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The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:12 AM


I) Introduction

II) Rules

III) RP Plots

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 01-24-2011 at 07:33 AM..

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:13 AM


Hi, there! :boogie: I'm Mira!

This is my Fandom request thread! If you’re looking to do a different kind of rp with me, follow the links below!

Real Life/Unexpected Situations



LEFT 4 DEAD: I will only play Witch, Hunter, Tank, Screamer [Ask me if you don't know about him], Smoker, Charger, Jockey, or Survivor OCs. I won't play any of the actual Survivor characters!

FABLE III: I will only play as an OC Prince, or Princess though that is not very likely, or as a Dweller, Auroran, or Castle Servant OC. MAYBE some other kinds of OCs if you throw a good enough plot at me.


Pairings gender-wise...I prefer boy on boy. Straight and girl on girl are okay, too, but yaoi is my absolute favorite. :D

I'm looking for a few people willing to do one-on-one rps! Feed my addiction, people! I've always got a bunch of ideas just sitting around, and I rarely ever get around to implementing them! I'll update this whenever I get a new idea!

I'm trying to become much more literate--I'm semi-lit, mostly, at the moment right now. I'll try to mirror the length of your post as much as I can.

Well? Anyone wanna feed my addiction? =3

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 01-24-2011 at 06:22 AM..

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:14 AM


1) I'll do any kind of rp as long as there's no god-modding or text talk. You were taught proper grammar and spelling in school. Use it, please.

2) Romance-wise, I'm up for anything. (Straight, yaoi, yuri, adult-teen, adult-child...etc.) However. There will be absolutely no 'love at first sight.' It's a complete load of crap.

3) Don't steal my characters or use them without my permission. I'm serious. I have them copyrighted in writing on deviantART already. Character theft is still theft. IF YOU SEE ANYONE USING MY CHARACTERS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I will deal with them.

4) I've got school, so sometimes I'm not available. If I suddenly disappear for a while, I'm probably there...not like I'd rather be there... :(

5) Come ask for an rp any time you like! I love rping, and I will rarely turn an offer to do so down!

6) not fond of one-liners unless they're absolutely needed for part of the rp or if there's dialogue and not much else being thrown around. Please try to refrain from using them.

7) I will be very peeved if a response is not given to me in three days to a week, without good reason. But I won't bug responsible, please.

8) Open-mindedness. It is a good thing, yes? Don't push things onto me or onto our rp. That includes religion.

9) I have no limits. I have no problem cybering as long as it is done somewhere other than Menewsha! Let's try to follow the rules, please. :D

10) Don't expect an essay from me with every post. I will write as much as the situation warrants and inspires me to do, though I try to refrain from one-liners as much as possible.

11) Yoo-hoo! I'm here! :gonk: I have a personality, if you didn't already know that, so feel free to add me as a friend, and don't be afraid to talk to me outside of the rp! :boogie:

12) I DO NOT LIKE MAKING THREADS. I don't mind doing starting posts, but I can't stand creating the threads. I must ask someone else to do this for me.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 08:17 AM

~Plot Ideas~

Ideas I REALLY want to due are in BLUE.

~~~~~~~~~~~~LEFT 4 DEAD~~~~~~~~~~~~

**NEW**A Hunter and a Tank have been viciously fighting over territory for days. Their quarreling has halted the progress of a group of Survivors, seeing as this territory borders the only way out of a safe house and to the possibility of rescue a few miles away. When the Survivors wake up one morning, they find the Hunter, gravely injured, by the safe house door. They must decide what to do with him, seeing as the irate Tank is still lurking outside. ((I'll play the Hunter and the Tank, if we decide to make the Tank a main character as well.))**NEW**

**NEW**A group of Survivors is overjoyed when they pick up two more Survivors, who seem to be very much able to take care of themselves. They soon learn, however, that they have also picked up another 'Survivor,' a Hunter/Witch/Screamer/Tank that is quite friendly with the pair. ((I'll play the two Survivors and the Special Infected.))**NEW**

A Survivor and his/her small, dwindling group of teammates have decided to cut through some semi-thick forest to reach the next town. They come across a suffering Special Infected with its legs caught in a big, rusty bear trap. The Infected seems to be friendly. What will they do? ((I'll play the Infected--a Hunter, Screamer, Tank, or Witch.))

YAOI ONLY: A young Survivor had been traveling with a group of his closest friends. When they are attacked by a Tank, he is separated from them, and must continue on alone in the hopes of finding them...if they're even alive. He has to cut through some quiet, thick forest in order to try and get back to the trail he and his friends had originally been on. On the way through the forest, he begins to hear some maniacal laughter, and soft whimpers along with them. He finds assistance in his journey in the most unimaginable place... ((I'll play the 'assistance,' which will be a male Screamer.))

**NEW**A group of Survivors hears loud, pounding music in the distance. After following it in the hopes of finding a settlement of some sort and more Survivors, they find an abandoned mansion in a cushy neighborhood. The music is pulsing out of a stereo system on the third floor--the place still has electricity and even running water! It's being powered by three large emergency generators in the backyard. After following the sound of the music, they open the door to the room where it seems to be centered in and find an odd Witch...a male. ((I'll play the male Witch.))**NEW**

After hearing some odd crying, thankfully not sounding like the feminine bawling of a Witch, a lone Survivor goes to investigate the source of the noise, which appears to be coming from deep down in an abandoned bomb shelter, in the hopes of finding more Survivors. The Survivor uses a sturdy rope to try and shimmy down, to peek and see what the crying sound was. The rope snaps, and leaves the Survivor alone down in the shelter, unable to get up unless he/she is given a boost by someone else. The Survivor is not alone. In the shelter is a first sight for this survivor, a male Witch. ((I'll play the male Witch.))

A lone survivor finally makes it to a safe room, after losing his/her team. A great thunderstorm rocks the area. Outside, a Witch is stuck in the storm. Crying miserably, she begs the survivor in her own way for entrance into the nice, warm safe house. ((I’ll play the Witch.))

The only survivor from the CEDA laboratory he/she was working in, a lone scientist is left to face the hardships of the infected world. Alone and running out of supplies, he/she decides to try and tame a Special Infected to try and help him/her navigate through this difficult world for supplies…and for companionship purposes. ((I’ll play the Special Infected, a Hunter, Screamer, or Witch.))

A group of Survivors comes across a Witch that has slipped and fallen, and is now clinging to the railing of a bridge for dear life. They must decide what to do...leave the Witch hanging in peril, kill her while she's vulnerable, or rescue her. ((I'll play the Witch.))

A small group of Survivors, while passing through an abandoned rail yard, encounter a Witch being horrendously bullied by a pack of three Hunters--they're clawing at her and spilling blood all over the place. One of the more empathetic Survivors decides to intervene, despite the risk of being clawed to death. ((I'll play the Witch and the Hunters, if I decide to spare them.))

A lone Survivor has a terrifying encounter with a rare Screamer, who flees before he can be shot. A few days pass, and the Survivor feels like he/she is being watched... ((I'll play the Screamer.))

A teenager traveling with a group of friends falls through the floor of a rickety old house and gets separated from his/her friends…one, because they can’t reach each other…and two, because the only exit to the room, a single door, is being blocked by a particularly territorial Witch. ((I’ll play the Witch.))

**NEW**While looting a small, residential home for supplies, a Survivor stumbles across a very feminine male Witch, whom is asleep. Upset, since the Witch's sleeping body is blocking a very large store of food which would be useful to the Survivor, the Survivor must figure out what to do. ((I'll play the male Witch.))**NEW**

Traveling alone isn’t easy, but after a college student loses all of his/her friends in battle, it’s the only choice. But is he/she really traveling alone? The ominous growling of a Hunter nearby is an ever-constant noise… ((I will play the Hunter.))
RP with me? :D
PSN: MiraCharma || Xbox Live: MiraCharma || Steam: Mira_Charma13 || Nintendo 3DS FC: 4425-1963-5271​

Last edited by Mira-Charma13; 01-24-2011 at 06:21 AM..

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-02-2010, 06:25 AM


A Hunter and a Tank have been viciously fighting over territory for days. Their quarreling has halted the progress of a group of Survivors, seeing as this territory borders the only way out of a safe house and to the possibility of rescue a few miles away. When the Survivors wake up one morning, they find the Hunter, gravely injured, by the safe house door. They must decide what to do with him, seeing as the irate Tank is still lurking outside. ((I'll play the Hunter and the Tank, if we decide to make the Tank a main character as well.))

A group of Survivors is overjoyed when they pick up two more Survivors, who seem to be very much able to take care of themselves. They soon learn, however, that they have also picked up another 'Survivor,' a Hunter/Witch/Screamer/Tank that is quite friendly with the pair. ((I'll play the two Survivors and the Special Infected.))

A group of Survivors hears loud, pounding music in the distance. After following it in the hopes of finding a settlement of some sort and more Survivors, they find an abandoned mansion in a cushy neighborhood. The music is pulsing out of a stereo system on the third floor--the place still has electricity and even running water! It's being powered by three large emergency generators in the backyard. After following the sound of the music, they open the door to the room where it seems to be centered in and find an odd Witch...a male. ((I'll play the male Witch.))

While looting a small, residential home for supplies, a Survivor stumbles across a very feminine male Witch, whom is asleep. Upset, since the Witch's sleeping body is blocking a very large store of food which would be useful to the Survivor, the Survivor must figure out what to do. ((I'll play the male Witch.))

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 12-10-2010 at 04:08 AM..

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Old 12-08-2010, 09:56 PM

A teenager traveling with a group of friends falls through the floor of a rickety old house and gets separated from his/her friends…one, because they can’t reach each other…and two, because the only exit to the room, a single door, is being blocked by a particularly territorial Witch. ((I’ll play the Witch.))
I am really interested in this idea! Were you thinking boy on boy for this one? Either way is fine, It's just something I do enjoy ^-^

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 11:43 PM

Amber Absolution: :3 I would absolutely love to do this idea with you! I'm partial to boy on boy, so of course we can use a boy on boy pairing. *dances*

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Amber Absolution is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 11:54 PM

Yay ^-^ Is there anything that needs sorting out idea wise?

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-08-2010, 11:58 PM

Amber Absolution: Just what we would do with the other members of the Survivor's group. Since your character will be separated from them, we could have them meet up at a later time.

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Amber Absolution is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:02 AM

Yeah, that sounds all good, then we don't need to fit them all in as soon as it starts.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:07 AM

Amber Absolution: Okay! That's settled, then. :3

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Amber Absolution is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:15 AM

Awesome sauce. Does this mean it is ready to start? I'm really rather looking forward to it.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:16 AM

Amber Absolution: Sure, if you want it to start now. :3 Should we do mini-profiles?

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Amber Absolution is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:20 AM

Oh yes please ^_^ I tend to forget little things like how to spell my characters name or sometimes I put the wrong thing at first, so It's nice for me to know it's around.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:24 AM

Amber Absolution: Okay, I'll make a mini-profile for my Witch. You want to make the thread for us? My internet is wonky sometimes with thread-making, and it doesn't always post...

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Amber Absolution is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:25 AM

Okay, sure thing. Is there anything you would like to call it?

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:29 AM

Amber Absolution: Nothing in particular comes to my mind...maybe something to do with separation from the group?

Amber Absolution
Haunted by Kingdom hospital
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Amber Absolution is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:33 AM

Here it is, rather empty at the moment. ^-^

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 12-09-2010, 12:38 AM

Amber Absolution: Okay, I'll get a profile up! :D

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 01-24-2011, 06:22 AM

NOTE TO ALL! I've changed my preferences around a little bit. Come and take a peek!


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