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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 06:38 PM

Welcome to Jumping Jack's

The cafe is a bit small but roomy. It has a cozy, almost homey feel to it. Jumping Jack's is located just on the corner of a busy street in a medium sized city. It hasn't been open long and is in need of employees. Two 'Now Hiring' signs are posted on both of the big front windows that look out towards the street and a smaller sign sits on the counter just next to the cash register.

Inside the cafe the counter is located at the far wall. A doorway set into that wall behind said counter leads to the kitchen. Where a delicious variety of aromas slip from the cracks to tantalize waiting customer's senses. There are all manner of tables and chairs set up along the side walls and in the center of the floor. Leaving enough space in between for people to move about and for waiters to serve customers. The tables and chairs are a beautiful polished cherry wood. The counter tops, though actually marble have been designed to resemble the polished cherry wood tabletops. The floor is a nice stained dark wood that has been polished and deck scrubbed to shine.

Small menus sit neatly on each table, a large menu hangs on the back wall above and behind that counter.

Jumping Jack's is owned and operated by Jade Delacroix.



1. Follow Mene's rules.
2. PG-13
3. Violence, drama, and romance are not a problem. Just keep it all pg-13
4. I am GOD of this rp. My word is LAW
5. Profiles are NOT required I will however have Jade's profile up.
6. If you want to play a character that is employed, I ask that you do not play a character that is a customer. I'm not against people playing multiple characters..I just want to give other people a chance to join the rp also. That way it doesn't seem to....erh...crowded.

Want to be employed at Jack's?

1. Send me a PM titled Jumping Jack's with your character name, the position you want and a short bio.
2. I will approve or deny your application with a PM. Most likely I will approve it though.
3. There is an assistant manager position. However I will be very picky about who gets that, therefore it does not go on the list of available positions.
4. Employees do not get paid in actual mene gold. This is a role play. It's make believe and if you post alot and everyday then you'll earn lotsa gold anyway.

Available Positions

Chefs/Cooks (need quite a few)
Bus Boy
(And..if you think of any other kind of position that isn't listed then tell me in your PM. I'll most likely give it to you.)


Positions that are filled

Username: Kry
Character Name: Jade Delacroix

Username: QueeniE*BEE
Character Name: Carina Rae

Username: Chryssta
Character Name Miranda

Username: Maka-chan
Character Name: Maria Scarlet

Username: RainbowMuffinage
Character Name: Skye Wendy Stoneson

Still have two waiter/waitress open positions.

Username: L a f a y e t t eFAN
Character Name: Tallie Todd

Character Name:Antria Fisonna

Head Chef
Username: sadithealchemist
Character Name: Kristopher Foxx

All other cooks/chefs:

Short-Order Cook:
Username: Arthur Ghent
Character Name: Conor Adams

A few positions still open.

Bus Boy:
all positions currently open


*Note: Prices are made up. This is a RP. Real money is not taken nor do I want you to send me your gold for make-believe items.

*Chefs/House specials are anything the head chef decides to fix that is not on the menu. Prices of those may vary*
Iced Coffee
Fresh Brewed Coffee
Decaf Coffee

SMALL: $1.60 MEDIUM: $1.85 LARGE: $1.95

Chai Tea
Green Tea Latte
Green Tea
Hot Tea
Shaken Iced Tea
Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade

SMALL: $3.00 MEDIUM: $3.55 LARGE: $3.85

Coffee Alternatives:
Hot Chocolate
Vanilla Creme
Caramel Apple Cider

SMALL: $2.55 MEDIUM: $2.80 LARGE: $3.05

*Sandwiches come with a small bag of chips*
Ham and Swiss
Turkey and Swiss
Terragon Chicken Salad
Tuna Melt
Egg Salad
Roma Tomato and Mozzarella

One plate lunch: $3.50 Two plate lunch: $5.50 Three plate lunch: $7.50 Four plate lunch: 9.50

*Free iced tea with three and four plate lunches*

Couscous salad with curried chicken
Deluxe fruit blend

All salads are priced at: $3.25

Chocolate Chip

One cookie: $.25 Two cookies: $.75 Four cookies: $1.25

Pie and Cakes:
Boston Creme Pie
Apple Pie
Red Velvet Cake
Coconut Custard Pie
Pecan Pie
Peach Cobbler

One slice: $1.25 Half a cake/pie: $5.50


Username: Kry

Name: Jade Delacroix
Age: 22

Bio: When Jade was very young his biological parents left him in the care of an orphanage. He lived in that orphanage for about three years before a rather wealthy French-American family adopted him. The husband wanting and needing an heir to his company. A young man that he could shape and mold to be the perfect businessman and executive. An owner of a very large American based, but French tech company. Jade was home-schooled by his 'father'. Learning the ways of business and also how to cheat others out of their fair share of the stocks and what not. However, Jade's interests did not lie in the same place as his 'father' wished them to. The man was very abusive, very strict. Jade did what he could to keep his 'father' happy, but it never seemed to be enough. For a long time Jade saved up what money he could get from doing odd jobs and from doing office work for his 'father'. Finally with enough money saved up and now a grown man and able to actually go against his 'father', Jade moved away. Coming to this city, though only a couple hundred miles from where his 'father' lives, to open up and start his own business.

Personality: Jade tries to keep a smile on his face. Though he does keep in slight contact with his 'family' he tries not to let the evidence of his father's abuse show. He tries to be a pleasant and nice person to be around and work with.

Orientation: Jade takes pleasure in the company of young men and young women, though mostly he seems more inclined to young men.


Opening Post

Jade sighed softly, leaning against the counter and staring at the front doors. He had only just flipped the sign around to open a few minutes ago. Though..he did feel a bit hesitant about opening up right now. With no employees to help out. What if he had a huge rush? Gods, how would he be able to keep up. Jade was frowning, and his brow was creased a bit. However, it wouldn't do to think such things. Shaking his head slightly, that frown quickly turning to a smile. He had to smile. Smile for the customers. Instead of his jacket and that red button down shirt, both of which were balled up below the counter, Jade wore a white apron over his black short sleeved shirt. Black pants covered him from waist down, and black on black converse sneakers hid his feet. On the front of the apron was a the ones on playing cards, except it didn't have a lower head, it had legs and it appeared to be in the midst of a jumping jack. Afterall, that was the shop's name, wasn't it? Jade smirked at that.

Outside on the top front of the building was the same thing. Lined with neon lights. A Jack in the midst of doing a jumping jack. The entire thing was amusing. At least to Jade. His smile was real now. No longer forced as he thought of his shop's namesake. He would get customers and he would get employees..and then they would see. He could make it on his own.

Last edited by Kry; 05-09-2013 at 02:53 AM..

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 10:36 PM

Standing in front of the store window on the busy street was girl, Carina, ringing the strap of her backpack tightly in her hand she contemplated if this was the job she really wanted. Taking a deep breathe she gritted her teeth in determination before opening the door and walking inside, the chime signaling her arrival. Instantly the sticky sweet smell of fresh pastries hit her senses causing her to inhale deeply, taking it all in. Looking around she spotted a blond haired man leaning against the counter and walked over to him.

"Um..excuse me but are you the owner here? I'm......I'm here to apply for the waitress job." Carina carefully stuttered this out her voice barely carrying over the noise of the people outside. Reaching up she moved her long dark brown hair away from her face.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 10:44 PM

As soon as that door opened Jade was nothing but smiles and bright green eyes. A customer An employee. At her words that smile turned to a grin, and Jade knew he wasn't going about this the right way. "That's right, I'm the owner. Jade Delacroix." A french last name, but he didn't have an accent at all. There wasn't an ounce of French in his blood. It didn't take him long to come out from behind that counter. Holding his hand out to shake hers. "Oh..So you want to be a waitress, then? How soon can you start? If you can start right now, I'll give you the job. No interview necessary." He glanced around the cafe a moment. Looking a bit sheepish and slightly embarrassed. "I suppose..I should've hired employees before actually opening up shop. But..I was so excited."

He took her by the shoulder and turned her towards one of the counters, behind glass sat slices of cakes and pies. "I was so very excited. I stayed up all night baking for the grand opening..Doesn't that look wonderful?" He inhaled deeply. "And it smells so delightful." He blinked and looked at her. "Oh...right. Like I said. The job is yours if you can start immediately."

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 10:54 PM

Reaching out Carina gingerly took his hand to shake before pulling it back to her side "My name is Carina Rae." Then hearing what Jade said about there being no interview she smiled bright "Ofcourse I can start right now. It's a very beautiful shop I could see why you would be excited." Then realizing how loud she was Carina shushed up immediately and turned bright red. Feeling him put her hand on her shoulder she jumped slightly before gently easing away and looking behind the class at the beautiful done cakes and pies. I wish I had my camera on me.These would be awesome pictures. Straightening up Carina turned to him a new look in her dark green eyes "I will very much like to work for you Mr. Delacroix"

Last edited by QueeniE*BEE; 04-20-2010 at 10:54 PM.. Reason: .

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:04 PM

His eyes widened slightly and he seemed to beam even more at her, if at all possible. "Good. Great. Wonderful!" He was nearly bouncing on his feet, though rather quickly he blushed slightly and seemed calm some. "R-right." He cleared his throat and moved behind the counter. "Your personal things can be put here." He had disappeared. Or rather. Knelt down behind the counter, close to the floor inside the back of the counter were several small cabinets, each one with it's own lock and a key in each lock. There was one lock with no key in it..and that was where Jade's things were. "You can pick whichever personal cabinet you want. They are all the same size and if there isn't enough for every employee that I hire..there are some in the kitchen area." He was rising from that kneeling position to stand back up.

"We're empty right you can wander around the cafe and familiarize yourself with the location of everything. As soon as a customer comes in though, take their order pronto. Remember to be very polite and smile. Always smile." He was still smiling, which he often did smile anyway. As an afterthought he added. "Please..Just call me Jade. Mr. Delacroix is my..father."

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:24 PM

Nodding she knelt down choosing the cabinet farthest away at the very end of the row unlocking it she threw her backpack and scarf in before closing it and stuffing the key into her pocket. Standing up she brushed off her pants she turned to him. The part about always smiling turned her off alittle because she didn't think she could fake smile. "Do I get a uniform and a notebook to take the orders with?" she asked looking at his black and rad assemble raising an eyebrow.Carina didn't think her own outfit was appropriate for taking orders.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:31 PM

"A uniform..?" He blinked and shook his head. "Well...No..we don't have uniforms. We do have these nifty aprons though!" And Jade had turned and dashed into the kitchen, not far into the kitchen. On both sides of the kitchen doors were wooden pegs in the wall each peg held two or three aprons. Just like the one he was wearing. He snatched one off the peg and came back through the kitchen doors in a rush.

"Here..This is the only required uniform type thing...Unless..if you want actual uniforms..I sure I could pull something together." He looked rather thoughtful. "Maybe the same company that made the apron's could do a uniform type thing.." He blinked. "Oh!" He snatched a small pad from the stack next to the register and a pen from the cup on the corner of the counter and handed those to her as well. "Here's the nifty little notebook thingy and a fully functional pen." He grinned at Carina. Oh yes. Jade was probably going about this entire thing wrong. In fact. He knew he was. His father would have a heart attack if he could see the way Jade was already running this business.

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:46 PM

At first when Jade started to talk and move around Carina only blinked then as he carried on and on a smile came upon her lips before laughter spilled out causing her whole body to tremble slightly. After several minutes she finally calmed down and straightened up wiping tears from her eyes. "Are you always like this?" she asked grabbing the notepad and apron from Jade's hands.Tying the apron around her waist Carina said "If so I just might really enjoy working here." Giggling once more she moved to grab one of the menus and sat down at a table to memorize the items and prices.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:54 PM

Jade blinked and shrugged slightly at her question. Always like what? He wondered for a moment and shrugged again. "I dunno..I suppose I am..Probably. Though I'm not sure of what you mean." He was bouncing on his feet for a moment. "Oh..Right. Employees are entitled to free food. I haven't set a limit to how much employees are allowed to have for free..just...don't get carried away. I'd hate to go bankrupt just 'cause all my employees decided to eat all of the delicious foods." He watched her as she moved to sit down and looked over the menu.

He was still smiling brightly. "Yes..I hope your working experience here is a very enjoyable one." Jade nodded slightly and looked towards the door. So many people outside, but not a customer inside. He fought the urge to frown and won. That smile remained on his lips as he watched that front entrance with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:54 PM

Miranda pokes her head into the cafe, looking around hesitantly, ready to jump back and run if anyone started yelling. There were two people in there talking, and she didn't want to bother them, but she did hear this place was newly opened. She hoped they might be looking for employees. "Uhm, hello...?" She was ignoring the fact that she was still in the doorway, completely blocking it if anyone else wanted in. When the realization hit her, she quickly moved into the building and backed against the wall beside the door, her tail in her hands, which were wringing it in a somewhat painful manner.

She was looking at the floor, her ears, those of a fox like her tail, were pressed flat against her head. She was honestly scared to be in there, but unfortunately, some places weren't online, and she'd have to show up for work eventually if she wanted a job. If she started getting beaten again, she'd leave again.

She was backed as far into the wall as possible, unable to go any further back without becoming one with the wall. "I... uh... If you don't mind..." She couldn't get out a sentence without hesitations, her severe shyness keeping her from speaking loudly.

Last edited by Chryssta; 04-20-2010 at 11:58 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:00 AM

That door that he had been watching opened and a girl had poked her head in before fully entering. Jade was practically wriggling. A customer or a new employee? He wasn't sure but he was excited. The scrawny young man, with one hand on the counter top, had leaped over the counter. "Hello! Welcome to Jumping Jack's!" Perhaps Jade was being a bit too enthusiastic. However, he also seemed to be restraining himself, he didn't miss the way the girl was wringing her...tail. Nor did he miss the way those...ears were flat against her skull. She seemed to be afraid.

Jade's long legs rather quickly brought him to that girl, but he stopped a small distance from her and held his hand out to her, to shake. "I'm Jade Delacroix. Owner of Jumping Jack's. How can I help you today, Miss?"

Last edited by Kry; 04-21-2010 at 12:03 AM.. Reason: typo

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:04 AM

Looking up when she heard the door opened Carina stood and watched as the girl came in and backed up against the wall. Smiling she walked alittle bit closer, noting how the girl looked ready to bolt at any moment. Suddenly Jade came bounding over shouting and Carina took a step back letting him handle it.

Her eyes darted quickly to the girls head where a pair of ears sat and then down to her hands which looked to be painfully twisting a tail. Carina quickly recalled as she was when she first entered the shop as well her nervousness and shyness getting the better of her. Jade also seemed to notice her mood and stopped a few steps before her, allowing the girl space.

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:11 AM

Miranda's bright blue eyes went wide fast, then just as quickly, she snaps them shut and curls around herself, trying to escape. In that instant, she'd forgotten where the door was. It didn't matter that he wasn't attacking her, she immediately assumed she'd done wrong and that a beating was coming. "I'm... I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." She was turning to leave, but she'd turned the wrong way. In that moment, she drops down, knowing that a smaller target meant less areas of pain. If she curled up, it wouldn't hurt as badly.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:22 AM

Jade's eyes widened and he looked away for a moment. He knew that kind of reaction. It was the kind that he'd given often to his 'father'. It was the way some acted when they thought a beating was coming. For a moment anger flowed through him and then it was gone. Slowly Jade moved. Lowering himself to the floor and reaching out to very gently lay his hand on her shoulder. "Easy. It's alright, nothing bad will happen to you here." His voice had dropped from it's happy, excited pitch to a softer, easier one. "Come now..How about a cup of tea?"

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:32 AM

Hearing the last part Carina quickly moved to behind the counter and to the kitchen were,thankfully, a kettle of some hot tea was already made. Taking off the stove she searched threw the cabinets for bit before coming upon a three plain mug,one for her and Jade as well. Grabbing the kettle she poured some tea into them and placed them on a tray, walking back out heading toward the two of them. To be honest she was kinda freaked as this was the first time she has ever seen someone act that way and i made it kinda obvious what had happened to her.

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:48 AM

To be honest, she did flinch at his touch, but she didn't want to admit that it was a gentle touch. She had to reel in her imagination before it ran away with thoughts of past 'simple touches' that led to pain. "But no one likes freaks... It always happens... Always..." She was still curled up, looking positively pathetic, but her eyes were still hopeful. She did want a job, but she was sure that after her cowardly entrance into the shop, he'd just laugh and tell her to go away. She was such a waste after all, it wouldn't surprise her if no one would hire her for even the most mundane tasks.

She looks at the other girl, envious of her seemingly easy going character, but looks away just as quickly. "I... I don't have any money... I was hoping for a job, but I'm such a waste of flesh. I'm so sorry... I'll leave... You don't want freaks here..."

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Maka-chan is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 12:57 AM

Maria waited at the crosswalk across from the Cafe as she heard they were applying so she wanted to get there before they had too many and before the doctors knew that Maria ran away from the hospital as she was sick with Leukemia ."i need to hurry"Maria told herself as she doubted the doctors had a donor since she had been in the hospital for a year now.The crosswalk was ready for people to walk across the street.

As Maria saw the sign for the crosswalk saying it was ready for them to walk Maria Ran across the crosswalk.As She made it across she was in front of Jumping Jack's Cafe.She opened the door as she looked around for whom was in charge of the Cafe.she went up to the front counter."hello i would like to apply for a job here"Maria said

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 01:00 AM

Jade's heart was breaking. It was shattering, it was crumbling into teeny tiny bits and pieces and his eyes shimmered. The young man looked as if he were ready to cry. How could she say such things? Jade was frowning, he couldn't fight that frown off. "Nonsense. You aren't a freak. You are you and that's all that matters." He glanced at Carina. Smiling at her. Grateful that she had taken it upon herself to go and get the tea.

Jade was rising to his feet, but both of his hands were on that girl's shoulders and he was gently guiding her up to her feet. "Come over here. Have a nice sit down and drink some tea, We can discuss the terms of your employment after you've calmed down a bit. Alright?" Once they were on their feet Jade guided her to the closest chair and table. " He stopped.

Glancing up and towards the counter. Another frown, then a smile. "Alright, dear.." Jade called to the girl at the counter. "Whatever position you want, if you can start right now it's yours. No interview. Aprons are in the kitchen..sort of...there are locker type things behind the front counter and what not."

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Old 04-21-2010, 01:06 AM

"i'd like to have a job as a waitress here if its not too much to ask"Maria said as she had quite pale skin as she smiled a bit."no interview?you don't need to know anything about me?"Maria asked curiously as all the other jobs she tried to apply for would ask and she would say the illness she has and they would never let her have the job even if she was cured."i'd be glad to start right now" Maria said as she peeked a bit slowly seeing the lockers a bit as she had her arms behind her back i hope they don't find out that i have an illness or...that im not a human even though i do like human.

Last edited by Maka-chan; 04-21-2010 at 01:31 AM..

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 01:16 AM

Watching them sit down Carina placed the the tea down infront of them giving the girl a gentle smile before placing a hand on Jade shoulder feeling how tight it was under her finger tips. "I'll go talk to the other girl if that's alright with you." she stated softly so that only he could here "You take care of her right now." Giving a tight lip smiled Carina looked to the other girl and kneeled down beside her chair "I don't think you're a freak" Patting the girls knee gently Carina stood before slipping away toward the counter. Luckily there were no actually customers in yet.

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 01:30 AM

Miranda followed his lead, assuming that if she didn't resist, then he wouldn't hurt her. Once she was sitting in the chair, she couldn't help but look at him surprised. "You would hire me?" One of her fox ears twitched upwards, but didn't fully raise. She forgot her fear, but didn't totally leave it behind. "You would want something like me working in your shop?"

She doesn't make a move for the tea, having already said that she can't pay for it. She repeats her financial situation though, so that she was sure he understood she wasn't trying to be rude. "I can't pay for the tea. I don't have any money. I don't have anything. No home, no money, nothing but what I'm wearing."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 01:43 AM

Jade nodded to Carina, smiling softly to her. "Yes..that seems like a good idea. Show her around, or something." His attention was quickly on the fox eared girl. Those green eyes swimming with emotion. "It's alright. The tea is on me." He was already reaching for the cup Carina had left for him. Bringing it to his lips and sipping it slowly for a moment. His eyes didn't leave her.

"Of course I'll hire you. You don't have anything at all..and after hearing you say could I not hire you? Not having anything...then you need a job. You need something. A way to make money and support yourself right? Well. Here. I'll hire you. Right now. All of my employees get free food and drink.." A finger was on his chin and he looked thoughtful. "Not having a place to live is a big problem though..." His brow furrowed slightly. "I live in the apartment over the cafe..but..I suppose you could stay there to. For awhile. The stairs that lead up to it are in the very back of the kitchen." That finger dropped from his chin and he grinned at her, taking another sip of his tea.

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 02:05 AM

[[I think Carina is the only one here with no problems or anything LOL]]

Reaching the girl at the counter Carina stuck out her hand smile firmly in place. "Hello my name is Carina Rae." Stepping up behind the counter she found a stool and sat in it pulling one out for the other girls as well. "I just started today myself but if you need anything just ask me or I could show you around." Grabbing the menu she began to look over it as she waited for the girl to answer as she didn't finish before due to the other girl coming in. As her feet didn't quite reach the ground she began to swing them back and forth.

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Maka-chan is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 02:10 AM

"do we get any uniforms?"Maria asked as she was a bit lost."like vest with button of blouses uniforms like that?"Maria said as she tried describing what kind of unifrom she meant

Maria moved her hands from behind her as she slightly twirled her hair even though at this point her hair was beginning to fall out due to her Leukemia. i wish my hair would stop falling out...

Last edited by Maka-chan; 04-21-2010 at 02:13 AM..

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 02:18 AM

Carina giggled alittle "I asked that same question at first to but he just said all we need is an apron. It would be cool f we had actual uniforms though." Blinking Carina got up and moved into the kitchen to fetch her an apron, notepad and pen. Walking out she handed them to her. "Here you go and since we don't really have any customers right now so you can just roam and make yourself familiar with everything." she then went back to the menu

Last edited by QueeniE*BEE; 04-21-2010 at 02:30 AM.. Reason: .


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