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Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 04:12 AM

{{Devil's Advocate: Someone who takes a position he or she does not agree with for the sake of argument.}}

{{Purgatory: The definition of torture on the human soul.}}


1. Obey T.O.S
2. No Godmoding, Godmolding
3. Keep everything PG-13
4.Fighting may occur. Romance may occur. Everything is in the air. Just keep to TOS
5.The RP will NOT eat you I swear.
6.Have fun. Your also welcome to give suggestions.
7.Time Skips may be necessary.
8. PM all profiles to me titled "SV Profiles"

Profile Thread

OCC Thread


Eight humans have been reported missing; these eight people already had issues in their own lives to begin with. Fate, however, decided to throw them another curve ball and possibly a second chance at a new life.

All of them have ended up on an ultimate island of perfection. They're finally getting their second chance. However the island isn't the exact heavenly place that it shows. As it is exposed it is shown as a materialized Purgatory for the humans to be re-evaluated in their morals and soul.

There's one thing the humans have yet to realize, which is that they are not alone on this island. The humans have found their way into purgatory but now they must fight off the temptations that are to come in order to keep their blessing.

The Seven Deadly Sins are also on the island and are determined to make the humans break, making them fall under their spells; but the sins have an enemy as well though, The Seven Heavenly Virtues that also lay in purgatory. So now it becomes a struggle of morality and sanity.

Should the humans lose the moral fight; they are to return to their old ways never to see such freedoms again. But…Should they lose their sanity; They are bound to Purgatory for eternity with their demon and locked in a gate of hell.


The Seven Deadly sins remain out to get the humans. The Sins are basically Demons of sorts. They are given abilities such as reality distortion and illusions to get their targets into their keepsake for eternity.
  • Greed/Avarice is the desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves.
  • Sloth is when the person is careless for other things. They can be apathetic and lazy. Either way they don't care.
  • Wrath is the emotion that shows when a person decides to be mean, cruel or just full of rage.
  • Envy is the other word for jealousy. The person is always wanting what they cannot have or can't get.
  • Pride is when the person shows nothing but ego for themselves. They tend to only do things in which help themselves.
  • Gluttony is the urge or impulse to crave things and it never ends. This may refer to food or hoarding items.
  • Lust is the craving of intimacy of the human being. The need for the feel of the flesh of another.


The virtues are here to help out the humans by any means necessary. Their goal is to help the humans create a new life and hope they do not give into temptation. They act as a sort of Angel. They are given their own set of abilities to fight off the sins, they are given the ability to empathize to help re-guide the human slightly. They can bring them back to their senses if they are not strongly pulled yet. They can dispel illusions and they to can manipulate reality.
  • Charity is when there is a willingness to give and there is nobility of thought or actions
  • Diligence is a zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness
  • Patience Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive as well.
  • Kindness is charity, compassion, friendship, and empathy without prejudice and for its own sake.
  • Humility is modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.
  • Temperance is constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation.
  • Chastity is the want to stay pure by embracing moral wholesomeness.


There is an Eighth Sin and Virtue and they are Corruption and Justice. It was these two that chose the eight humans to try and gain a new lifestyle. They act as a bonus to their respective sides and can be much more harmful to their opponents. They are there to further help their side to help gain the humans morals and soul. Justice is the archangel so to speak while Corruption acts as the devil.
  • Justice is the concept that all is fair and that is it important to do what is right.
  • Corruption is the concept that someone is impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle.


Greed/Avarice:: [Open]
Sloth:: [Kaiser{Kiyoto}]
Wrath:: [Akee {Lady Chello}]
Envy:: [Open]
Pride :: [Open]
Gluttony :: [Open]
Lust :: [Shalina{Talitha001}]
Corruption:: [Kali {Agent Foxx}]

Charity :: [Open]
Diligence :: [Open]
Patience :: [Aubin{Dear Lelie}]
Kindness :: [Jasmine{Babyangel}]
Humility :: [Open]
Temperance :: [Open]
Chastity:: [Lexi{darkninja020}]
Justice:: [Echo {Agent Foxx}]

Greed/Avarice:: [Open]
Sloth:: [Open]
Wrath:: [Ryuu Zutikio{Lady Cello}]
Envy:: [Nixon Satche{Dear Lelie}]
Pride :: [Open]
Gluttony :: [Open]
Lust :: [Alana Vartos{Talitha001}]
Corruption:: [Axel Night{darkninja020}]



Character Name:
Abilities/weapon: [Each Sin/Virtue get their own two secondary abilities that isn't already a given from the ones mentioned in the previous posts. Trust me this comes in use when you start fighting with the enemy; Up to Three weapons, optional] 
Any Fun stories: [This is optional but since The Sin/Virtues don't need BG stories you have creative license here]

Character Name:
 Main Sin:
--Tiny Sin: [Add one or two smaller sins that you also might tempt into. This is mostly for the sake of the Sins/virtues if their main target isn't around to mess with.]
Backround Story: [Just a quick three sentences on your story and how you might have got stuck in Purgatory]

Last edited by Agent Foxx; 02-27-2010 at 05:52 PM..

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 02:45 PM

Kali smirked as she was laying back in a chair on the beach as they waited for their carefully picked out humans. Ah the satisfaction that in a few years and broken minds, she would come into the possession of not only 8 souls but she would gain the satisfaction that she could beat Justice. Either way she would taint justice at all cost to prove her point. She loved her job, she sipped on a mixed alcoholic drink as she watched the waves crash over the soft, delicate sand. It was near pure white. She let out a small hum of joy and tease.

Echo was sitting in a chair away from Kali, damn corruption would not win. She had every ounce of hope and belief that the 8 humans would choose the path of righteousness. She knew her helpers would also do their job and help. They would beat those downright evil demons. She had herself a coconut drink that she sipped on. She watched the waves as well, she enjoyed listening to the serene sounds of the waves crash, the wind was blowing just at the right temperature and softness. She sighed in content with Kali.

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Talitha001 is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 07:57 PM

Alana woke up a bit confused. She was on a beach of sorts. She remembered last she checked she was seducing Analyses boyfriend harold and then she couldnt remember anything. This was odd. She was still in her egyptian costume that she was playing around with while trying to get Harold in bed with her. She looked around and sighed sitting down. She may have been a seductress but she was smart also.

Shalina was known as Lust. One of the seven deadly sins. She noticed Kali and Echo sitting in a chair on the beach and walked over to them. Her wings were flared up slightly. She hoped this war would end in the better. She knew the sins were bettter than the hopes that these humans would follow the virtues.

"Haveing fun you two?" Her voice was very soft and seductive.

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 02:14 AM

Kali looked over with a small smirk, "Course my dear. How are you? Enjoying yourself? Perhaps you found your human as well?" She got up and she walked over to Shalina while offering her a drink, "Well perhaps you'd enjoy a nice drink. Help you get ready for the night to come."

Echo looked over at Kali and Shalina with a stare, "Honestly, I hope that girl learns a new way of life. No one should have to deal with the morality like that. She could get hurt you know."

Kali rolled her eyes, "Psh. Whatever. Temptation comes with a cost. Its clearly obvious what it is." She put an arm around Shalina's waist while she took her last sip from her own glass.

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Old 02-23-2010, 02:28 AM

Shalina chuckled some. "

Theres nothing wrong with a little lust. Shes one of my most prized students. What more could you want? She just runs around befriending girls and then seducing there boyfriends and with a body like that who could blame her."

She laughed a bit evily. This was truly awsome.

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 02:42 AM

Axel Night appeared in purgatory. The last thing he remembered was getting shot by the leader of a gang and awaiting his eternal punishment in hell. "Dammit this is what I get for abusing my power" he looked around where he was standing "This must be purgatory... but why does it look like a beach" He walked around a bit looking around maybe find a way out of here.

Chastity the opposite of Lust saw one of the people she needed to help but that wasn't her main one. Then she saw Alana soon after looking around a bit more. She looked around and saw that Lust wasn't nearby and took thiss opportunity. "Corruption wont win this one and neither will lust" Chastity walked up to Alana "See where sin gets you?" she spoke to Alana as she walks up.

Last edited by darkninja0200; 02-23-2010 at 02:48 AM..

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 02:59 AM

Kali chuckled, "Yeah I know. Personally I bet she just loves flaunting it all." She noticed a movement about a good mile away, she smirked, "Well hello there. Looks like I found my main man!" She took off to meet up with him.

Echo groaned, "Fantastic. Just what she needs, more ego boosting." She followed after Kali but she stopped next to Shalina, "Pardon me for leaving you in the midst of a conversation."

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Old 02-23-2010, 03:03 AM

Alana looked at the person who just walked up to her with a frown.

"Who are you and where exactly is here?"

Shalina chuckled and took off running. She heard the sound of people talking and she recognized chastity. She walked up and chuckled when she saw it was Alana.

"Here is a marvelous place Alana. Just look around you. Its beutiful."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 02-23-2010, 03:06 AM

Akee stud on a cleft that overlooked the island. She held her swords in her hands as she peered down at the souls below her. She took note of where the humans where and their actions. All she needed was one little thing to make the human mad as she would have them. Unlike the other seven deadly sins she was killer literary. She was wrath and every one knows that heaven have no wrath like that of a woman. Besides if she couldn't get the humans willingly she wasn't above manipulation.

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 03:18 AM

Axel looked around and saw a woman running toward him He turned towards her "Hello... it's good to see someone else besides me "Who are you and where am I?"

Chastity saw lust walk up "It's rude to interrupt Lust..." she looked to Alana "I'm chastity... I am the personification of restraint... mainly in sexual desires but in other ways as well"

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Old 02-23-2010, 03:28 AM

Alana frowned at Chastity. She saw lust and felt a faint smile upon her lips.

"And I am where exactly? And why am I here? Am I dead? I hope not I had a date tonight."

Shalina chuckled some. "I dont care whats rude. Its rude to try to steal away my favorite student. She was following my teachings perfectly. I know why your here and theres no hope. Alana loves following me. She would never follow someone as weak as you are."

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 03:32 AM

Kali slowed down and she walked around Axel once while grinning, "I'm Kali." She offered her hand. "Its quite a pleasure to meet you. But your in a new paradise my friend. Your luxury awaits." She smirked darkly, "Course you can believe what you will." Kali was set in to have some fun before she truly revealed herself unless he figured it out. She didn't doubt humans though it would be hard to tell her motives only under the fact that Kali could reach any sin she wanted.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 02-23-2010, 03:37 AM

Ryuu open his eyes as he found himself on some island. He looked about the area he wandered how in the world he had got there. He looked at the log he had been sleeping on wandering how long he had been on the island sleeping. He jumped to his feet as he looked for his Katana. He began to swear as he saw it in the salty water of the ocean. He walked over and grabbed it wiping it off with his shirt. He rolled his eyes growing angry with himself. His Katana could have been ruined by that water if it had been in it any longer. After cleaning it to his liking Ryuu placed it in its sheath at his side in a quick movement. His eyes moved to where he heard the voice coming from. He moved towards the voices keeping his hand near his sword ready to draw it and kill.

Akee grinned as she looked at the human male who just awoke. She laughed as she moved her swords about her then placed them in her holders in one fluent movement. She took a few steps back then ran and jumped off the cleft landing with the other sins. Her eyes fixed on her new pray. How easy he would be to break after all his biggest sin was wrath after all. She knew how to break him so easily. Her eyes shifted as he looked at the others. She really didn't think she needed to introduce herself. When she was done destroying that human pray of hers they would know who she was.

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 04:05 AM

Axel looked to Kali "Paradise eh? So they got me wrong when they sent me to hell?" He knew what he did was wrong but he figured it was his intentions that got him in. Though he would have been lying if he said he didn't love doing what he did. "So what changed that Angel's mind when I spoke to him at those gates?" This was his first question among many. He looked at the girl up and down and found himself with an unwanted phenomenon down south "But don't angels wear white and less revealing clothes or something?"

Chastity looked at Lust "Where there is darkness there shall always be light Lust... she may be your student but I am not weak" She implants a thought into Alana's head <You had sex with all of those men... that's why you are here.> Alot of people would see such a power as evil but she only used it for salvation purposes whereas she was sure lust would use it to bed every man and woman she layed her eyes on.

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Old 02-23-2010, 04:09 AM

Alana frowned a moment. She was here because of her sexual exploits.

"So I go a reward for my behavior. Nice. Very nice. SO what are you two doing here?"

Shalina chuckled some. She was loving this. She knew there was no chance for Chastity to steal Alana. Alana loved what she was doing way to much.

"Try to steal her Chastity. It wont happen."

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 04:18 AM

Kali smirked wide while she walked right up against him and pressed herself against him, "Never said what type of Paradise we were in. In specific. Who this paradise was intended for." She wrapped her arms around Axel's neck while looking him right in the eye.

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 05:02 AM

When Axel realized that this wasn't heaven and the girl in front of him might be wanting him he let go of himself a bit "So this isn't heaven and this isn't hell... where are we that such a sexy lady is all over me like this" he reached his hand around her to her lower back and pulled her closer smiling as he indulged in the behavior that got him here a little bit.

Chastity got to Alana and frowned when she justified her behavior. She could feel Alana's feelings and her true feelings as well. She was disgusted with herself and who she had become. She had to make her realize this somehow. "Alana this is no reward... you are here for judgement... what you do here will decided where you go from here"

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Old 02-23-2010, 05:04 AM

"You know what this place is missing? Guys. I see no sexy guys anywere. Its a pussyparty. We need to go hunt up some guys."

She smirked some.

Shalina chuckled at this comment.

"Theres guys here but you got to find them. I am sure you will have fun with them when you do."

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 05:28 AM

Chastity quickly implanted another thought into Alana's head Think about it... do you wan the last thing people remember you as a whore?>

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Old 02-23-2010, 05:31 AM

Alana grabbed Shalinas hand and together they ran off in search of a guy. They were bored and both thought alike. Shalina noticed Kali not to far from them with a male. She ran up to her pulling Alana with her.

"Hello Kali. Whose your friend?"

She smiled really sweetly.

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 05:44 AM

Axel looked over at the two other girls "Well looks like I'm on the isle of beautiful ladies"

Chastity was not going to give up here. She followed the two girls and figured she wouldn't listen at the moment and decided to wait until the moment was right.

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 02:20 PM

Kali smiked wider when the other showed up, she let out a purr, "Mmmm, I bet this is for you sir." She let her arms slip away slowly from Axel, "But This is my new friend Axel" She ran her hand down his chest, it was extremely easy to corrupt people. Any any shape or form.

Echo finally showed up and she yanked Kali away from Axel, "Are you kidding me with this! There is no way you can induce this sort of behavior. This is unexceptionable on all grounds!"

Gonna be gone for a couple of mo...
darkninja0200 is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 03:02 PM

As Axel was pulled from Echo when he was about to introduce himself to the other girls "What the hell!? Who died and made you queen?"

Chastity looked on as the personification of Justice pulled aside Axel "Yes one point for the side of good" She straightened out her dress trying to look as if she was being casual.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 02-23-2010, 03:16 PM

Ryuu stopped and stared at the strange group that he found. He hadn't seen so many ladies in one spot at one time. A wicked smile appeared on his face as he moved closer to them. Though it was short lived as his eyes fell on one of the ladies that seem to stare right into his soul. She made him feel uncontainable the way her eyes seemed to know everything about him. He froze as he saw what looked like blood on her hands and clothing. He closed his eyes then open them as he saw just a beautiful woman staring him. His smile reappeared as he saw she held weapons and swords from the looks of them. He walked to the group keeping his eye on the woman.

Akee smiled as she watch her pray move closer to the group. She laughed in her head as she watched him fall for her little illusion. The other girls may be just a beautiful as she was but she knew him better than they did. He had a heart as her own. Akee was sure this human was going to be hers. Besides he wouldn't be the first man she brought to his knees nor would he be the last. She always loved a man who knew how to use his weapon to perfection. In the end of their battle though Akee always won as she would this time.

Agent Foxx
Agent Foxx is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 05:43 PM

Kali smirked wider while the party seemed to go, "Shes only bitter because we're having fun. Unlike us. We know how to have a blast. She knows how to throw down as a wet blanket."

Echo shook her head, "Unlike them. We." She motioned to herself and Chastity, "Don't show ourselves like a ripped rag." She grinned wide.

Kali stared, this meant war, "Ripped rag? Oh you'll see a ripped rag alright but it won't be on our side." She was ready to threaten them at any means. And she would get her justified win. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed another new member, she smiled and waved over at him, "Hello over there!"


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