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Old 10-10-2010, 02:48 AM

Name: Seth Confair
Age: looks 17 but is 1500 years old
Speicies: Vampire

Name: Fumetsu De'lighte
Age: looks 16 but is 160 years old
Speicies: Dark Elf
Looks: (the wings are just part of her dress)

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 10-10-2010, 02:55 AM

Name: Kain Nightrode
Age: looks 18 but is 180
Speicies: Demon

Name: Millian Hughes
Age: looks 15 but is 150
Speicies: Angel

Live Evil
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Old 10-10-2010, 03:01 AM

((Okay where should we start? Random woods or something XD))

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-10-2010, 03:28 AM

Kain was currently hiding like always in an abandoned house near the woods. He looked out the window at the woods that surrounded his house and sighed. He was tired of being alone, but didn't like talking to people. he was a very shy guy so getting him to talk was hard sometimes. "What to do today?" he asked himself and sneezed. "Ugh...." he said and went over to his room to think.

Millian was currently staring at the waterfall in front of her. It made a river that went through the woods, but she never actually followed the river to see where it ended up. She was pretty bored so decided to follow the river at a safe distance and hoped it lead somewhere beautiful.

Live Evil
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Old 10-10-2010, 03:47 AM

Fumetsu giggled as she ran trough the woods with the deer. She loved running with them. She wasn't very fast but the deer always seemed to wait for her. She had gone farther today than she had ever gone before. It seemed like the deer were leading her some where. She smiled as she ran. She was happy to follow them. Eventually they slowed down and seemed to point her to a small house. Fumetsu paused seeing it. "Huh?" She said looking at it.

Seth sighed as he jumped from rock to rock. There was a river that flowed into a lake. At te center of the lake was a large plot of land, on the land was Seth's house. He loved the location of his house. It was smack in to middle of the woods and hard to get to. He paused as he landed on a rock. He sensed that something was coming. He narrowed his eyes hissing a bit.

((sadly I must go to bed now but I will be on all day tomorrow!))

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-10-2010, 04:20 AM

Kain had fallen to sleep and then woke up late in the afternoon. He went over and stared out the window. "What's this?" he asked himself and looked at the deer a few feet away from his house. He then noticed something else was looked like a human. "Wait...those ears...! It's an elf?!" he said and gasped in surprise. He didn't know what an elf was doing here, but he only hoped she didn't enter his house seeing as how it looked abandoned.

Millian continued to follow the river and smiled. "Oh! Look at the pretty house...I wonder who lives here..." she said and looked around but only saw trees. "Hmmm...." she said and looked back at the house. "It's so alone here....if someone does live here, they must be very shy. I want to meet this person someday..." she said and looked at the water surrounding the house.

((Okay...good night and sweet dreams!))

Live Evil
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Old 10-10-2010, 03:24 PM

Fumetsu slowly crept towards the house. Though she was a curious person and loved to explore she was always cautious. She slowly took a bow off her shoulder holding it out in front of her. She placed an arrow in the bow a she made her way to the house. When she looked back behind her the deer were gone. She smiled turning her attention back to the house as she went forward.

Seth narrowed his eyes as his ears zoned in on the voice. He quickly went towards it. He paused seeing a girl. He blinked a bit giving a small sigh. Some one had found him. He knew it would come eventually. He scowled a bit as he raced forward landing near his house. He locked eyes with her feeling curious. He wouldn't go towards her and he wouldn't help her. If she wanted to talk to him she would have to get to him by herself.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-10-2010, 07:44 PM

Kain noticed that the elf was approaching his house. He looked at her and began to play with the keys he had on him. He saw the bow and arrow and wondered what to do. "I can't frighten her...if I do she'll most likely shoot me...." he said and looked at the door. "Why must elves be so curious....why can't they just go back and prance around with their deer friends." he said and sighed. Kain quickly went to his room and sat on his bed to wait and see what would happen.

Millian gasped as she saw this man appear near the house. "Oh...hello..." she said quietly. Millian was getting nervous now and wondered who this person was, he looked a little scary but didn't seem to want to hurt her. She decided to see if he would talk to her for just a little bit. "I like your's very secluded, but I guess that's because you're shy or just don't like other people near you." she said to him and stepped forward a little but stopped at the edge of the water.

Live Evil
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:16 PM

Fumetsu walked slowly towards the house peering in a bit before looking at the door. She debated for a second thinking. "Ello?" She said calling out to the house wondering if anyone was there. It looked like someone lived there but she wasn't sure if they were home. Fumetsu was sorely tempted to go in and explore, but she didn't want to anger the owner. Slowly she lowered the bow de-stringing the arrow before knocking on the door. If no one answered she decided she would go home.

Seth smirked as he listen. "No that's not it..." He said with a slight accent, "I live here because people don't like me near them..." He kept his expression blank as he looked at her not letting emotion show. As dangerous as it was for him to be around humans and other being, he was tired of being alone. But that didn't mean he was going to put his guard down.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:25 PM

Kain growled as a knock on the door was heard. "I see this elf isn't leaving anytime soon..." he said to himself and went over to the front door. He began to think that if he just let her see he lived here, maybe she would get scared and leave him alone. "I guess it's worth a try..." he said and opened the door and looked at the female elf that stood there. "Can I help you?" he asked her as he continued to play with the keys.

"People don't like YOU near THEM?" she repeated and began to think of an explanation. "Well that's a little odd, why would people not want you near them? It doesn't make any sense..." she added and looked at him curiously. He didn't look like he would hurt a fly so it was a bit confusing to imagine people not wanting him around.

Live Evil
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Old 10-10-2010, 08:43 PM

"Ah...." Fumetsu said looking at the man, "No not really I was just trying to see if anyone lived here..." She said looking at him. She wondered why he lived in the middle of the woods and why the deer brought her here. "Sorry if I bothered you....It's just I haven't been to this part of the woods before and so...I'm just curious...." She smiled looking at him.

He gave a small grin shifting his weight a bit. "There are plenty of reasons why people wouldn't want me near them..." He said softly. He looked down for a second. True know one knew what he was but it was just easier for him to live away from people. He could hunt when he had to and if he needed food their were plenty of deer and bears. And having made friends with the woodland elves years ago he had protection if he ever needed it. "Besides I like nature..." He smiled looking at her.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-10-2010, 09:08 PM

Kain looked at her and listened to what she was saying. He was getting curious now to know a little more about elves. "Elves are known to be curious little creatures. So I don't blame you for being curious..." he said to her quietly. His voice was naturally quiet and not many people could hear what he said. " didn't bother takes a lot to bother me, and one visit from an elf isn't going to annoy me." he said to her.

Millian noticed a small smile on the man's face. "Plenty of reasons huh? May I hear one?" she asked him with a sweet smile on her face. Being an angel, she believed no reason was good enough to be alone forever. She believed that people should always live near each other. "I like nature too, but I usually stay away from here because of the bears...they scare me." she said and shuddered.

Live Evil
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Old 10-10-2010, 09:39 PM

Fumetsu's ears twiched to hear him. "Really that's good...I know some people get angry...." She smiled looking at him. "So why do you live here?" She asked tilting her head curiously. It wasn't often the elves missed someone living in their woods. It kind of made her nervous. Fumetsu wondered if there were other people living in the woods unbeknown to her.

"Well don't worry...if a bear comes i'll save you..." Seth said with a small smile. "A reason....hmm...let's see....I'm antisocial...and...I have anger management issues...." He frowned, "I sometimes forget my own strength and accidentally hurt someone. That's whey its better for me to stay away.....the woods calm me...." He frowned a bit looking at her, "But you're fine...."

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-10-2010, 10:30 PM

Kain let her inside since he knew that they were probably going to talk for a while now. "Why do I live here?" he repeated. "Well...I like to live away from others...I don't fit in with regular people so that's why I hide..." he said to her and sighed. It was true, people would stare at him and whisper things since he was a demon with horns. Of course, they didn't know he was a demon, but they only talked about his horns.

Millian smiled as she listened to what he was saying. "You will? why, Thank-you." she said and smiled sweetly. Millian listened carefully to his reasons and nodded in understanding. "I see....well I don't think you're a bad guy. We all have anger issues sometimes too..." she said to him and stared at the water for a while before looking up and over at him. "The woods calm many people...I know that they calm me sometimes..." she said and raised an eyebrow. "I'm fine? how?" she asked.

Live Evil
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Old 10-11-2010, 01:10 AM

" it because of your horns?" Fumetsu asked bluntly. She tillted her head to the side letting her hair tall to the side as she looked at him. The horns didn't bother her at all. Infact she really liked them. They looked cool to her. But she wasn't about to tell that to him.

"Fine as in I won't hurt you...." He said softly looking at her. He looked at her, "Why don't you come over to look like you could rest for a bit..." He smiled at her. It wasn't often that he got guests and since one had come he didn't want her vanishing quickly.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-11-2010, 01:37 AM

Kain looked at her and nodded. "'s because of my horns..." he said. And because I'm a demon... he thought to himself but didn't tell her. "People talk about me and are scared of me since they see these horns...." he said to her and turned into his depressed self as he frowned. "So I live all alone..." he said to her.

"Oh..." she said and smiled. He seemed like a nice guy but she had just met him so she didn't want to judge him so soon. She then gasped, he was inviting her into his house. "Okay..thank-you." she said and wondered how she would go over to him. She decided to try and jump over to him. She backed up and ran then jumped and made it. "Yes!" she said and smiled at him

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Old 10-11-2010, 02:59 AM

Fumetsu smiled at him. "Really? I think they are cool actually!" She smiled, "They make you unique!" She said with a grin. She blushed looking down feeling embarassed about her little outburst. "Don't take that the wrong way…" She said looking at him.

Seth smiled looking at her. Slowly he extended a hand to her. Up close it was easy to see that he was very pale and his eyes were a dull gray. "Congrats…Not many can…I'm Seth…" He said smiling at her. He hoped he wasn't being to forward, he didn't have many people skills.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-11-2010, 03:30 AM

Kain grabbed all his his and looked at her. "I're just being nice..." he said and stared at the floor then began to carve a tree on the floor and sighed when he was done. "I like my horns too, but many people don't so I guess I'll just stay here and hide. He then scattered the keys on the floor and began to count them. "Fourteen...." he said and gathered them together again.

Millian looked at his hand and took it gently in hers. She looked up at him and couldn't look away, he was quiet the handsome fellow. "Well, I try..." she said and nodded to him. "It's nice to meet you Seth, I'm Millian." she said to him and smiled her sweet smile.

Live Evil
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Old 10-11-2010, 03:59 AM

((gotta go to bed soon))

Fumetsu tilted her head watching him count silently. "Whatcha doing?" She asked him while he counted. She wondered if maybe he didn't like her being there. Maybe her being there in his house bothered him. She frowned worried. She wondered why he had horns.

"Merry met Millian…" He smiled at her gently. "So what brought you into the woods today?" he asked her with a small smiled as he put his hands behind his back as he waited for her to answer.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 10-11-2010, 04:06 AM

((Okay....thanks for the update. ))

Kain looked at her and shook his head. "Nothing, I just never had a visitor before that was actually nice to me..." he said and stood up. Kain looked at her and wondered what elves ate. "What do elves eat?" he asked her.

"Well...I was walking around and i saw this beautiful waterfall so I decided to just stare at it. Then I noticed that there was this river and I decided to follow it." she said and looked up at him and smiled. "Then that's how I found your house...I didn't mean to disturb you in any way though." she said to him.

Live Evil
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Old 10-11-2010, 04:55 PM

"What do" She said thinking. "Well we eat a bit of every thing....we really like meat and too..." She said smiling a bit as she looked at him tilting her head a bit.

He shrugged smiling, "You didn't don't worry....I'm actually thankful you came....I've been lonely...." He said looking down. He smiled a bit then, "I do love the waterfall....I bathe there sometimes..."

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-12-2010, 01:16 AM

Kain looked at her and sighed softly. "You're still curious....what is it you want to know?" he asked her. He knew she was curious just by the look on her face. He knew it was probably going to be about his horns, but he still asked.

Millian listened carefully and frowned when she heard him say he was lonely. "I'm sorry your lonely...I promise to visit you every are a nice guy Seth and I'd like to be your friend...that is...if you let me." she said and looked at him. Millian didn't want him to be lonely, she wanted to make a friend and make him happy.

Live Evil
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Old 10-12-2010, 02:26 AM

She gave a knowing smile looking at him, "Why do you have horns?" She asked bluntly lookig at him with a wide smirk. "She had a hunch but she wasn't sure if she was right. She locked eyes with him waiting for an answer.

Seth smiled at that, "I would…I would like that. I've never had a real friend before…" He said looking down. " Seth smiled at her, "So yes I would like to be friends with you!" He said with a happy smile.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 10-12-2010, 02:52 AM

Kain listened to her and nodded. "I thought so." he said and sighed. "Well...because I'm a demon...and many demons have horns. We don't really eat since we never get hungry...we're like dead animals..." he said and frowned when he said that. It was true though...demons never had much feelings for anything.

Millian smiled back up at him. "Well, here's your very first friend!" she said and smiled sweetly. Millian was happy to see him smile and she hugged him then backed away. "Sorry...I was a bit too happy..." she said and a light blush rose to her cheeks.

Live Evil
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Old 10-12-2010, 11:51 PM

"......I'm sorry...." Fumetsu said looking at him sadly. "It doesn't bother me....I mean I don't mind...I'm not scared. It's hard to scare an elf..." She smirked looking at him thinking, "And for one who says that they are a dead look very much alive..." She smiled.

Seth smiled at her but tensed a bit as he was hugged, "'s fine..." He said forcing a convincing smile as he looked at her. He didn't like being hugged. He was a bit claustrophobic in that sense.


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