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stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 08:28 AM

For me and Lord Frappuccino

Age: 20

Mizuki Ame- hmm? by ~stealthpanther on deviantART
Mizuki ame- portrait by ~stealthpanther on deviantART
Mizuki Ame- rpc by ~stealthpanther on deviantART ((most recent))

Last edited by stealthpanther; 04-07-2010 at 09:31 AM..

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-30-2010, 08:41 AM

Name: Orcinus
Age: 24
The Captain has never had the chance of having his portrait done since he tends not to be in the same area for too long. Though it is said that he has short, black hair and a stubbled goatee. His bluish eyes hold a mysterious darkness to them of a past that not even his crew knows. His body holds many scars but his most prominent runs parallel along the right edge of his nose and curves just over his eye. It is rumored that he has a traditional native tattoo on his back but only a select few have ever seen it.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 08:48 AM

All seemed quiet and peaceful in the small but well-off town nestled between the mountains and the cliffs leading to the open sea. Children were laughing gaily and running around as most youngster's do. Mothers and other married women did chores and various jobs while discussing the lastest news from the borders on the other side of the mountains. Men were out fishing or mining. It seemed like an ordinary day.

Skirt hiked up, a young woman cursed the impractical garment as she hopped along the rocks, looking for the nets that were intended for capturing shellfish. Lobsters, clams, oysters, it didn't matter, they were a delacasy that could be sold to neighboring countries and cities for a decent price.

Little did she, or anyone else for that matter, know that there was something approaching. Coming from the sea that they regarded their home.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-30-2010, 09:03 AM

The Orca, a square top-sailed schooner emerges from the fog that covered the shoreline- its sails at full. "Man ye cannons and set the target on the guard towers. The rest of me landlubbers arm with sword and armor. Flank the fisherman's harbor and torch the land surrounding in order to keep reinforcements away. Kill any man that comes within range. Woman and children are to be brought to me ship- especially those beautiful lassies whom can provide us all a grand 'ol time, right boys!?"
The whole ship growls back in delight as the neutral flag is dropped and a jolly roger is raised.

The calm, crisp morning is immediately interrupted by the thunder of canon fire. Flaming balls ignite the sky and slam into the town's guard towers in complete surprise, crippling its defenses.

Women and children run for the hills as the men garrison their strength within the city walls. Orcinus, the captain of the attacking ship stands on the front bow, looking amongst the carnage before him, a gold glimmer in his mouth as the rising sun reflects off his gold tooth.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 09:15 AM

In a mad rush of panic, men scrambled to the towers, armed with guns, pistols, cannons, and slingshots. Some men carried fwords or fishing spears, all in all no good against a surprise attack. Women ushered the crying children towards the safe caves hidden among the base of the moutains that separated their home from the mainland. As women and children made an frantic escape to underground cellars and secret paths leading to the sanctuaries, men and boys tried to block the paths and ward off any attack that came too close.

Looking up at the first sight of a flaming cannon careening into the guard towers, Rhianwen heard the city warning bells ring in alarm. "What on earth?!" the maiden scowled. This wouldn't do!

She was by no means a warrior. Nor was she a brave knight or a noble. Rhianwen was of course, scared of the foreign attack. However, unlike most, the young female was as stubborn as she was helpful and eccentric, and as such could not stand idly by as the town was tormented by sea dogs. Tearing the botom half of her skirt so the fabrics reached to just an inch past her knee, she mentally cursed her luck at having all her britches in the washbin at home.

Grabbing a basic sword from the blacksmith, the teal-eyed woman charged towards the impending assault, determination in her gait. She would take down as many of the filthy thieves as she could.

Last edited by stealthpanther; 03-30-2010 at 09:18 AM..

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:04 PM

Mortars and flaming cannon balls bombard the land around her, igniting all the foliage surrounding the village, placing it within a ring of flame. The ominous figure of Orcinus is seen on the bow of the Orca, his long masamune blade held out straight in front of him, holding it steady while his army awaits his command. The Orca's iron-like bow crashes against the town's sea wall, crushing the levees and forcing a burst of millions of gallons of water into the town.

Orcinus lowers his blade in signal and his entire army exits the ship, slashing the throats and guts of the soldiers that have survived the mass flood of water. The entire coastal edge of the town quickly turns to a crimson red from the spilled blood, leaving a very unpleasant stench.

The pirate soldiers quickly close in closer and closer to the town's garrison of soldiers. Another gleam of gold can be seen from the dark silhouette of Orcinus as the rising sun's rays reflect off his one gold tooth. Grapples fire from the bow of the ship, slamming deep into the remaining stone guard towers. Clicks and clanks are heard from the ship as it works to pull down to towers, crashing them in a cloudy, dusty blow.

A once beautiful coastal town is now facing its mass destruction.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 11:39 PM

Rhianwen was enraged. What had the innoccent people of this town done to deserve such a cruel fate?! Shouts of the still standing town fighters and wails and weeping of women and children from the hidden refuges plagued the woman's ears. The stench of blood and burning filled her nostrils, almost to the point of making her nauseous. Fighting to keep her composure, the female Could barely restrain tears from seeping out. So much pain and sufferring..and for what? Money? Power? Sport? It built inside her until she could stand no more.

Forcing her shaky legs to move her forward, the maiden let out a loud battlecry, knowing she was just one mere woman, but she would be damned if she didn't try to fix something! She knew her limits, and as such would not waste her time on the minions. No, To fix a problem, one had to go to the source. In this case, the captain, the leader of these brutal animals!

Charging forward over the rocks and sand, Rhianwen ignored her fsurroundings, eyes fixed on the gold glimmer, the smile- -smile! of the evil captain. Sword at the ready, the frightened but headstrong lady made no effort to hide her intent. "Prepare to monster!!!!!!" she shouted up at him, managing to push herself past the preoccupied crew, many of whom laughed at her attempt.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:01 AM

The gleam of Orcinus' teeth glows brighter the closer she comes and then she can see his facial features and she reels back slightly at the sight of his monstrous scar across his face- much like her's. He quickly turns to her, provoking her to come closer. "I dare you" he says through clenched teeth.

He holds his blade at the ready, his cloak billowing from the heat rushing past him from the town's flames. "You don't have a chance. Either slain yourself or surrender. I'd hate to see my blade between your slender figure..." He grins, the tooth growing brighter, tauntingly brighter.

He waits for his attacker, laughing to himself that she dares approach him and surprised she hasn't figured out the suspicions that have happened the last few days. Trade ships from other towns have been days late- still not arriving yet. She now knows what may have become the fate of those trade ships... and maybe even the towns they came from.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 12:11 AM

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts and refocus, the female snarled as she gazed at the man for a moment. Once she was confident she had remained still long enough to hopefully unnerve or confuse him, she feigned to the right before slashing upwards. Several of the crew had paused to watch, snickering and enjoying what they were sure would be a show.

Rhianwen refused to stop for an instant, Moving so he'd not have an opening to attack. Lunges, downswipes, side kicks, jabs, uppercuts. Going in an undetermined pattern of movement, the maiden kept her eyes locked on her target. tThe images of all the innocent lives, their crimson blood pooled out under as loved ones watched in helpless despair, the burning of flesh and property, it burned before her eyes, fueling her on. The adrenaline pumped through her body as she sparred against the captain.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:25 AM

Orcinus chuckles loudly the entire time they sparred, parrying each attack with relative ease. He then begins to get bored and launches heavier blows against the attacker. He can see her stamina quickly slowing as his attacks get more sophisticated and strong. He runs his blade swiftly across the hilt of hers, knocking it from her hands. He snickers and quickly pulls a second, shorter blade from his side, grabbing a hold of her and holding the sharp blade to her throat.

"What makes you think you have the right to be on the Orca, young lass?" He hisses into her ear. He can feel her start to struggle. "I wouldn't do that if I were you... this blade is quite sharp and can penetrate your jugular with ease." He teasingly begins to play with her hair. "And what's a beautiful woman such as yourself doing with a sword...? You should be off hiding with your other lady friends... though their fate may not be as good as yours." He snickers and quickly pulls the blade away from her throat and lets go of her. Before she can grab it, he confiscates her blade.

"This is a nice sword... very well-balanced, light" he swings the blade through the air and does a few thrusts with it. "Now... tell me your name, young lady. Since you are now my prisoner, I must know it."

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 12:34 AM

Rhianwen glared at the man with burning hatred. "I am no one's property or prisoner." spat the woman, her soft alto voice shaking in rage. About to spout off her feelings and words of vengence, the female paused. A thought occurred to her. What if, maybe...just maybe, she could save the lives of the remaining townspeople? The thought of what that could cost made her shudder, but it would be selfish to save only her own skin. Decision made, teal eyes met the blue ones of the captain.

"I will only agree to be a captive if you leave this town...and never come back. Leave now, and I'll go without a fuss." Rhianwen spoke through grit teeth, her fingers curled into fists.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:39 AM

"Are you attempting to parlay with me?" He paces back and forth across the deck of the ship, thinking to himself. My attacks on these other towns have been too swift for any survivors to parlay... This woman has a lot of guts and potential. "And what are the terms of your accord?" He gazes down at the woman, looking for an answer.

"I will obliterate this town until I get an answer from you, so be quick!" He growls.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 12:52 AM

"My name is Rhianwen as you asked earlier. I can do all means of daily chores, I can fish, cook, clean, write, read and do hard labor. I am good at sneaking around and getting information." Looking up at him through her gold red-blonde hair, Rhianwen continued, meeting eyes and refusing to surrender. "I am no stranger to work. If you take me with you, there is only one thing I will not do for you and your crew, and only one." Standing now, regaining her footing, the young woman held out a hand. "Will these terms suffice?"

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:57 AM

Orcinus strokes his beard and considers the conditions of the accord. "You sound like you may be a valuable asset to my crew... but what is this one thing you are mentioning to me?" He turns to her, looking down at her suspiciously as the cannon fire and ground attack continues.

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Old 03-31-2010, 01:00 AM

"I will not be a prostitute. I give you my abilities, my skills, my strength, but my body is my own." She quickly replied, wanting him to stop the destruction. "Will you keep your end? I want you to stop your assault and leave this place for good. Do we have a deal or not?" Rhianwen stood up to the man, a frown on her face and a fierce look in her eyes.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:06 AM

He takes his hand and holds it out before the young lady. "I believe, young Rhianwen, that we have an accord." A smile crosses his face and he turns away from her, facing his army of pirates. "Men, I have made a parlay with this young woman here. She is to be a part of our crew and you are not to rape her! Is that clear?!"

He turns back to her and places his face a few inches from her's, talking through his breath. "It is very rare that I comply to my deals, I find you to be very special and worthy of keeping such a deal. Welcome to the Orca."

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 01:10 AM

"Flattered." she mumbled sarcastically, but nodding to show she'd keep true to her end. "Now call off the attack. I kept my end, you will keep yours." Rhianwen said simply, looking down with distaste at her skirt. Why oh why did she have to have all her britches in the laundry?

To be honest, she was surprised he had agreed to let her keep her innocence. Grateful, but surprised. Thinking a moment, she looked up at her captain. "I do not supposse you have some proper drawers for me? I do not particularly favor the idea of wearing a skirt."

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:19 AM

He notices her skirt and looks off at his crew returning to the ship. "Yes... I understand your concern. My crew would be tempted to rip that skirt off you if they were to see you in it." He hands her a long, black key. "This is a key to my quarters. Inside, you will find my tailor, Quincy. He isn't a pervert like the other 99% of my crew, so you can trust him. Allow him to take your measurements and you can seek shelter within my quarters until he is ready with your new britches. Now go!"

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 01:24 AM

"Very well." With a slight nod of the head to show some shred of appreciation, Rhianwen turned to seek and find the largest single quarters, the captains quarters. Knocking upon the door to signal her arrival, the young woman inserted the key into the lock and allowed herself entrace. Glancing around warily, the maiden stood in the center of the room, key still in hand. "Is there a man by the name of quincy in here?" she called out, Somewhat tense and alert despite the captain's assurances.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:37 AM

An old, slightly bald man in specs emerges from the back of the room. "Hello?" The man says calmly. "I be the man you call Quincy, what seems to be your request may I ask?" The man hobbles up to her with his cane and lights a candle so she can see the rest of the quarters. Maps, ships and other maritime memorabilia cover the walls and shelves.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 01:42 AM

"I need some pants. Could you kindly provide me with some?" Rhianwen relaxed as he lit up the room, allowing her the comfort of seeing her surroundings. Smiling a little at him, she wondered how a so far seemingly kind older gentleman ended up on a ship full of barbarians and criminals. "H-have you worked here long?"

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:52 AM

"All of my life." He begins to take measurements and continues. "I was brought upon this ship when I was very young. Orcinus' father conquered this ship which was once part of the great empire that once ruled these waters. Since then I have been completely in their service. You must understand, they are not like normal pirates- they have a true mission." He quickly stops what he is saying when the door bursts open and Orcinus enters the quarters, launching himself onto the bed and sighing.

Movement can be felt and loud "heave-ho's!" from the deck above as the crew pushes the ship from the levees.

Quincy looks over at the captain and then continues his work. "I'm sorry, my lady, I have said too much. Do not ask any questions regarding what I just told you. The captain will have to tell you these things when he is more comfortable."

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Old 03-31-2010, 01:57 AM

"You mean there are times when he gets the stick out of his ass?" Rhianwen commented softly with a smirk, knowing that if the captain overheard Quincy talking to her and he accused him of stepping out of bounds, she'd cover for the older man.

Sending a glare at the captain, Rhianwen stood perfectly still for the measurements, cooperating with Quincy and ready to help make his job easier should he seem to want or require it. For the most part, she ignored the dark haired male on his bed and waited patiently for her new drawers to be finished.

Lord Frappuccino
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Old 03-31-2010, 03:08 AM

"Quincy?" Orcinus asks the old man while looking up at the ceiling of his quarters. Quincy stops what he is doing, "Yes, sir?"
"Do you think we are stepping out of bounds with our mission? Do you think that people really don't understand our true intentions?"
Quincy looks back down at Rhianwen and continues his work. "Honestly speaking sir, yes, I feel our mission is hiding our true intentions. I personally believe that our last mission was a complete failure. You need to learn how to promote your true intentions instead of sheltering them."
Orcinus sits up and looks towards his tailor and then looks back down at his feet. "If father was still here, things would be better. I am a lousy captain. I am surprised my crew hasn't mutinied yet..."
Quincy holds up a finger to the new crew member to tell her to wait for a minute and he hobbles up to the young captain. "Sir, you are a great captain. Your father would be proud. You just have way too much pride for what you are doing and you need to settle it down."
"Yes, I understand..." He looks over and notices Rhianwen. "You! What are you doing in here?! Get out!" She looks at him, not sure what she did wrong. "I said, GET OUT!!" He quickly stands up from his bed, rage filling his eyes.
Quincy tosses her another key and says to her: "two doors down to the right, you can get out of your skirt in there. Please excuse the captain, he is not well."

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Old 03-31-2010, 03:24 AM

Making sure to keep her face neutral, the young woman hid her obvious eavesdropping. She was very curious by nature, and their conversation intrigued her.
Rhianwen frowned. First he told her to go to his quarters to get fitted for an outfit, and then he wanted her to leave without getting such a simple task done? Hell no.
Standing her ground despite the words of the older man and the furious gaze in the captain's eyes, the young woman folded her arms over her chest. "Excuse me, but I still need to get something to put on in place of the skirt. And why should I leave captain? Just because you throw a tantrum, doesn't mean I should listen. Giving orders when you are not yourself seems foolish. Only thing worse would be if you allowed yourself to be drunk and make decisions."


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