doesn't get their comeuppance!
The way people talk can rub off on you, which is an honest mistake, but saying everything the way another person does is another thing.
She doesn't put me, down necessarily, she compliments me a lot, but how flattering is it when she gets credit for what I did?

Bumbling Gay
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HeartMoogle is offline
Old 11-06-2009, 11:47 PM

Talk to her. Try to figure out what the issue is. There are any number of reasons why she may be copying you so thoroughly. She may:

A: Idolize you and want to be like you

B: Not really have a personality of her own right now and feels the need to mirror yours(Yes, there are people like this)

C: Not realize she's doing it

D: (This might sound ridiculous, but it happens and I'm trying to cover all my bases) Privately have feelings FOR you and wants to make an impression on you by showing interest in the things you're interested in. (This may be something even she doesn't realize if it's true, but purely subconscious)

E: She may simply be a leech.

Anyway, try to figure out the problem. Ask her about it. If she doesn't really know why, or doesn't even notice she's doing it(or at least says she's not when you ask her), then ask her to really think about it.

Good luck and let me know how it turns out! :)

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 11-07-2009, 12:39 AM

Well..this is what I would what ever she used to do before, and act like she used to before. What you are saying sounds similar to something one of my friends does...she'll copy everything unique I my way of say LOL which is Lwalz the way I make little emote faces on online websites and EVEN the way I strike up a conversation with people. And it just ticks me off...because I hold pride in being unique and different! I hate being like someone else and I would hate for someone else to be like me! I am who I am..and I don't like to change for anyone and I don't like when people change for someone else or copy everything they do "________________"

Rainleaf13 is offline
Old 11-07-2009, 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by khboy0 View Post
Talk to her. Try to figure out what the issue is. There are any number of reasons why she may be copying you so thoroughly. She may:

A: Idolize you and want to be like you

B: Not really have a personality of her own right now and feels the need to mirror yours(Yes, there are people like this)

C: Not realize she's doing it

D: (This might sound ridiculous, but it happens and I'm trying to cover all my bases) Privately have feelings FOR you and wants to make an impression on you by showing interest in the things you're interested in. (This may be something even she doesn't realize if it's true, but purely subconscious)

E: She may simply be a leech.

Anyway, try to figure out the problem. Ask her about it. If she doesn't really know why, or doesn't even notice she's doing it(or at least says she's not when you ask her), then ask her to really think about it.

Good luck and let me know how it turns out! :)

All the stuff you listed seem very reasonable.
The only problem is, she'll deny copying me, and accuse me of copying her, or something ridiculous like that.
That's just how she is.
She can just be so annoying at points in time, honestly. >.>


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