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stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 07:21 PM


Age: 23


((cept, y'know, somewhat smaller chest and more covering corset.))

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 07:34 PM

Name: Emishi

Age: 26


stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 08:01 AM

The seagulls cawed happily up above as the sun was now fully in the sky. All seemed well and peaceful in the seaport town. Children were laughing gaily and running around as most youngster's do. Mothers and other married women did chores and various jobs while discussing the lastest news from the borders on the other side of the small mountain pass and the seas, Men were out fishing or mining. It seemed like an ordinary day.

Little did anyone know that the seas today held a ominous, lurking predator. Far in the distance, a flame haired woman stood at the bow of her ship, the BlackHawke, and sailed with purpose to the seaside town in the kingdom of Aranncia.

Last edited by stealthpanther; 08-07-2010 at 06:00 AM..

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 03:18 PM

Emishi was flexing his muscles as his toned, tanned, muscular sweat and scar covered body glistened in the sun. He wiped the sweat away from his brow and set the heavy box that he was holding down with a mute thud he tucked some of his wild red hair behind his ear.

He was helping his crew load boxes of food and weapons onto the villages own little version of a ship. It was fishing season already and he needed to be sure he brought in most of the fish this season, he needed to gain full trust of the people in this village. They were reluctant to trust him because he used to be a pirate a long time ago, but he had quit running loose with those bastards a long time back.

He looked up at the sun and then at the beautiful blue-green sea spread out vastly around him. Emishi sighed, he missed the sea but he knew it was better that he lived close to it and fished rather than run around with pirates ever again. After all the boxes had been loaded up he stretched out his tall, lean body grabbing the shirt resting on the steering wheel he wiped of his sweaty body before putting the same shirt on.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 12:01 AM

As the ship grew closer to the shoreline, Kika whistled, summonning her crew to her. "Listen up! I want this to be a clean sweep. Women and children are not to be harmed, and only kill if they brandish a weapon at you and resist! The only ones you can kill freely are the stuck up aristocrats in their chateau's and palaces. Take all of one supply from each home, we don't want to be the cause of extreme poverty and total ruin! We need supplies, and the jewels you can horde as much as you can carry from the nobles. Final rule. If ANY of you decide to let out your perverted side and take a woman against her will, You will not suffer the pirate code punishment of death. No, that is too lenient a punishment. If I find any of you sink so low, I will have your manhood cut off, you will recieve forty lashes bareback, and left on a puny, forsaken island to be marrooned with a knife and one canteen. You will not even get a pistol. All clear?"

She looked around with fierce eyes at the crowd, mostly men, and a few women all under her command. They knew her rules and her codes, and to defy them would incur her wrath. Only a very brave or very foolish person would dare go against Kika, for she was absolute in her rules. Like all pirates, she followed articles, and each crewmember was given an equal share, and compensated for loss of limb or for injury, and would gain some extra. As captain, she got half, the rest was distrubuted evenly to each and every crewmember on her ship. Punishments could be debated on when they caught a rule breaker, but some rules were not to be negotiated. Kika had final say, and if she was set on something, nothing would change her mind. Nothing.

With a nod, the pirate queen raised her sword as they came into the docks. "You know the drill, now move out!"

Last edited by stealthpanther; 07-30-2010 at 12:05 AM..

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-31-2010, 03:50 PM

Emishi saw a ship pull into their port, his eyes burned as he saw the pirate flag he grabbed his sword -which was usually mounted- of off the wooden crate beside him and pulled it out. He ordered his men to move out, he told all of them to warn the villagers. He watched as some of him men ran screaming through out the little peaceful town warning the children and women to lock themselves in their houses and hide.

"What the hell is this?!" Emishi growled angrily to one of his crew members, this had to be the 4th attack this week! They were running out of damn jewels and other good. He growled as he saw some of the men run down the pier making way towards their village. He jumped down onto the wooden pier and charged towards a few of the men sticking his sword easily and skillfully through them.

When he thought the rest of his crew could handle the other men he made way for his village, he knew that was his biggest priority. He saw that a child was still wandering about the streets looking lost, he scooped the child up into his arm and ran to the closest house knocking frantically on the door. "Open the door! Its me Emishi!" he screamed, when the door opened he saw a lady cowering in fear behind it. It was visible she was glad to see that it truly was Emishi, he pushed the now crying child into the womens arms and told her to go and hide.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-01-2010, 01:17 AM

The pirates swarmed the island, each window being smashed as they baraaged through. As ordered, they cut not a single person down unless they brandished arms at them. Soon, it became painfully obvious these people were running very low on anything of use. Disgruntled, angry pirates began to go back to shore, complaining and clamoring for some explanations and orders.

Kika stood, growing more pissed. What the hell was going on? Stepping onto the land, she approached one of the more loyal and her better respected crewmwmbers. "Gavin! What's going on? Why are there no provisions or jewels with you all? What of the nobles here?" she demanded, glaring around at her crew in annoyance.
"Forgive us Lady Kika, but, it seems we are not the first to come here, they have minimum supplies and wealth left, the nobles seem to be missing, and almost everything is wiped clean save for some essentials, there is nothing here." the young man replied, earning a frown and a sigh. "Dammit. Thank you anyways."

Walking along the shore, she instructed Gavin and one other crewmember to come with her, telling the others to await her verdict. Going to each home, she rapped on the door or peeked in the windows, sword never once drawn. It seemed no one did have anything much left to part with. Damn. They were running low on provisions themselves.

Coming to the doors, she shouted as she banged on them. "Come out! Where are the nobles here? Why do you have so little?" They would not answer, making her growl. Seeing a man carry a child into one building, she almost didn't bother, but ran over, ready to accost them.

"You boy! Stop! Tell me what has happened here. Why am I unable to restock my ship?! Why cannot I kill the aristocrats?" She was irritated, she couldn't leave with nothing!

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 08:43 PM

Emishi's sword was at hand and pointed at the lady pirate when she came close and talked to him. He gave a small low growl, his eyes narrowed and his brows bent. He was lucky he had shoved the child quickly into the house now there was nothing stopping him from bloodshed if there needed to be any.

"Didn't know that ye pirates had become so daft now" he muttered half to himself and half to the female pirate in front of him. He had a rather smug look on his face, "What the hell do yeah think we're empty for huh?! We're empty because bastards like ye keep attacking this harmless village." his eyes shone with rage as he spoke.

"And as for the aristocrats, your kind has killed many and the few which had remained here turned on their fat asses and left!" Emishi nearly spit out that sentence. There was only one other thing he hated besides pirates, aristocrats. They thought they were better than villagers why? Because the damn government favored them!

"It'd be best for ye to leave here in peace before things get ugly" Emishi snarled. He was getting angrier and angrier seeing the likes of them in his little hometown, if they didn't leave soon they would all be very sorry. Emishi impatiently balanced his sword on his hand leaning on it like an aristocrat would lean on his fancy walking stick.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 08:01 AM

The pirate maiden watched the boy with a mixture of curiousity and amusement. Oh what beautiful righteous fury he had in his eyes! It made her grin, pacing in front of him. Even now, the flame haired maiden never once drew her blade, one hand on her hip, the other casually at her side.

The more the man spoke, the more he growled, the bigger the grin on Kika's face grew. Oh how delightful! Interesting fellow, willing to stand up and try and scold her! It made the woman chuckle. "Daft? Why I do think you are maligning me boy! And a bastard? Really? Do I look like a bastard? Why I think I look more like a bitch!" she said, all with the same smirk on her face.

Before she could speak more though, a terrified scream reached her ears, the scream of a woman. Turning to face the sound, she saw something that made her blood boil and her smile vanish in less time than it takes to blink. One of her crewmembers, soon to be ex crew member, had seized a young woman in attempts to violate her, tugging at her kirtle and tearing it. With a snarl, Kika ran over.

Just as the man was about to lower his unbuttoned drawers and have his way, a sword stabbed through his shoulder, just a bit inside past the armpit. Oh, Kika would not kill him yet..that was too easy a punishment for scum. "It seems I have stumbled across a sack of dog shit. My deepest pardon's my lady, rest assured, this man will suffer a thousand fold for what he was about to do...." With a fire in her eyes, the woman shoved the shouting, screaming man to the ground. Her sword withdrawn from his shoulder. Turning to her crew, she barked an order. "Sieze him! Chain him up and drag this filthy pustule to the ship! If any of you lets him go, it will be your arm I take off! You boy, will suffer the punishment I described, now you will await your punishment on board, where I will teach you your lesson when no one can hear your screams as I cut it off and shove it down your putrid throat before leaving you to rot."

Turning around, she smirked at the one with his blade. "I have decided! I cannot leave with nothing, and I am now down one, thus, I shall take you instead! Come come! Shall you come quietly, or will I have to fight you?" she declared, approaching the redhead before her. "And by the way, Your threats will not sway me kiddo."

Last edited by stealthpanther; 08-04-2010 at 09:20 AM..

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 10:45 PM

Emishi snickered, "because maybe I am m'lady" he said with a coy grin on his face. "Bitch, bastard which ever you prefer" he told her with a plain shrug. Emishi's eyes followed the sound of a girls scream, he growled and was about to lunge forward when he saw the pirate captain walk forward.

Emishi's tense shoulders relaxed as he saw the man get what he deserved. He could not tolerate men forcing them selves onto a woman, even though he was a man himself it made him angry beyond right reason. Even when Emishi himself was drunk he made sure he was in enough control of himself so he wouldn't end up torturing a poor girl.

'Kiddo?! Had she just fuckin' called him a kiddo?!' Emishi's eye twitched, "Firstly, I have no intentions of joining ye pirates again and if I ever did become a pirate again I would have my own crew, I would not take orders from some...pirate queen." he told her growling. "And second, if I'm a kiddo well then you must be the darned biggest baby I've ever seen" he towered over her.

Emishi spat at her feet, gave her a dark look and turned to walk away. In one swift motion he put his sword back into his hilt and removed his stressed hand from the gun on his other side. He pulled out a cigarette and pushed it into his mouth and lit it, taking in the chemicals from the cigarette it exhaled it with his breath slowly and dramatically.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 11:10 PM

As the kicking, screaming, and now bleeding man was dragged by by his previous fellow crewmates, Kika growled, stabbing his other shoulder through. "Silence! Quit being a baby, this is nothing, you hear nothing comapred to what I will do to you when I am back on the ship, now lock him in the briggs!" Nodding, her crew carried him off, Kika flicking her sword to clean the blood before sheathing the blade.

As the man snarled and tried, once again, to deny her and be tough, she felt her lips twitch into a smirk until her eye twitched, glaring. 'Baby'?! Stupid git. He was right about one thing. She was small. Standing at about 5 feet, 1 inch, she was not all that impressive in terms of height and stature. Didn't mean she couldn't kick someone's ass though.

Watching him spit and walk away, Kika stood still, before moving. Before anyone, crew included, could tell what had happened, her sword was heard being slid back into it's sheath, and the cigarrette was cut clean in half.

"An ex pirate are you? Well even better for me. YYou must have skill to still be alive and undissfigured. However, let me assure you while my skill with a pistol is pathetic as a child, and I don't do well with one aimed at my head, with a sword, I can beat almost anyone, you too. There is a reason I'm called 'Quicksword Kika.' Now, let me try again, will you come along, or will I have to drag you along?"

As unusual as it was, she had just given him her weakness in weapons, pistols, and he had one. Kika was a strange one. No other opponent would give secrets away when they clearly had an opponent willing to kill them.

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 12:04 AM

Emishi snickered, 'damn that girls fast' he thought grinning to himself as he shook his head. He spit the half sliced cigarette out and popped a fresh one in. He puffed the chemical air out in the same dramatic way, he pulled out his pistol in one swift movement and shot the bawling man.

The bullet glided past the pirate queen, it moved her hair ever so little. "Hope ya don't mind I killed him, I hate men that try to push himself onto helpless girls and then cry about it when he obviously they get what they deserve" Emishi said cracking his neck. He slid his pistol back in and stretched out his body.

"Didn't ya hear me? I'm never joining pirates again. I've had my fill" he said muttering and starting to walk away again. "And for your information, I'm known as Deadshot Emishi. Once your my target you won't be so lucky to survive." Emishi told her with a little smirk.

He wondered why she was telling him all this, like he could care. He could kill any one, he hadn't missed his aim in over 10 years. As he walked away he kept one hand on his pistol, it was much faster to use than his sword.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 12:42 AM

About to cut the second cigarette as well, she froze, twitching and snarling as the man shot her prey. Damn him! Now she was beyond pissed off.

Gripping her sword, she shook in anger, snarling, a growl escaping her lips. You little bastard! Why did you kill my prey?!?!? Death like that is too easy a punishment for scum! I wanted to cut his manhood off, feed it to him, whip him 40 times bareback, and toss him to the sharks! You idiot!!! I would've punished him better than a pathetic shot!" In front of the red haired male, Kika was livid, snarling and holding her blade to his neck.

"Deadshot Emishi? Well well well, it IS my lucky day then! In that case, you MUST join my crew. I've heard of you of course, who hasn't?" by now, the remaining crew had circled around the two, making Kika grin. They knew her plan without her telling them, they deserved a raise next raid.

"Come come now, time to go."

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 12:51 AM

Emishi just gave her a hearty laugh, "don't worry darlin' you'll probably find dozens of scums like him to kill. Me killing one more doesn't make their kind one less, next time I can garauntee it'll be one of these men standing round us" he yawned as he said this.

He rolled his eyes as she pointed the sword at his throat. He grabbed his gun and put it on the exact location of her heart, "I die you're going to hell with me" he said with a small snicker. He sighed thinking about her offer, "What will I get if I do decide to accompany you and your crew?" Emishi asked raising a brow.

The young male laughed out in amusement, "Well well I guess my stories are still brought out to terrify little children eh? Too bad I cannot say I've heard about you, but that maybe because I lack to go out to sea these days." He said shrugging carelessly.

[don't mind the colour change I'm on my iPod xD]

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 01:12 AM

((no worries, i have to do that too myself sometimes.))

Kika raised a brow. Damn, her and her brash mouth, it always did get her in trouble. Watching him cock his pistol, she sighed. until he mentioned the word 'darlin'. Hell no he did not just do that.

With a growl, she tightened her grip on her sword, poking it closer to him. Her crew gasped as he called her 'darlin'. No one dared adress Kika in such a manner. "Unless you want me to remove your ability to procreate, I sugesst you keep pet names like darlin to yourself...boy." Pacing around him, her sword was aimed for his neck, held out as she circled the male. "What do ou mean, 'what do I get?' You get to sail with me, you get freedom, you can terrify aristocrats, and you can travel to your heart's content."

With a bored wave of her hand, she stepped back. "Not likely to see one on my ship, I can guarantee almost each and every member. True, he was an exception, but my crew is not made of rough heartless, putrid scumbags as are most pirates. I pride myself on picking well. He is the example proving I don't listen to recommendations. And I supposse you haven't hear of me, because most think girl pirates are weak, and a female captain is a rumour, something people don't take seriously."

Clapping twice, she nodded to the men and women surrounding her. Seize him."

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-06-2010, 12:44 AM

Emishi laughed, he was enjoying this way too much. "What ever you say..doll" he told her cocking his head a small mischeivious smile on his face. He loved to play with fire, though he was bound to get burned sometime he couldn't help his teasing, playful nature.

He raised his eyebrow, she had alot of trust in this crew. "Well men will always be men. They will have that beast break through them in one situation or another but the only difference will be to see which man has self control and which doesn't" Emishi said smiling lightly. He knew how a males mind worked, after all he was one right?

Emishi shook his head, "I need gold included in that. Remember I have to make a living, not just as a pirate but as something else too." he said his eyes slightly narrowed as he saw the crew getting in closer around him. Emishi shrugged, "thaw probably the reason why I have not heard of you" he said idly.

He sighed and shook his head when she told them to seize him, he rolled his eyes and didn't bother to resist. He hated uneccasarry blood shed. He quietly watched himself being dragged on board of the grand ship, his eyes shone a bit and his heart was beating faster he was already feeling the rush of being a pirate again, but the only difference was this was not a rush he adored.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-06-2010, 01:11 AM

Kika shook her head at the man, snarling as she held up a hand for the crew to hold him still a moment. Placing her sword in between his legs and touching the sensitive area, she growled. "I warn you, unless you want it all gone, I suggest you stop talking to me in such a way." sshe warned, glaring into his eyes and showing, no, she was not screwing with him.

"I'd believe her if I was you mate, she has done it once before." chimed in the brown haired male, grinning but shaking his head at the daring man. Gavin, her first mate.

Glancing down at her prize, Kika shook her head, lifting his chin to face her with the flat of the blade. "Number one- All the men and women on this ship know what I will do to them should they be foolish enough to lose control of themselves and not excersize restraint. Number two- it is a given that pirate will get cold correct? Fool."

Removing her blade, she walked on board. "Lock him in the brigs, we will see how well he behaves after being stuck down there."

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Old 08-06-2010, 11:00 PM

He snickered, "seriously? Is that the worst threat a female pirate can give a male?" he laughed throwing his head back. He shook his head, he'd heard worse threats than that. Female pirates were truly pathetic sometimes. He winked at her, "What ever you want" his mouth itched to call her darling again. He snickered to himself.

He looked at the man speaking and he just shrugged at him. "Thats kay kiddo, trust me after all these years of being a pirate I've seen and heard worse things than those mesley threats. Plus I've learned how to take care of myself" he said with a care free smile and shrug.

He looked at her when she lifted his chin with her sword. My she was short, he was towering over her with a height of 6" feet. To some people he may have looked menacing but at heart he was a gentle oaf. He scowled and shook his head, "that isn't what I meant ye bimbo..I know we get gold as our pay I've been a pirate longer than ye. I meant more than what you give your crew, to be exact I mean I get what the crew gets plus..10 percent of your share too. That's gonna be the more experienced tax" he said with a goofy grin.

Emishi shook his head, "you think brigs can change me? I've been in them once too many times and for a few months too. I've mastered that damn dark hole. And trust me when I got locked up I was with pirates worse than your wildest" he snickered not being able to resist it.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-07-2010, 05:06 AM

By now, the pirate queen was royally pissed, and it was taking all her willpower not to shred him to fishfood and mount his head on a wall. Nodding so Gavin would step aside, she withdrew a dagger, glaring at the male.

Without another word, she stabbed his shoulder, next, sliced in between his legs, just a mere inch from where she had threatened. She avoided organs and major arteries...for now. Gripping his neck with her nimble fingers, Kika squeezed, digging her nails into his skin.

"I'm taking it easy on you because you are new to my ship and my rules, however, keep the cocky attitude, I'll have to cut you up more. And you think to negotiate with me? You want more gold than them? No, you will be given what you earn, and nothing more, I don't care who you are. As for the brigs, at least there you won't cause me trouble." Pulling away, she turned to walk up the plank to her ship, ignoring the infuriating halfwit as best she could.

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-08-2010, 02:11 AM

Emishi grunted, his knees buckling ever so little. "Damn bitch. Can't take a joke" he muttered growling at the girl. No way was he going to scream and bawl for her pleasure. "You're lucky your pathetic little crew is holding me back or else I would have shot you by now" his eyes flashed with anger as he growled.

He scoffed, "you're taking it easy on me?!" he threw his head back and laughed, almost like a mad man, "I think its quite the opposite, you haven't seen my dark side yet. I may seem stupid and giddy right now, but I assure you when time will be sorry." he said giving her a dark look.

Emishi loosened one of his shoes and kicked it at the pirate queen. Hitting her right where he had aimed for, her back. "You're gonna be sorry once you let me out from the brigs" he said threateningly

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-08-2010, 04:34 AM

Glaring at her captive, the pirate queen shook her head, looking unafazed by his words and his growl. Not even turning to loo at hom, she spoke. "If you say so. Your threats are pointless and ineffective. What do I have to be scared of? Your taunts? Your shouts? Your ciggarrette? Your pistol? Please. We all have dark sides, you have yet to see mine as well."

As soon as the solid object collided into her back with an audible thunk, her crew watched in curiousity and wonder as to how she'd take it. "I' sorry? Beacause of a shoe? Because of you? I doubt it. I have no reason to fear or believe your threats."

With a wave, they hauled him to the lowest cavern of the ship, the brigs, chaining him to a wall with his legs able to bend or go out straight, arms above his head.

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 04:14 PM

Emishi scoffed, "Damn right you should be scared of my pistol! I can shoot a hole through your head even with out my hands" he told her with a growl. He was pissed now, who the hell was this damn brat to come into this quiet little town and take HIM as her captive.

His eye twitched as she said she didn't believe in his threats, "I was and am the most dangerous pirate still living for a reason ye know." he said glaring at her. "And if you don't believe me..thats too your harm not mine" he yelled and spat at at her feet once more before they dragged him down to the brigs.

Emishi's arm was strained as he was chained, he shook his head they expected him to break because of just some chains. Pathetic. He had been kept in a brig half submerged in water, and they thought he'd crack in this piece of shit? Emishi was feeling vainer by the ticking second. He would show them. He would show the damed lady pirate that this was nearly good enough to break Emishi's spirit down.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 08:40 AM

Watching him impassively, Kika showed no signs of rising to his taunts, though she desperately wanted to slug him in the face. Strongest or not, he'd make a good addition. Rubbing the intended insult and dirsrespectful spittle under her boot, she marched up to the bow of the ship, raising a hand as the plank was raised and the rowers were ready, paddling the sloop out of the harbour until it could sail on it's own with the wind and the waves.

Simultaneously, the rowers moved their oars in a synchronized pattern, leading them swiftly out. Before they could get too far, Kika took a pouch and tossed to the sand and wooden planks of the boat docks in the town, watching the confused and frightened townsfolk who had been brave enough to watche them go. The bag held several hundred gold pieces a small pouch from her personal gains. "For your troubles." was allt he pirate queen said.

Down in the briggs, the door opened, the first mate grinning cheerily and carrying a tray with bread, cheese, and water. "Ello mate! welcome aboard! Glad to see ya, I'm Gavin, first mate of my here lady. Now don't you go getting the wrong idea, she didn't put ye down hwere to break ye. No, she put ye down here cause she is figuring out what to do with ye. Anyways, you hungry at all?

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-12-2010, 08:21 PM

Emishi could feel the ship moving, he felt like as he was once again alive. Who the hell was he kidding when he had told his crew he was quitting the pirate life. He loved this, the booze, the loot, and occasionally a few pretty women if they ever crossed his path. Though he never went further than a few kisses on their cheek with them, he just wasn't that kind of guy. He had never been in a serious relationship before, he hadn't found his "type" yet. He muttered something to himself about "ladies" and "just wanting to play with him" his eyes narrowed as a single beam of light shone into the brigs.

"Gavin" he muttered. "Aren't ye ashamed of working under a lady?" he asked snickering at the slightly younger first mate. "I mean honestly, is she your girl or something?" he asked having a laugh about his own question. Emishi could be a stupid, idiotic, bastard sometimes and he would freely admit it to anyone who asked. "Either way, I'm probably gonna be here for awhile by the looks of it, your "lady" does not seem to like me much, and I can't understand why. Usually I'm a female charmer a female magnet" he said the cockiness peaking in his face his tone proud. Emishi was deciding to be trouble and refuse the food for as long as he could, but his stomach won over his tactful mind. "Yeah, I'm actually a lot hungry mate" he said grinning at the boy.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-12-2010, 09:25 PM

Gavin was good at keeping happy in all situations, and though some of the man's words made him angry and somewhat upset, Gavin would play them off as always. With a cheeky grin, he shook his head. "My girl? Of course not matey! She is more like a big sister to me that she be! She's really not so bad now, so don't go being so mean, she is cranky today, and doesn't tolerate traitors, fools, and rapists, which made her particularly peeved as ye could tell." he began, placing the food aside.
Sitting cross legged, he blinked in confusion, tilting his head, perplexed. "Why should I be ashamed? She is strong, fair, and a might pretty to be sure. Nothing wrong with a female if she be better than the males right? Besides, why wouldn't I work under her if she helps us out of our situations? She found me that she did, took me in, I'd gladly repay her."

As soon as Emishi mentioned his skill and prowess with the ladies, Gavin's grin grew and he smirked knowingly. "Therein lies the reason she don't take to you, she knows the type, and does not go for charmers. Lady Kika don't trust ladies men that she don't." Leaning closer, he looked around as if watching for someone before speaking softer. "To be honest, she never shows a liking or fancy for any man of any kind. I don't know the full reasons, but it's not because she hates people..she is distrustful and scared to get close. Lady Kika shies away from affection like the plague that she does." Gavin leaned back, muttering under his breath. "Makes me worry...." he mumbled, before his grin was back in place. Lowering the chains binding his hands to the ceiling, Gavin left the shackles and chains loose so he could eat, watching. Here ye go!" Passing him the food, he watched, waving cheerily. I gotta stay to make sure you don't try nothing, and I gots to re chain you up nice and secure. Now don't think of runnin, I been trained by my lady herself."


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