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See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-25-2010, 12:01 AM

PM me to join! In order to join this particular thread, I'd like it if you at least looked up what "Drow" from the Forgotten Realms were. I'm not the best example of the dark elves, but I'd like to mess around with them a bit. Again, message me if you wish to join!

The youth grimaced, lowering her head.
"Punishment is the result of such a thing."
Her red eyes squeezed shut, and her pre-teen form trembled in fear. This was her mother, her Matron. This woman was to be feared by all. The crack of the whip made Dinah scream in surprize and pain, tears slipping down her cheeks. She hated this part. Displeasing the Matron meant pain and rage, failure and punishment. This is what happened to every drow child. No apology would help her now. Not after her simple mistake.
The whip struck until Dinah could barely suck in a steady breath, her vision swimming before her glowing eyes. Her silver hair was now soaked with dark crimson, and her clothing hung ragged from her slender form. The child whimpered as she heard her mother step around in front of her.
"Don't let it happen again, fool."
Dinah nodded, sniffing loudly. The Matron reached up to unclasp the shackles that held her wrists. When the small elf fell to her knees, the older woman merely turned away and scoffed. With her face full of sorrow, Dinah ran stumbling to her room. Though it was full of comforts, she saw none of them. She saw only her own blood as it soaked into the blankets. The heat allowed her to see things clearly, but it disgusted her.
How do you please a woman who hates you more than anyone else?

Dinah silently signaled for her group to step forward. This was it. It was time to get the enemy that had plagued them for hours. Unlike her sisters, the youngest of the Toshiba household had become a warrior - not a magic user. Magic was haunting, destructive, and evil. Dinah, surrounded by constant darkness, knew this - and fought against it. It was all she could do to keep herself with her own people. If she had a choice, she'd leave the Underdark's caverns.
With a quiet hiss, the dark elf pointed out where the scouting human was. Their camp was settling into a nearby cavern that the drow found far too close to their home. It was time to get rid of the strange surface-dwellers.
Drawing her twin blades, Dinah stepped forward. She was bait - as usual.
"Judgement approaches!" the young woman shouted, charging foward at the two scouts. This was it. Her time to feel needed and powerful. Her time to see a snatch of the surface world before returning into the endless depths of her homeworld once more.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-25-2010, 03:30 AM

"Shiloh get your chores done now before i have to beat you" A man said from the study of the house. He was working as usual. He was drawing out plans again.
"Yes father" Shiloh said grudgingly. She hated him. He never did anything for her. Her contempt for him was almost as bad as his contempt for her. She went to go tend the garden outside as one of her MANY chores. When she got to the garden the door to her house burst open. Many of the men from the village came in completely enraged. They went into her fathers study and shouts could be heard. She heard screams when one of them came out into the garden. She looked at him almost angry. Had they just done what she thought they did. The man walked up to her about ready to struck or steal her away as other men walked in behind them. She may be young but she would try to fight them off.
"Hey guys... looks like the man has a youngster." One of the men said. He reached his hand out at the wrong time to try to grab her. Shiloh took his hand and flipped him into the wall behind her which broke from his weight. The man she had flipped was the smallest and skinniest of all of them. One of her arms renched out of its socket as if it were dislocated. It hurt like hell. She pushed past the others to go to the study of her father. Being so young, she didnt know what was going on. Her father was unconscious on his desk. She walked up to his desk to see what happened. But she didnt want to see what she saw. She ran out the front door but got caught by someone.

Shiloh was in the hunting party with Dinah and the others. Of course Dinah was the decoy. They were all magic users except for Dinah and Shiloh. Shiloh was a sort of rogue but mostly a fighter. She was raised by the man who had protected her from the men the dreadful night her family was killed. She learned why her father was killed. He had been stealing and selling parts of peoples lands to get more money. He was a landscaper and in the Underdark it was important to have a place to live. She learned how to fight better as well as getting information using rogue techniques since scouts usually got caught. Shiloh followed Dinah so she wasnt alone with her sisters who seemed to be the favorites of her family. She ran into battle with her own twin blades to help out with the scout coming at Dinah's back.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-25-2010, 03:48 AM

((Welcome. :D I'm going to let some others join as well. :) I like having a few people in the RP so it can move a bit faster. LOL))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-25-2010, 03:51 AM

((Its fine Esmme... I know lmao))

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 01-27-2010, 08:43 PM

"Alianor! What is that?" The elfin girl looked up guiltily from the book of poetry she had been reading.

"Ah... mother... it is..." Her mother stuck out hand, and Alianor handed the book over to her.

"What is this garbage... a beginner's spell book? Why are you reading this when you should be studying your TRUE art?" Her mother demanded. Alianor didn't move, refused to cry out, as her mother's own magic physically lashed out, stinging her like a brand and drawing blood from her cheek. "I don't want to see this," She shook the book, so worn from constant reading, so hard that a few pages fell out, "Until you have mastered every spell in those books," She motioned toward the thick, haevy tomes on the shelves, "And passed the test of Lolth, do you understand?"

"Yes mother. Of course." Alianor said, watching as her mother tossed the book to the ground. Thank Lolth she hadn't looked through her hasty glamour and read the real title of the novel- the book of Eilistraee. She would have been killed before she could speak word in her own defense.

Alianor watched as Dinah and Shiloh leapt from the fray- the only Drow she knew that couldn't use magic. As usual with these hunting parties, they were the decoys. She looked around at the others, who were standing behind her, laughing at the two. "What do you find so amusing? Do you plan to let a couple of incompetent sword-weilders take all the credit?" They stopped laughing at that, and started casting. Alianor rolled her eyes, running forward, toward the fray.

'These people make me sick.'

((Whoops, sorry, thought this was a jump in one.))

Last edited by siaasgn; 02-01-2010 at 02:10 AM.. Reason: double post

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 05:04 AM

((No, it's fine. :D Just don't get too far into the spells, or Lloth . . . >.<' No offense, but I don't want to get into the dark stuff too badly. :)
Glad to have you, friend. Both of you. ^_^))

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 07:48 AM

((Honestly, I wouldn't know how- I just kinda grabbed it all from Wiki... ;P))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 06:16 PM

((Lol its nice to rp with both of you as well and nice... wiki lol))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 06:23 PM

((LOL, alright . . . I'm thinking a male character is needed. Maybe a few . . . LOL))

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 08:18 PM

((Yeah, maybe. I could double, if needed))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 08:22 PM

((Cool. Ditto. Alright, so would everyone mind making a male character? :XD LOL, perhaps we'll just start moving on our own, and let others join when they wish. :D))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-28-2010, 11:52 PM

((I dont mind))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 12:36 AM

"Die!" Dinah leapt from the shadows, slicing the human scout's throat as she passed him. His group was just up ahead, near the entrance to the caverns. Leading her hidden party forward, the Toshiba dark elf let out a wild cry. She had people behind her, and they would do this as best they could to get rid of this enemy. Humans were surface dwellers - they deserved death. The drow histories and elders painted pictures of evil far beyond anything in the Underdark.

"Did you hear that?" The youngest in the group, a boy of near 18, tilted his head. After listening for a few more minutes, he shook his head. "Never mind." Sighing, he set down his book. "When did you say the others would be back? They're going to miss dinner."
One of the men shrugged, chewing on a hunk of bread. "Dunno," he mumbled.
Zak sighed, and lay down on his back, looking up at the cave ceiling. "You don't know much," he whispered to himself.
The rag-tag group of humans were passing by the caverns when a storm hit, forcing them to take shelter out of the wind and rain. Unfortunately, the dark elves lived in the cave that they were residing in for shelter.

((Alright, make you characters human, drow, elven . . . take your pick. :D By the way . . . I thought I'd post pictures for you. :P This is them!))

Dinah - Female dark elf image by skgang on Photobucket

Zak - Anime guy image by blue_flower10 on Photobucket

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 01:09 AM

((Zakeel and Shiloh. Their father is the top figure with longer hair and you can guess the others.))

Where was that girl? She was suppose to be with me hours ago. Jeez shes late. The man walked around the room where his pack was. He didnt feel like going through all of this again. The girls were late as usual. How hard was it to kill a bunch of humans. Especially his sister of all people. He wasnt home when their father died but he was her brother no matter what. "Come on Shiloh, whats taking you so long?" He kept pacing in front of the others in his impatients of waiting for her.

Shiloh ran in attack head on with the others following her and Dinah. She ran along side her as she had just finished off the scout of the caverns. She didnt think like the other drows though. She didnt think that just because humans were surface dwellers they deserved to die. She could see the others ahead of them, laying down looking up at the cieling. Oh they were in for a suprise when it came to the attack coming. It was just too easy.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 02:53 AM

((I think I'll break ranks here and make a halfa))

"Stay your blade, Dinah." Alianor ordered as she followed after the girl. "We want some of them to run back to their brethren and warn them to stay out of our homes." She ordered the over eager elf. "And for the sake of us all, keep your voice down." She ordered, hoping she could scold the younger girl into obeying. While Alianor's family was in a position of power, she didn't feel like making any unnecessary enemies today.

"You need to relax, Zak." Barak said, looking up from his book. "As long as we don't disturb the drow, they'll leave us be. Besides, it's not as though most of us can't take care of ourselves." The young half-elf said, his fingers drifting over the sword lying at his side. There was a bow slung across his back, along with a quiver full of arrows.

((Oh, and pictures:

Alianor: Dark elf female image by One_winged_angel_mitsuki on Photobucket

Last edited by o0Calyx0o; 01-29-2010 at 02:53 AM.. Reason: continuity

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 03:13 AM

((Nice. :P Like the pics, you guys. ^_^))

Dinah slowed her forward movements, seeing wisdom in Alianor's words. They would need some to run back to their people - leave survivors. Her silver hair flit about her face as she spun her blades in her hands, sheathing them quickly. "Which ones should we leave alive?" her eyes lowered to the floor, and she sighed. Adrenaline coursed through her, and she was eager to see the surface, and the longer they delayed, the longer it would be until she could get what she wanted.

Zak shook his head. "Speak for youself, Barak. You may fight, but I'm still training." Looking over to the half elf, he shook his dust-colored hair out of his face. "And I'm not ready for drow. Dark elves are renowned fighters, even from where I come from." Zak came from a land near the sea, and his pale skin showed his coastal heritage. Dark gray hair and nearly white skin, his complexion would never change. The teen could never get a tan, no matter how hard he tried.
Glancing down to his weapon, a small, slender blade, the boy sighed. "I apologize for being so twitchy. I just thought I heard-" he paused, "some . . . thing. Did you hear that?" His white eyes narrowed. "No, just a loose stone." Zak shook his head. Paranoid.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 04:16 AM

"Those that do not attack us." Alianor said. "Dinah, Shiloh, come with me. We'll scout ahead and see why they are here." She ordered, slinking along the rock wall, toward the human's camp.

Barak's eyes widened. "No, I heard something this time as well." He said, pulling his sword from its sheathe. "I may have been mistaken when I said that the Drow would leave us in peace. Pack up camp, now." He ordered the other men.

"What? Why?"

"Would you rather brave the storm or the Drow?!" Barak demanded. "Get your things together."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 04:29 AM

With a curt nod, Dinah looked toward the humans. Their heated forms stood out starkly against the cold stone cavern, and they seemed to be preparing to leave. Narrowing her eyes, the dark elf prepared for anything.
"As you wish," she hissed to Alianor, nodding her head.

Zak nodded, and began helping to pack things up. There wasn't much other than their sleeping supplies, but they'd need those in the nights to come. It was too cold to deal without them. Throughout his moving about, the dark-haired teen kept Barak by his side. He didn't want to be caught alone when the drow did decide to come out of hiding.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 05:56 AM

Barak's eyes scanned the darkness. He couldn't see the Drow, but he knew they were there. "We mean you no harm, Drow. We only sought shelter from the storm." This, along with the fact that they were obviously leaving (without their scouts, who were undoutbedly dead), would hopefully be enought to appeased the hunters that had been sent after them.

((And I have no clue what to do with Ali right there, so, short post it is.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 07:13 AM

Dinah glanced to the other two before breaking rank and stepping forward. Her glowing eyes scanned over the two men that faced her - Barak and Zak.
"Why are you so close to our home?" she asked in the common tongue, her accent thick and rolling. Tilting her head curiously, the dark elf stood closer to a surface dweller than she had in her entire life. "Shouldn't you give our caverns a good boundary?"

((Psssh . . . I gotta get going soon anyway. :XD))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 01-29-2010, 03:45 PM

((Sorry i havent posted... you guys did a lot lol.... awww. I just realized, my boy is the only evil guy in this lol))

Shiloh followed the two others, Dinah and Ali. Ali was like their leader but that didnt mean that she truly was. Shiloh thought of her as the best of them because she had the best ideas. They walked towards the humans. Dinah spoke first to them. She asked harshly why they were here. "The storm is it" She whispered to Ali. "Should we take them back to the underdark for as prisoners?" She just wanted to know. She certainly didnt want to kill them but she also didnt like them this close to the boundry.

Zakeel was tired of waiting. Upon thinking of his sister being late, he thought of what he could do to punish her for being so slow. She needed to learn the ways of the drow whether she liked them or not. He ran through the streets going towards the caverns where the humans were supposedly camped.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-30-2010, 04:18 AM

((LOL, no worries. :P I'm thinking of making a male dark elf too . . . >.>' But I don't want to make myself too over-glorious with all my characters. Haha, I don't like playing the complete bad guy unless I'm in the mood. :XD))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 01-30-2010, 05:18 AM

((Lol i know what you mean.... right now i can say im in the mood though cuz god do i want to strangle my teacher. Shes horrible. She grades based on her own opinion and usually the grades are low. Even if she askes write what youve learned in class on an index card. She also accused me of cheating when i gave her back a test that she tried to fail me on when i recalculated her grading process for it. I got an 85% both ways i did with her markings of wrong and right. She wanted to give me a 54% IM GOING BOLISTIC RIGHT NOW... i really want to kill something in an rp... maybe that would make me feel better.

Sorry for the rant i just needed to get it out there. not to mention, this sort of thing has happened to me for the longest time omg. All my past teachers and im the only common denomanator only problem is i have proof that im actually right... its bad.))

Last edited by Daeman35; 01-30-2010 at 05:22 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-30-2010, 05:34 AM

((Aw. :XD I'm sorry. >.>' Guess we're waiting for Calyx? :P))

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 01-30-2010, 03:28 PM

((Its ok... just needed to rant lol))


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