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So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 06:03 PM

Name: Kaito
Age: 19/20
Element: Fire
Family: A younger sister, both parents
Personality: Tough, he won't ever back down to anyone and often gets into fights with others. Kaito is a loner and he doesn't like getting particularly close to others. However family is important to him and he will fiercely protect anyone who's somehow earnt his trust. He's stubborn and determined to complete anything he does, not ever willing to quit. Kaito also always wants to get stronger, he hates the idea that he could be weaker then others, not able to protect himself (cause for him, the most important person in his life, other than his family, is himself). Incidentally, Kaito has a lot of energy, but when he looses it, he crashes, out like a light. Nothing and no one will wake him, no matter what, unless he wakes up by himself. He's often grumpy in the morning.
Appearance: Kaito

I have a mini plot idea if you wanna hear it ^^

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 07:15 PM

Name : Yuki
Age: 19
Element: Ice
Family: His tiger
Personality: Cheery~ The rest you'll find out :3
Appearance: Yuki~

Do tell me please~ :3

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 07:31 PM

The Ice and Fire people have been at war with each other for several years. The main reason for their war has been lost, but it continues because of inherited dislike for the enemy, for the enemy possessing control over an element that could be a potential threat, for the enemy just being different, the list could be endless. However, these hard times have also passed into the communities themselves, they are suspicious of each other, even if they are 'family'. It's not unheard of for Ice and Fire people to cast out, exile their own kin. This is where our two characters come in.

They've both been cast out of their homes and their individual lands for different or similar reasons. Now they're forced to wander in the barran land that exists between the lands occupied by Fire and Ice people. They end up meeting and know the only way they can survive this exile is if they stay together, even if they hate each other for being a member of the enemy. Who knows though, this union could provide a rather unusual friendship, something more perhaps? It could even be the spark that stops the war.

Also, your picture for Yuki isn't showing ):

Last edited by Remaro; 02-18-2010 at 07:36 PM..

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 07:36 PM

Sounds good to me ^.^
Ah, try this

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 07:37 PM

Yep that works ^^ Do you want to start or me?

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 07:43 PM

Again, could you? Sorry, but I fail at a lot of things o3o;;

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 07:52 PM

((Sure it's fine ^^))

The figure had wrapped a sandy coloured cloak tight around him. Not that he needed much heat anyway, not when the warm, red flames flickered cheerfully about his head and hovered in front of him, warming his hands. He had a permanent scowl etched across his face at the moment, mind fully focused on what had gone on only days ago. Kaito could barely believe his family had just let them do this to him! Family was important to him, he would have given anything to protect them, but they betrayed him so easily! Well, not little Niyana, she had cried when he left, but his parents were cruel, cold, empty hearted!

Making a huffing noise, he rubbed his hands together, smiling very weakly at the sight of the warming flames. It was colder out here then it was in his home land. How anyone could survive was beyond him, though, he would have to it seemed. Yawning, he paused, sitting down by one of the large rocks that were dotted around the land. It provided some sort of shelter from the otherwise blistering wind. Pushing his hood down, he revealed part of the reason he had been exiled. Too much like an Ice elemental, that's what they said he looked like. That, and he got into too many fights with others. They had said he was a traitor, a spy, a shame on his family and on his people. Just thinking about it made Kaito yell angrily, the fire sparking out.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 08:25 PM


"Come on Kiki, we can't go back." The black haired male tried to pull along his tiger. He sighed when she growled and whined. He knelt down in front of her, placing a light kiss on her muzzle. "I know, but if we go back they'd kill us or something, we wouldn't want that, now do we?" He asked, the tiger's ears falling down. "Come on." He whispered, getting back up and walking away, the animal following, speeding up a little until she was walking next to him. He sighed again, scratching behind it's ears. He still couldn't believe why they'd banned him, so what if he didn't want to play along in their stupid war?

Yuki blinked when Kiki growled and printed away. "H-hey! Wait up!" He called after her, running after his tiger, almost falling to the ground when she stopped all of the sudden, her tail in the air, like she was about to attack something or someone. "Hey, what's wrong girl?" He asked softly, looking into the direction she wanted to attack and noted a person...With fire. His eyes went wide when she suddenly ran off, to attack him. "No!" He called, running after her again and tackling her to the ground. She growled and whined. "I'll let you go if you don't attack, alright?" He offered to her, carefully petting her ears. He smiled when she started purring and got off her. "Good girl." He muttered.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 09:57 PM

Kaito stiffened as he looked up, glaring around him. He knew he couldn't be the only one to be exiled, several others had been in his city alone. That didn't mean he couldn't let his guard down though. Slowly getting to his feet again, he looked shocked to see the tiger sprinting towards him. At once his hands went out, forming a line of fire in front of him, ready to flare up higher in an effort to protect himself from the creature. Then, some idiot seemed to attack it, tackling the monster to the ground. He watched them in silence, his eyes narrowed as slowly he let the flames in front of him vanish, though they burnt instead on his hands.
"Who are you? What are you doing here? You better tell me quickly before I burn you alive!" He called out threateningly.

((Sorry it took so long, having supper ><))

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:06 PM

(('s alright ^.^))

Yuki raised a brow. "I could have just let her kill you, you know." He said calmly as he got up, brushing the dirt from his clothes before looking at the other male. The tiger started growling again as he was threatened. "Down girl!" The black haired male said to her sternly. She whined and looked at him before laying down somewhat grumpy. "I could ask you the same, only, I'd make a popsicle from you, not some grilled piece of meat and bones." He replied on the same calm tone.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:14 PM

He stared at Yuki before making a noise that could have been made out of disgust.
"Ice wielder then, should have known. Thanks for stopping your creature trying to attack me, but it'd be better if you left now, I'm not afraid of a little cold." He growled back, trying to ignore the tiger. Kaito didn't like animals much, ever since he was a little kid and ended up being chased by a wild one. He was saved by his parent's fire, but he feared most animals ever since. Other then the smaller ones of course, like rabbits, he liked them. Still grumbling to himself he sat down again, tugging open the sack he had been carrying while he attempted to ignore the other. There was food in there, meat he could cook with his power, which he quickly brought out.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:21 PM

Yuki chuckled, shaking his head. "Fine, see if the others that pass by here are as friendly as we are." He said before nudging the tiger to go on. When they found a nice place out of the wind, they stopped. The boy gathered some wood and tried making a little fire, which was rather hard when you froze almost everything around you. After a few tries it finally worked though. Yuki smiled, digging in his bag to find a piece of meat that he gave to Kiki and petted her before leaning against a tree behind him.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:31 PM

He glared at the other teen before returning to his food. He'd set up a small ring of stones from the rocks that were embedded in the earth below. Then using the wood he'd been gathering earlier, he set it up before setting it alight and holding the meat above. Every so often he would jump and look around, as if he heard noises, but then Kaito would shake his head, tell himself off for being so 'twitchy. It seemed it would be impossible for him to make a shelter tonight though, anything flamable would probably go up in flames in the mood he was in at the moment.

Looking around, taking a small bite of the now cooked meat, he frowned. Kaito could see the glimmer of another fire, in the distance. That was probably the ice freak, not far enough away for his own preference. Kaito shivered. Even his fire wasn't enough warmth, and the kit he'd brought wouldn't protect him well, fire elementals dressed for naturally very hot weather, thin clothes and bare minimal of them to look respectful. Though he hated the thought of it, the ice guy probably had warmer clothes, something that would prevent him freezing. He actually contemplated approaching him, but no. His pride wouldn't let him ask an ice elemental for help. Not yet anyway.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:44 PM

Yuki sighed softly, staring rather sadly at the fire, looking up when the tiger offered some of her meat. He smiled softly. "No thanks, I'm not hungry, you eat it." He said, smiling when she nudged him to make place and laid down behind his back, allowing him to use her as a pillow. "Thanks" He muttered, snuggling into her fur, chuckling slightly as she tried to fluffy up her tail and cover him with it. "You're the best Kiki." He said softly, petting her and placing a light kiss on her head, knowing that she's warn him if any danger was coming his way.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:55 PM

Kaito was shivering where he sat, his back against the equally cold rock. His fire wasn't helping him stay warm, and he had to keep it dim anyway so that it wouldn't be spotted as easily. Biting his lip he shook his head before slowly forcing himself to his feet. It wasn't what he wanted to do, in fact he was inwardly yelling at himself, telling himself off for what he was planning. But, if he didn't find a way to stay warm he would most likely die out here, and that was not something he had planned. Hopefully the ice guy wouldn't miss a coat or something, he probably had more then one anyway. Keeping this in mind, he began to sneak towards where he had seent he other's fire, hoping they were asleep. He kept crouched, low to the ground as he snuck closer, looking for where he would keep a coat or blanket.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 11:04 PM

"Hmm, really, what happened to, I'll turn you into a piece of grilled meat?" Yuki asked, slowly opening his eyes as Kiki started growling at him again. He crossed his arms, raising a brow as he looked at the sneaking fire guy. "Kiara, down!" He said as she started to walk towards him, threatening, showing teeth, ready to bite or scratch him if he only dared to stick out a finger to Yuki. "I thought you people knew how to keep yourselves warm?" He asked as the other clearly didn't come here to steal food or something like that.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 11:10 PM

He stiffened and let his head turn quickly so he was gazing directly at the other figure. When 'Kiara' started walking towards him though he stood straighter, taking a couple of steps back while glaring at her. In his view, she was more dangerous then the ice guy. "Well, if you bothered to use your eyes, or common sense, you would realise we aren't used to cold weather, therefore our clothes are pretty useless in it. That, and I'd rather not attract other unwanted visitors so I can only use a weak fire, no good for warmth." He was tempted to add a more scathing insult, but bit his tongue, it wouldn't do him any good at this point, and he was shivering enough that he wanted to concentrate more on that then on picking a fight. Kaito was clearly embarrassed though at having been caught, his cheeks had gone a faint pink.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 11:24 PM

"And that's why you go steal some coat or blanket from someone else? 'cause I'm used to the cold weather?" He asked in a rather mocking tone. "Well, bad luck, because I don't have any." Yuki frowned slightly, he'd never had anything else the his tiger, but she always kept him warm. He sighed softly, the tiger looking at him rather sadly, before going back over to him and nudging his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." He smiled softly to the animal as she licked his cheek. He scratched her behind the ears, not paying any attention to the other guy anymore, thinking and the tiger started purring.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 11:39 PM

As if he wasn't feeling embarrassed enough by it, he just had to go and rub it in his face didn't he? Glowering at him, Kaito's hands clenched slightly in fists before he bit his lip to stop himself yelling. "Fine then, I'll be going." He snapped before finally turning around and bringing a small flame to life. Cradelling it in his hands, he held it close to his chest and started to walk, slower this time, back towards where he'd left his stuff, hidden so no one would see it. Thankfully his clothes were fire proof, it would be stupid if they weren't, so when the small flame touched the fabric nothing was set alight. But it still didn't provide much heat. At least the ice guy had the tiger, even if it was some evil cat creature, in Kaito's view anyway. Then again, he was biased against it since the tiger had threatened to attack and kill him at least twice so far. Well, he'd just have to manage the cold tonight, no doubt it would be boiling during the day like it had been earlier, then he'd be better off. Hopefully.

((I've gotta go for now, need to sleep ^^))

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 12:05 AM

Yuki sighed as the other male walked away. "Oh well, seems like that's the only thing I'll ever be good at, pushing away people." He muttered to the tiger, who'd crawled back behind him. He sniffled, hiding his face back into her fur, feeling rather tired, he made sure the fire was out befire snuggling back into Kiara. Atleast he couldn't push her away, he smiled weakly at that. Damn not even his own parents wanted him. He felt a little tear slip over his cheek before he fell asleep with the tiger's tail wrapped around him.

((Alright :3))

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 03:37 PM

Kaito sighed as, still shivering, he drew his thin cloak tighter around him before crouching down and curling up into a tight ball behind the rock. It provided enough shelter to prevent the wind attacking his resting form, though the cold still bit into him like savage dogs. For now, Kaito concentrated only on keeping the small flame close to his body. Slowly he closed his eyes, shaking a little as he drifted off into a troubled sleep. He could only wait for the day to come, and hope that when it did, he would open his eyes.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 05:36 PM

Yuki blinked when he felt the ground move and rubbed his eyes, wanting to get up, then he noted he was on Kiara's back. "Where are we going?" He muttered softly, holding onto her as she walked towards that one fire guy. "You sure?" He asked, getting a low growl as response. "Fine,fine." He said, sighing as she didn't want the other to freeze to death. She blew out the little flame and somewhat snuggled to his side, providing some body heat as she draped a paw over Yuki, who snuggled back into her fur and tried getting back to sleep.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 06:02 PM

Kaito made a soft noise, perhaps a moan, when the fire vanished, though it didn't wake him up. The moment he felt warm though he moved closer to it, not waking up once. Really though, that was a good thing, if he had woken up he would have probably had some sort of panic attack when he saw Kiara beside him. However, soon the first rays of light shone over the land. It took a couple of minutes before they were cast over Kaito's face and he started to blink blearily. Sitting up, he looked around, trying to remember where he was. Then, he saw Kiara and the ice guy. Letting out a loud yell he scrambled back, still sitting on the ground, panting a little as he stared at the two in fear. "WH-What's going on?" He demanded.

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Maxime is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 06:12 PM

He shot up, groaning a bit since Kiara's paw was still around him, which sent him back to the ground rather painfully. He shooed the tiger off him, then tilted his head to the side as he looked at the other male. Yuki couldn't help but chuckle a little as the male looked afraid. "Nothing much. You didn't freeze to death thanks to her." He said, pointing at Kiara, who growled at Yuki. "Hey, you were the one that hurt me." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. He eeped a bit as he was suddenly pinned down to the ground by a growling tiger. "Alright, alright, I get it." He exclaimed, giggling a bit as she licked his face. "Get off me Kiki, I don't wanna be squashed by a tiger." He said, petting her as she released him again.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 06:19 PM

He didn't move his gaze from the tiger, though a frown flickered over his face to show he had heard what the other male had said. "She could have eaten me! Besides, why did you two come over here anyway? It's not as if you owe me or anything, and we hardly get along." He pointed out in an irritated tone as he slowly stood up, leaning on the rock. Once he was sure the tiger wasn't going to attack him straight away, Kaito let his gaze shift back to the ice guy's. He hadn't even learnt his name and they'd seen and spoken to each other at least three or four times in the past few hours.


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