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Old 08-25-2010, 01:05 AM

"A Year To Never Forget"

Student=Sailor Star RainbowTeacher=Kia_

Name: Matt Everson
Age: 22
short bio: Lives by himself, loves to teach, always trying to help out. He had a fiance once until she died in a car accident once and of course he thought that everything happened for a reason and that she died because they were not meant to be. So now he looks for his new love since then and waits each day. He doesn't feel too sad about Rebecca dying but he does sometimes have a problem with getting too close to people.

Last edited by Kia_; 08-25-2010 at 01:16 AM..

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 02:04 AM

Name:Bell Youza
Short Bio:Bell moved with her family to this town a few years ago. she is now a 12th grader at long last in the local high school. the teen has only fell in love once before yet due to movement she left that lover behind.
Pic: the one with her finger's on her lips

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Old 08-25-2010, 02:51 AM

Mr. Everson walked into the classroom carrying some books and set them down on his desk with his bag placed in his chair. "Good morning class, My name is Mr. Everson and I will be your teacher for the remainder of the year. If you haven't heard, Mrs. Tuetken (actual teacher name lol) will be out due to having her baby soon. So you'll all be stuck with me, as long as you do your work and don't talk back, this year will go smoothly. Today we are going to get to know eachother a little better, let's make a circle." Mr. Everson had replied. The class formed a small circle since there was only ten maybe twelve students in the classroom and on the roster.

"Here is how this works, I will call on you and I want you to tell me your name, 1 like, 1 dislike, and why you chose this class. If you didn't chose this class and was stuck in here, then tell me if you like art or not and why. I'll give an example by going first. My name is Sean Everson and I like to teach others and dislike wasting time. Of course I chose art because I like it and do better with teaching it than other classes. Now...Summer Bagetsu?" Mr. Everson added. A girl with long silky black hair, ivory skin, and blue eyes stepped forward stating "My name is Summer Bagetsu, I love art, and I dislike bats in real life. I chose this class for my passion and career is to deal with art" "Thank you Summer, now how about Chris Crisen, Zen Wisdom (actual kid in my class irl lol), and so on" "My name is Chris Crisen and I was stuck in this class and could care less for art. I dislike art and would rather play sports." "My name is Zen Wisdom, I love art, I chose this class for it being 'art' and I dislike alot of noise" and each student went by "Bell Youza?" Mr Everson called out.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 03:58 AM

"My name is Bell Youza,I really like art so I wanted to take this class. to help out with my oil painting's some more,my hobby's are singing,classic dancing. cooking en babysitting my younger sibling's when I have too." she says in happy,sweet,clam and soft voice a smile on her face. Bell was a shy spoken person at times not liking to show her smart side of her self at times. only rarely she'll show it when cooking are knowing history on oil painting. ((sorry if this post is so short.))

Last edited by sailor star rainbow; 08-25-2010 at 04:25 AM..

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Old 08-26-2010, 01:39 AM

(Don't worry about it, it's fine ^^♫)

"Alright then, now that that was everyone, take your seats. Today I won't bore you with information you won't remember later. So you'll have a week maybe two, just to pick someone out of the room and draw them yourself. If you don't draw well, then it's fine, ask around or ask me to help you with it. There is no limit to what you all can do, only yourself thinking there is a limit, is the limit itself. You may begin and if you have any questions come and ask me, do not hesitate." Mr. Everson spoke after handing out a drawing book for each of them so they could have it for the class along with pencils and other supplies that they could use and borrow for the year. "Also, it must first be sketched, then you can color, paint, or even use pastels or markers if you can do it that way. It's your choice" Mr. Everson added.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-26-2010, 02:42 AM

Bell look's around the class room trying to piece someone to draw out. on to her drawing pad she wonder if it would be okay to draw the teacher? even if he was substitute teacher for the year it sounds like. the teen was use to sketching stuff or people out yet opens up the drawing pad. but wnated to ask the teacher if it would be okay to draw him?

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Old 08-27-2010, 01:49 AM

Mr. Everson realized that Bell had been staring at him almost the entire five minutes and gets up walking over to her saying "Is there something you need?" He smiled, he was being nice, of course like he would for any student but Bell was actually sweet it seemed.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-27-2010, 03:57 AM

"Um Mr.Everson would it be okay if I can draw you?" Bell ask the teacher wile blushing she was a bit. shy when it came to new teachers epically the male ones they were all ways so hot en handsome to boot. yet she knew it was against the rules for a student and teacher. to be dating each other wile the student was still going to said school.

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Old 08-28-2010, 12:37 AM

"Of course, that's alright with me. It seems everyone is busy working on their work so I'll be setting things up at my desk if you need me." Mr. Everson spoke and smiled. "Anything else?" he added asking nicely.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 08-28-2010, 01:41 AM

"No I don't need anything else at all and thank you for letting me draw you." she says to Mr.Everson as she had a happy yet shy smile on her face. then starts get to work right away thinking to her self wile sketching it out first. 'This teacher is way hotter then all of the other males teacher's. in are school oh my I hope I'm not starting to crush on him.' Bell's face show's no signs of blushing on her cheeks. which was a good thing she did not want her other class mate's are teacher to think she was sick.

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Old 08-31-2010, 01:28 AM

After about an hour to an hour and a half, class was over with and the teacher stood up as the bell rung "Sorry, tomorrow, I will dismiss you guys to clean up at the right time" He spoke watching all the kids put their things away.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-31-2010, 02:15 AM

Bell sighs out as she packs her things up in her bag at lest she could. work on it when she was done with other class work are even at home. this would be done by maybe tonight or by this time tomorrow. once done she slowly starts to walk out the class room heading off to her next class.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-02-2010, 02:31 AM

((Time skip to the next day.))

Bell sighs out as she walks in to the art class room wile holding on. a old book in her hands it was a book she had to read for history. as well her English class then right a report about the book for English class. then write about the historical facts for history class. she had got yelled at in math class once so far today. for doodling in her note book that she normally kept math notes in.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 01:54 AM

"good morning class, my name is Mrs. Simons and I will be your substitute teacher for today while your teacher is out sick" Mrs. Simons spoke (Sorry road-bumb here) "Your teacher left a note saying you're all drawing for right now and he'll be back tomorrow. other than that if you need help ask eachother, I don't know much of anything when it comes down to drawing" She added and sat down opening up a puzzle book and began looking at it. The class went by slowly and soon enough the bell rung when it was time, the last bell rung and all the kids left the school unless there was clubs that they would go to next. It was a sunny day that day and the breeze was nice afterschool since it was around 70 degrees. It was just the beggining of autumn and it was already nice and comfortable. The next day came and Mr. Everson was back in class like the students were told but it seemed because of the feild trip that day that about half the class was gone on it. "Well for all those who are here, I am sorry that I was gone and I am here now, if you have questions go ahead and ask me. Let's see Zen Wisdom is here, Kylie Anderson is here, and...*goes through a small list* Is Bell Youza here?"

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 03:07 AM

"Here Mr.Everson Sir." Bell says to him as she had put the finish picture on a eaisl. the young woman was just starting to pull out some oil paints. form her schooll bag that she'd brought form home to use on the drawing. she had finish sketcheing it out the other day wile there teacher was away.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 10:27 PM

"Oh you're finished already? You have quite a talent here Bells" Mr. Everson spoke and smiled, the picture looked just like him just without color. "Well I'll put that grade in the computer and you can do whatever you want with the picture. You can even color it if you wish to"

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 10:58 PM

"Why thank you Mr.Everson." Bell says as she digs in her school bag for her oil paint brush. as she was thinking to her self about were it could be.'Ugh were is my oil paint brush I know I pack it in here some were. if Tommy took it out of my bag I'll make him pay for it. he knows my paint brush use to belong to Grammy. Aw Ha found it!' the older teen sighs out pulling the old paint brush out carefully. it was light blue in color on the handle color then starts to pain with it slowly.

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Old 09-05-2010, 04:47 AM

Mr. Everson walked around to each student giving pointers and waking up a couple in the back whom seemed to be sleeping. Soon he walked by Bell but made sure he wasn't mptoced since it seemed to attract their attention and she seemed busy enough he didn't want to bother her. She was not only an amazing artist but seemingly an amazing girl, and even though he shouldn't think thoughts like that he just couldn't seem to help it.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 05:01 AM

Bell carefully paint's color in to hair slowly yet softly not wanting to mess it up. once she finish with the hair she work on the eyes,shirt and on his tie. the teen kept a eye on her work most of the time yet. once in wile when he walk around the room she would glance at him when he was not looking. 'I think I'm falling in Love with are substitute art teacher. oh my if anyone hears about this then it gets out I would have transfer to private school.' yet the hole time she kept a bright smile on her face. that sometimes changed wile getting in to the small parts which bugged her a lot.

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Old 09-10-2010, 02:32 AM

Soon enough the bell rung but Bell didn't seem to notice it since it was like she was in a dazed but happy mood. "Very good Bell, but the class bell rung over 20 minutes ago" Mr. Everson spoke standing behind her leaning over a bit like he was looking at her artwork which he sorta was.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 08:00 AM

"Oh my I'm so going to get detention this time for not noticing the bell. thanks for letting me know Mr.Everson sir I'll be back tomorrow!" Bell says as she grabs her bag quick dropping her paint brush on to the floor. then run's out of class room to her next class which was her English class. right now the teen was really embarrass by not noticing the bell,even being caught off guard.

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Old 07-02-2011, 06:37 PM

Mr. Everson had written her a pass, excusing her for being late to class. She wasn't even thinking about school at all most likely and that would be a problem. "Bye Bell" Mr. Everson spoke and watched her leave and laughed at the thought. It was a good thing he watched her daze off because he had the time to write the pass and then walk over to her. Once gone, he stood up, it was his break time which he would enjoy, there wasn't much with grading to do though.

***Ah I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry :C


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