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The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 12:48 AM

Welcome to the world of Enfys, which consists of two major Kingdoms: the Kingdom of Elves, Lilamayi, and the Kingdom of Demons, Agnimitra. The two races, and now two Kingdoms, have always been at war, ever since the beginning of time. The only thing separating them is a thin strip of land called Polydeuce, a wasteland where the Half-Bloods are often exiled to and lurk in.

To join this roleplay, you must first choose your race and which world you want to live in. Pure Demons cannot live in Lilamayi and pure Elves cannot live in Agnimitra. Either or, as well as Half-Bloods, can live in Polydeuce. Here are some descriptions to get you started.

ELVES: Mystical, magical creatures with close connections to nature and slightly pointy ears, Elves in general consider themselves to be the perfect being. They are intelligent, beautiful, and kindred—for the most part. At the age of fourteen, Elves earn their wings, which can be a variety of different things based on the particular Elf’s lineage and personality. However, the wings cannot be black. The Elves are peaceful creatures…unless it comes to Demons and Half-Bloods. They see them as dirty, inferior creatures and as a threat that needs to be kept out of their Kingdom. They have a democratic, semi-communist government and their Kingdom lies in lush, plentiful forested habitat.

DEMONS: Mischievous, funny, and quite creepy, Demons live in their own little world of what they call ‘Bliss, good eats, and celebration, baby!’ They are all about fun, even when they are in power struggles for control over their Kingdom. Unlike the Elves, Demons welcome in Half-Bloods. They don’t welcome Elves too warmly unless it’s perfectly clear that they’ve deserted their brethren. Demons are very fickle and immoral creatures who live in a nearly lawless world based on power, respect, and general concern for the safety of their breed. Generally. Also unlike the Elves, the Demons have Kingdom-wide anarchy. No one is in control of everything, though there are large city-states scattered throughout. They have a capitalist economical system and live in a dark world with varied environments.

HALF-BLOODS: More hated and persecuted than Elves and Demons put together, Half-Bloods are the pariahs of their world. Because they have the blood of both, they are not as warmly received in the two Kingdoms as they would like, though they are more than welcome with the Demons. Because of this mixed blood, they also have a very varying array of powers. Most have dark hair and either blue or red eyes, but anomalies have been seen. Depending on their looks, some could possibly even pass for an Elf and sneak into the Elves’ world, but very few want to do this. In fact, most are very bitter towards both main species and avoid them like the plague, taking shelter and comfortable refuge in Polydeuce, a strip of land between the two giant Kingdoms that is mostly wasteland. The city-states here have capitalist economic systems and are run democratically.

All of this is copyrighted by me on my website. So if you steal the worlds, you could be prosecuted by law. So don’t. All right?

Here is a template to get you started with your character! You may provide additional information if needed.

My Identity: (First and Last)

Close-Up! : (A Picture and Physical Description)

Species: (Elf, Demon, or Half-Blood)

My Humble Abode: (Kingdom of Residence)

In My Pants: (Gender)

In Their Pants: (Sexual Orientation)

It’s My Birthday: (Age and Birthday)

What’s My Poison? : (Addictions or Odd Obsessions)

Show Me Your Power: (Special Powers)

Strong Views: (How You Feel About the Other Species)

My Duds: (Weapon of Choice)

There’s More? : (Any Additional Important Information)

PM me this first. But don’t PM until I’ve posted my character. Rules will follow shortly.

I'd like a fairly equal number of each, so no hogging species!


No god-modding.

No cybering.

No text-talk.

PM me your character beforehand.

Read through all previous posts if you are just joining.


Identity: Momo Trixibelle

Close-Up!: Black hair with devilish spikes. Dyed red near the bangs. Red eyes. Wears a lot of black. Is very short.

Species: Demon

My Humble Abode: Agnimitra

In My Pants: Male

In Their Pants: Bisexual

It's My Birthday: Looks eight but is much older, October 9th

What's My Poison?: Addicted to hot peppers and playing pranks on people. Is obsessed with Mexican-style food.

Show Me Your Power: Has control over fire and shadows. Is also slightly telepathic.

Strong Views: Neutral

My Duds: Large scythe

There's More?: Has a sister he never mentions. Rarely ever shows his true intentions. Is much older than he looks.

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 03-03-2010 at 07:09 PM..

i would rather be hated for who ...
gloomythebear is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 01:32 AM

Identity: rima hanson

Close-Up! :

Species: half-blood

My Humble Abode: agnimitra

In My Pants: female

In Their Pants: bisexual

It’s My Birthday: 15 years old, February 27

What’s My Poison? : mesmerized by all kinds of fire

Show Me Your Power: fire manipulator and others unknown.

Strong Views: neutral veiw on them

My Duds: simply made throwing shuriken

There’s More? : her elfen parents abandoned her when she was ten when they found out she could manipulate fire and she was left in Polydeuse until she wondered into agnimitra with the help of a few lowly fire demons who took pity on her. she now wonders the streets and does whatever she wants with no rules to herself or anyone

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 01:34 AM

(((I only have a few rules. There cybering (take it to PMs, please), but kisses and hugs and all that junk is fine. And no text talk. Please try to use proper grammar. ^^ No godmodding, please. It's not fair to the other role-players. And, if you want to join, please, please, please read through from the beginning to the end so you don't miss anything.)))

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 03-02-2010 at 02:12 AM..

i would rather be hated for who ...
gloomythebear is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 01:39 AM

(( okay, i can manage that ^^ anything else? and when can we start, i have to get off, but can post in the morning. ))

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 01:43 AM

(We can start at any time both of us are on if we want it continuous and we can always post at any time and answer at any time, as well. And as for location or where to start, anywhere! I suppose it would be best to start in a small, self-governing town in Agnimitra. Perhaps walking the streets and planning a heist or robbery? Anything like that would be good! ^^ Rule-wise...I guess no godmodding, a totally invincible character or something. And that's about it. ^^)

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 03-02-2010 at 01:53 AM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 02:19 AM

Devin wandered the streets of the little village. He was window shopping. He yawned. "Ugh, what's a man got to do around here to have some fun?"

He spied a merchant who appeared to be having issues.

"HEY!" Devin yelled out from across the street, "Leave that poor man alone!" He flew over to the merchant and helped him pick up his items. "Are you okay sir?"

He demon nodded. He was old and feeble. Devin patted him on the shoulders. "I hope you have wonderful selling from here on out."

Devin walked away, his tail swaying behind him. He was thinking about going to the half-breed village. He really wanted to visit the actual Elf City, but he knew better than to go there.

Frowning, he sat down on a nearby bench. He shifted forward to grab and apple. Placing it neatly in his mouth, he munched away at the sinfully delicious fruit. He waited, hoping someone interesting would walk by at some point.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 02:25 AM

Momo wandered down the streets, bright red eyes curiously flickering to everything around him. He never had anyone with him when he came to these towns, but hey! Who's to complain? He'd always been a loner.

The other Demons he'd met up with would always be jealous of how sinfully Elf-like he looked. Not a speck of Demonic resemblance was apparent on him other than his blood red eyes. It was rare for a Demon to have such smooth skin and no strange abnormalities whatsoever. They would also be jealous of his ability to lead like no other, and taunt him about his very small stature.

Bored, he watched the people as he walked by, curious as to what they were doing, and just continued wandering down the street.

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 03-02-2010 at 02:27 AM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 02:47 AM

Devin stood up. He spied the weird looking creature. An elf? He was excited and ran over to the male.

"Hello!" Devin said grinning as he ran over to the male. "Are you new here," he said cocking his head. His tailed wagged happily behind him. He continued sizing the male up. Devin was still smiling. "Where are you from?"

((Sorry for the short post))

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 02:51 AM

((It's quite all right--I'm guilty of teeny-tiny posts, too. XD))

Momo was not used to having people that close to him, even though he was friendly, and he instinctively got wary. Nonetheless, he flashed a brilliantly white smile--two perfect rows of pearly, pointed-sharp teeth. The animal-like teeth were a sign of his Demonic descent. He extended his small, white hand.

"Charmed. Name's Momo. I'm a drifter." He had a slightly high voice.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:01 AM

Devin grinned back. "The name's Devin. I'm... well, a demon. Ha ha. And a handsome devil at that, or so I've been told." He laughed.

Stepping back, he gave the demon his space. "So a drifter, hmmmm. You wouldn't happen to be interested in meeting some elves now would you? I've been dying to see the other side. But..." he stopped. Perhaps it was best he not talk about this to a stranger.

"Anyways, would you like to go exploring?" Devin laughed. "I heard there are some treasures in the forests just outside the village."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:04 AM

Momo watched him idly for a moment, knowing very well that strangers were not people you should automatically trust. But, of course, who was he to complain? Treasure was treasure, and if worse came to worst, he always had a way to defend himself.

"Elves, eh...?" He mused. "Trying to get over there is pure madness unless you're a professional at hiding your identity. Nonetheless..."

His eyes lit up. "Treasure, you say? Well...I'll take you up on your offer, I guess. Let's go."

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:11 AM

Devin beamed. He had two longer fangs than the rest. They resembled the fangs you'd see a vampire with.

Devin spun around. "So, do you have any digging gear?" He have a sheepish laugh. "I don't have anything like that. We could go buy it... or borrow it...."

He continued walking forward. There were two ladies before him. They appeared to be gardening.

"Heh, just are luck," Devin said to Momo.

"Why hello there hotties," he leaned forward against their fence. "My friend and I here are trying to go treasure hunting, and... well, we just don't have the tools. Would you mind leaning us yours?"

The girls nearly fainted in his presence. They were more than willing to give him their supplies.

"Many thanks, ladies." He walked over to Momo. "Shall we?"

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:15 AM

Momo had obviously never been one for women, seeing as his nose curled a bit when they looked at him, but he seemed grateful that they lent the supplies to them.

"Sure. Let us prospect. Lead the way."

He had a rather strange barrette in his hair that seemed to glow as he spoke, and then the crimson light radiating from it died down. It looked like some sort of rare red stone...

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:32 AM

Devin lead the way, but after about 45 minutes, he stopped.

"Ummm... I hate do admit this. BUt... I think I'm lost." Devin scratched his head. "I guess my friend lied to me. He said follow the river and take a left at the white tree and then there would be a cave." He looked around. "Yeah, all I see if a meadow." He frowned. "I'm sorry I dragged you along for nothing." He frowned.

Devin sat down in the luscious grass. "It's really pretty here." He held up a flower. "So, since my idea backfired. Do you want to suggest something?"

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:37 AM

Momo didn't sit down. He didn't seem to like the look of the grass at all.

"Well...I was on my way to a gateway leading into Polydeuce. To gather some supplies," he admitted idly. "You could tag along, I suppose..."

It seemed like it half-pained him to say this. He didn't appear to be a very social person, though he was perfectly polite and friendly.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:49 AM

"Ha ha ha. Supplies, ay? Just what are you going to be doing?" He stood up and spread out his large black wings. He admired them and then smiled.

"I would love to accompany you on your little quest. Should you need any help, don't hesitate to ask." Devin smiled and pointed ahead of them. "Lead the way," he said bowing to his new friend.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 03:59 AM

Momo grinned a bit. "Oh, nothing, really. It just has to do with my...profession."

He stretched a bit, seeming worn out by something, and begins his trek out farther, towards the gates that would lead him to Polydeuce. He seemed not to notice that wherever he walked, the shadows cast on the ground...

...they inched towards him. And then slowly fell back into place once he passed.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:07 AM

Devin looked at Momo. "Profession? Are you someone bad?" He laughed. "I'm... well, I can't disclose. Although, I don't think you'll do anything terrible to me. So I'll share. I'm an assassin. He smiled. But most people know me as the punk-rock singer in the band Dancing with the Devil."

He shrugged and continued to follow Momo. "So... can I call you... Momo Lee? Momosuke? Momo-kun? Momo-Momo?" He burst out laughing, but soon collected himself. "Sorry, I'm just trying to make conversation here."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:14 AM

"Momo Trixibelle is my full name," he reveals idly. "And my 'profession' is that of a big-time thief and arsonist. I'm targeting a bank in the Elves' Kingdom and need to purchase some explosives, among other things."

He chewed his lip as he walked, heading out towards the gates. "I was raised as an assassin. I ran away. Abusive parents, mainly. And I didn't quite like them trying to control me."

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:19 AM

"Oh, a thief! Sounds fun! And the Elves' Kingdom! What luck! I've always wanted to visit there. Although... I'm afraid, I'm a bit too obvious. Although...what if I were brought in as a prisoner. I know demons can be imprisoned in the Elf City. Maybe we could stage a little act. It'll be me in to see the city, and it'll allow you to get near the bank. I heard rumors that the huge bank is right across from the jail. Terrible planning on their part, but... oh well. I wasn't the architect. Ha ha!"

Devin looked at Momo. "And abusive parents? That sucks. I kinda ran away as a child. So I don't really know my family."

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:23 AM

[/COLOR]"And that is where being a master of disguise comes in handy," Momo quipped, grinning.

They started to approach the main gates leading into Polydeuce. Though there were many entrances to Polydeuce, this one had the most incoming and outcoming traffic. The gates were tall, taller than any other structure nearby by far, and looked somewhat unsteady, like they would fall at any minute. They loomed over everything else, and therefore, an oppressive feeling came from them.

"There are plenty of other less crowded gates, but I always use these. It's where I met..." He trails off. "Never mind. Reminiscing again."

He quickly headed through the gates and out into the silent wasteland of Polydeuce. The change in region was felt immediately. The air was still and very stale...

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 03-02-2010 at 04:30 AM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:31 AM

Devin just stood there. He didn't really know what to do. He frowned.

Then it hit him. He was a famous singer. All species loved music. Some of his favorite bands were elven bands.

Gulping, he smiled and walked in. He was afraid he'd be attacked, but to his surprise, the elves didn't seem to mind. He frowned. Well that's not cool. I was hoping for a big fuss. But, I guess being famous has its perks.

He waved at some of the inhabitants, but only to realize he'd fallen behind. "Wha-, hey, wait up!" He ran up to Momo. "So, where now?"


((I hope that's okay... not really sure what Devin should have done. If it's not okay, I can retype it. ^^' ))

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:38 AM

((Nah, it's okay. But remember--Polydeuce is home to mostly Half-Bloods. Demons and Elves both end up congregating in the bigger city-states, and because of that, Polydeuce is where most of the fighting occurs.))

"To an associate's. He has the supplies I need." Momo strolled around, keeping a very low profile, as his pupils darted around. He seemed to be very wary here. The strange and tense mix of species in this No Man's Land was a peculiar and unsafe thing, was like a match setting on a top of a pile of gunpowder, just waiting to spark...

Nonetheless, Momo trudged on. He was careful to avoid Elves. There weren't many of them, but they were scattered all over the place. They were easily distinguishable by their bright clothing.

There were Demons, also. They seemed to be less tense and more intent on joking around. And there were also...

...Half-Bloods. Strange mixes. They were easily discerned from the others because of their mixed looks. It was a very motley group of people, really.

Arcturus Sinclair
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:39 AM

Shishiru brushes some hair out of his eyes as he walks around Lilamayi. Normally he stays somewhat near the gates leading in from Polydeuce. But today he needed to buy some things first. So off to the store he headed. He hums to himself at he walks. He quickly gets what he wants and heads over to the gates. The area he likes is about a few minutes away from the gates, but it's isolated and has a tree that he likes to sit under.

(You should post my bio, Jess. Really. But oh well. I know how lazy you are. XD <3)

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-02-2010, 04:45 AM

((Ah, okay. That makes sense. But since Devin's never left the demon city, he wouldn't know. Soo it's all good. XD))

Devin, again, got lost. He stood confused in the foreign town. He frowned as he walked around. "Erm... I'm lost." He sat down in a park and waited, hoping he'd see Momo pass by.

(wow, sorry for the short reply. but I'm off to bed. later guys. :) ))


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