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adella_demona is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 04:51 AM

You know, Christmas means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

What is Christmas to you? What makes you look forward to the Holiday? What makes you dislike the holiday?

What do you think the meaning of Christmas is?

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 05:04 AM

To me Christmas lost it's magic a long time ago. I'm broke every Christmas and can barely afford the shitty gifts I buy my friends and family. It's just not like I remember it as a child. It's just another commercialized holiday to me.

adella_demona is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 05:09 AM

I quite agree. It's too Commercialized for it's own good, but we should remember the real meaning behind Christmas. It is a Christian holiday. Or it's supposed to be.

If you don't believe in Jesus or God and Christmas is just another holiday to you, at least do something good or kind for someone. Donate coats or clothes to someone who needs it. Gather stuff you don't use and give it to charity.

Whatever works, ya know. Takes your mind off of selfish things and puts it with those that are even worse off than you.

I know what you mean about being broke though. It royally sucks. I grew up not having great Christmases, but I'm not too terribly materialistic anyway so Im thankful for what i DO get.

We've always got our Christmas stuff through the school or charities of that nature since my parents can barely afford to pay the bills.

Some people are incredibly nice. One thing I dislike about this time of the year is that my mom always asks me "What do you want for Christmas?"

I honestly don't know what to tell her because I'm happy with what I have :)

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 05:27 AM

Originally Posted by adella_demona View Post
I quite agree. It's too Commercialized for it's own good, but we should remember the real meaning behind Christmas. It is a Christian holiday. Or it's supposed to be.

If you don't believe in Jesus or God and Christmas is just another holiday to you, at least do something good or kind for someone. Donate coats or clothes to someone who needs it. Gather stuff you don't use and give it to charity.

Whatever works, ya know. Takes your mind off of selfish things and puts it with those that are even worse off than you.

I know what you mean about being broke though. It royally sucks. I grew up not having great Christmases, but I'm not too terribly materialistic anyway so Im thankful for what i DO get.

We've always got our Christmas stuff through the school or charities of that nature since my parents can barely afford to pay the bills.

Some people are incredibly nice. One thing I dislike about this time of the year is that my mom always asks me "What do you want for Christmas?"

I honestly don't know what to tell her because I'm happy with what I have :)

I'm not a Christian anymore, so to me the real meaning has been lost in translation. Problem is, everything I have right now, I need. I would help someone else if I could but I barely get by with what I have since especially I have to pay for school out of pocket now. It really sucks. I used to like the Christmas lights so much as a child and watch the presents pile up under the tree. That was one of my favorite things to do when I had money was buy lots of gifts for friends and loved ones and contribute to the hoard under the tree and watch my two nieces and nephew open up their presents because I remember myself when I got a present and how happy I was. Oh well, I don't get to see my brothers children much anymore because their mother doesn't bring them over to their grandmother's for Christmas anymore. I have grown colder over the years and I hate that I have but experiences have made me this way in order to survive.

kid-kokopelli is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 05:41 AM

Family! Presents! And an excuse to spend a bunch of money on friends and family all at once!

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Ponta is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 05:51 AM

While I love presents and a Christmas tree that's loaded with them - gifting is just not the best part of Christmas to me.

It's that over all feeling of happiness - of joy - of that, "hey - let's forget about all our worries and just celebrate the season and family and love!"

I mean, there's a ton of things that could bring down my family with all the struggles they're going through - but we all are cheery because we're together. I have a close family and it's been different going to college the first time. I love being back home and decorating the tree with my mom. I love making cookies - which ended up tasting like crap - with my best friend.

To me, Christmas - no matter how stressful things might get (as I have been stressing over what gift to get my two friends) - is just about sharing those memories with your family and friends. And really, I think it's something we should try to do all year round.

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ainebella is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 06:50 AM

I love being around my family, not the extended part but with my mom, dad and older sister.
I feel that Christmas is about giving and happiness!
I feel that it has gone Commercialized as well and it makes me mad, because some people dont even celebrate Christmas, they celebrate other things.
The #1 thing i hate is Christmas shoppers, most people are sometimes mad and b****y cuz they cant find what they need

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JibrilleFreyaSeraphiel is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 11:58 AM

adella_demona and Kole_Locke

I totally agree with you about Christmas. It has been in fact too commercialized. A lot of people look foreward to Christmas in order to get presents. I myself love christmas for that. I love getting presents haha xD School kids simply cant wait for the christmas or winter holidays. Then comes all the Christmas events in shopping malls with the huuuge christmas trees and big boxes and santas and all those beautiful ornaments.

During the time of Christmas, people are very very festive and I like that. The real meaning of christmas may have been lost to a certain extent but I think the festivity is still there. I myself am not a Christian and my mother is a muslim. A lot of my family is. But ever Eid (which is also a sort of Muslim Christmas like thing in a way) is very commercialized. People give each other Eid money which all the kids looove haha xD And the shoping malls have new Eid clothing and food to sell. But the festivity is still there.

Now I know what some people actually do for christmas other than the trees and big red socks on their chimneys and so on. They actually do a big family dinner. They pray before they eat. They go to the church in the morning. I have been invited to those family gatherings before too (remeber that I am not a Muslim and I myself do not belong to any religion). The experience was really nice. But the festivity there where people really follow their Christmas norms is almost the same as what you experience in great plazas and commercial places as such.

But I still wont deny that Christmas has become really commercial. But so has many other holidays. Easter with all the easter eggs and easter bunnies, then Halloween, Thanks Giving, etc etc. I suppose its one of those things which give people a special time for enjoyment and pleasure for their busy lives and such.

To me, who doesnt really belong to any religion, Christmas is like have fun and buy something really nice afterwards xD

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Codette is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 02:47 PM

For me Christmas is the one time my entire family can get together and not kill each other (some years thats sketchy)...


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