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Sensible Cricket
Proud RolePlay Addict
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:50 PM

Crash Landing
Two thousand years in the past, give or take a century, and no way home...

She was certain it would work. She was so certain it would work, she didn't even think to stop and leave a note as to where she was. It would just be a short flight, back far enough to perhaps King Arthur's court in Camelot, grab a souvenir, and come home in time for dinner. If...only it had been that easy. She had gotten about two hundred years backwards, watching in wonder as the city grew backwards through history, and then she heard the sickening whine of machinery protesting being used. She moved to stop the mechanism, to drop her wherever she might have been in time, but the little touch to the lever gave her another very unwelcome snapping sound.

With a popping twang, the handle went slack. No tension held it forwards at all, and she went careening backwards through time even further, even faster. She had a few moments of panic before the machine stopped. It couldn't go outside of a four thousand year radius--two thousand forwards, two thousand backwards. That put her somewhere in the iron age, but she couldn't be certain how exactly accurate the measure was out here on the fringes of time. Not that she had long to consider it.

Being brought out of her self-created tear in the fabric of space and time the hard way was precisely that--the hard way. It was rough on her ship, and rough on her body. She had been on a second floor workshop, but there was nothing to support her built there yet. Gravity took its hold on the ship instantly, and brought it crashing downwards. Elizabeθ couldn't help but scream.

She was dazed for several minutes as she sat at the controls of her ship, no larger than what in her era of time was called an auto-mobile. She had taken the idea for the design of the carriage from them, but rather than wheels it simply sat flat on the ground--its nature of travel was temporal rather than directional. Soon, she ought to get moving. Just as soon as she caught her breath and the world stopped spinning. As she worked on calming herself down, she reached into a compartment and put on a necklace that she had designed, a clockwork translator. She knew some Latin, but she doubted that would be as useful as it sounded like. At least she wouldn't be lost in the past -and- separated from everyone by the virtue of speaking modern English.

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:47 PM

The prize he was after was just ahead, he was sure of it as he stepped quietly in the soft leaf mat that rest at the bottom of the woods. There was signs of the deer everywhere, whether it be a fresh track in a patch of mud that wasn't covered by leaves, a pile of droppings, or even a broken limb of a bush that held some fur. Breckin held his weapon close as he went. His brother, Concobhar, followed him as well. Much taller and thicker then the other but a good hunter nonetheless, both had fur cloaks pulled over their heads hiding their red hair from view as they went.

But just as they came up on the animal they were after it looked up and took off, not even stopping to munch the plant it was after. The brothers ducked behind a bush, the younger peering around to see if a larger animal had frightened the deer off..but..nothing. He raised an eyebrow and mentally cursed himself for not being quiet enough But as they turned something crashed loudly nearby and among the noise was a high pitched scream.

The shock from the impact knocked the two over and left them confused, and a little angry. Concobhar swore up until he turned to see the strange thing that had landed then he was just speechless he had never seen such a thing. Breckin was the one who had the guts to approach it. He did slowly with his spear held out in case it attacked. He jabbed the side of the thing with his spear to see if it would move and quickly jumped back.

(Sorry for any bad grammar.)

Sensible Cricket
Proud RolePlay Addict
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Old 01-22-2010, 10:15 PM

Everything had been still for several moments when Elizabeθ heard the dull thunk of something hitting the side of her machine. Whatever had caused couldn't have been a noise from the initial crash. She couldn't imagine an animal that would come up and bash against her ship, either. That meant...

Slowly, she turned around in the swivelling chair, peering out one of the windows. Her hat had been sent flying, but her glasses were still thankfully on her face. She would have been in a lot of trouble if -those- had gone flying. She saw a man...or was it two men? They all but blended into the forest around them. She tried to keep herself as still as possible, hoping they were still looking at the machine in general instead of peering in the windows where they might see her.

She got her cane first, knowing all too well that without it she was utterly useless. Even armed, without a stick to support herself, there would be no way for her to do much of -anything-. She quietly got a hold of her small revolver as well, grateful she'd decided to bring it with her but now cursing that she hadn't brought any more than the six rounds in its chambers. She would have to be very conservative with it.

But this seemed to be the middle of a forest rather than near a settlement. She -needed- these men; she would have to rely on them to show her where civilisation was. If it could be called civilisation.

She tucked her revolver into a pocket, and reached out with her cane to nudge the door open. The last thing she needed was them thinking they were under attack and...were those -spears-?

Oh dear lord this really -was- the Iron Age.

"H-hello? I'm...not attacking. Okay? I'm...friendly?"

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 01-22-2010, 10:39 PM

The metallic sounds that the side of this thing made seemed to amuse Breckin. It didn't move..or attack just sat there. Breckin approached again and began jabbing at the side of the thing once again. Each time he hit he did it a little harder if he had a weapon more sturdy he may have tried to break it open to see what it's innards appeared to be... it did have innards...right?

Concobhar scratched his head, letting his cloak fall back over his shoulders and stood closer to it as well and too Jabbed at it. Unlike his younger brother he wasn't as amused by this thing as his brother. It was just another clump of cold metal and thinking of where it came from only made him paranoid. He darted over to his brother, who was still trying to poke a hole in the thing and grabbed his arm.

The two spoke quietly to each other, Concobhar trying to make a point, his brother listening but still poking at the spot every so often. But Breckin soon jumped back, ready to defend himself again. Concobhar's back was turned to the door that popped open but the voice that came from within made him turn, and back up to stand by his brother weapon lifted as well.

Sensible Cricket
Proud RolePlay Addict
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Old 01-22-2010, 11:30 PM

The continued clanking was anything but reassuring, but it only made her more convinced that she did -not- want to go out there just yet. She peered forward, trying to at least catch -sight- of what was going on, and when she saw those raised weapons, she retreated backwards again.

"I'm not coming out till you put those down..." She was trying to sound calm and confident, but her voice was shaking. She hoped that the clockwork would work properly and translate her voice into something that anyone could understand, regardless of language. If she was speaking gibberish to people with spears...

She took a deep breath, slowly creeping towards the door. The ship had of course landed at an angle, on top of some boulder or tree branch or something. It was close enough to level, but as she peered out from behind the protection of the door, the ground looked a long way down for her with her damaged leg. She reached down and grabbed her hat, settling it on top of her head. Aside from the mere sound of her movements, it was a flash of movement from the inside, and her tall top hat was visible over the door frame and through the window.

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 01-23-2010, 08:38 PM

Slowly approaching the now propped open door Breckin kept low, his spear now no longer out for defense. He waved his brother closer, the curiosity of what inside this thing now settling into both of them. Concobhar crept over as well, the both of them only a foot away from the cracked door.

But they jumped back as the voice came again, this time a bit more understandable then the first time. It told them to drop their weapons or it wouldn't come out. Were they dumb? No. They didn't drop them, to do so and just let whatever it was come out and possibly attack them. They only drew closer, especially now seeing the things head in the door, not realizing it was a hat..but fully believing it to be the creatures head. Breckin blinked and got real close to the door and attempted to peek in at her. Concobhar on the other hand stuck his face right against a window and squinted.

"I can't see it.." Breckin mumbled to his brother in their native language, "Too small of an opening."

Concobhar pulled away from the window. "I can, some form of otherworldly woman?" He walked away from the window.

Breckin lifted his brow. "Otherworldly woman? Like...a goddess..or.. she did come from the sky, if it really is a woman?"

They continued to talk amongst themselves.

Sensible Cricket
Proud RolePlay Addict
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Old 01-24-2010, 12:21 AM

Elizabeθ yelped when she saw the face appear at the window, drawing back away from that side as best she could. She held her cane tight for a moment, then took a deep breath and decided to risk it.

"I'll...come out if you -back off-, all right? But I'm not coming out there if you're going to attack me!" It was a laughable effort really, and she wouldn't have bothered if she didn't know how desperately she would be needing help. At least it was the iron age...she should be able to get at least -some- metals easily enough. Hopefully it would be enough to coast her far enough into the future to be able to get better materials.

"Just...give me some space. I'm coming out." She slowly got herself to standing, glad she had decided to make it taller than an auto-mobile rather than relying on the seats being near enough to the doors. With a bit of a shuffle-step, she headed towards the door, wincing in pain as she put weight on her knee. So her knee -had- been somewhat damaged in the crash. Hopefully not much...

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 01-28-2010, 07:06 AM

Seeing that something was now starting to emerge from this strange metallic...thing the two just stared. They had been told to back off, instead they just stood there. Breckin with his spear at his side and Concobhar still being defensive. The two just watched as the figure emerged and when the strange female finally came out the two just looked at each other. An eyebrow raised, breckin looked at her...then to the thing she emerged from, entrance still left wide open. His brother had gone on the defensive side again and was now staring her down. Keeland leaned in close to him after stabbing his spear into the dirt, the weapon now sticking straight up.

"Distract this odd woman while I inspect this thing.."


Concobhar marched right up to her, not pulling the stare away, he held the spear up and gave her a curious see how she reacted. In the meantime Breckin snuck around and peeked into the opening of the thing she came from. He sniffed at it before sneaking on in. He looked around before poking at anything and everything he could find.

Sensible Cricket
Proud RolePlay Addict
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Old 01-28-2010, 04:19 PM

She tensed up when one came close to her, putting her good arm out towards the door to try and block the other from getting inside. She shouldn't have gotten so far away from the door that he could push past her. But when a spear was raised in her direction, she yelped frightenedly and backed up.

"Don't you touch me you bloody savage!" She reached into her pocket and brought out her gun, holding it up at him. She didn't have the hammer pulled back, but it's not like he'd know that she'd need to. But her stance did shift to that of someone with a weapon, the confidence that holding it gave her.

"Get out of my things, you!" She turned her head a bit to the side to shout at the one that had gone into her ship, but she didn't take her eyes off the one in front of her.

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 01-28-2010, 08:45 PM

Upon seeing the gun Concobhar blinked and just stared at it. He had never seen such a thing before and curiosity set in. He moved to the side and gave the weapon a jab in the side. He knew it was some sort of weapon from the stance she took, wasn't sharp and by the way she held it it wouldn't be good for clobbering someone with. He reached up to scratch his dirty hair, then poked at her and the weapon some more narrowing his eyes. From her comment before and now that she had a weapon he wasn't fully trusting her.

Breckin had dug around in some things and lifted up some odd device as if it were going to try to bite him. He looked at it closely before poking at it. The device made a beeping noise and instantly Breckin dropped it and fled from the machine. He pretty much leapt out and darted for his weapon, which he picked up before heading back to poke the thing.

Sensible Cricket
Proud RolePlay Addict
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Old 01-28-2010, 11:36 PM

Most things in the ship were built based on clockwork designs. Just about everything was -ticking-, and the sound alone could be maddening if one wasn't used to it. Now that he'd rummaged around in things, the ticking would be even -louder- as things were stirred up and cabinets were opened.

Theta yelped again when the spear was poked towards her, and she reached her thumb up to pull the hammer back. It didn't look like there'd be any reasoning with them, and the last thing she wanted was for the ship to get further damaged with grubby hands pawing through everything.

"Poke me with that spear again, and I'll show you a bit of magic so powerful it'll blow your mind. Quite literally--I'll put a hole through your head. Now tell your friend to get out of my ship." She didn't want to shoot him, she hoped the bold words would be enough, but her voice was shaking just a little bit, and she was leaning more heavily on her cane than she would have liked.


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