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Old 10-24-2010, 05:58 AM

Name:Maria Sapphire Raven
personality:Maria is soft hearted,optimistic,and is sensitive.She cares very much about people,and animals.If anyone is hurt she will stand up and protect them.
Race:vampire(she is probably part Demon because of Jason)
Bio:Maria's parents were killed in a train accident on her 3rd birthday.She and her friend Shinku and there families were going to go out and celebrate their birthday.Shinku and maria shared the same birthday.When the train crashed due to the train going too fast,Maria and Shinku were the only survivors.Though when they police and ambulance came,A doctor who was indeed a vampire both turned Maria and Shinku.After the two of them were released the two of them lived in a house together.The both cooked,they both cleaned and they did everything together.When they got older they went to work together.Then one day Maria became ill and had to go to the hospital where she learned she had luekemia.


[she originally has curly hair.]

Last edited by Maka-chan; 11-23-2010 at 07:21 AM..

Louis duLac
Purveyor of Yaoi
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Old 10-24-2010, 06:30 AM

Name: Jason Bertrand
Age: Appears 30 - True Age 427
Race: Demon
Bio: Transformed into a demon at the age of 30 by a succubus named Darina, spending 200 years under her spell until he found his true calling by way of the theater. Only then was he able to break away from her spell to live among humans as a teacher, traveling from country to country whenever his personal 50 year time limit came to a close. Set in order to avoid suspicion in any town he might be living in. Yet, it wasn't until nearly one hundred years after leaving Darina that he realized a demon could only feel truly complete with some sort of companion, a trait written into the blood of his race. A fact that resulted to him slowly withdrawing into himself, not content with latching on to any of the students that came to learn in the tiny theaters he would buy out.



Name: Zain Couture
Age: 31
Race: Human



Name: Darina Sokoll
Age: Appears 28 - True Age Unknown
Race: Succubus



As soon as Jason had set her down, he let out a great huff as he let himself drop down against the crates of the alley. The run itself wouldn't have been too hard, if not for the bullet holes patterned over his back. A slight smear of a red blood trail was left on the crate he leaned against, but other than that he could already feel the wounds healing. Which, to be quite honest to himself, was much more painful than he wanted to let known to Maria. He kept his expression as passive as possible, pulling her close to ease himself as much as her.

"At least we're safe," he whispered to Maria, knowing that if he raised his voice it might give away the pain he was in. He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, then added, "We'll hide out here for the night, possibly the next morning too."

Last edited by Louis duLac; 10-24-2010 at 06:50 AM..

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Old 10-24-2010, 06:47 AM

Maria watched the flares of the fire as she saw parts of the buildings crumble as the apartment building was burning to the ground.It was hard to believe she and Jason were in the building just a few moments ago.This was something unexpected to happen.She was just glad her and Jason got out in time.Though Maria couldn't stop thinking how the people in the apartment were just sleeping.And waking up in there bed surrounded by fire.It was a nightmare for the ones who didn't and couldn't make it out.Maria was now uncertain where they would go now.

Her stomache had knots in it.Her stomache felt twisted and her body was trembling.Her eyes seemed like they were hypnotized on watching the building.She clentched her fingers into a fist.Why would the squad do something like this?Was it Jason they were after?Maria had too many thoughts running through her mind.She hated how this had happened.The other people in this building didn't know when they went to bed that they were going to die and burn to death in their beds.It was sad.Maria wished she could've saved all of those people that were inside.

maria curved her lips and showed a deep frown on her face.It was a sad frown.Her blue eyes darted to look at the ground a little.She could see Jason out of the corner of her eyes though.She bit her lip looking sad.she at least saved her penguin that Jason bought her when she was in the hospital.

"Why did this have to happen....?"she managed to say."None of those people even knew when they would go to bed that they would be burnt to a crisp."She said closing her eyes and letting a few bit of tears form in her eyes and down her cheeks as she closed her eyes.As He kissed her cheek though she blushed and nodded agreeing to hideout for the night.She sat close to Jason.Jason always seemed to make her feel safe even if they wern't really safe."what are we going to do tomarrow though?"she asked opening her eyes and looking up at Jason with hopeful eyes.

Last edited by Maka-chan; 10-24-2010 at 07:27 AM..

Louis duLac
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Old 10-25-2010, 03:47 AM

Jason didn't answer her comments about the people that might be dying, or dead, right now. He knew it would be humane to care, but 400 years was far too long for that to have much of an impact anymore. To him, those people were merely nameless faces, none of which he had ever taken the time to care for. And he would be damned to ever let on as much to Maria about these feelings. She wouldn't understand, and he didn't blame her for that. She still had that sense of unconditional love he had long lost, not yet learning as most demons did to revel in power over people rather than trust. And he hoped that would never happen to her.

He looked down into her eyes, smiling through the pain at the hopeful look she gave him. He stroked her hair gently, staying silent for a moment more, then answered, "There's plenty of time to decide that tomorrow morning. For now, It would be best to get some rest," he suggested. He looked around at the alley, searching for any sign of even a potato sack that might help keep her warm. Again, resorting to spells wasn't his favorite idea.

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Old 10-25-2010, 04:11 AM

Maria nodded."okay."She said leaning on his shoulder and closing her eyes.She hoped tomarrow would be a good day.She hated how bad things always seemed to happen.It made her feel like she was cursed...unlucky or god hated her and wanted to ruin her life.None of those things were probably true but maria assumed they would be.Maria kept walking up every second when she began to try to get some rest.Though after about ten minutes or so Maria fell asleep.She had her head on his shoulder having the penguin in her arms.

She seemed to be having a good nights rests on Jason's shoulder since she was out like a light and didn't look like she was having a nightmare or anything which is good news since she normally had a lot of nightmares from her past and when she was in the hospital.Though sometimes she had good dreams about her past.Like when her friend shinku and shinku's brother Heine would play together and also cook and make the house a huge mess.Those days seem so far away now.And a lot of things seem impossible.That is before Jason showed up into her life.Jason made everything possible.She felt like she could do anything when he is around.

Louis duLac
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Old 10-26-2010, 02:43 AM

Jason waited until Maria finally began to drift off, a bit disappointed that there was nothing nearby he could use to keep her warm. So, ever so slightly, he concentrated a small portion of his magic to wrap a warm shield around her. It couldn't do much to protect her, but it would keep her comfortable through the rest of the night. When her bright blue eyes fluttered shut, he leaned his head back and let himself relax, looking up toward the sky where the enemy planes rumbled overhead. Small planes they were, not nearly advanced enough yet for a clear way to search for targets on the ground. Especially targets as small and hard to get to as two people huddled in an alley.

It was close to dawn when all finally seemed to become silent. Jason was deep into a dreamless sleep, his head tilted to rest gently on Maria's head. Then, from the end of the alley behind them, the figure of a tall woman came around the corner. Her hair shone like fire even in the dim light of dawn, and held in her arms was Zain's limp body. She spun once in a slow circle to look over her surroundings, then entered the alley slowly. Her face was a blank, beautiful mask, not even a flicker of emotion when she glanced once down at Zain.

Jason stirred a bit in his sleep, and the woman froze for a moment. Her blank face finally broke as her eyes widened a fraction, seeming to stare through the crate where the two slept propped against it. She took a few long strides toward the crate, swiftly laying down Zain's body on the wood, then stepped around to face the two. Her silver eyes suddenly filled with life, full lips curving into a bright, eager smile. She whispered two words, so quiet none could hear but herself, before carefully kneeling down before Jason. Completely in ignorance of Maria's existence, and by the expression on her face would not care about the girl even if she did spare a glance to the side.

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Old 10-26-2010, 03:40 AM

Maria groaned into her sleep when Zain and the woman were there.Though she only groaned to shift a bit in her sleep to a better feeling posistion.She had her arms around Jason's waist,and her head on his shoulder as his head was on hers.She had the penguin on her lap.Maria seemed to have slept very well through the night.Maria had sweet dreams of her past.And some of her dreams involved Jason in it.She did have a crush on Jason.But she didn't think he liked her that way.Most people who had seen her throughout her past did like her.But it was only because they either thought she was a goddess or used her for something they needed.

After about a few minutes she saw the woman once her bright sky blue eyes opened.She wasn't sure who the woman was.But she did notice zain.She wanted to speak up to ask is Zain alright but she hesitated and waited for the woman to speak this woman...?Haven't i seen her before..?She looks...familiar.... maria thought in her head as parts of her curly blonde hair covered her face.She didn't bother to brush or move her hair from her face since the wind did a good job of that.She looked over at Jason hugging him a bit close gently but not too close to wake up up.She wondered....was this woman after Jason?

Maria then began to speak up."Um..have i seen you before somewhere?"She asked in a quiet tone but not too quiet that she couldn't hear.She spoke loud enough but not loud enough to wake Jason.
Maria's eyes drew over to Zain."Is...Zain alright?"She asked hoping she would not be intruding my asking that.She didn't want to intrude but Zain was a friend to her.

Louis duLac
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Old 10-26-2010, 07:49 AM

The woman continued to ignore Maria's voice for a few seconds more, so intent on Jason's sleeping face. She kept leaning forward, raising her hands up as if to caress him, and then...she suddenly paused. Her eager smile was replaced with a frown as soon as Maria asked the second question, her silver eyes turning to stare at Maria instead. The look the woman gave was as if she had found something nasty crawling about. The woman's eyes followed along where Maria had her arms around Jason, and the woman gave a lovely laugh.

Before the woman could speak again, Jason woke up to the sound of her laugh. At first he rubbed his eyes with the hand not pinned by Maria's body, then blinked a few times to focus on the woman's face. He shuddered in repulsion for a moment, then forced himself to keep calm. The woman's face was all too familiar to him. Uncomfortably familiar.

"Good morning, lo-," the woman began with a charming smile, but Jason held up his hand to interrupt her. Something that she didn't look at all pleased about, nor expected, but still she held her tongue.

"You know very well that we are not bound anymore, Darina," Jason said sternly. "Explain yourself." The woman, Darina, sighed and sat back before answering, seeming to pose just right so that her silken dress stretched taught over her hips and chest.

"Oh, dear, dear Jason, always so stiff and formal. Where have the days gone that you and I would bathe together in the blood of the weak?" she said, shifting her posture and expression to appear even more seductive. And still neither her charms or words had any effect on Jason. His face stayed stern as stone as he continued to wait for the answer he wanted, his only action being to hold Maria closer to him in an unspoken statement to Darina.

Darina sighed again, finally taking a more casual posture. "Fine then. If you want to know so badly, I am in the market for your replacement. It hasn't been easy, you know. The closest I have found through these many years is that man there," she explained, waving one hand toward where Zain lay unconscious.

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Old 10-26-2010, 06:29 PM

As Maria looked at the woman...she noticed the woman was ignoring her and only paying attention to Jason which made Maria upset.Why is she ignoring me and only paying attention to Jason...? She wondered in her head as she was now very suspecious of the woman.Something didn't seem right to Maria about the woman and Jason.It was like she had seen him before but the woman hadn't seen him for a long time.That was Maria's theory at least.

Though when the woman laughed and Jason woke up she wasn't sure why she was laughing.It made her tense up a bit.Though seeing Jason woke up,she saw the way he looked at her.She knew he did reconize this woman.So he does know her....? She thought in her head taking notes in her head to figure out what kind of past did these two have together.

Maria was a bit shocked when Jason interrupted her by holding his hand up.Did he not like her?Did he not want to see her or hear to what this mysterious woman had to say to him?Was he angry at her or something?Maria had many ideas roaming around in her head about this woman and Jason.W-Were they lovers..!? Maria thought thinking deeply but not showing it.

Though when Jason spoke saying he was not bound to her anymore,that was even more of a suprise.B-Bound...does he mean..he was some sort of a slave to her....what exactly is going on.. She thought more deeply in her head.

Louis duLac
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Old 10-27-2010, 07:18 AM

Darina then turned her gaze to Maria, silver eyes curious as she smiled once more. "And what a catch you seem to have found. Quiet and weak as a mouse, seems to be. Yet at least her words are far more interesting than your instant hatred, love," she directed briefly toward Jason, then moved to get to her feet.

"We have indeed met, Maria. Yet, I must caution you that I only aided in keeping the knowledge of Jason's blood bond with you from the nurses because you were simply so odd. Odd in that how Jason would ever think to be caught by such a homely worm," she finished with a laugh. Jason's eye twitched a bit, but he kept what composure he had. He knew too well what this woman was like, and that it was never a bright idea to give in to her taunting. She loved it.

"I am to assume that with Zain, you will finally give up your stalking?" Jason asked Darina, nodding to Zain's unconscious form laying atop the crate.

"Yes, it is," Darina answered, though reluctantly. "The man is nowhere near like you, my love, but he has a fierce passion for clothes. His home is absolutely astounding in that regard. He will make an enjoyable companion."

"That may be true, and although simply getting him out of my hair by letting you spirit him away is extremely tempting, I have to inform you that your efforts would be in vain. Zain is queer," Jason explained.

Darina blinked, looking from Jason to Zain and back again. Then she quickly got to her feet and stepped over to Zain's side. She waved one hand over his face, muttering something under her breath, and soon Zain broke out his unconscious state. He rubbed at his eyes, yawning a little, then sat up to look around at all three of them in slight confusion.

Last edited by Louis duLac; 10-27-2010 at 08:47 AM..

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Old 10-27-2010, 09:13 PM

While maria listened to what Darina was saying Maria tried not to get upset.But calling Maria a weak little mouse fired her up a little but she did not show that she was upset.Maria was now not very fond of this woman.She had a very deep suspicion of this woman Derina.What exactly does she want?Maria thought trying to think of any possible ideas what she wanted from maria and Jason.
Is she obsessed with him or in love with him or something..?Maria began drifting off in her head of many things to what Derina wanted.What if she is jealous that im around probably not.That's just stupid. Though maria was going to keep a close eye on Derina and Jason's reactions.Jason didn't seem like he liked her much.

Hearing Derina she didn't speak to the nurses of Jason turning her because she was odd she thought that was a bit creepy.Well to Maria it was her that was odd.[i]Just because i was odd? I'm not that odd that people are watching me every second...[i] maria thought pondering what derina was saying.Nothing was really making sense to her.But then again she didn't know Jason nor Derina all that well.She's only known Jason for a few days."Ah i see."Maria said in a calm tone making it sound like she didn't understand it.Which she really didn't.
Though throughout Derina and Jason's conversation,she just listened.It wasn't like she knew anything they were talking about.She barely knew them which made her less of a chance to understand a thing they spoke about.She didn't mind.She did get a bit jealous of Derina since she seemed flirty around Jason.At least that's what it seemed to maria to how Derina acted around Jason.

Though when Zain woke up,she slightly felt relieved since he was probably just as clueless as she was about this situation since he just woke up.Though maria stayed silent throughout Zain waking up.She kind of felt like she would be intruding.She hated the awkward silence though.She also hated people who hated her,and saw her differently then others.She hated being treated like a child just like the doctors did when she was in the hospital.Now she was free from the hospital,she was not going to be the wimpy innocent pathetic girl everyone saw.She was going to try and be the strong willed tough woman that she always wanted to be.When she was younger,Shinku her best friend was the tough one and Maria was always the one scared easily.Even when they had been playing hide and go seek in the background she was afraid of the birds outside and even Shinku's older brother's cat.She was terrified of everything.But maria was not going to be afraid of everything..not anymore.

Louis duLac
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Old 10-28-2010, 06:05 AM

Zain swung his legs over the side of the crate to try and stand, and was immediately caught by Darina as he stumbled. He held onto her just long enough to get his feet back under himself properly, then let her go to turn slowly and face Jason and Maria. His eyes seemed shocked that they were there, but only for a moment until that gave way to a relieved smile.

"Glad to see you two are alright. That was such a fright back there, those men suddenly swarming the place, lighting everything on fire. And..." he added, turning to look back at Darina, "...thank you for saving me. I have no idea how you managed it, but you are indeed a saint," he said with a bright smile.

Darina, though, did not return it, causing Zain's smile to fade. She looked disappointed, leaning against the crate with her arms crossed and a deep frown on her face. Zain glanced to Jason with a questioning look, but he merely shrugged. Jason didn't want any part of this, and he had just about enough of hanging around these two.

Jason stood finally, helping Maria up as well and earning a smirk from Darina that he didn't catch. Zain's expression brightened, and he instantly stepped to Jason's side despite the cold glance Jason gave him.

"Off already?" Zain asked eagerly. "Where might you be going?"

Darina then stepped forward, forcibly taking Zain's hand. Her face was now unsettingly pleasant again, the soft smile on her lips not quite reaching her eyes. "Like you should concern yourself with that, my dear Zain. You'll be in my company from now on, no matter your strange preferences," she said, her tone commanding more than friendly. Zain's eyes went wide, turning back to Jason with a pleading look in his eyes, like a lost puppy. Jason stared back at him for a few seconds, lips stretched into a hard line, then made to turn away.

Last edited by Louis duLac; 10-30-2010 at 07:26 AM..

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Old 10-30-2010, 05:19 AM

When a relieved smile appeared on Zain's face,Maria couldn't help but to show her kind smile to zain..She felt like she had to.She didn't like dismissing someone who seemed happy.He seemed to be in a great mood.Especially when he gave Derina that brightly lit smile of his.Even after he had to abadon his home because of the fire he seemed very happy and in a great mood.She was glad he survived.He was a good friend.At least Maria thought he was.He was nice.Even Jason didn't neccesarily like his company or anything like that.ThoughWhen Darina didn't return the smile she thought something was up.She didn't think it was nice to not return a smile since Zain's smile faded away.To Maria Derina seemed jelious of herself and Jason.But then again why would she be jelious.It was pretty dumb to think a woman as beautiful as her to be jelious.As Jason stood and helped Maria up,She held onto his arm standing next to him as she held onto her penguin plushie.

Seeing the smirk from Derina when Jason helped her up,made Maria very suspecious.Though when Jason turned away to when Zain asked him where they were headed,Maria frowned and just stayed with Jason,holding onto his arm.She frowned slightly before they left.She felt guilty somehow.Maria was never good at being rude or mean.She could only be nice,and good and be happy towards people.

[sorry for the wait and short kind of post.i was kinda stumped XD]

Louis duLac
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Old 10-30-2010, 07:30 AM

After walking for almost a block away from the alley, careful to keep away from any main streets, Jason finally stopped and let go of Maria's hand in front of a dusty looking old toy shop. He turned to face her, folding his arms as he simply stared at her silently for a few seconds, then sighed.

"Darina is not going to stop following us anytime soon, no matter what she says, and I have seen it in her eyes that she knows you are the perfect target. She has already tricked you with that puppet she calls Zain. A succubus like her while take the time to study their victim before kidnapping him or her. Darina merely instructed the puppet to act in a way she thought would earn your trust."

"Depending on the method Darina used, that could have very well been Zain's reanimated body. But with her, I am never certain. She twists her spells beyond the standards most demons use. And if Zain is alive, he is likely huddled in hiding somewhere grieving over all of his lost work. He is never a calm man even under normal situations."

{no worries. ill try to give a little more dialogue at least for now. more action-y stuffs later}

Last edited by Louis duLac; 10-30-2010 at 07:47 AM..

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Old 11-07-2010, 12:05 AM

When they were away from Zain and Derina,Maria noticed Jason staring at her.It kind of made her feel like she did something wrong.In fact she felt like she did do something wrong.What did i do wrong..?I feel like i did something horribly wrong back there. Maria thought in her head as she tilted her head at Jason.Though hearing him speak of the woman Derina and how she wont stop following them.Though hearing jason say that Derina thought Maria was the perfect target it made her a little bit scared.

"Im the perfect target?"She asked crossing her arms getting stuck deep in her thoughts.Do i really look that weak to her.Im not weak!I refuse to be weak.I will make myself stronger.Not maybe how i look but i will be stronger.i will control my demon and i will control my emotions. Maria told herself.Once she snapped out of her deep in thought she listened to Jason hearing him say something about Derina twists her spells."So what are we suppose to do now then?"She asked crossing her arms over her chest."Where are we suppose to go?Just sleep in alleys the rest of our lives?"She asked.Obviously she was upset on what the rest of their lives were going to be like.

Louis duLac
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Old 11-07-2010, 12:55 AM

"Of course not. But, we will have to find somewhere outside the city to stay. Aside from Darina, the Squad will try to hunt us down too. The only reason I can think they are after us is because of your disappearance from the hospital, and Darina most likely adding her own bits to the story to make me seem like the perfect villain."

"Now, as far as you being a target, don't get too upset over it. All Darina saw was how quiet you are. She's the type that never realizes a steel trap can be just as silent, no matter how confident and clever she might try to seem. So," Jason finished as he unfolded his arms, holding one hand out to Maria, "There will surely be no more 'sleeping in alleys.' I can promise you that."

Last edited by Louis duLac; 11-07-2010 at 02:19 AM..

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Old 11-07-2010, 01:01 AM

Maria held onto his hand as he gave his hand out to her."Sorry im over reacting.I just...I just do not want anything more bad to happen.All my life bad things have happened after the accident when i was little.After that nothing but bad things happened.I just do not want to loose anyone close by me.I feel like im cursed or something.Someone who always gets involved with me ends up hurt."Maria said frowning and holding onto his hand tighter.

"Sorry if i was acting like a child.I wont do it again."She said with a smile and took a deep breath in clearing her find and pushing anything and everything away that was bad out and thinking of good things like living with Jason and being happy with him."Should we hunt for a hotel,a house or another apartment or something?"Maria asked Jason tilting her head at Jason.

Louis duLac
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Old 11-07-2010, 02:33 AM

"That is the plan," Jason answered with a nod as he started walking again, his hand holding hers gently. "There are a few old homes on the outskirts of the city that the owners rent out spare rooms in, one of which is owned by an old couple who helped me out of some trouble several years back. If you don't have anyone who would take you in, we can go there," he offered.

A moment later a long fingered hand, covered in rings, reached out from a small broken window to grab Jason's sleeve. Before Jason could strike out at whoever it was, a familiar voice stopped him. Zain's terrified face peered out from beyond the hole in the dirty glass. A long line of blood ran down his nose from a gash in his forehead, and most of his skin was stained from black smoke.

"Take me with!" Zain whispered urgently, his voice hoarse. "There's a woman out to kill me, Jason. I don't know what she wants..." Zain whined, wide eyes flickering from them to the rest of the street as though something was going to jump out. Jason frowned, but didn't look as annoyed with the real Zain. He gently removed Zain's hand from his arm, giving a short nod to the other man. Almost at once Zain disappeared, reappearing second later to stand beside Jason and clutch tightly at his sleeve with both hands. He looked a little less scared, but he still stared around warily at the street as they all continued to walk.

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Old 11-07-2010, 02:59 AM

Maria nodded looking at Jason."Wait take me in?"Maria said tilting her head as she smiled at him trying to think if he was talking her alone or her and Jason.When all of a sudeen Zain grabbed Jason's sleeve she saw Zain and knew he looked scared.he was fine a few minutes ago..what happened!? She wondered in her head as she wondered what caused Zain's smile become a feared expression on his face.

Though suddenly hearing Zain saying a woman was after him she then thought it was Darina.It has to be her! She thought as she looked a bit angry at how someone could do this to zain and scare him.She clentched her other fist and kept her hand in Jason's hand.She looked over at zain looking a bit concerned.Though she only looked at him for a second and looked back ahead.Though it was a bit awkward since she was the only girl there.

For the rest of the walk,Maria stayed quiet.A little too quiet.Maria had never been this quiet.But she was unsure what to say.She didn't really even show a smile.This was very unlike Maria.She had never acted like this.

Last edited by Maka-chan; 11-07-2010 at 03:02 AM..

Louis duLac
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Old 11-09-2010, 08:35 PM

"I understand you're frightened, Zain, but how did you escape the building? Did this woman you mentioned have anything to do with it?" Jason asked as they crossed over to another street, heading out toward the sparser areas of the city.

Zain shook his head, loosening his hold on Jason's arm just a bit. ", she didn't follow me from the building. But she attacked me just before the it was completely in flames. She wanted something, I'm not sure what. I did see you two escaping. So did the woman, and she let me go to follow you two instead. And she ripped out some of the my hair for no good reason too! A whole chunk of it! It hurt so much..." Zain ended in a whimper.

"So that's how she did it," Jason muttered, earning a confused glance from Zain. So he continued to explain, "The woman's name is Darina. She's an old...aquaintence of mine. She used what she took to create a shadow of you, Zain."

Zain's eyes went wide in shocked surprise. "A-A shadow?! You mean a clone? But...but how...that's impossible..."

Jason shushed Zain just as they passed by an alley with two sleeping Squad soldiers half hidden behind a pile of garbage sacks.

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Old 11-09-2010, 11:32 PM

Listening to what Zain experienced,She just listened to them.And carefully too.Though hearing Jason say the woman's name her heart did skip a beat.And not in a good way.So my theory was right.It was that woman Jason calls DarinaMaria thought in her head as most of her blond hair covered the side of her face as she walked with Jason and Zain still keeping her mouth shut.She knew her suspicion about Darina was onto something.Her gut was telling her that woman was evil.
Though hearing about making a clone of Zain made her eyes if she had made a clone of Zain,does that mean the Zain i saw with Darina was..a clone? She thought to herself as her expression on her face looked like she was deep in thought.almost dazed from the thoughts running through her mind at the speed of light.

Maria had her arms crossed over her chest deep in thought still.None of this really made sense to why that woman did all of this.And why Maria was weak appealing and a target.

Louis duLac
Purveyor of Yaoi
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Old 11-10-2010, 12:40 AM

"Sorry to drag you into this so suddenly," Jason replied to Zain's stuttering once they were past the sleeping soldiers. "I'll explain as best as I can when we get somewhere safe."

After a few moments, Jason glanced sideways when Maria let go of his hand. He watched her thoughtful face with a tilt to his head, Zain following the direction of his gaze. "Care to share your thoughts?" Jason asked.

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Old 11-10-2010, 12:49 AM

While Maria had been deep in thought hearing Jason's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.She just shook her head."No there not important."She said with a smile.She was lying though.She didn't want to drop all her emotions on Jason and Zain both like she did to Jason earlier.She just decided to keep her thoughts to herself.Staying quiet was one of the things Maria was good at.She was a shy wallflower who barely talked to anyone except for flowers.She use to talk to flowers as a little girl.Every kid made fun of her because of that.Maria was a gentle creature when she was smaller.And she still is.She is fragile,sensitive and can get angry or upset easily if someone offends here which is why Maria thought it was a smart idea just to keep things to herself instead of upsetting Zain or Jason.She couldn't handle upsetting people.She hated the feeling up people getting upset at her.She always felt guilt afterwards.

Louis duLac
Purveyor of Yaoi
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Old 11-13-2010, 12:59 AM

Jason nodded, then reached to to gently take her hand again. The gesture would make his link to her stronger in order to get inside her mind for once. It was too easy to know when someone lied, and Maria was definitely no exception. Even though he had tried his best to keep from using spells to get inside her mind, this time it was simply too frustrating. Why should she be so quiet? Not like he had a problem with it, since that was her personality. Yet he needed to know what she was feeling and thinking. There should be no reason for her to keep her feelings from him.

Maria...if you can understand this, then the link between our minds has been successful. Now, please, let me know what you are thinking. With the power of my own blood in you, I can't read your mind completely. But I can communicate with you in private.

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Old 11-13-2010, 01:24 AM

Maria held onto Jason's hand.She didn't know why he wanted to hold it.Though she began to think maybe he liked her and just wanted to hold hands so she went along with that.She wondered how long would it take to get to their destination.Though suddenly hearing Jason's voice in her head she just listened to what he said.Once he finished she then sent a thought back to him.She wasn't sure why he was talking to her in private instead of leaving her be like before.She thought it was weird just a little bit.

That women...Darina...i never trusted her.She is pure evil.I don't get any of this.This is all so confuzing.Did she just use zain,clone him?I don't get any of all new to me.Im staying quiet because there is nothing i can do nor say to keep the atmosphere not so awkard.I can't break the ice from this weird feeling.Im scared to what's going on.Its none of my business to know any of this i get that.But if its about my friends then it involves me too.


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