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Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 10:03 PM

Welcome to my tavern everyone! ^^ I did have another but I lost it cause I hadn't been online in a while and just got back on and forgot the name I gave it ~_~;;; Anyway so I making this new one and I hope everyone will enjoy it and have fun and obey the rules.

Send Character Information to me, Mira Water Alchemist. Label the Subject Line with: Character Information so I know what it is ^_^

Character Layout Requirements:
Appearance: (picture or description)

You approach a building along the side of the street that says: Mira's Tavern, All Visitors Welcome
When approaching and nearing you enter a building that holds a handsome wooden bar counter, a fire place crackling with life off to the side corner with chairs and a stone bench connected to the fire place. Seats and round tables are placed about the large room, stairs leading up to other rooms that also hold bar counters and tables with plenty of drinks of all kinds in stock along with foods to compliment the selection of wine and alcohol of all varieties. The wooden floor is well polished and stained to aid to the soft lighting. There are also book selves with a good selection of books for the readers.

At the door a young woman stands greeting any who enter with a friendly smile. The woman is the owner of the bar and smiles wide to any who enter. "Welcome to the Mira's Tavern, owned by me Rose McGovern. The Co-Owner is the sweet Mira Water Alchemist. We both hope you all come in and kick your feet up and enjoy. There are rules that will be posted so I hope you all follow them." She giggles smiling widely and moves aside with a tray and drinks in her hands to allow you all entree.


Bar Rules:

1.) No Cursing
2.) Show Respect to Everyone
3.) No Fighting
4.) No Sex
5.) No Stealing
6.) Have Fun
7.) Relax and Enjoy
8.) Weapons Must be Checked in at the Door
9.) No Violence Just Because got Drunk
10.) Always tip well :) (if possible)
11.) No Nudity
12.) Follow All Rules
*Breaking of Any Rule Could Result in Being Thrown Out of Bar*

Last edited by Mira Water Alchemist; 10-13-2010 at 02:11 PM..

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 10:18 PM

Bar Positions:

Owner: Rose McGovern
Co-Owner: Mira Water Alchemist
Bar Tender: Help Selves
Waitress: Help Selves
Waiter: Help Selves
Dish Washer: Help Selves
Cook: Help Selves
Maid: Help Selves
Inn Keeper: Help Selves
Greeter/Weapon/Coat Checker: Put into case yourself and able your weapon
*Workers get free run of the drinks and food of the bar just cannot get drunk while working*
**Note: Users who send Character Information to me may help themselves to anything in the bar like get their own drinks others drinks or say the keeper of the bar or cook brought them their drink or food or something to make it easier on everyone**


Bar Prices:
Drinks = 5 Gold
Food = 3 Gold
Bedding = 10 Gold
*Note: Do not have to actually pay me gold but can say that you paid the person in charge of it ^^*


Accepted Characters:
User: Mira Water Alchemist
Name: Mira
Age: 20
Race: Human/Mage
Bio: Mira was born into a loving family in the town she later in life opened a bar in. She grew up in a loving family and had lots of fun. She learned she inherited her father's powers and was taught how to use them for good not evil like some mages use their powers for. She later came across an old building and fixed it up with her powers. She went into business with the building's owner and opened Mira's Tavern where she hopes people will enjoy themselves and find things to do. She hopes beings of other races of all kinds will find it a safe haven to be at to have fun and enjoy life without risking to feel judged and discriminated against. Mira knows all too well how it hurts to be thought of as a freak and hopes no one else will feel that way coming into her bar.
Appearance: Red short hair, fair skin, red blue eyes
Personality: Kind and loving to all races, uses her powers for good not evil
Originally Posted by happydeath
Name: Mamoru Daishi
Age: 19
Race: Neko.
Bio: Mamoru was born and raised as a neko by his parents, orginally his parents were always somewhat cruel to him; telling him that he was always so useless to the family, but once he was around 16 he had joined the royal guards within the castle in their small little town. He left his family since he couldnt stand all the talk about him being wothless. Once he became a guard at the age of 16, he was trained just as hard by the instructers, but the fact was that all the other trainees were all human and they'd always make fun of him because of his cat ears and tail. He didnt let this get to him, as he contiued to follow his instructer's orders to the letter.
Once he had turned to the age of 18, he was assigned to escort the princess of the castle to another kingdom to negoiate peace between their kingdoms. While on their jounry to the second kingdom, orcs and orges attacked the carriage as Mamoru had seemed to be the only guard to had survived this onslaught. Once peace was signed between the two kingdoms and Mamoru escorted the princess back to her home kingdom. Once he had turned to the age of 19 finally, he was immediatly assigned to become the leader of the elite knight guards because of his complete loyalty to the princess and how well he did with protecting her.

Personality: Mamoru was orginally born a somewhat shy person, even to this day he is still kind of shy; but much less then he was when he was a kid. The cause of this was because he was in the royal guards for so long, and they expect you to always answer back with 'Yes Sir!' or something like that. Most of the time, he may not seem like it because of his armor but Mamoru is actually quite a gentle person, he loves flowers, but tends to keep that a secret to himself. Who would've thought the general of the royal elite knights would like something as fragil as a flower.

Last edited by Mira Water Alchemist; 10-13-2010 at 02:20 PM..

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 10:37 PM

Walks up to the building dusting off the old sign and hangs it into the window that says "Open" and then dusts off the sign that says "All Visitors Welcome" and smiled sighing. "There, all done. Finally my new Tavern is open and ready for people to come in and enjoy. All is stocked up and ready for everyone to come." Laughs entering the tavern. The boss leaves and I sigh looking around.

"It looks so great! I can hardly believe that I was allowed to be a co-ower. I'm glad. I couldn't have found a better spot or building for my tavern." Smiles and looks around before walking over and sits down at the bar leaning back against it with arms on the bar counter waiting for customers to come in and relax, listening to the fire crackling happily. Mira closes her red blue eyes and pushed her short red hair back out of her face smiling still. "This is going to be great."

She looks around at the wooden tables and fire place before looking down at the bar counter top softly touching the cool smooth surface and turned more to look back at the selection of alcohol along with non-alcoholic drinks. "Something for everyone. I hope it's a success where everyone can find safety."

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Old 10-12-2010, 11:04 PM


Last edited by happydeath; 10-13-2010 at 01:50 PM..

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 11:34 PM

(Yay! Happy to have you here! ^_^)

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Old 10-12-2010, 11:55 PM

Mamoru had left the kingdom a few days ago as he ventured into town on his own free will without telling anyone. Considering that he was now the commander of the elite knights in the castle he could leave whenever he wanted, without question. The only people who could be able to tell him to go back were the king, queen, or the princess. Every other guard and knight in the castle had no authority to do so since he was the highest rank in the army. While he was walking through town with his red hood over his head to cover up his cat ears, he noticed a tavern nearby as he tilted his head in confusion. He hadnt seen this place here before so he decided to check it out.
Upon entering the tavern, Mamoru finally took off his hood revealing his cat ears and looked around. Take a quick scan of the room he noticed a female was standing looking at all the tables for some reason. "Hello?"

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 11:59 PM

Mira looked over curious and smiled where she sat and stood giving a bow at the waist. "Oh hello sir. How may I help you?" she asked kindly smiling wide. "I'm Mira. We have many drinks here today and also a verity of food." She said smiling wide to him and bowed again. "I hope you can relax and make yourself at home. The prices for food and drinks are listed on the wall with the rules of the tavern or you can call it a bar."

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Old 10-13-2010, 12:07 AM

Mamoru just shook his head a little with a soft smile, he held onto the hilt of his sheathed sword as he walked over toward the wall looking up and down at he list of rules they had. "Hmm weapons must be checked over at the door huh?" he asked himself as he looked back at Mira and walked over to her, taking off his sheathed sword and handing it to her. "Supposedly I cannot hold onto my sword in this place." he said smiling softly.
While he handed out his sheathed sword to Mira, his eyes were locked onto a large board above the bar as it seemed to have all the lists of foods and drinks, listed above. "Okay, I'd like a room please." he said, reaching into his chest plate from below and pulling out a little brown bag and pouring out 10gold pieces into his left palm since his right hand was busy holding out the sword.

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 12:17 AM

"I'm sorry but you can't. Can't risk a fight. Don't worry." She takes the sword and stands, walking over to the side and unlocks a large cabnet and puts in the sword, attaching a note and paused, looking over. "What's your name?" she asked curious. "I'll mark it on this tag that this is your sword so if anyone else comes we'll know. If you're working here you can wear it. We need some help around here. Right now I'm the only one working here." she blushed laughing softly.


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