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Judge of the Clow
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Old 07-30-2010, 09:54 PM

Name: Lance Lionhart

Age: 20


Appearance: Lance

Pet: Talon

Background: Lance is a prince of a very prosperous country. His father set off for war as Lance stayed behind to train to improve his skills. Lance also has the ablility to control and use the wind. He has been taught how to use this to help him control the flow of battle. Lance also only uses his powers if needed. If his oppenant is weaker then he is then he won't use it. While his father was gone he also found out that his chief advisor was a trator, but no one would listen. Then after Lance's father returned the advisor laid a well planned trap that made the young prince seem like a trator and the prince knowing this would happen fleed, so that one day he could right this wrong. He now is hiding and trying to find a new place to call home, wandering the world to find a place to stay. Lance also offers his services to people on his travels to make a bit of money. Along with his trusty falcon Talon, they both look for a place to call home.

Ability: Lance has the ability to control air. He also can see through the eye of Talon.

Favorite weapon to use: Saber

Favorite combat style: Fencing

Originally Posted by Alorrena
Name: Alorrena Masavera

Age: 18

Height: 5 foot 4 inches

Appearance: (without the ears, )

Background: A princess who is defiant and enjoys combat. She had convinced her parents when she was 10 to allow her to train with the squires and pages in thier knighthood duties. She quickly surpassed those of her age and trained with men 2 or 3 years older than her. She met a young cat that called himself meiko

Ability: She can control water at will.

Favorite weapon to use: Anything, including her fists.

Favorite combat style: unknown.

Pet: Meiko

Last edited by ~Yue~; 07-30-2010 at 10:39 PM..

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Old 07-30-2010, 11:04 PM

Alorrena ran through the palace halls, ducking around the guards and knights, and in and out of view as she ran from her friend, Ramos, who was chasing after her. Again, Alorrena had snuck into his room, grabbed his daggers and hid them on her body as he came into the room. Alorrena laughed as she ran, taunting Ramos, saying that he was too slow. She had known him since she could remember, as his mother was her nurse. The two of them had memorized all of the secret passageways , escape routes, and hidden rooms throughout the palace. Alorrena loved teasing her friend, and loved the fact that she wouldn't get into trouble if she made it out of the palace through a side door that would be watched by guards. They participated in her little games, knowing that she could fend for herself in the city if needed, and always blocked Ramos from giving chase into the city.

Alorrena took a passageway, noticed that Ramos didn't follow and silently cursed under her breath. He was learning how to keep up with her through other various passages. Alorrena waited a bit between the floors, as this passageway was just a dark flight of stairs that was hidden by a wall, before turning and running back the way she came. She then darted around to another passageway, knowing that it would only take a moment for Ramos to catch on to what she had done. She also knew that the guards that saw her would help out Ramos if he looked confused, so she didn't have much time. She slid down the banister on this staircase as she knew that the bottom leveled out so she wouldn't go flying at the bottom. She grinned, seeing the small light signifying that Ramos had followed her. "Ray, you're too slow! You're not going to catch me this time!" she called back, half taunting him. He didn't say anything but she could hear a soft chuckle from behind her. She looked back, saw he was starting to catch up, and lifted her legs and her skirts up. Her shoes were slicker than her dress, and she soon managed to find herself standing up as she slid down the banister. When she reached the end, she flipped off the banister and landed already in a running position. She was rarely graceful, so Ramos enjoyed seeing her do such small things like that and pull it off. He followed after, but soon stopped trying so hard, calling out after her, "You better bring them all back to me!" He knew where they were, and decided that she was going to reach the door in a few moments, which was why he quit. "You know i will, Ray-chan!" she called back, her giggles floating back as she ran out the door. Ramos smiled and shook his head, catching his breath. He hated when she used such an endearing name, though ray was what she called him most of the time anyways.

Alorrena high fived the guards as she passed them, and slowed to a trot as she left the palace grounds and went into the city. It was dark already, and there were a few lights in the streets from the houses. It was early, but not too early for there to be several pubs full of men that stood outside. Alorrena climbed silently onto a roof and made her way to the roof across her favorite pub to watch. She layed down and closed her eyes, deciding to listen tonight instead, to focus on her listening observation skills.

Last edited by Alorrena; 07-30-2010 at 11:06 PM..

Judge of the Clow
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Old 07-31-2010, 12:11 AM

Lance had just left out for the next city. He didn't like staying in one place to long if he didn't like what was there. This city had lots of criminals, so it was good for his pocket but not a place he would want to live in. After about half a day Lance seen an city off in the distance. It looked rather large as he could see a castle in the distance also. "Talon help me to see what is over." Lance said in his mind as he could now see the castle better because of his bond with his friend and companion Talon, a falcon that was given to him at a young age. "Well it looks like about a half days hike yet, so I better get moving now." Thinking to himself. As night starts to come Lance comes into town and is greeted by a couple of guards that let him pass. Lance needing a place to stay tries to find an inn for the night. Tired from a long day he finds a inn close by.

A few men then approach him. "Hey stranger, how can we help you? We don't take kindly to unwelcomed travelers in this area, if you know what I mean. So just pay up and you won't get hurt." Lance looks at the group, and sees 7 men and one looking to be their leader. Lance kind of chuckles "Oh what do you think is funny?" As the man says this Lance quickly drops the man and goes to knocking down the rest of them. As he does this is taken by surprise from behind from a couple of drunks from the bar and falls over.

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Old 07-31-2010, 01:30 AM

Alorrena hears what was going on and jumps off the roof, landing silently on the ground. She watched the man fight and was too preoccupied watching him, seeing what he was doing to notice a few men sneak up behind her. She doesn't seem to pay any attention to them and soon after she sees the last man be felled, she feels a hand around her waist and a knife against her neck. She smells the liquior on the man's breath as he said softly, "Hey girly, how about you come with me and you won't get hurt." Alorrena seems to have stiffened up a little as she hears the other men move in behind her. "Yeah? How about you drop your knife and i won't kick the shit out of you?" she said, acting VERY unprincess like.

The men laugh, and with the voices, alorrena quickly counts 5 or 6 men, maybe more. She smiles, "I'm serious. You wouldn't want your face to get all scarred up by a woman, now would you?" she said, jesting, half serious. The men laughed again, and the man on her back loosened his grip on the knife against her neck. She used this to her advantage to get away to kick the knife away from the man and pull out one of the hidden ones on her body. "I told you i was serious, didn't i?" she said, as she spun her blade, allowing it to shine off the light from the pub's doors and windows. the men disliked this and rantowards her, grunting. Alorrena dodged most of the men, and used the handle of her blade to hit one behind the head and knock him out. Only she didn't hit him hard enough. She dodged a punch to the face and kicked the man who threw the punch in the stomach before hitting him on the head, causing a loud crack to cry into the air. As alorrena fought, she grew bored and drew the men away from the pubs so as to not draw too much attention. Alorrena soon found herself knocking each man out at least 4 times each before they actually stayed down. She sighed, and mumbled, "I rather dislike drunk men..." She looked up when she heard something, ans she saw a man watching her. She blinked and hid her weapons.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 07-31-2010, 02:36 AM

Lance just watched the young woman just best 6 drunk men and was impressed "You are good with those daggers, very unlady like but I've seen worse in my travels. I also dislike drunks cause they don't seem to know when to stay down. Oh, you may also not want to put your weapons away. There may be more of them waiting to attack us. Oh where are my manners I am Lance and who might you be?" Lance looks her over and realizes she may be able to best him so he keeps a slightly defensive stance. "I am kind of new to the city and was wondering, does this happen a lot or is this normally controlled here? I mean the street gangs and drunkards attacking random people that is.

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Old 07-31-2010, 07:16 AM

Alorrena shook her head. "If there's anyone else around you should be able to hear them first before they get to you. People aren't exactly quiet." she said. She walked over to him. " And in the city, who cares about being ladylike when you're defending yourself?" she said, smirking. "Who I am doesn't matter right now. What matters is you know where and what you're doing here, and that you have a place to stay..." she paused before observing, " You look tired." She walked around him, looking at him. He was a couple inches taller than she, but she could use this to her advantage if needed. He had a sturdy frame, similar to Ramos's, and had nice eyes. she stopped checking him out and shook her head. "What ARE you doing here, Lance?" she asked. She smelled faintly of roses and mint, a pleasant, though unusual combination. she thought about how what she said sounded, and then said, "I mean, you're definitely new, and you definitely know how to keep your cool in a fight, and it's a bit unusual for the people around here and you stand out. Not that it's a bad thing or anything, it's just... "She stopped herself before she could cause anymore damage, and said, "Sorry. Excuse me. I'm just making things worse and rambling." she bowed her head a little when she said sorry.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-02-2010, 04:00 AM

"Thank you, and well as you said it doesn't matter what I'm doing here. I just really need a place to stay for a little while. I have been looking for a new home and have yet to find one. If you would be willing to help me find a place to stay that would be great." Lance looks her over as she is doing the same to him. "I can also see you know how to handle yourself in a fight. Where did you learn to fight so well, if you don't mind me asking? I am always trying to improve my skills and I would also be willing to pay for the training if that is needed. I can pay in gold or offer my services to however is willing to train me. I would also still like to know your name." Looking at the young woman.

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Old 08-02-2010, 06:57 PM

Alorrena stopped in her tracks and looked at him, ponderously. She had stopped on his side towards the back, so he'd have to turn to face her if he were going to look at her. "Well, Lance..." She started," I learned my skills in the palace with the guards and the knights. You can stay there if you wish, but you'll have to participate in any of the palace chores, along with whatever the king and queen wish." She didn;'t take into consideration that it might include teaching herself how to behave like a lady around men. She never really needed to when she was fighting, so it wouldn't come to mind at the moment. "So, do you wish to stay at the palace or in an inn in the city?" She asked him, avoiding the comment about her name.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-02-2010, 09:20 PM

Lance turns to face her "Well, as it's the palace and all I think I will take that offer. Just wondering how you can extend that kind of offer to me though, I thought that invites to the castle could only be made by the King, Queen, and Princes or Princess, and The Captain of the Guard. That really don't matter though, I will stay at the palace and I would like to say it is kind of rude to not tell a person your name if you are in open conversation malady." Lance looks her over again and realizes she might be more then a match for him at this point.

"As for chores and castle duties, I am very use to doing that stuff currently. I know what it feels like to be tired from a hard days work. So how long have you lived in this city and what is the name of this land, as I am not from here. Also what is the Royal court like? As I am going to meet them soon I would like to know how they treat their subjects." Lance looks at her waiting for her reply.

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Old 08-02-2010, 09:38 PM

"Fine, If you think it's so rude, then i'll give you a name. You can call me Ren, for now. The royal court is courteous to their subjects and treats them fairly. The king and queen are kind and just, and do not judge anyone by first appearances. The ladies and earls and everyone are polite and pleasant, though with what you mentioned wanting to train, you will be hanging around the court guard and the knights." she looked him over again. "You have a lot to learn. You are in the Orsini Empire. And you are best off saving your energy for when you are training. With that much said, we should go to the palace before it's too late to bother the king and queen."

She looked up at the sky, sighed and said softly, "Keep up or you'll lose me and have to find your way on your own. I don't like waiting." With that, she twirled, and took off down the street, making sharp turns. At one point she ran into a dead end and used the things stacked up on the sides of the street to get onto the rooftops. She waited a moment after she got up there for Lance.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-03-2010, 04:47 AM

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ren, I am pleased to hear that this is a good kingdom with royals and noblemen and ladies that are kind to their subjects. I have also heard of this land from a few passing travelers and heard nothing but good things from them. I also can't wait to see how well the knights are here. I was trained by a knight myself. So you look like you are ready to go." Lance notices Ren getting ready to take off and does a small hand motion. Then when Ren takes off he is right behind her on her heels. Lance then notices that she went down a dead end and seen the crates and other boxes and jumped right behind her till he found a spot to jump to the roof and stood there waiting for her. "Ren what are you looking at I'm right here." Lance says as Ren is looking around.

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Old 08-03-2010, 06:30 PM

She spots him, and makes up an excuse, "I was looking for the best route to take, not all roofs are the same or the safest. let's go." She said, taking off again, she stuck to the edges of the roofs, making her way easily like a cat could. She was quick and lithe and nimble on her feet. She didn't slow down until she reached the palace gates. She turned to look at Lance, and said "The king and queen have to approve all invitations for someone to stay at the palace for a while. overnight stays are typically unnoticed, but as you will be staying to train, we have to okay it with them. Even the princess's guests have to be okayed by them. C'mon.." she said, walking briskly into the gates, which were held open by two guards who were really respectful and bowed to both Alorrena and Lance. Once inside, Alorrena spotted Ramos and called him over, "Take lance to the Throne room to talk with the queen and king. I'll return your blades and join them momentarily. You tell him who i am i will hurt you so bad that you won't be walking for weeks, got it?" Ramos grinned in reply. He knew how Alorrena hated people calling her princess Alorrena, but knew that she'd have to put up with it. "Sure thing. Shall i tell them that you would be joining them?" he asked. Alorrena just shrugged and turned to lance, who she had left a few feet back so that the two of them could talk. "Hey, Lance, This is Ramos. He'll take you to the grand hall while I fetch the king and queen." She curtsied, the first ladylike action she had made the entire time of knowing Lance. She ran off into a dark corridor that branched off to a passageway that led straight to Ramos's room. before entering, Alorrena asked a guard to tell her parents that they had a guest that Alorrena wished to be allowed to stay for a while. When she entered the room, She stripped herself of his daggers, 18 of them, and then made her way to her room to get dressed in a simple evening gown that didn't need anyone to help with. She then ran down the halls and made her way to the throne room. She entered through a side door, and sat in a visible place near Ramos.

Ramos looked lance up and down, and smiled. "I'm Ramos. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lance. She went to go get changed as well as get h- their majesties." he rubbed his nose. "Excuse me, i thought had a sneeze coming on. Any ways, right this way, sir." He said, taking lance to the throne room. Shortly after, The King and Queen entered the room, and Ramos bowed, hoping Lance would be smart enough to do so as well. Ramos noticed Alorrena enter the room a moment after the king and queen did.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-03-2010, 07:19 PM

"Nice to meet you Ramos, I really like the city so far. Well minus my little run in before, all the people I have met here in the castle seem nice to me. I have been traveling for a long time, and I have a good feeling about this kingdom. Also what is it with Ren, she seems kind of out of place a little. Is she a daughter of one of the lord's or lady's or is she just wanting to be a knight. I can't really tell, and she seems to know you really well. I can't wait to meet the King and Queen though, if they are like Ren said then I know I will like them. I also have one minor request of you Ramos, could I just have an audience with the king, queen, any prince's and princess that are here? This is kind of important for me to do as I know something and need to tell them." Lance follows Ramos in and waits to be addressed by The King and Queen, and then sees Ren. "She is a princess, well now I really have to behave myself. She also cleans up nicely, I wonder if her parents know that she goes into the city like that." Thinking to himself and still waiting to be addressed.

Last edited by ~Yue~; 08-03-2010 at 07:22 PM..

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Old 08-03-2010, 09:18 PM

The queen spots Alorrena and says, "Alorrena, Please take your seat with your father and I. Though this business pertains to you, It's only proper that you sit with us, as it is your place."

Alorrena sighed, "But, Mama..." The king gave her a stern look, and Alorrena lowered her head and did as she was told, saying, "yes mama.."

The queen smiled and nodded, tugging on a part of alorrena's dress that was being unusual at the moment that alorrena passed her mother. The royal family then proceeded to have a small side talk about the day and what they did. The queen talked about her embroidery, and told alorrena how she wished she would join her and sit and talk with her while they worked, and alorrena simply responded that she had to work on being strong for the family and for her own reputation in the palace, but would spend an hour with her mother the following weekend embroidering her dress for the next ball that was a good month away. The king smiled when alorrena mentioned being strong, though quickly hid it when his wife looked at him, and he told alorrena to spend an hour with her mother the following day and on the weekend. Alorrena tried to protest, and they worked out an agreement to allow a half hour with the queen the following day, and the rest of the time the day after, and a whole hour on that Saturday.

((haha my turn to borrow a video game character's name! ^^ wonder if you've played it and recognize the game! ^^))

Family matters aside, the king then turned to lance and smiled, "Sorry about that, Family is always first before other matters. Anyways, Welcome! I am King Orsin, And this is Queen Kluke. You have already met the princess, Alorrena, And have been Invited to the palace. We have not been informed as to why you wish to stay here, other than the obvious possible reasons, and would like you, sir, to introduce yourself and state why you are here. Not, the princess." he added as alorrena opened her mouth to speak. Alorrena "hmphed" softly and slouched back in her chair, earning her a look from her mother. The king was cheery, even for so late at night.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:26 AM

Lance looked at the King and Queen then at Ren "Well to properly introduce myself allow me to take off my cloak." Lance takes off his cloak to reveal a set of armor and a the crest upon it is that of a lion holding a heart. Lance then looks at them again "I am Lance Lionhart, I am a prince of a country that is far to the south or your kingdom. I have been on the run because of my fathers high council and his most trusted adviser. I had found that he was plotting to kill my father and he then planted evidence that would show that I was really trying to. In an attempt to take the throne for myself. As I love my father, I would never do this. Just that his adviser controls most of the military now and I didn't want to start a war over it. So I fled in the hopes of finding someone that would be willing to help me. I have come here in the hopes that you may be the saving grace of my country and would help me to show my father that his adviser is trying to take over his throne." Lance looks at them all and hopes they will aid him in doing this. If not he may never be able to return.

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Old 08-05-2010, 03:35 PM

The king nodded to what lance was saying, but said nothing for a while. "How soon do you possibly need our assistance?" he finally asked.

Alorrena stared at the man before her and her parents. "Great another prince... and now he knows i'm a princess... Ugh... I'm going to have to kick his ass for this later..." she thought silently. After a moment of hearing what Lance had said about needing help, she looked at her father. "Father, i need to know how able Our guest's royal army is, if we are to assist him. You know our guards and knights are up to the task of a small army, but a large one might be a little iffy." she thought. A small black cat had appeared next to Alorrena's throne, and alorrena was Channeling her thoughts to her father through the cat. Of course none of this could be seen to anyone outside the royal family, as that was where the cat allowed his thoughts and voice to travel to. Alorrena picked up the cat and set him on her lap to pet him.

Last edited by Alorrena; 08-08-2010 at 08:47 PM..

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-05-2010, 06:42 PM

Lance looks at the king "I wouldn't need it that soon. If you would like to, my country is a very peaceful place normally. You could send in a diplomat and form an alliance with my father. He is a good king, just that his council is corrupted. I will tell you that my fathers army is very large and would be a hard fight. This is why I figured if you send a diplomat to talk with my father that it would turn out much better." Lance then looks at the king, queen, and Rena and wonders what they are doing. Lance motions to have Talon come by him and thinks "I can't hear what they are saying but I can tell they are talking some how." Talon looks at his master "It looks to be the cat on the princess lap, her cat allows her to speak telepathically with other of her choice I think. Or maybe only those of the royal family. You should ask what they are talking about it may help." Lance looks over at them "I was wondering what are you talking about. I can not hear what you are saying but can tell you are using some form of telepathy. Talon here, can sense that you are using it. Just that I don't know how you are doing it or if it is restricted to just the royal family. If you have a question of me just ask. I know I have asked you a big favor being new here. I will also answer any question you may have about me or the kingdom I have come from."

Last edited by ~Yue~; 08-09-2010 at 08:56 PM..

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Old 08-09-2010, 09:26 PM

The cat turned his head to face Lance, and a voice emanated inside lance's mind, "My name is Meiko. I'm Alorrena's best friend. I have the ability to manipulate plants and direct my thoughts to wherever i wish them to go, and with whomever i wish for them to hear. I may also hear the thoughts of those around me with or without their permission, though it is rare that i do so. The royal family was talking amongst themselves about you, and if i were you i'd be wise and not butt into things that are not your business."

A moment after Meiko's voice had vanished, alorrena stood up, picking Meiko up in the process. The cat climbed to her shoulders. "If that's the case, then we'll have 10 men and myself accompany you to your homeland, if you wish. My parents are too old for such a journey, and if they were to go, they'd have to have 20 foot soldiers, 5 horsemen, and 10 guards each. That would be a small army of 70. I'd say it would be wiser to have me go with ten of our men, so that it does not seem like an attack. Whilst we are talking with your father, the men can be training and resting up for the return trip, and learning new skills. I, too, will accompany the men in training in my spare time. Of course, it will take a few weeks to get the arrangements made and the men prepared for the journey. Until then, my parents have decided that it would be fine if you stayed with us. I am to give you the room next to mine, so i may keep an eye on you." She said. Turning to her parents, she curtsied and said, "Excuse me for saying all of that, Meiko informed me of that being your decision, and i know he is never wrong when it comes to reading the two of you and making the compromise between you. And you know it's true. It just saves time. Meiko also told me that you two both decided that it would be best to have Our guest in the room closest to mine for observation purposes." She curtsied again and sat down. The queen then stood up and asked, "Do you have any more needs or inquiries?"

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Old 08-09-2010, 09:56 PM

"Well, the problem is I can't go near the capitol city. I do and we will be killed on sight. There is a bounty on my head and that is why I need your help. If I go to my father, we will all be dead. My fathers elite guards are all trained in magic and are also very skilled swordsmen. This is why a diplomatic mission is not only needed but the only way to get close to my father. He would never turn down the chance to make a new ally and he is a kind person. I will go with you, just that I will need to be very careful as to not be seen. This is why I said we should wait and come up with a good plan before. So that I may talk with my father and not have to worry about his guards. If I need to I will even dress so that I look like a servant or something of that sort to be able to talk with my father." Stops for a second and looks at Ren "I am not in a hurry, I have been traveling for a long time and would rather get to know the people of your kingdom and get to know how things are in your country. We can take this time to plan more and the trip is not a short one. I have figured by horse it would take us almost two weeks time to get there. I have been traveling for almost three years and I do not know what the my fathers country is like now. It would also be wise to send a scout out to find out what my fathers country is like. You would also use this as a way to announce an alliance with my father. This is all up to you and I will leave that in your hands." Looking at the King and Queen.

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Old 08-09-2010, 10:14 PM

The king and queen nodded in unison. "Alright, That's fine. You will be clothed and fed,and as long as you don't cause too much trouble, you may stay as long as you wish. We will send a scout to see what is going on with your country in a week once things are settled. I ask that you take your part in the palace duties, even though you are a prince yourself.i will have an occasional task for you, so i will find you once a week to see how things are going. For now, it is bedtime. The king and i excuse ourselves, Alorrena, you're in charge here." Said the queen. She and her husband left the throne room, and left the princess to do as she wished.

Alorrena looked at Lance "If you address me as princess or ma'am or anything formal i will personally make your stay here miserable." Ramos looked at lance and muttered, "She will, and can. I advise you listen to her. Let's go." Alorrena was already halfway out the throne room.

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Old 08-09-2010, 11:08 PM

"Well, if a nickname is what you want then I will call you Rena. I hope you don't mind the nickname, Ren just sounds weird to me and I figure you don't want me to call you Alorrena do you? So I will call you Rena, as for doing stuff around here. I like that idea and hope that I am of help to everyone." Lance looked at Rena and smiled "So Ramos, would you spare with me some time? I would like to test my skills out against you. If you are willing too. I would also like to test my skills against you too Rena." Lance follows then as they show him to his room.

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Old 08-10-2010, 04:25 AM

Alorrena smirked. "You have to earn the right to call me Rena, just like everyone else has. You call me it again you'll be hurting in the morning and not know why."
Ramos nodded, "Sure thing, though in a sparring match against me, you'll win. Against Rena, you'll loose. And I've earned the right to call her Rena. By the way, Rena, did you know you frighten me a little?" Alorrena smiled, "Yeah, Ray, I know. It's my job, isn't it?" she teased. She was still a little tense, but she seemed a lot more comfortable around Ramos and Meiko, who was still on her shoulders. The three of them went up numerous stairs, through several back passageways that didn't seem to be cleaned too much, as there were layers of dust on the few things that were there, and through several rooms. It was easy for people to get lost around Alorrena. Ramos didn't think anything of it, but when they finally got to Alorrena's room, he thought about it and mentioned it to her. "Wouldn't it have been a little more wise to go the simple long route? I mean, poor man's going to get lost before you and i can say the word." Alorrena just smirked in response and said, "Ray, do you mind getting Lance some fresh clothes and something to eat? you'll make it to the kitchens in about as much time as it would take me in a dress, but still. I have to check on a few things, and heat up the water for our guest's bath." she smirked again, and Ramos smiled and shook his head, saying "Yeah, sure thing." before heading off.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-10-2010, 04:56 AM

"Well, I don't want to call you Ren, it sounds weird and makes me think you are a guy, so I have no clue what to call you by then. I also think I would give her a run for her money Ramos, she may beat me just that I will not make it an easy fight for her in any way. I may not look it but I have a lot more skill then most seasoned knights and I have combat training as well. I have also done some protection work in my travels. So I do know how to fight and have seen mean different fighting styles. I also don't mind the maze route, I rather like the exercise it will give me. I will learn it well, so don't worry about that. Thank you for being so kind to me, if you need any help with the bath I can do it myself Ren." Lance cringes at that name, but sucks it up. "I really don't mind helping out and I feel bad that you have to watch over me. I can tell you don't really like me much and I don't want to impose on you or your family, it's just been so long since I have seen my family and wish I could see them sooner, just know that this may not be the right time to go back. I hope you understand." Looking at Rena with a smile "Thank you."

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Old 08-10-2010, 05:14 PM

Alorrena smirked. "The bath isn't a problem at all. It's already heated up." she said, smirking. The bathroom is between our rooms, so if you need anything, you won't have to go out to the hall to knock on my door." She said, going into her room. Meiko jumped off her shoulders and went to Lance's side and looked up at him. "I believe you should go into your room, settle down, and allow the water to cool down a little so you don't get burnt too bad. Rena likes playing practical jokes, just so you know. And when she wants you out of the bath, you'll know..." he said, directing his thoughts to Lance and talon only. the direction of his voice was like an invisible tunnel that went straight to Lance and Talon's mind from Meiko's. I wasn't there before when meiko had spoken, because he hadn't needed any barriers for what he had to say. This time, meiko was telling Lance something alorrena would want him to find out on his own, and not through her best friend and pet.

Judge of the Clow
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Old 08-11-2010, 10:47 PM

"Thank you Meiko, I will go and relax for a bit and then take my bath. I do need a little time to think over all that has happened today, and is Ren always like this with new people? If she is I'm fine with it just she needs to learn some manners. She is a princess and are held to a higher standard then a normal person. I hope that some day we can at least be friends though. She is a really good fighter too, but you already know that don't you?" Looking at Meiko. Lance then goes to his room and just relaxes for about 10 minutes to let the water cool off and takes his clothing off and gets in the tube. The warm water feels really good and he cleans himself for the first time in a week. "Ahhh this feels so good, been so long since I have had a nice bath. I also wonder if this might be a good place to settle down for a bit, I am already liking the royal family and Ren is very beautiful, even though she is a bit of a wild child. I hope that I will like it here once I get to know everyone, and I hope they accept me as one of their own." Lance cleans up and just relaxes in the water.


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