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Couture_myass is offline
Old 01-07-2010, 11:47 PM

Hello people ^_^

I was discussing this claim in my english class but then I decided it would be interesting to engage in friendly debate.

Obviously as shallow and superficial as this claim may be for the sake of argument I would like to see what people can come up with for the claim and against.

The situation:
A young woman. No job. No children. Has financial security and all the time on her hands.

To start off I would say that it is based on the individual for how she wants to live her life and what she would find mentally fufilling. Having no job and not earning the status herself she would not have a sense of achievement and no aims or goals in her life.

However this financial security is a blessing for most as the anxiety of lack of money can cause great stress and unhappiness in a relationship and in families.

Try not to be too serious of course, it's nice to throw in some wit now and then. I'd like to have a good laugh.

Fina Lee
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Old 01-08-2010, 03:12 AM

Honestly, I don't give a crap.
Time+money+hot hubby (non-abusive, non-criminal record, non-other bad stufffffff)= WHAT THE HECK?!! :D

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 03:41 AM

Well I believe in a more frugal style of living, so if I was married to a hubby and didn't have any children I would be wondering why I have a big house.

I can say that I wouldn't mind living in this way, for a limited period of time. If I didn't ever have a job, and only had to do what I wanted to do, I would be bored as hell. I get bored just going on summer vacation, even though I have a job!

Sure, it would give me plenty of time to spend on my art work and my writing, but I think I would be greatly unmotivated. Really, if I could spend everyday doing what I wanted, then I probably wouldn't bother doing anything productive and would just waste my life away on the computer.

Sure, being rich and care free would be great, but I have things I want to do with my life and things I want to achieve. I would want to go out and achieve them even if I don't have to.

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 01-08-2010, 03:59 PM

I'm not sure this is a debate-worthy topic, and at this point it seems more suited for GD. We'll see what kind of responses you get before I move it. :yes:

Claudia is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 04:49 PM

The only negative drawback I can see besides moral values is that if she in an abusive situation, she will be trapped. Being dependent on another person allows abuse take place. It allows people to exploit and control you.
There are people who are OK with being controlled, exploited or abused ( Or least it's the trade-off they are willing to take for other benefits).

Kris is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 10:23 PM

What do you mean "what more could a woman want"? How about a full-filling life? Doing something worthwhile? If I had a big house, a fast car, and a handsome husband, I would not be satisfied. Who cares if you have a big house if you have no home? A fast car if you have no where to go? A handsome husband, but with no passion?

If someone is full-filled by that and that alone, then perhaps they need some passion, some thought in their empty, hollow life.

Alchemist of Anarchy
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Old 01-08-2010, 10:26 PM

That's what I hate about modern society, we measure our good fortune and happiness on material wants. To me a large house is nothing but a show of how much you can put within it and the ultimate need to have unneccessary space from others. A fast car is nothing but a way to show off where ever you go with it, and whats the point of having speed if there are legal limits all over that prevent you from using it? As for the handsome hubby, beauty is something we all lose with age, no matter how much money you spend on cosmetic surgery, hair dye, and spray on tans.

In my family we have a saying: There are those who live in a big house and go no where, and there are those that live in a shack but never stay there. In other words the people that live in large houses and have fast cars spend all their money on those things and have none to go anywhere. And there are those who have shabby houses but have the money to go anywhere they wanted. I am the latter of this saying, my family consists of my mom, my dad, and me. We have a small house that is slowly falling apart, but we've never been happier. Every year we can go to Arkansas and have huge family reunions, and we've gone many other places and had a great time. I'm only happy when I am on the move and being tied down might just kill me!

I'm not saying that it wouldn't be nice to have all those things, I just think in the long run you'll end up unhappy. I just want to live my life working hard at a job I love, spending time with my family, and with a man who may look like the living dead but loves me unconditionally. I would be happier lying on my death bed with a worn out totally used up body saying "Well that was fun!" rather than being perfectly preserved and wondering where the trime went.

Shtona is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Kris View Post
What do you mean "what more could a woman want"? How about a full-filling life? Doing something worthwhile? If I had a big house, a fast car, and a handsome husband, I would not be satisfied. Who cares if you have a big house if you have no home? A fast car if you have no where to go? A handsome husband, but with no passion?

If someone is full-filled by that and that alone, then perhaps they need some passion, some thought in their empty, hollow life.
Who's to say that they don't already have that? Due to the internet, it's possible to stay in your big house and still be connected to others, to share ideas and think about different things. Also, who's to say they want anything more than that. Maybe their life is fulfilled...

Kris is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Shtona View Post

Who's to say that they don't already have that? Due to the internet, it's possible to stay in your big house and still be connected to others, to share ideas and think about different things. Also, who's to say they want anything more than that. Maybe their life is fulfilled...
Of course some lowly, sad people might be full-filled by such empty lives, but to imply that all women should strive for nothing more than such a pathetic life? Ridiculous.

Shtona is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Kris View Post
Of course some lowly, sad people might be full-filled by such empty lives, but to imply that all women should strive for nothing more than such a pathetic life? Ridiculous.
That's a matter of opinion, and I never implied anything. I simply raised the possibility that some women may be content with that lifestyle. They have the right to be. You deem that lifestyle pathetic? Then don't strive for it. Continue living your life of humbleness and let them live theirs rather than trying to shove your ideals on them...

Kris is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by Shtona View Post

That's a matter of opinion, and I never implied anything. I simply raised the possibility that some women may be content with that lifestyle. They have the right to be. You deem that lifestyle pathetic? Then don't strive for it. Continue living your life of humbleness and let them live theirs rather than trying to shove your ideals on them...
The question was, Shtona, "what more could a woman want?".
I am a woman.
I am discussing what more we may want.
I feel it is ridiculous to claim that sort of lowly lifestyle should satisfy all women, as though we are all some mindless shells of being.

Catch up, would you?

Shtona is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 11:45 PM

I feel it is ridiculous to claim that sort of lowly lifestyle should satisfy all women, as though we are all some mindless shells of being.
When did I claim this exactly?

Couture_myass is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 12:09 AM

Ooh, I'm liking the responses. ^_^

I'm a female teenager with many aspirations and I've never imagined just wanting a big house, a fast car and a handsome hubbie. As perfect as that may seem I agree it may not be fulfilling. I unfortunately do know a couple of people who think all they need is those three things. They are super rich anyway and don't care about passing exams etc.

I agree with Sho that it is very easy to get bored. My english teacher said she had a friend whose daytime phone contact number was the Spa because that's where she spend her daytimes every single day. Having all these comforts at your fingertips and pampering yourself silly can make life feel meaningless as Alchemist of Anarchy brilliantly put it:

Originally Posted by Alchemist of Anarchy
I would be happier lying on my death bed with a worn out totally used up body saying "Well that was fun!" rather than being perfectly preserved and wondering where the trime went.
And there is the worry of imprisonment as being completely dependant on someone else isn't appealing in my view.

There are so many celebrities who could have anything they possibly want but that doesn't mean they're happier than us.

@Shtona: it is a very easy way to live I agree but it does seem closed off from reality. Sure there are women who live like that and with that free time and money they could travel or do charity work etc. But it can also perhaps close your mind (if I'm putting it in the correct words I'm not sure :?) you could be in your own bubble entirely for the rest of your life. I like that you're not one-sided though :)

danielley990 is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 02:05 AM

Well For me it would just be uterly insane! If I had all that I would be the most unhappy lady in the world. I need a point to my life, something to work towards. I would be the crazy rich lady with three bedrooms full of clothes and would still say I had nothing to wear! Kids would be a plus, but other then that...nope no way I could do it. Id end up a drug addict and no one wants to see me in that state!!!

Claudia is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 04:13 AM

Wait, who says having a big house, a lgood ooking husband and a fast car would PREVENT one from doing or pursuing other interests?. I don't think the original scenario mentions that the lifestyle was limited to these aspects.

IF I was this rich, I would build a professional art studio, have all the best animation equipment and I'd go to the best artist training programs around the world.

Tutela de Xaoc
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Old 01-09-2010, 04:19 AM

Originally Posted by Claudia View Post
Wait, who says having a big house, a lgood ooking husband and a fast car would PREVENT one from doing or pursuing other interests?. I don't think the original scenario mentions that the lifestyle was limited to these aspects.

IF I was this rich, I would build a professional art studio, have all the best animation equipment and I'd go to the best artist training programs around the world.
I think the title reflects that the woman "couldn't possibly want anything more" and thus will not do anything more on that premises of thinking. I could be wrong though ^^

Couture_myass is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Tutela de Xaoc View Post
I think the title reflects that the woman "couldn't possibly want anything more" and thus will not do anything more on that premises of thinking. I could be wrong though ^^
There is that aspect of course. But if she did want something more and had the initiative to pursue it as she is financially secure than there is that too :D

Originally Posted by danielly900 View Post
Well For me it would just be uterly insane! If I had all that I would be the most unhappy lady in the world. I need a point to my life, something to work towards. I would be the crazy rich lady with three bedrooms full of clothes and would still say I had nothing to wear! Kids would be a plus, but other then that...nope no way I could do it. Id end up a drug addict and no one wants to see me in that state!!!
That is so funny and I totally agree!

danielley990 is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 03:50 AM

Originally Posted by Claudia View Post
Wait, who says having a big house, a lgood ooking husband and a fast car would PREVENT one from doing or pursuing other interests?. I don't think the original scenario mentions that the lifestyle was limited to these aspects.

IF I was this rich, I would build a professional art studio, have all the best animation equipment and I'd go to the best artist training programs around the world.
But don't you think that it would? Maybe it would prevent us from going as far as we could as individuals. I would want to work toward those things for myself. I wouldn't appreciate them as much if I was givin them.

I would like to think I would go to school and still have the drive to follow my dreams but can't see that happening...

Demon_of_the_Sand is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 05:17 PM

What good is all that if your not happy? You could be married to Johnny Depp but if your not happy then is a house hot husband fast car everything? Give me a nice house a women I'm deeply in love with a good car and I will be happy with that.

Lilith W
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:06 PM

I wouldn't mind that at all.
Having a big house with no kids? No problem I could finally have my own personal library not in my bed room. And really it wouldn't take me too long to have kids.
No job? shoot that would be great. If I got bored I could start helping in charity activites.

Sounds great to me.

stephanie rose.
floatingfaggot is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 04:22 PM

Time Money and good looking husband is all fine, but i wouldn't mind being able to have a FAMILY and a HOME. Depends really, you could have a nice car big house and a nice husband. and be a socialist :) That seems like a great life. :)

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Vompire is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Kris View Post
The question was, Shtona, "what more could a woman want?".
I am a woman.
I am discussing what more we may want.
I feel it is ridiculous to claim that sort of lowly lifestyle should satisfy all women, as though we are all some mindless shells of being.

Catch up, would you?
Actually, 'a woman' is singular, and doesn't refer to all the women, but is a personal question of what you would want, if you had a rich husband, big house and a car. And saying that it is a lowly lifestyle is quite a introverted thinking. As long as they are happy, then what makes it a lowly lifestyle? You talk like all the woman who lives like that are lowly scum, because they don't think the same way about working towards a goal like you do. You sounds like you want a goal. Why can't they be different?
What would you want, if you had a rich husband, big house and a great car? What else would you want?
It's just a question. Don't be such a red-stocking :x

Dream Weaver
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Old 01-25-2010, 03:54 AM

Sounds like Paris Hilton without the husband. No purpose no love. Yeah what more could a girl want. Just ask Brittney Spears.

Couture_myass is offline
Old 01-26-2010, 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by Dream Weaver View Post
Sounds like Paris Hilton without the husband. No purpose no love. Yeah what more could a girl want. Just ask Brittney Spears.

This is great. I love this. It's brilliant.


KarinKusari is offline
Old 02-05-2010, 03:46 AM

Challenge, perhaps? Meaning?

"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question," says John Stuart Mill in Utilitarianism, Ch.2


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