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DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 10:57 PM

Knowing everyone here, they should know the Twilight series. And if you don't then look it up ;). This forum doesn't have to follow the acutally Twilight series, so you can be any of the characters that you want or make up you're own character.

1:No Godmodding.
2:Cursing is allowed but keep it low.
3:Take the cybering to the pms or time skip.
4: Follow all of theses rules and we won't have a probably but if you dont then you'll be banned. Thank you :D
5: You can ask for a Twilight Character or make your own character. When you're making a Twilight Character, if you make a vampire you can't have the same power as an ordinal character.

Twilight Characters

Major Characters
Bella Swan: Taken
Edward Cullen:
Jacob Black:
Alice Cullen: Taken
Carlise Cullen:
Esme Cullen:
Rosalie Cullen:
Emmett Cullen:
Jasper Cullen:


Sam Uley:
Quil Ateara:
Embry Call:

Charile Swan:
Billy Black:
Mike Newton:
Jessica Stanley:
Angela Weber:
Eric Yorkie

Pre-made Characters


Selena KcNight
Selena and Bella knew each other when she was leaving with her dad at a younger age. When Bella came back she was so excited. Her, Bella, and Jacob would always hang out and she had the biggest crush on him and still does. She's a really good fighter and sometimes give Jacob some pointers.

Last edited by DarkAngel562415; 08-27-2010 at 10:49 PM..

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 08-31-2010, 10:31 PM

Selena pulls up to Forks High School on Jacob's motorcyle. She took off her helmet and locked the front wheel so no one could take it. She goes into the school and heads for her locker and puts the helmet on the top shelf. After she closed her locker she went to go get her schuedle and then headed off to her first period.


This thread has been moved to the fan based forum, so post there instead. Its the same title

Last edited by DarkAngel562415; 08-31-2010 at 10:40 PM..


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