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Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 09:30 PM

I want to create a Deadspace role-play. That being said I made this thread to raise awareness of the upcoming role-play and to ask a few questions.

This tag may have some spoilers for the Deadspace fans! Though not likely, especially if they they read the book like I did (I will not be going into much detail).

For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about here is a sum up:

Deadspace is humanity advanced to the year of around 2508 (depending upon when in the timeline you are). It is a futuristic universe with advanced weaponry, medicine, and technology (as you would expect). They have resorted to planet cracking a couple hundred years ago. Planet cracking yields large amount of resources and it is exactly as what it sounds. They bring a huge space ship, take off chunks of the planet with the valuable stuff. This is a long and involved process and requires a full crew of about 1000 or more depending upon the size of the ship. Problems all started with the discovery of a marker which seems to be of alien origin. The main baddies are morphed humans that have been transformed into killing machines, muscle and bone altered for the ease of dicing up humans.
More story info will be presented after a time period and place is chosen.

1.) What time period and where. There are five different places (which are different places in the timeline) I would consider holding this role-play.

-Earth near the Chicxulub in the Mexico district (I believe). This is where the first marker, the entirely black one, was found. This means less necromorphs and more crazy people that fighting would be involved with. And less fighting all together, more discovery. This is the least likely of places that the role-play will happen. This black marker just hurts your brain a little it does not turn you insane at the rate of the red marker. Though if you are already stressed or on the brink of insanity it can push you over. Prolonged exposure in a close proximity will make you go crazy though if you are not resistant to the effects.

-On the planet the second marker was made (the red one). This is where the wii game took place for those of you who actually played it (I did). The place ends up crawling with necromorphs. As most of you know the red marker is very dangerous and can drive even the most stable people insane very quickly (talking like a day-5 days. Some people have proven to have a resistance to it (cough Isaac cough).

-On the space ship before Isaac got there, at the start of all the chaos.

-On the space ship after Isaac arrived, probably start as a group of survivors who are attempting to leave the ship or restore its functions like Isaac was doing.

-On the sprawl where the second game will take place, this will be harder to do seeing that we do not know the area very well but of course we could just make stuff up.

My vote is for the space ship before Isaac got there, if I had a second it would be the space ship after Isaac gets there. If anyone needs more clarification rather than my general background you can go look deadspace up on wikipedia or just post here and I can explain some more.

That being said I want to know what other people think are good time periods. Also I plan for this roleplay to be literate / semi-literate.


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