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heartages is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 05:36 PM

Sooo, here's my deal. I LOVE to write. One of my favorite things about role playing is the uncertainty. I have no specific plans in mind for my characters, everything just falls into place post by post. I really also only agree with literate to semi-lit role plays.

Here are my feelings about role playing:

* There should be no manipulating the story behind the scenes via private messaging or any other means. I feel that it should spontaneously happen, whatever idea comes to your mind at the time is the way it should happen on the page. That's part of the fun of role playing to me.

I don't believe any other role player should take control of another role player's character(s). If something is left up to a decision from another role player, it's fine to make a small post just to move it along (or to contact the character's role player and ask what they would like to be said or what they would like to happen). Don't take liberties with another person's characters unless you know that person really, really well!

* None of that "post every day or every other day" nonsense. I have a life. You should have a life. Menewsha is not your life, and if it is, I suppose that's fine... But I have a life outside of Menewsha and there will definitely be periods of time when I can't get online. And sometimes unexpected things happen (like I was without a keyboard for a week or so recently and before that, my hard drive suddenly died and I had to get it replaced), so no role player should be unreasonable. It's fine to anticipate the continuation of a story, but don't badger other role players about it.

* Role playing is for fun (in my opinion). Don't take the story too seriously. It should be easy for the story to just flow out of you, not expecting any specific direction, but loving it all the same as it unfolds. It's a surprise to you and to all the other writers of the role play. Almost like real life situations, the decisions you make for your characters affect the decisions of the other characters and role players, thus affecting the outcome of the story.

Put your heart into your post. You become your character when you role play. Give the character depth and dimension. I know most role players really care about their characters, so I have a lot of faith that this will never be a problem.

Maybe a lot of role players feel the same way, but as I have mentioned before, I am so shy about role playing with people I don't know, that I really am unsure of all this... (Feel free to let me know and to defend your own feelings, just don't criticize mine, because I might just withdraw and never role play again.... That's just the kind of person I am... >o<)

If you agree with all of that, then you are an amazing role playing partner for me. That and of course, you have to understand that I am really shy, submissive, and passive - combination not good for most role playing, but I'm (obviously) trying to work my way out of that.

I don't have too many scenarios thought up, but I really wanted to do a fantasy world role play with someone. I really love the idea of a regular world with a sudden change to some people (as if a human becomes a mermaid, or someone finds a secret fantasy element somewhere).

But I've also always wanted to do a full-blown fantasy world role play. I have lots of characters in mind, but not so much plot. I like to think of role plays as being able to go on forever with no definite end. I'm pretty good at coming up with beginning scenarios, but no real plot. :P meh plot.

Would anyone else be interested in something like that? I mean, if you agree with my ideals about role playing, as well, because if you do like the ideas, but have your own and very different feelings about role playing, then our working together might not end in happiness D:

Last edited by heartages; 07-28-2010 at 07:24 PM..

Kiley Zelda Trinity
Kiley Zelda Trinity is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 06:16 PM

I'll roleplay with you!!

heartages is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 10:36 PM

Sounds good ;) What do you like to role play? Anything in particular or something general?

I guess I should have mentioned that I don't really like to role play romance D: I like romance elements in a story, but I like the idea to be vague and I like for readers to decide who should go with who >:) It just feels fun to me. I like to make certain characters have inclinations toward others, but leave up for interpretation.

On that note, do you role play with usually just your single character, or do you like to control the people in that character's life as well? I tend to do that from time to time, so I just want to know if it bothers you or anything...

Trinity Bella
Trinity Bella is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 10:42 PM

i'm kinda new at this but i will roleplay with you if you would like

Kiley Zelda Trinity
Kiley Zelda Trinity is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 01:22 AM

Oh...well Romance is kinda more my thing but I'll try it your way! And, usually, I only do one character but I think I could handle more than one.

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leasfy is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 12:53 PM

lea wants :O how many characters to play from one person? D:
This will be lea's first attempt in a fantasy one :XD
wait.. fantasy = medieval? D:

Kiley Zelda Trinity
Kiley Zelda Trinity is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:03 PM

I can play like three characters...:)

heartages is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 01:32 AM

XD Well, you don't necessarily have to role play multiple characters. It's just that I do that sometimes :P

And fantasy is oftentimes associated with medieval times, but I rather like it when you take a modern day setting and throw some fantasy elements into it. Of course, I LOVE MEDIEVAL STORIES as well LOL.

I can come up with some scenarios and post them soon if everyone would like to have a vote on what you think would be fun to role play with ;) But I'm waaaay too tired to think tonight and I have lots of work tomorrow, so it may not be for another day or so... D:

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leasfy is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 03:08 PM

ok lea will wait :yes:

Anna Molly
♥ Call me Anna ♥
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Anna Molly is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 10:06 PM

I'd just like to say that you make really great points. I like doing one-on-one romance RPs where it's assumed that the two people are going to end up together eventually, but the interesting part is not knowing how in the world it's gonna happen and just continuing to go until the characters probably come together--but you, it seems, like an even freer RP, which I think is understandable. It's a good stance, really, that you've taken.

amara nightfire
amara nightfire is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 11:32 PM

I’ll rp with you. You sound very similar to me.... and I love fantasies as well!! sooooo.... I guess what I’m trying to say is... would you like to role play with me :)

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 12:22 AM

If you find yourself need an extra RPer, I've been working with fantasy elements for a number of years and would be happy to draw up some characters for any plot/scenario that you might have in mind.

Harley Quinn
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beautiful_psycho is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 12:39 AM

If you want i'll rolplay with you :D I have some fairly new ones but if you want im willing to start a new one :D I like to do group rp's but if you dont want to thats ok with me. Also im big on fantasy but im REALLY flexible :D

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 12:42 AM

Well, fantasy does tend to work better with a small group...or rather to be more interestingly unpredictable. (Yes, I realize my two cents were not needed here but decided to input them anyway >.<; )

Harley Quinn
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beautiful_psycho is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 12:54 AM

Lol as my mom says, two cents can be worth alot in the future :D

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 07:41 AM

I like fantasy, but am really new to rping... would you be willing to work with that?

Kiley Zelda Trinity
Kiley Zelda Trinity is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 03:47 PM

Yeah I can wait...Bound Birdie, I love your avi!

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 08:59 PM

Thanks! yours is very shiny and iridescent as well >.< I am completely in love with the new hair picker.

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Suno is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 06:12 AM

^_~ You know I'm up for it.

Meguzu is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 07:55 AM

Aw everyone's posted here already while I deliberated D:

My life is kind of full of RPs right now and I'm going off on vacation in a few days, but I'd love to be on your list if you have one ;D I read your list of requirements and was like "MY HERO."

I've been write since I...could write and role-playing for five years, although much of that was with the same person. Hardcore into spontaneity. We may have some trouble because I tend to be quite submissive when it comes to making decisions too aheh...and I tend to like to start planning once the RP's in full swing, but only overarching plot, definitely not post to post. It's like both of us throwing a ton of plot-balls up in the air seperately and having to work together to catch them P: (sometimes literally the post before stuff happens olol)

Fantasy worlds are A+~ So's urban fantasy. I can play as many characters as need be, and I'm perfectly willing to throw two seperate original characters/worlds together that vaguely fit, or worldbuild a completely new world, or work in one or the others's world. (I currently haaaave an unconventional steampunk and a sci-fi Tolkien conworld, for the record. My urban fantasy worlds are Eldritch Abominations, two versions with angels and demons, and some other general craziness with a DECK OF MAGIC CARDS. P: ) I'm...quite longwinded. Dunno if that's a plus or minus for you :\ Actually I tend to go adv. lit - elite but I've heard people use "literate" as everything from lit to adv lit to elite and such Gaia terms that I'm used to confuse me :grunt Buuut if the characters are interesting I'll pretty much give what I'm given if it's not too short ;D

I have a drabble thread which you can check for writing examples, but it is late and I am lazy and don't have a link like RIGHT in the next tab so XD It isn't fully indicative either and if you want better ones I can link you to my Gaia sample.

Kay now I'm shutting up. ;/////;

Last edited by Meguzu; 08-01-2010 at 07:58 AM..

heartages is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 04:54 PM

OMG! Wow! I'm so surprised so many people have responded! So, um, here's my new thing! Who would be up for a group role play and who prefers to do one-on-one?

**((I HAVE NEVER DONE A GROUP ROLE PLAY BEFORE))** But I would really, really like to try it, and that's a big part of the reason I posted this. Of course, I don't want to manage a huge group of characters in my first group role play, though DX lol

I'm so sorry I haven't come up with those scenarios yet!! *sweat* I've really been meaning to, but lots of stuff has happened in the past few days (as I said before, I have a life D: and I'm engaged too, there's lots of wedding planning to be done and all that sort of stuff). I've been brainstorming a lot of ideas, though ;) And I'm excited about setting aside time to really get them written down. :D Just give me a little bit more, guys~ I promise to get it done very soon.

@annamolly: Thank you! And I understand :) I adore love stories (especially if there is some sort of adventure involved), I just don't feel comfortable writing romance. That's my main reason, I suppose... D: *unsure*

@amara nightfire: I'd be happy to! Let me get everything in this thread straight and we'll take it from there :D

@Seridano: Will do!

@elizabeth_mazur: I'm hoping a group role play will come out of this thing somehow XD We'll see how it all works out I guess ^o^;

@Bound Birdie: You bet! I'm pretty new to role playing myself, considering I've only ever done it on and off with Suno <3

@Meguzu: That sounds really awesome! I'm really happy for your input~ I don't want to burden you with anymore role plays if you are feeling overwhelmed, but let me know anytime you would want to work on one~! And if we end up formulating a group role play, you are welcome to join it as well :)

Alright guys! *gasps for breath* I took too long to come back and respond! I feel like I've neglected you all! I'm sorry D:

But more feedback would be beyond awesome! I'll hopefully be back on tonight and hopefully have some work done on scenarios tomorrow morning, but I'll be away tomorrow afternoon for sure. D: D: D: So busy, busy!

Last edited by heartages; 08-01-2010 at 05:02 PM..

Kiley Zelda Trinity
Kiley Zelda Trinity is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 05:16 PM

A group rp would be fun. I'm up for either.

amara nightfire
amara nightfire is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 05:23 PM

Ok sounds great and honestly I’m good with ether one on one or a group. Truth be told I started out with groups then went to one on one lol I know it’s a little backwards.

Also I am engaged as well so I know what you mean >.< my weddings in two months and there’s still so much to do!!! Ugh!! >.> just don’t procrastinate like me and you should be fine ^_^

Meguzu is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 07:49 PM

Haha, I'll do either ;D I tend to prefer onexone because group RPs die so often and are more hectic, but with a good group they can be just as fun. And a big ol' fantasy world plot would probably work better with a bigger group P:

Congrats on your engagement! Also it is never a burden to RP :'D It keeps me feeling like I'm doing something productive when I don't want to write something serious XD

heartages is offline
Old 08-06-2010, 12:54 AM

Yay~! I came up with a couple of scenarios~! If I crack down on myself, I could come up with some more.. but uuuhh.. This is what I just came up with:

Scenario 1:


In a futuristic setting - humanity has advanced to nearly unimaginable scientific and technological feats - shining metal cities seem to be spreading across the globe - this advancement is flushing out the hidden fantasy creature communities. They have lived in tune with the earth for so long, but are now having trouble adjusting to the growth and advancement of mankind.

Humans aren't as destructive as they used to be and they have discovered better sources of energy and fuel, but growth in numbers requires more land for residence.

Mankind is reaching out into space for more land. As this occurs, the fantasy "realm" begins to come out of their concealed territories voluntarily. Intelligent creatures sometimes inhabit some of the human cities. Some have organized in order to eventually become the dominant inhabitants of the earth, hoping to take better care of it and restore it to its former beauty. Others are just glad to be free of the burden of secrecy. Yet, others choose to remain hidden (such as the Wise Dragons - other dragons also tend to stay hidden, but Wise Dragons are nearly impossible to ever find).

Less intelligent creatures fear the changes mankind has made and fear being flushed out of their homes - some groups of these creatures become vicious hunters upon leaving their hidden abodes. Most of them react violently upon being spotted.

This world poses new dangers and new possibilities, but we would focus on how the fantasy community adapts. Role players can use any fantasy creature of choice.

Scenario 2:


In the not too distant past of this story, people discovered what is known as the Spectral Crystal Cave deep inside an island that had suddenly risen out of the ocean.

Humans find a great "mirror of ice" which seems impossible to break. Eventually, an elvish boy rushed through that mirror, revealing that it was the portal into the realm where the creatures of the world that "disappeared" ages ago resided. In actuality, the elves organized the abandonment of the earth at the rise of human dominance and selfishness.

The elvish boy, soon followed by an elvish elder, begged for the help of the master human "knights, archers, and warriors" in order to defeat the Dark Elf who forcibly took control of the peaceful world created by the elves. The Dark Elf has turned the world violent and dangerous, and the other inhabitants do not have the training or the means to defeat him.

Eventually, humans come to terms with the situation and agree to help, but few are allowed to enter the Elvish world (a human can only come through the mirror with the help of an elf's power). Human masters begin train the creatures of this world in self-defense, combat, and some masters attempt to teach the beings of the world to use their natural abilities to the same effect or to aid with the battle.

Although the world is mainly inhabited by elves, there are also selkies (water people - not quite merpeople - I would say more human-like anatomically), forest people (like forest nymphs or sprites or whatever), faeries, and numerous other creatures in the world. There are many kinds of animals as well.

This role play can focus on either the training or the adventure to defeat the Dark Elf. Or it can focus on both ;P

(OMG a plot LOL)

Scenario 2 1/2:

I am a sucker for the cliche "humans become merfolk" bit. I just love the idea of entering an aquatic world and keeping it a secret from most of the rest of the world. :heart:

Scenario 3:


** Has anyone ever read the book The Two Princesses of Bamarre by the author of Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine? - This is that world, or what I remember of it LOL **

There are dangerous creatures roaming about the land of Bamarre - Gryphons, ogres, specters, dragons (they can talk and they kidnap people for entertainment or work or to kill or whatever). There is a race of sorcerers (all of them have snow white eyelashes, no matter their appearance or hair color) and a race of faeries (who can understand emotions but do not really experience them - they are rarely ever seen).

Specters can pose as any other creature or being, but they never leave footprints. They tend to spirit people away, but they have all the knowledge of the world. If a person discovers a specter and calls it out, it must answer a single question of the person's choice.

The land is ruled by Queen Adeline and her sorcerer husband Rhys (XD :) fanfiction arp... kinda sorta).

I would love to role play in this world, but I have no plot. LOL

And that's all I got right now. haha I think it took me more time to type it than it did for me to come up with it all :P


lol I never responded to some of you and I feel bad for it :P

@amara nightfire: Congratulations! I hope everything goes excellent~! :D

@Meguzu: elite role playing is fine with me (I read a bit of your drabbles and posts like that work :) ... if that's what you mean?? :P Really great story, by the way, although I haven't finished reading them). :D

Last edited by heartages; 08-06-2010 at 04:35 PM..


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