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Old 05-28-2010, 10:57 AM

A private roleplay between nekomorty and ToriKat.

Expect a tale of FOOD. Because we like to eat.

Expect a tale of BOYS. Boys are hot.

Expect a tale of LOVE, BOYS LOVE, ROMANCE, DRAMA, AND TEARS! Like...A KDRAMA! :D Because we love Kdramas!

Here is the OOC thread.

Last edited by ToriKat; 05-28-2010 at 11:00 AM..

ToriKat is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 11:00 AM

ToriKat's character profiles


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Old 05-28-2010, 11:03 AM

Nekomorty's character profiles


ToriKat is offline
Old 05-28-2010, 11:22 AM

Chapter 1 - Hooking Up

It was Friday night.

Starting from the last bells of the many classrooms, college students emptied the campus to begin their weekly ritual of alcohol and animalistic joys. A group of boys, blessed with both wealth and good looks, entered the fine restaurant of their choosing to embark on their routine. A nice meal with the guys, some music, drinks, girls, and dancing. College was demanding on them. Their parents were even more so; if they wanted to inherit the power and prestige their families wielded, they would have to exhibit all the talents and intelligence required of them. As a result, they found it necessary to let loose once in a while. While they did have a membership in a fraternity, it was far classier than the ones that played beer pong, drank so much that people would vomit everywhere, or have their members perform cruel and unusual initiation rites. They had fun, but knew they had their reputations on the line. They did not feel inhibited. Inhibited would have been not drinking, partying or messing around here and there.

When the group was led to their table, eyes moved to follow their procession of good looking young men. Nicely dressed, but casual. Smelled great. Beautiful, confident smiles with rows of pearly white teeth. They seemed to exude pheromones that drew the females', and some males', attention.

Reserved seats in the nicest part of the restaurant. A little more private, a little quieter, but not too much. The restaurant was still busy and bustling.

The boys hailed their waiter's attention.

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Old 06-01-2010, 05:20 AM

It was quite a busy night for Alice at the restaurant but it was good night for making tips.

“Alice dear, you got another table.” One of her co-works walked by with a tray nodding over to the group of young, handsome men who were sitting at one of the booths.

“Hey, good looking out.” Finally a change for the night, most of the guests that had come to the restaurant were couples, but since it was the start of the weekend, she was expecting to see the younger clientele stroll in.

She reached into her pocket, pulling out her pen and notepad as she approached their table with a bright smile. “Why hello there gentleman, what can I get you to drink?”

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Old 06-01-2010, 08:13 AM

The boys called out their orders as they went around the table, going counterclockwise.

"And we're ready to order too," stated Taylor, clearly standing out as the leader of the pack with the way he was organizing and directing both conversation and actions. Again, they went around informing her of their requests.

"Thank you, Miss...Alice," Lloyd said, looking at her nametag. "Hey, by the way, when do you get off?"

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Old 08-25-2010, 07:24 AM

Alice jotted down every order that had been given. She paused momentarily and glanced down at the young man who asked her a question. “When do I get off?” She repeated, raising an eyebrow. “Depends, why?”

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Old 08-25-2010, 09:26 AM

"Well...we wanted to know if you'd like to join us at this awesome party," Lloyd said with an almost sheepish grin.

Colton, the beautiful blond with sparkling blue eyes, flashed his perfect smile and laughed. "She doesn't want to hang out with a bunch of boys."

Lloyd was still looking Alice over. She was rather cute in the waitress get up. Imagine what she would be like in something more appropriate for a club! "It'll be fun," he tried, a bit persistent.

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Old 08-25-2010, 09:36 AM

“Hmmmm….” Alice gave them a last look before glancing down at her tablet. Being at work, she had to maintain her professional status. “And where might this party be located at?” She had to admit it, these boys sure were clean cut, but there had to be at least one bad boy out of the bunch. Where was he?

ToriKat is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 09:48 AM

Greg, the one who had gotten them the invitation to attend - which was in reality a plea to go for all those there loved being around these boys, jotted down the address on one of the cloth napkins and handed it over. "Tell them Greggory sent you," he said with a playful wink.

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Old 08-25-2010, 09:56 AM

She took the napkin, looking off to the side as if she were about to roll her eyes. “Thanks, I’ll remember that.” She made sure to tuck the napkin securely into the pocket of her apron. “I’ll be right back with that drink order.”

As time passed, she contemplated whether or not she should attend this party. Part of her thought it wouldn’t be worth her time. For all she knows it could be your typical, college frat party, with a bunch of drunken idiots looking to have a ‘good time’. Then again, maybe it would be not what she expects. That curiosity drove her to a secure decision.

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Old 08-25-2010, 10:01 AM

The boys remained pleasant company, even after a few glasses of wine. They were so well bred that they knew to never exceed their limitations. Reputations. A few diners at other tables tried to discreetly take pictures of them with their camera phones. Just had to show the others what godly beauty they had witnessed tonight!

Once done, they laid the silverware down and began paying with their platinum credit cards. Tips, good sized bills, fell like rain. Their waitress was, after all, awfully cute.

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Old 12-23-2010, 01:21 PM

Alice thanked the boys for the generosity in tips. Tonight had been one of the best nights ever for her to bank on tips.

Time flew by as Alice worked hard right up till the end of her shift. Back in the lockers, she took out her night clothes from the locker to change into. The approaching sound of giggling girls filled the locker room.

“Oh Alice, we heard you got invited to a party by one of those boys.” One of the girls walked over to her, lightly flipping her long curls over her shoulder.

Boy, word gets out fast around here. Nosy girls. Alice rolled her eyes as I thought. “Yeah?”

“So…aren’t you going? I heard it’s totally hard to get even IN to one of those parties.”

Alice gave a light shrug. “Maybe, but you know those frat boy parties are not my thing. Especially if I were to go just to pick out a cutie, I’m looking for a bad boy. Not a good ol’ boy that has a fat wallet that came from mommy and daddy’s bank account.”

The girl scrunched up her nose at the comment. “Oh Alice.” She shook her head as she backed away. “You don’t know what you will be missing if you don’t show up.”

“Not much I suppose.” She mumbled as she slipped on her jacket.

The thought of going to that party did linger in the back of her mind. She would be such a hypocrite if she decided to go. Maybe that party would prove her wrong. There could be a swarm of bad boys there. Her thoughts lingered back to all the young men sitting back at the table. Or not... They were too pretty for their own good.

Shaking the thought, once again from her mind, she shut the door to her locker and picked up her bag heading out once more.

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Old 03-14-2011, 12:00 PM

Heavy drinking was discouraged at the party.

So was excessively loud music.

And under-dressed individuals.

It was still fun. The fraternity hosting it just required the level of class their families would approve of. The alcohol was expensive. The people were beautiful. Those who were uninvited and shameless peered into the windows to stare.

Greg, Lloyd, and Colton were still together, drinking. Girls fluttered to them, flirting so blatantly for their attention.

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Old 03-14-2011, 12:24 PM

Alice moved her way through the small crowd of people. Her ultimate decision had been made when she left the restaurant that night. She wasn’t planning on heading home tonight, so why not take those young men up on their offer? (Which she did). Although, a part of her felt out of place, it was as if she were a commoner among the rich and famous. It was the way everyone was dressed, how they were socializing with one another. Maybe she had stepped into the wrong party?

As she continued to move along she lifted her head, hoping to spot one of the young men she had met at the restaurant.

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Old 03-14-2011, 01:08 PM

Lloyd approached Alice, slipping his arm around her waist. "Hey, glad you could come. Want anything to drink?"

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Old 03-14-2011, 01:15 PM

Alice jumped, a bit taken aback by the young man who approached her so boldly. “Mmm, yes please. What do you guys have here?” She walked with him to where the drinks were, reminding herself not to take an open drink from a stranger for fear of what might be put in it. Alice wasn’t paranoid, she was just cautious. “How about a soda?”

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Old 03-14-2011, 01:26 PM

"You don't drink?" he asked, gesturing to the vast array of alcohol available. "Our bartender mixes some great drinks. They hired him just for this, you know? But if it's a soda you want..." Lloyd lead her down to the table where the cans were stacked. "Take any you like."

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Old 02-07-2012, 07:56 AM

Alice’s eyes scanned the bar. Well, since he was a hired professional, she wouldn’t mind having a little cocktail. Her suspicions still remained with her, but she was going to take that bit of chance. Approaching the bar, she flagged down the waiter with one hand. “Excuse me; can I get a rum and coke?” She watched the bartender give her a nod to acknowledge her order.

The dark brunette spun around and rested her elbows back along the top of the bar as her eyes scanned over Lloyd. Now that she was off of work, more of her playful nature came out. “Again, thanks for the invite. It was a long night and I’m looking forward to a little partying.”

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Old 02-07-2012, 08:14 AM

"Anytime," Lloyd responded with a chuckle. His dimples appeared in his cheeks, which were not present before. After all the drinks, he was much looser and less shy than what he was at the restaurant. His laughs were less restrained and his expressions were far more natural. "You weren't drooling at us like a sweaty dog, so we figured you'd have fun. And, you looked like you needed a break. They work you like an animal in that restaurant." He downed his glass and set it aside. The other boys had warned him to keep a better eye on his glasses. They teased that with the stalkers gazing into the windows, anyone one fo them, would love an opportunity to floor him. But he paid them no mind. Parties were supposed to be fun, and he was a guy.

"I'm Lloyd, by the way," he said, tilting his head toward her. "You were..." His mind searched, trying to remember the name on the receipt.

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Old 02-07-2012, 08:28 AM

Her eyebrow arched upwards as she replayed one particular sentence. ‘You weren’t drooling at us like a sweaty dog…’ Perhaps saying a ‘dog’ was the polite way of saying the true term for a ‘female dog.’ Men and their views on women. Trying not to pass judgement, she turned her head a bit, her eyes still on him as she gave him a bit of a flirtatious, yet arrogant speech. “I’m not like most ‘dogs’ you mention and my name is Alice.” By all means, she was not going to keep up with him, he would have to keep up with her. “So where are your other buddies huh? Introduce me. I’m always up to meeting and making new friends.” Just so that she wasn’t being selfish in a way, she always made sure to use this tactic. “I have a few girls that I’m sure they would like to meet, but I want to make sure your boys are up to their standards.” She challenged him.

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Old 02-07-2012, 08:39 AM

He laughed easily, already grabbing a new drink as his exposed glass was filled. Lloyd rested his hand on her back as he lead her to where the other boys sat. "Fiery, you're definitely quite a personality, Alice."

The boys looked up as the two approached. A few girls had already made their way to the circular couch, leaning against it to flaunt their assets and tease through the boys' hair. They showed little, passing interest.

"We've got Greg over here," Lloyd started, gesturing to the raven haired boy closest to him. "Taylor," he pointed out, who responded with a, "Yo," in an attempt to be cool. He was the only one sporting a pair of glasses. "Simon," he introduced, gesturing to the boy with the guitar on his lap and swooning ladies at his shoulders. "And Colton," he ended, nodding to the blond who rocked his drink from side to side on his knee. He had been the one to drink the least of the group, with this being only his second drink for the night. The fluids swayed from side to side as he let its life linger in the glass.

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Old 02-07-2012, 08:57 AM

Alice raised her glass in acknowledging all of the boys in one gesture. Not one bashful bone, she took the first opened seat, next to the young blond whose focus seemed to be on the contents of his glass. She didn’t know how else to make her introduction without seeming bold. “Hello.” She stated as she brought her hand out. “I’m Alice.” She figured her name had not been mentioned in the introduction, she might as well be the first to introduce herself.

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Old 02-07-2012, 09:37 AM

"You smell nice," Simon complimented and gave her a flirtatious wink. The girls at his shoulders widened their eyes and stared at Alice, threatened that their musician had turned his attention to this new woman.

"Where do you go to school?" Colton asked, trying to calm the situation that was brewing now that the claws were withdrawing from the bitter young women.

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Old 02-12-2012, 05:53 AM

It amazed her that the young man could smell her from where he was sitting. Perhaps he had mistaken her for one of the females that was sitting near him. In any case, she graciously took the compliment and thanked him.”

She drew her attention back towards the blond. “I attend the community college near my work.” Alice finished the leftover contents in her glass and leaned forward, setting the empty glass down on the tabletop.


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