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The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-26-2010, 07:59 PM

Setting the secne

Thunder cracks, a person is working in their labrtory. Beside them two cages, one containing a rat, the other a lizard... They are working on a new project, a project to create human animal hybrids for human use. The rat stares at the person, she is watching them closely. They raise the test tube...she wonders what is going on for a momment, then runs on her wheel as though it were a normal day. The person inspects the test tube and the lizard begins scratching at his cage. He works to get out but fails. The storm outside calms, and the expiriment is ready to be tested on the animals. Police cars ring outside the lab. The person hides the supplies and darts upstairs. Nothing like the neighbours said, they deiny, and they are belived by the police. The police leave, back to the test... A few years later here we are, same person, same animals, but a different life and a different stance on things.

And me thinks its fancy enough...

Last edited by The Bebe Girl; 05-27-2010 at 11:49 PM..

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 12:09 AM

Adon yawned lightly as he walked up the stairs, looking around. "Oy... Where are you two?" He ran a hand through his dark brown hair, wavy strands stubbornly returning to their place, giving him a disheveled appearance.

His white lab coat was tattered at the ends, dull and faded red spots at the end eerily reminding one of blood, and the man pulled a pocket watch from his brown pants, glancing at it. "Its time for your medicine." His voice never went above the low and soft tone of his, perhaps incapable of yelling, by the scar seen on his throat that his white collared shirt failed to hide completely.

He slipped the watch back into his pocket and finally arrived at the stop of the staircase. Walking down the hall, he stopped at the third door on the right and entered, revealing a small infirmary specifically for injections and wounds. He rummaged through the cabinet in the white - Too much so, perhaps he would have to repaint it into a more pleasant color- room, pulling out a pair of latex gloves and a box of band aids. He then went through a drawer, taking a couple of syringes and vials of strange liquid and placing them on the counter as well. He slipped the gloves on and began filling the syringes with their respective liquids.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 12:45 AM

Sanna steped off the tread mill panting like a race horse, and for a good reason too. she had just made her own sprint record of 37km/h. Puffing, she recorded her reasults. Soon she will be able to push herself to be the fastest runner ever. accualy technically she already was, with the top being 36.88km/h, but that was to close for her likeing. Her tail flicked around the table she was recording herself on and she braced herself on the table with her arms. It was nearly time for that shot again. Should she hide? No punishment is to high, and what would happen anyway if she went without it? She sat down for a momment, back against the table leg.

When Sanna looked around she saw that Lou was benching weights across the room from her. When did her even get in? She pulled herself to her feet to see how he was doing. When she wabbled over, still sea legged, she saw his weight count added to 250lbs. How did he lift that? He was so scrawny. His thin scale-coverd arms didnt look like they could bench 50lbs, let alone 200lbs. What would happen if he ever built up to his full potencial? She imagined him completely bulked up holding a truck over his head, the thought was busted however biy looking back at him. With his thin, thin waste he had to belt his already-to-small-for-her jeans with a BOYS belt, his t-shirt, flug half way accross the room when on looked like a night shirt. She sighed and shook her head.

Lou lifted his weights to the stand above his head when he noticed he was being watched. "Break your last record yet?", he asked as he observed the flashing numbers on the treadmill ahead. he thought to himself for a momment; for all that Sanna was an unusual creature, she was a beutiful one. Her ankles and legs were heavly muscled like that of the runner she was, but kept their perfect female elegance. She was thin wasted, but curvy, her tail came out uner her skirt without a sign of its place of attactment. Her breasts he though, he best not go there, and her face had a simple elegant beuty that the pure white fur amplifed 200%. She had long, pin straight human like hair on her head, something he could never grow.

"Yes, but not by much.", she replyed and sat next to the bench.

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 01:04 AM

He looked up and noted the the two had yet to arrive at the infirmary. Well, that was mildly irritating. He set the items in his hands down and went out into the hall. "Sanna, Lou. Come before I get angry." He called, if you could name such a soft voice that. And yet, perhaps it was the acoustics of the place, it was heard clearly.

He would give them two minutes. If they weren't there by then, he would have to administer discipline. He wondered what he would use, the usual tactics were beginning to bore him and they would probably be used to it by now. His thoughts were interrupted, however, when his cellphone rang. He took off his gloves and answered it.


"How are they coming along?"

"Well enough, I'm about to give them their shots."

"I still find your choice of animals... Displeasing."

"But they are the most abundant, are they not? Regardless, they are progressing well. I may be able to experiment on more later on and choose more acceptable creatures."

"Good, good... I would like to drop by and see how they have turned out myself, if you don't mind."

"Depends on when."

"Lets say... Two days from now."

"Alright then. Is there anything else?"

"One thing... I'd rather you make your next experiments in question less... Powerful. And use mostly female subjects. While those two would be good for the dirtier work, we could use some for the other rings."

Adon made a face that looked mostly disgusted but a slight amused. "I'll see what I can do, Mr. Rannel." There was a tsk on the other side of the line.

"Would it kill you to be more casual? I AM your brother."

"Good bye, sir."

"...Fine, if you wanna play it that way... You too, Doctor Rannel." There was a click on the other end and Adon flipped the cellphone shut, sighing in irritation.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 01:24 AM

An alarm beeped in the gym. Sanna and Lou looked at each other, it was time. Sanna bolted out of the gym tho the infirmary like she was in some sort of race and kneeled in front of her master, if she had been much later she was sure she'd be hurt.

Lou ran behind Sanna, although his sprint was harly useful. It took a good minute for him to arrive at her side, also kneeling, but shooting her the Wait up next time, will ya? look. He realised his T-shirt was still in the gym, but leaving would be an idiot decision, one he would have made years ago...

Lou and Sanna both waited paciently for their master. Lou's back tightened, as he was expecting to be hit for being late. The sweat poored down Sanna's back. She looked up at her master with admireing, but fearful eyes. "Sir?" She felt her heart beat faster and faster with a mix of emotions.

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 02:02 AM

They were still scared of him, despite not having been punished for a good few months now because they knew better. His lips twitched upwards a moment before he gave Lou a light whap on the head- It wouldn't hurt much, but it was a warning, almost as if he were saying 'Cut it a little closer next time, would you?'. As it turned out, Lou had gotten there at the last second.

"Go sit on the table." He stated as he grabbed a new pair of latex gloves and slipped them on, picking up a syringe filled with dark blue liquid. He walked over to Lou first, grabbing his arm and locating a vein before using a small cotton dab wet with alcohol and wiped the area. He stuck it in and inserted the contents into his system. Once the syringe was empty, he quickly wiped away the small droplet of blood before putting a band-aid on it- He chose the dinosaur one for Lou, as usual.

Turning, he repeated the same process with Sanna, only the band-aid had cheese pictures on it. This was rather new, so for any inquiring eyes, he said "I found them in the drug store yesterday and couldn't resist" off handedly. After putting everything away, he looked back towards the two.

"We're going out today. Go wash up and get dressed, we have things to do." The door bell rang just after he said this and he sighed. Without any more words, he left the room and went downstairs to answer it.

He opened the door and was greeted with man who had long green hair and a large dopey smile. "Hi-" He promptly slammed the door in the person's face.

"Oh come ON, man! Throw me a bone here! I came with a car, didn't I?"

"I'm not letting you in until you take out that ridiculous dye."


Oh god, how long was this going to keep up? He waited two more minutes but the man had yet to breath or stop. With a long suffering sigh, he opened the door again.


"Fine. Now wait in the car."


"Do it, Pik." With a whine, the greenette turned and went back to a dark blue minivan. Adon closed the door and frowned as he went upstairs to change his clothing as well.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 02:27 AM

Lou, after having his head smacked, sat on the table and had his shot first. It stung, but he didnt comment aside from a cring. He looked at the bandage now on his arm, there were times it seemed like their master treated them like toys, or games, but there were others it seemed like he thought of them as-as children. After hearing to get dressed Lou left for some clean clothes.

Sanna hopped on the table after Lou. She held out her arm for the shot, although she flinched when it accually happened and her tail smacked hard against the table. She couldnt help but to grin at the bandage her master chose for her and skipped of to get changed when he was done.

As Lou was getting dressed he thought to himself. Where will we be going anyway? It wasnt like they went out often, and when they did all they got was akward stares. "Hmph, wonder why...". He chanded into a pair of plain jeans and a t-shirt with a geko on the front-really their master was so creative. When he went to the hall way Sanna had alreay changed, and was now wearing a black mini skirt and a Mini Mouse top. Headed down to the front entrance together and slipped on their flip flops-they were the easiest shoes for odd shaped feet. While they waited Lou wispered "Where are we going." and only got the reply "Dunno."

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 02:50 AM

"Sanna, hide your tail, Lou, put on a jacket. If anything else strange is poking out or visible, find a way to hide that too. We're going out of the neighborhood today." Adon stated as he walked into the room, a black T-shirt and a pair of baggy green camo pants. He rested his foot on a chair to lace his sneakers, and when that was done, grabbed his black leather shoulder bag.

"Get in Pik's car when you're ready." With that, he exited the house, slipping into the passenger's seat. Pik smiled. "So, they coming?"

"Yes, just wait for them." He said, pulling out a book to read.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 10:20 AM

Lou and Sanna looked at eachother amazed for a momment then started to dress heavier. Lou thew over his casual outfit a long green rain jacket that came down mid-calf and covered the end of his tail. He wraped a grey scarf over his neck and put on a base-ball cap to cover his bald head.

Sanna put on a long black trench coat and a pea cap to cover her ears, her hair easily covered her neck, the odd thing was it was only a few shades a darker blond the her pure whie body, would that look strange? Maybe she should dye it later...Her tail, she stared down at it. How would she hide it? It wasn't short and easy to hide like Lou's but longs so when relaxed it sat on the floor. "How?..." She had an idea. Sanna pushed her tail up under her coat and tucked into her skirt, the buldge was akward looking, but she fixed that by changing the postion of the belt.

She grabbed Lou's hand and rushed him out to the car...he seemed green...greener then normal. Maybe it was just her. Her cheeks blushed up when she got out to their master and the car. Lou was practically sulking though...

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 12:00 PM

"Hey kiddos~ How ya doing?" Pik seemed to be the only one who treated them like they were- Like they were normal. Adon seemed to ignore them for the most part, and it was only until Pik was driving and they were on the highway the doctor looked up. He frowned when he saw Lou's state.

"...Why are you turning green?" The 'again' was not said but hung in the car like a spider. The last time Lou had turned green, it was because he had been regressing back into a lizard. The time before that was an allergic reaction to his 'medicine'. And the time before THAT had been because the boy was out in the sun too long.

Pik seemed worried, compared to Adon's inquiring apathy. "That's not supposed to happen, issit? Aw crap... Should we turn aroun-"

"No need. He just needs to tell me if he feels strange and I'll take care of it." Pik raised a brow but did not argue, returning his full attention back onto the road.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 01:06 AM

"Okay." The two replyed at the same time the minute they heard Pik.
They climbed into the car, Sanna takeing the seat behind the driver, and Lou taking the other.

Lou's green went from solid and sickly, to pinkish and embaressed. "Nothing. I'm fine.", he said, "Where are we going?", Lou tried to change the topic. He was green only because of the akward car ride, and the fact that he was a bit squeemish about car rides anyway...not to menchion he was very hot in the long rain coat. He un-buttoned it and loosend the scarf a bit.

Sanna poked her head to the front of the car to check the time, and her stomach grumbled a little. She held her belly to wait till they got where ever they were going, then heard her friend ask where they were going. "Yeah, I wanna know too!", she said cheerfully, and gave her master the puppy eyes.

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 02:29 AM

Adon was unaffected by Sanna's attempt to look cute. "Hm, you'll find out in a few minutes." He didn't speak again after that, returning to his book. Just as he said, they arrived within a few minutes into town. Adon closed his book and put it away while Pik turned a few corners and parked.

"Get out of the car now. Pik, pick us up in two hours." Pik grumbled a little but saluted before he drove off once the two were out of the car. Adon began walking down the sidewalk until they arrived at a... Animal shelter? He opened the door, looked at the two and then...

"Take your pick. You can only choose one each. No lizards or rats, though, and don't rush. Don't go anywhere else, either. I'll be back in half an hour." With that, he left the shop.

He walked for a good fifteen minutes before he reached his destination. Entering the building, a young receptionist smiled at him as she looked up, but upon seeing him, her smile froze. "D-d-doctor Rannel... I, uhm... I, I'm afraid you will need an appointment, s-sir." His blank gave slowly narrowed, and she squeaked. "...I'llcallhimandletyouknowyou'recomingpleasegoah ead!"

And so Adon moved on, going down the hall until he arrived at a large ornate door. Without bothering to knock, he walked right in. "Glad to see you're as polite as ever, Doctor."

"Shut up, Tomas. Where is it?"

"Tch, over to your right in the duffel bag." Adon grabbed it and made to leave, but the other man raised a hand. "Hold on a moment... I have something to ask."

"Everyone does, for some reason."

"Do you know how long it will be until you have the antidote?"


"...Alright then. Good day."

"Hm." And so Adon walked out, smacking the secretary's desk, which elicited a shriek of terror, and began heading back to the animal shelter. Upon returning, looked around. "Sanna, Lou."

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 03:01 AM

Sanna pouted for a few minutes with her look doing nothing, untill they arrived at an animal shelter. They both got out of the car and when they were told they would be there for a half an hour they both flipped but not the same way. Sanna's first reaction was "OhMyGod Cool!!!", but Lou thought different and turned the other way. He gave Sanna a look of fear and shock and quickly hid in the back of the shelter.

When their master had left Lou asked Sanna "What do you think he will ddo with them?" in a very conserned voice. Sanna glanced at him for a momment."What do you mean?". Lou only shook his head.

When their master returned, Sanna was cudding a bunny in her arms and running in circles with it "You ar SOOO cute!" her voice squeaked like a fan girl that just ment their favourite star. Lou, on the other hand, had a blue parot perched on his hand, and was staring at Sanna with the bird. "She is always so easy to please..." he said do himself at a low mummble.

The not on the bird cage said that the bird's name was Nelly, and that she had been abused before claimed by the police and given to the shelter. The rabbits cage had the name Tom, and a note saying the bunny had been given to the shelter because it's owner could no longer afford the expences of owning a pet.

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 03:24 AM

Adon raised a brow at their choices but shrugged. "Alright then." He then went over to a small display and looked around before picking up a puppy, and afterwards went to the lady by the counter and paid the required amount as well as filling out forms.

Once this was done, he turned to the two. "Put them in their cages, we're going." He took a leash and collar out of his bag and put them on the puppy, a small shiba inu. The dog yipped happily and followed the doctor out the door, who began walking down the street, not bothering to wait for the other two.

After about ten minutes, they ended up at a park. He turned towards Sanna and Lou. "Those two are your pets, not my experiments, although if you happen to do anything out of line, consider them my next subjects." With that said, he walked up to an icecream vendor and bought ice cream cones for all three of them. Upon handing the two their respective ice creams(Really, did he think of them as children or tools?), he sat on a bench, apparently waiting for something.

After twenty minutes, whatever he was waiting for arrived, as a man in a black suit walked up to the doctor. "About damn time."

"Forgive the delay, we were held up by a skirmish."

"Don't care." The man in the suit looked to Sanna and Lou. "Are they-?"

"Yes. Are you going to hand it over or not?" The man in the suit nodded, and then handed something to the doctor. He then walked towards Sanna and Lou and attempted to give a kind smile, although it looked more like a grimace. He didn't look like he was used to smiling at all.

"Hello Sanna, Lou. I'm Mr. Odell. I've heard much about you. Would you like to tell me how you're progressing in your abilities?" Behind him on the bench, Adon gave them a look that said they had better answer or he was going to kill their little pets.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 03:55 AM

Sanna Licked her ice-cream and looked at the new man staning in front of her, then kneeled in fron of him and replyed "Hello, I'm Sanna, my progress is good so far, i just beat the world sprinting record, by 0.12km/h an think i could better it with time sir." She stood back up, and returned to her ice cream.

Lou stared for a long moment. Ice cream melted and ran down his hand, then he replyed, "Progress has not leped for a while. I'm benching 250lbs, but i have been for a month, i'm having trouble adding more muscle mass. Although...for my current for, i dont think i have done bad." He quickly licked up the dripping ice-cream till he had had enough, and handed his left over to Sanna, who finished his as well. Then he peeked in the bird cage beside tilted its head to the side...he made an observation; this bird had made no noise since he first picked it up, and birds were noisy creatures. Could it make a sound? And its flight feathers were clipped.


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