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Old 05-15-2010, 09:08 AM

Legend of the Dragons

As told by Master Komodo (Sotto Voice: do I really have to say all of this? okay fine...just keep the meat coming...)

Little Tokyo has had it's share of dragon attacks. But no one really knows what exactly the dragons mean. Well I'm here to tell you the truth of the dragons and their roll in the universe.

When the planet was young, there was nothing, no air, no fire, no life. So the Great Being/Dragon/Spirit, whatever the heck ya wanna call Him/Her/It created the five elemental dragons. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Metal. They were chaotic, but that doesn't mean good or bad, just means that they did whatever they wanted. So the 5 elements created, life began to flourish. The elemental dragons did whatever they wanted contently, until the Great Being/Dragon/Spirit/Whatever decided that there needed to be some order to chaos. So the Lawful Guardians were created. They were mortal, from whatever species happened to be around at the time and in charge and kept the dragons in line.

And it was all hunky dory until the humans decided to screw that all up!! They forgot about the guardians and the dragons...which means that their guardians weren't doing their job to stop the Evil Ones from summoning the five dragons into one spot (btw NOT a good idea) and they began to fight over who was better and what not...this summoned The Black Dragon. The Dragon that would wipe the Earth clean and start anew. So bye-bye humans. And that's where we are today. We Beasts took over from where the humans left off. We developed, grew, decided to do our jobs for the most part.

Speedy: okay so what does that have to do with this game?

Komodo: Shut up and give me my pizza ya useless mammal Feline! *grabs Pizza and shoves him out of the door* I'm done. i'm on my coffee break.

Orial: *sweatdrop* can cut the recorder now tha-

Legend of the Dragons | Table of Contents | Plot | Rules | Character Application | Accepted Characters


Table Of Contents
Legend of the Dragons
Table of Contents <== you are here
Character Application
Accepted Characters

Legend of the Dragons | Table of Contents | Plot | Rules | Character Application | Accepted Characters



(Orial: Give me the mic! *cough* thank you...)

Okay so Plot...Basically, i have only seen the first 10 minutes of the first episode and fell in love with this TV show. so here we go.

The plot is that the Evil Ones are back, and they're trying to wipe Little Tokyo and the world of the Beasts to re-start the world. Which means that we need new Lawful Guardians! Master Komodo is the head of a tournament in Little Tokyo which invites fighters from all over the world to come and prove who is the best. In reality this is to see who would make the best Lawful Guardians! Of course the tournament is interrupted by the Evil Ones as they come in and well...turns out that Komodo has less time than he thinks to train the new guardians.

The game starts at the semi-final rounds of the tournament. Characters are encouraged to be from all over the world and from as many species as possible. but more on that in Character applications. Hope to see you at the tournament!

Legend of the Dragons | Table of Contents | Plot | Rules | Character Application | Accepted Characters



1) I AM GOD! What i says go you are to follow them!
2) Romance is welcome!
3) No Godmodding! I will determine whether a hit hits NPCs or my characters. If this takes off I will create an OOC for battle plans.
4) Keep To the rules of Menewesha! this is straight forward.
5) Keep swearing to a min! some is allowed but please keep it PG-13
6) Respect other players! If you have issues, please PLEASE try to talk it out! respect each other to keep the game fun!
7) HAVE FUN!! yes. it's a rule
8 )All character applications must be submitted to me in a pm with the title "Of course we serve shrimp it doesn't matter how big you are!"
9) Breaking of the fourth wall is encouraged
10) As is randomness
11) HAVE FUN! did i say that already?
12) HAVE FUN! :D is it through yet? this is a silly RPG

Legend of the Dragons | Table of Contents | Plot | Rules | Character Application | Accepted Characters


Character Application

Fighting Style:
Weapon Of Choice:
Where are you from:

Legend of the Dragons | Table of Contents | Plot | Rules | Character Application | Accepted Characters


Accepted Characters

Username: Orial
Name: Master Komodo
Age: unknown (looks about 75)
Sex: Male
Species: Komodo Dragon
Fighting Style: Kendo
Weapon Of Choice: Fan and bladed fan
Where are you from: Little Tokyo Japan
Description: Master Komodo is a dark green/brown lizard with a long strong tail. he generally wears a red male kimono top with kendo pants and tabi socks and Gatta sandals. he's very traditional in his clothing.
Profile: Master Komodo is a strange man...dragon...lizard thing. He generally keeps to himself, teaching Kendo to a select few students whom he deems worthy. He is wicked quick with the fan, though so watch out. If he sees you slacking off you'll feel it with that bamboo fan
History: Master Komodo doesn't say much about his past, he keeps to himself mostly and if anyone asks him about his past he immediately changes the subject or gives them something else to do for the next six hours.
Other: He has an assistant, a small pudgy fox named Kami

Username: Orial
Name: Kami
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Species: Red Fox
Fighting Style: Unknown
Weapon Of Choice: Unknown
Where are you from: Little Tokyo Japan
Description: Kami is a very short and fat fox. He is traditional in his clothing just like his employer Master Komodo and wears the same colors, red top, white pants, tabi sock and gatta sandals.
Profile: Kami is a bright personality and is always running around doing errands for Master Komodo. He is usually seen preparing Master Komodo's dinner, which is strange in and of itself due to the fact that it's mostly raw meat.
History: Kami is just like Master Komodo when it comes to his history, except the dark glare he gives the person who asks is most likely to turn them to ice...or just give them really bad chills.
Other: he's recently been seen and heard talking to himself about strange things...

Username: Orial
Name: Bakuken
Sex: Male
Species: Cat
Fighting Style: Two Handed Swordsmanship
Weapon Of Choice: Twin Katanas
Where are you from: Little Kyoto Japan
Description: Bakuken is a orange/red colored cat with a large bushy tail. he wears a samurai armor that is red and white with gold trim. When not in his armor he wears traditional clothing that looks like it's been passed down eight times.
Profile: Bakuken is a very feisty passionate cat. He is loyal to everyone whom he considers his friends and is willing to die in battle defending them. He has a tendency to be overly emotional at times, both being goaded into a fight as well as bawling at the first sad thing he hears.
History: Bakuken is the youngest of 9 sons. He was born in Kyoto to a small farming family turned samurai. He has trained with his family and is the only one to date who has mastered the twin sword fighting style that was created by his great-great-grandfather.
Other: Bakuken has a bottomless pit for a stomach.

Legend of the Dragons | Table of Contents | Plot | Rules | Character Application | Accepted Characters
Coffee NAOW!!! Wants: Kitsune & Dragon CI
"I didn't escape! they gave me a daypass!" :ninja:
Help! I've been tossed into another dimension in costume! OOC
Bionicle RPG

Last edited by Orial; 05-15-2010 at 09:58 AM..


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