View Poll Results: Do you think Vampires would REALLY sparkle if they existed?
YES, OF COURSE!! Who are you to doubt!? 1 1.96%
Uh, NO. Just no. That's just... just no. -_- 36 70.59%
Maybeh. Who's to say? O.O 6 11.76%
How about if I come over and we find out...? 8 15.69%
Voters: 51. You may not vote on this poll

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Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-21-2010, 12:26 PM

So much for the traditional Vampire. Is this a new breed, totally unassociated with the original? :stare:
What originally ticked you off about Twilight?
What about Twilight allured you in the first place?

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Originally Posted by Perverted Prince View Post
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Originally Posted by Faulkner View Post

Discussion Highlights (maximum of five Quotes per Spoiler Tag):


Originally Posted by carzeebear View Post
if vampires are so... unholy? Wouldn't the "light of the world" burn them
Originally Posted by Kistch View Post
yeah, they are mythical and can do what they please but... What would be the point? xD
Originally Posted by SaetonChapelle View Post
Vampires are dark creatures of the night who feed on the blood of unsuspecting people. They are a parasite. They are mean, cruel, and none too pretty. They desire life in the most animalistic of ways. The desire for reproduction does not stand on a sexual sense, for it is only by transition might they continue their population, as some old books tell us. ... Really the love young females seem to hold for these creatures is merely a sexual fantasy born from the desire of something dark and twisted. Mutilation, becoming one, or like, your fellow counterpart. The desire to sleep with, or be fed upon something that isn't really alive.
Originally Posted by jessa201 View Post
Personally, I believe they're fairies. Sparkly and lives in woods? Yup, fairies. Delusional ones
Originally Posted by Katlyn View Post
* commercial comes on for the movie*
Him: Was that vampire out in the sunlight??
me: yeah
him: but shouldn't be burn up?
Me : no he sparkles in the sunlight
Him: So he's a gay Vampire?


Originally Posted by Iltu View Post
Vampires are mythical creatures: this means that authors can do whatever they want with them. Sure, sparkling may not be the most orthodox thing ever, but hey. The basic undead, blood drinking factor is still there, am I right? So if they author wants to call them vampires, the author can call them vampires. :yes: ....
.... Do I like to make fun of glittering vampires? Why, certainly! Do I like that they sparkle? Well, um, I appreciate that Stephanie Meyer has a new take on a classic creature, but no, not at all. I’m afraid I don’t quite see the point of why they sparkle. Like Bear said, what’s the purpose of it? Do I think they would sparkle in real life? Nope. Can they sparkle? Well, if the writer wants to write them that way, yes. :yes:
Originally Posted by smexy.buddah View Post
Well... I think that the "sparkling" of the Meyer breed of vampire was really just all a fluke.
Originally Posted by smexy.buddah View Post
the Meyer breed of vampire
Originally Posted by Faulkner View Post
I don't think it ever gave a legitimate reason for vampires to sparkle in Twilight. It serves them no purpose and had almost nothing to do with much of anything except to make Edward look like someone attacked him with a be-dazzler. I have no idea how he can be hard an multifaceted enough to sparkle while maintaining his ability to move so this has never made any kind of sense to me at all.
Originally Posted by Lilith W View Post
I don't understand why they would sparkle.
I mean aren't they just the unholy undead? Ok, they are special with special gifts, they don't need to breath, their blood doesn't flow as much.
But when was the last time you went outside and sparkled? And not been wearing enough glitter to make a fairy jealous?

Vampire powers/gifts are to make them stronger and more appealing to humans so they can get blood. (ok other then the bursting into flames in sun part). So how does sparkling help?
All it does is say "look at me I have some weird skin disease. stay away from me"


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX View Post
LOL! The new breed is called 'Fagpires' LOL!
Originally Posted by Faulkner View Post
ummmm lets see they hunt at night or in the evening right? They only sparkle in direct sunlight how does this work in any way? I'm sorry but it just seems like it has no real advantages at all. Also why don't they sparkle under artificial light? If there skin is that reflective shouldn't all light reflect off of it? How does something as elastic and supple as skin reflect light in the first place. I know vampires are fictional but most stories I've read had reasons for vampires to have certain abilities.
Originally Posted by Zilithandria Moonlight
And what about summer, when it's really sparkly in the evening? :XP

Ah, crap, I meant sunny...:headdesk:

Originally Posted by Faulkner View Post
Yes she can do as she pleases and I in return can hate it all I want. Just because she can use an idea does not make it a good one.
Originally Posted by Aspinou View Post
Do you think Kirk likes sparkles? And most importantly does he approve of sparkling vampires?:shock::?


Originally Posted by carzeebear View Post
I don't watch Star Treck, but I'd have to say that Yoda would definitely disagree with it. "Sparkle, vampires should not."
Originally Posted by Vexatious~Venom View Post
Vampires shouldn't sparkle. End of :stare:

Last edited by Zilithandria Moonlight; 10-09-2010 at 09:47 PM..

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 09-21-2010, 11:03 PM

I think that they're mythical creatures who can do whatever they want. But saying that... if vampires are so... unholy? Wouldn't the "light of the world" burn them (lols at own little joke, but tells self off for making joke about that)

Little Kisses
Kistch is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 12:07 AM

Erm, why would they?
They're paler than a normal human, they're literally walking corpses.
They need blood so their heart has a reason to pump but why would they sparkle? Even in Twilight, most things make sense. They're a part of evolution and helps them to survive. But what would sparkling do, evolutionarily speaking.

But yeah, they are mythical and can do what they please but... What would be the point? xD

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 01:21 AM

Well, there's certainly a lot of "glam" that sparkles, right? :XD

And isn't one of their powers the magic of "glam"? :XD

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 02:13 AM

The magic of Glam?? No, they're just a little gay.

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 10:37 AM

Haha. Is THAT why Edward seemed so happy...? :XD

sreggad is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 02:32 PM

eh, The cullans make Dracula cry in his coffin. I mean come on vampire lore states they burn in the sun... I blame this on the Blade movies. they started the whole "it's okay to be out in the sun" with the sun block. twilight just took it a step farther and made them glow.

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-22-2010, 02:37 PM

Edward: "The internet is for~"

Bella: "Pretending Vampires sparkle!!"

Edward: "But you DO sparkle, Bella. You're so beautiful."

Bella: "Aw, you're so kind."

*Bella kisses Edward*

Bella: "Oops, I left a few spots of fairy dust on your cheek."

Do not fight with the ignorant. ...
SaetonChapelle is offline
Old 09-23-2010, 08:02 PM

I am fully against the new "breed" of vampires, and anything that promotes such a thing.

We won't even get into why I hate Twilight. (Besides the, you know, terrible writing, awful grammar, plots that enforce that women should be subservient and that it's okay to have your man tell you what to do. Besides those.) But I am a huge, HUGE, monster fan. I adore the dark tales about the evils of mankind, the symbolism for the taking and coming of Earth, as well as the fears that we all share but into physical forms. I adore all such. However, Twilight destroys this.

Vampires are dark creatures of the night who feed on the blood of unsuspecting people. They are a parasite. They are mean, cruel, and none too pretty. They desire life in the most animalistic of ways. The desire for reproduction does not stand on a sexual sense, for it is only by transition might they continue their population, as some old books tell us. Others however speak about the cannibalistic nature of man him-self, the need to feed upon the nutrients that allow us to survive.

Vampires exist, I just don't believe in this "mythical" sense. Really the love young females seem to hold for these creatures is merely a sexual fantasy born from the desire of something dark and twisted. Mutilation, becoming one, or like, your fellow counterpart. The desire to sleep with, or be fed upon something that isn't really alive.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 09-24-2010, 01:17 AM

Never once have I desired a vampire... Cold and hard doesn't do it for me. And I'd say I'm definitely a young female. Have you seen that article online about why twilight supports male dominance? It's not a pisstake for once.

Do not fight with the ignorant. ...
SaetonChapelle is offline
Old 09-24-2010, 03:44 AM

Honestly I haven't. If you happen to have a link I'd love to check it out. Only because I really don't do any Twilight research. xD

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-24-2010, 11:40 AM

Well, Sae, they don't exist - except as cannibalistic humans who like to think they're Vampires.

That's why anything can be done with the Vampire idea - up to a point.


But I do agree that once they start making Vampires sparkle and do all these impossible things

because the writer wants this to happen,

and established history notwithstanding

because it's the writer's personal fantasy,

then we start having a problem with Vampires.

Personally, I enjoy stories about Vampires and humans falling in love, but

only insofar as Vampires really are people who drink human blood

- Human Virgin blood, actually -

and who have orders and rules of their own

(because they have an entire civilization unto their own).

They just don't drink animal blood unless they're starving and can't help themselves

and animals are the only creatures with blood around the place.

Stories about Vampires drinking animal blood by choice and sparkling in the daylight

is as wrong as a Wizard who can't use magic.

It's just impossible,

even when ignoring established history


Zee, could please post that link here for me as well?

Last edited by Zilithandria Moonlight; 09-24-2010 at 11:50 AM..

jessa201 is offline
Old 09-25-2010, 06:16 AM

Personally, I believe they're fairies. Sparkly and lives in woods? Yup, fairies. Delusional ones

Katlyn is offline
Old 09-25-2010, 11:19 AM

My fiance's reaction
* commercial comes on for the movie*
Him: Was that vampire out in the sunlight??
me: yeah
him: but shouldn't be burn up?
Me : no he sparkles in the sunlight
Him: So he's a gay Vampire?

At which point I told him he was being terribly sexist

I thought it was more than a little silly. It would have been cooler if he appeared more corpse like in the sunlight or see though like some of those frogs. Something a little more frightening than burn you eyes out sparkles.

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-25-2010, 06:03 PM

Haha, Jess. Yeah, they could be; it's not as if there aren't mean ones out there. :P
Take Tinkerbell for an example, or that fairy from Labyrinth! :gonk:

Niiice. Katlyn, your boyfriend's hilarious. :XD
And if someone's a sexist, they're against women. If they're a feminist, they're against men. :stare:
But apparently the book itself was written with male dominance in mind anyway, so... :o

Perverted Prince
Perverted Prince is offline
Old 09-29-2010, 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by jessa201 View Post
Personally, I believe they're fairies. Sparkly and lives in woods? Yup, fairies. Delusional ones

It made me laugh so hard when you said fairies because I instantly thought of this picture XD

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-29-2010, 12:28 PM

LOL, Perv. That's a REALLY FUNNY picture. :XD

Perverted Prince
Perverted Prince is offline
Old 09-29-2010, 04:44 PM

*Bows* Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week XD

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-29-2010, 04:46 PM

LOL, I'd tip you, but you're not a waitress. :XD

(Get it?)
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week and don't forget to tip your waitress.

Beautifully Sexy 126
Beautifully Sexy 126 is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 04:04 AM

I love the Twilight series. But I would definitly consider you guyz reading the Vampire Academy (think that is how u spell it XD) by: Richelle Mead (ack i dont remember how 2 spell D: ) anyways that is and AWESOME SERIES. here is a from website: here is what is says its about (long i know lolz)
Summary (from the book jacket)
Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous vampires--the ones who never die.

The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a Dhampir. Rose is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making her one of them.

After two years of illicit freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. Rose will continue her Dhampir education. Lissa will go back to being Queen of the elite Moroi social scene. And both girls will resume breaking hearts.

Fear made Lissa and Rose run away from St. Vladimir's – inside the Academy’s iron gates, their world is even more fraught with danger. Here, the cutthroat ranks of the Moroi perform unspeakable rituals and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. Rose and Lissa must navigate through this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, lest the Strigoi make Lissa one of them forever...

The Review
Vampire Academy is the first novel in a new series aimed at Young Adult readers by Richelle Mead. Richelle is also the author of Succubus Blues and the upcoming Dark Swan fantasy series, although these books are written for a slightly older adult audience.

Vampire Academy has three types of vampire, so there is plenty of potential for supernatural thrills. The Moroi are living vampires who feed on blood and can work elemental magic. The Strigoi are undead vampires who are either Moroi who killed and become undead by choice or they are humans, Dhampirs or Moroi who have been bitten and turned against their will. Either way the Strigoi are the strong murderously blood-thirsty immortal vampires of traditional vampire lore.

Dhampirs are the children of a Moroi vampire and a human (or another Dhampir.) They are able to go out in the day, can’t work magic and don’t feed on blood - but they are stronger and faster than both normal humans and Moroi vampires. They protect the Moroi from the Strigoi (who find Moroi blood irresistible.)

Written for the Young Adult market, Vampire Academy has a boarding school setting but this is not any ordinary school - it is St Vladimir’s Vampire Academy. St Vladimir’s Academy teaches young Moroi vampires magic and young Dhampirs combat skills and their responsibilities to guard their Moroi kin.

A boarding school that teaches magic classes may sound a lot like Hogwarts from the Harry Potter novels but there really is no comparison. At Hogwarts Harry Potter and friends learn about magic, eat giant feasts prepared by house-elves and generally have a strange innocence that manages to transcend their being teenagers. By contrast, at St Vladimir’s Academy learning about magic comes a poor second to boyfriends, girlfriends, gossip about who is doing the nasty with who, drinking and parties. Somehow I feel that Lissa and Rose are probably the more accurate portrayal of older teenagers at a mixed-gender boarding school….

Aside from the constant social intrigues that the girls must navigate, Lissa seems to be the target of some nasty “pranks” that involve dead or dying animals. The dead animals could just be someone’s idea of a joke but the nature of the “pranks” suggests that somebody at the Academy knows Lissa’s darkest secret.

Vampire Academy is an engrossing tale. Packed full of excitement and intrigue this book should have no problems keeping its teenage audience entertained. It probably has just enough romance to entertain plenty of adults too.


Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:06 PM

Lol. Thanks for the suggestion, but that's not what this Thread is for. :)

Besides, I'm currently enjoying the Morganville Vampires series when I go to the library... :sweat:

But thank you for stopping by, Beaut. ;)

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 10-02-2010, 02:43 AM

I'll see if I saved it under my favourites, Yep! Here you guys go. Feminism doesn't sparkle

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 10-02-2010, 02:24 PM

Thanks, Bear. :)

do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 10-02-2010, 06:43 PM

carzeebear- Oh my gosh, I gave that handout to my women in literature teacher last year, and she taught it to her women in lit class this year! :rofl: It's SUCH a great article.

But, as far as the subject of this thread goes! I'm not a fan of sparkling vampires or Twilight, but I am on team yes, vampires can, in fact, sparkle. ;)

Vampires are mythical creatures: this means that authors can do whatever they want with them. Sure, sparkling may not be the most orthodox thing ever, but hey. The basic undead, blood drinking factor is still there, am I right? So if they author wants to call them vampires, the author can call them vampires. :yes:

My main argument is: vampires don’t sparkle? Well someone needs to tell J.K. Rowling humans can’t do magic, Christopher Wooding needs to be informed that unicorns are pure creatures attracted to maidens and that they do not eat people’s guts, Diana Wynne Jones needs a friendly reminder that demons are creatures from hell and not at all helpful, nor do castles float, Garth Nix thinks he can just make up whatever he wants and have a book about a necromancer who puts the dead to rest, C.S. Lewis is apparently unaware that children are unsafe around lions, Neil Gaiman should be told that ghosts do not raise children, Richelle Mead doesn’t seem to understand that succubi are only interested in seduction, not love, Christopher Paolini seems to be under the impression that Western-style dragons are not evil, etc. I could go on and on.

I’m not trying to put Stephanie Meyer on par with any of these writers, nor am I putting ant of those writers on par with one another, and I’m not saying those authors were the first to use that take on something. My point is, if fantasy writers stuck to what is historically correct in regards to beliefs about creatures, or what is actually true about real creatures, there would be a much smaller pool of fantastical books. With a really small, way more boring range of subject material. And wouldn’t that just be rotten? :lol:

Do I like to make fun of glittering vampires? Why, certainly! Do I like that they sparkle? Well, um, I appreciate that Stephanie Meyer has a new take on a classic creature, but no, not at all. I’m afraid I don’t quite see the point of why they sparkle. Like Bear said, what’s the purpose of it? Do I think they would sparkle in real life? Nope. Can they sparkle? Well, if the writer wants to write them that way, yes. :yes:

smexy.buddah is offline
Old 10-02-2010, 07:40 PM

Well... I think that the "sparkling" of the Meyer breed of vampire was really just all a fluke. I think that she wanted to write an original vampire story, one that would catch the eyes of all age groups and be comparable to no other, but still good. She wanted he vampires to have the "day walk" ability, and wanted it to be an attribute for all vampires, not just a special power like the telepathy. So, she set up her book and character like that, and when the time came to reveal exactly why they could walk in the day but still needed to avoid the sun, she panicked.
So, really, i think that all of this sparkling nonsense is just something that she did so that she could progress with the story line and, later, she still didn't have anything to replace it with. So she improved it and let it be.


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