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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 02:17 AM

Hi! This is a private roleplay between Bookwormiam2010 and Midnight_Shadow. If you are not one of the people mentioned then please do not post. Thank you!

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 02:56 AM

Name: Eugene Flynn Fitzgerald, aka: Flynn Rider
Age: 25
Role: Detective

Name: Pascal
Role: chameleon of doom

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 03:15 AM

Name: Rapunzel
Job: Currently? Oh just your Average Damsel In Distress
Name: Maximus (Or Max)
Age: you mean in dog years? Lets just say I'm fuly grown shall we?
Role:Flynn's handy dandy sidekick

Last edited by bookwormiam2010; 01-02-2011 at 03:38 AM..

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 09:30 PM

There she was... Daughter of one of the most briliant and richest men in the country... Rapunzel! For months the mob had been watching her dad. He had something they wanted, the secret to eternal youth. At long last, they finally found where he hid the secret... in the locket he gave his daughter! The leader of the mob signaled to the rest of his team and they moved in. Their mission: retrieve the locket by any means necessary.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 02:55 AM

Wasn't it a little late for such a little girl to walk home? Smirking softly Kira picked up the pace moving stealthily behind the oblivious teenage girl. She didn't have time to wait until this child reached somewhere dark! There were others that wanted that formula and it was all fine and dandy if they wanted to wait until the timing was perfect on their part. Sure stealth was good and all..but it didn't get the job done.

Finally making herself known Kira reached out roughly grabbing a fistful of hair and jerking hard. "Hold it right there Ms. Rapunzel. I believe you have something we want. Now there's two ways to do this. You can just give me that pretty little locket of your own free will. Or I could find more painful ways to do it." Kira murmured softly her lovely hazel hued eyes skimming around their empty surroundings before she froze her grip tightening further as she started walkng backwards yanking on Rapunzel's hair. "Too late for being nice. Follw me. Now." she commanded.

Everything was going fine. Or it had been until she'd decided to walk home. She should have known better! Oh why had she decided to make the brief walk to her own apartment! Her parents didn't live in the safest of neighborhoods but it'd never been that dangerous either. The only thing one ever had to worry about was walking alone at night. And she'd broken that rule! She bit back a soft scream as her hair was jerked on. She wasn't tender headed by any means but you'd have to be inhuman to not feel this! "Hey! Cut it out! What are you talking about? This locket isn't worth anything! Its not real gold or silver its just a silly little trink-ow!" she let out a yelp as her hair was jerked again nearly hauling her back flat on her butt.

She tried to keep up with her captor but walking backwards was no easy feat for her. heck it wouldn't be an easy feat fro anyone. Her parents house wasn't that far away...She just had to catch her kidnapper by surprise. She stayed quiet for a few moments docilely going along with her captor before she suddenly threw herself backwards slamming her body into her captors hard enough to bring the two of them to the ground. "Somebody help!!!!!" she screamed as loudly as she could.

Kira swore suddenly as she she hit the ground th efull weight of h er target settled on tp of her. She sputtered out a curse before yanked on Rapunzels hair and more or less threw the girl off of her before she climbed on top of her. "Where the hell are the others? They shouldn't have been that far behind m? I was supposed ot just grab you and then they'd help me get you in the car!" she spat driving an elbow into Rapunzels chest. Yes that was going to hurt later but if it but the struggling girl out of commision for even the slightest bit of time then she'd be grateful. Suddenly Kira saw her a familiar car rolling towards them. "Ahh..our rides here. It took them long enough don't you think?" she muttered to a gasping Rapunzel as several figures climbed out of the car the moment it stopped.

Last edited by bookwormiam2010; 01-05-2011 at 01:47 AM..

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 04:47 AM

Rick growled when he saw a familiar figure. He pulled his gun out and ran towards Kira. He cam up behind her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and placed the gun to the side of her head, setting it up to be shot. Around him, the rest of his mob pulled their guns on Kira's mob. "Long time no see, Kira. Don't tell me you want that pretty little locket as well" he purred seductively in her ear.

Pascal growled at the mob from his place on Rapunzel's shoulder. How dare they try and steal her away! He was given to her as a gift, and he's proved his worth by providing a friend and small protector to her.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 05:05 AM

Kira cursed colorfully under her breath as she felt the cool metal of a gun placed against her temple. She'd told those idiots they'd have to move quickly! Had they listened? Obviously not. Her hazel eyes narrowed dangerously as she carefully released her hold on Rapunzel's golden locks and allowed them dangle uselessly at her sides. She wasn't giving up. Not by a long shot. But if she tried reaching for any weapons she had concealed on her she'd only end up getting shot. And really the last place she planned on dying was in this imbeciles arms. "Personally I don't think it was long enough. I wouldn't have minded living my life without seing you're ugly mug again." she said coldly before laughing softly. "That piece of crap? Never! You know rubies are more my style. Or diamonds. You know diamonds are a girls best friend." she said amiably. Her tone was coversational enough but her mind wasn't on this lovely little conversation. Hmm..choices. So many choices to pick from.

Finally she decided to go with the easiest and most obvious. She stomped down hard on Rick's foot before slamming her elbow back into his stomach. She didn't wait for his reaction though. If she waited she'd end up with her head blown off! She just needed to cause enough of a skirmish that both Rick and his men would be distracted enough to focus on her insttead of her goons. Who would hopefully have the blasted sense to get Rapunzel in the car and haul butt.

Rapunzel whimpered softly curling in on herself as her chest thudded painfully. Owwie! She sucked in air fighting back tears. Holy cow...what was the big deal with her locket? Her eyes were clamped shut as she greatfully sucked in air before she opened her green eyes to blearily take in the scene unfolding in front of her. Suddenly she wished she'd just kept her eyes shut. Guns..they had guns. What was so important about her locket? Yes her dad had mentioned it being important. He just hadn't explained why!

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 02:47 PM

Rick shouted at his men to grab the girl and get going, he... he had a date with destiny. He ran after Kira, his gun ready to use. He actually enjoyed her company, strangely enough. He didn't love her, absolutely not! But... she was very intriguing. What made it better was she absolutely hated him. He grinned wickedly as he saw his men grab hold of the girl and start to drag her away to their car. He chuckled and tackled Kira to the ground, pinning her underneath him. "Looks like you lost this round, Kira. I'll get you a little diamond necklace to make up for it" he told her with a wink.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-03-2011, 04:12 PM

"Grab the girl!" she ordered as she managed to get out of Rck's grasp long enough to put some distance between them. The bad thing? It wasn't enough. She let out a soft grunt as she felt his solid weight on top of her. She sighed softly staring up at him her raven black tresses heavily mussed. How was it that she could always start a job perfectly pristine and then when it ended she looked like she'd just rolled out of bed? And it only ever happened with Rick! Was there some type of sign there for her to read? Because if it there then she wasn't liking it. She couldn't stand the man!

And yet even if she couldn't stand his personality she couldn't help but admire his finer assets. What could she say? She liked the finer things in life. Say like diamonds. She certainly wasn't going to admit that he had that whole dark disheveled bad boy look down to a key. If she told him that she'd just make his over inflated ego grow that much bigger. How while she was stuck in this situation it couldn't hurt to admire the view now could it? She rolled her eyes softly and relaxed completely. "Its just this one round. The next round will be mine for the taking." she said confidently flashing him a quick smug smile before her expression turned outrage. "A little diamond necklace?! I have to deal with you on top of me sweating like a pig and all I get for my troubles is a little diamond necklace? My, my... For a mobster you certainly are cheap." she muttered hotly.

Rapunzel's eyes fluttered open hearing the muffled commotion. She was that girl..."No!Hey! Cut it out. Put me down!!!" she yelled. Really!!!How was it that no one ws th eleast bit concerned? She'd screamed, she'd called for help...was this her unlucky night or what? She let out a soft grunt as she was easily flung over some goons shoulders as he hurriedly hauled her towards the car her thick golden hair falling uselessly in front of her and obscuring her view as she did her best to try and get out of his iron grasp.

"Oof!"she was tossed intot he back seat of the car before she crowded by th emen currentl taking her. Muttering hotly under he rbreath she lifted a hand to quickly try and moved her hair out of the way so she could see where they were taking her. But it didn't quite work like that. One thick hand reached out easily grasping her smaller ones and pulling them behind he rback and bding them in front of her. She tugged softly on her bonds and sighedleaning back in the seat. "What else? Are you going to put a blindfold on me too? " she muttered softly.

Chuckling softly big hands reached out tilting her head back just enough that he could see her face. "Well thats not a bad idea. Not all. The last thing the boss wants is for you to see where we're taking you. It'll make our jobs a lot easier." the rough voice murmured before the guard blind folded her as well.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-04-2011, 02:41 AM

Rick chuckled "alright, a big diamond necklace. But you can't say you hate the situation completely" he purred seductivly, trailing a finger down her cheek. He had to admit... she was very attractive... she'd probably make a great one night stand. Once he heard that his gang had gotten hold of the girl he got off of Kira, winking seductivly at her. "See you around" he called and ran off.

Pascal growled at the person who was about to put a blindfold on rapunzel. In response, he was put in a bag... but he most certainly put up a fight.

Rick got into the car and turned to the driver "go, before they figure out how to jack the car" he commanded. Within seconds, the car was speeding off.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-05-2011, 02:00 AM

Kira shivered a very soft sound of approval escaping her parted lips before she caught herself. She was not falling for the enemy! She'd had her fair share of one night stands. And they'd be fine. Fun even. And while she was just a little bit tempted to venture do wn that road with Rick she sure as heck wasn't going to openly admit it! She wriggled under him in some attempt to get away. So maybe she wasn't trying to get away exactly but hey she had to keep up the act enough that he believed. The last thing she needed or wanted was for him to get any ideas.

She wasn't soft! Not by any means. In a lot of ways she was like a diamond. Bright and beautiful but cold and hard and at the same time. In all her past one night stands she'd been the one to wake up and leave first. She hadn't bothered to stay and see how her partner for the night had faired. In the end everyone got what they want. Except in this case. She sat up watching Rick escape through narrowed eyes. "Oh trust me. This will not be the last you see of me. I've got your number.." she purred a soft smirk gracing her features. She did have his number. Or one of them anyway. She figured he'd get around to changing his license plate soon enough but until he did she had enough time to track it and figure out where he was taking her locket.

Rapunzel sunk back into her seat shivering softly in fear. This was not good. This didn't boad well for her. Just what was she supposed to do? These men had guns and she had no clue where they were taking her..she had a lot of questions but no answers. Her head jerked up hearing Pascal's ferocious struggles. "Don't hurt him!" she yelped before remembering her gag-they wouldn't understand her.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-05-2011, 02:14 AM

"Shut up girl!" Rick yelled at Rapunzel and turned to the person holding the small bag "what's that?" he asked. "There was a small lizard that fought us. We had to contain it" he replied. "You idiot! it's a lizard!" was Rick's response. "Sir, you don't understand, this thing is crazy!" defended the goon, pointing to the squirming bag.

Pascal scratched and scratched. Sooner of later, he'd either be dropped or he'd rip the bag open.

Rick sighed heavily. "Whatever, give it back to the girl if it will make him calm down" he commanded. The goon gulped and nodded before he hesitantly opened the bag so the lizard could climb out. Pascal, seeing the light, peeked its head out and curled up in a ball on Rapunzel's lap, an annoyed yet content growl escaping his throat.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-05-2011, 08:01 PM

Rapunzel shrunk back further still when a different voice. She couldn't see anything but she didn't need to see this guy to know who ever he was he serious. And he was in charge. Definitely not someone she wanted to go up against. She shivered softly in fear. Where was Pascal? She'd gotten so used to weight of his tiny scaly body on her shoulder that she felt oddly bereft without him. Oh no!'Please don't let them hurt Pasacal!' she thought sending up a frantic semi-prayer to the big guy upstairs.

She let out a soft scream feeling something fall in her lap. Was that Pascal? Was he ok? Was he alive? Had they hurt him?She wriggled about hoplessly trying to free up her hand or possible even knock the blind fold loose. Thankfully she got her wish because a few moments later the blindfold drooped down off her eyes enough for her to see Pascal. Her worried green eyes frantically skimmed over her tiny friend. She didn't see a scratch on him. She relaxed as much as anyone who was bound and gag could while being kidnapped. She shook her head gently knocking the blindfold down around her neck. She blinked wide innocent eyes at her captors hoping they'd give her some answers.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-05-2011, 08:34 PM

The goon that was holding Pascal was about to fix Rapunzel's blindfold, but Rick cut him off. "Leave it" he ordered and turned to Rapunzel. "Since you hate being bound I'll strike you a deal. You promise not to run off, we'll leave you bound. If you make no such promise, then your binds will be tightened and the blindfold replaced. Don't worry about your lizard friend, it would benefit us both if I didn't hurt him so I'll leave him be. But that will only happen if he cooperates. If he tries anything, he's in a cage, do you hear me?" he asked, staring straight at Rapunzel. Pascal growled, but didn't move.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 04:41 AM

Rapunzel's limunious green eyes peered unblinkingly into Rick's eyes. Should she agree? She could lie..but she was a horrible liar. She always had been. She'd tried it once when she was a kid. She'd felt guilty with in the first five minutes! And unlike most people she didn't hide her emotions well. She wasn't sure if it was her eyes or something else that gave her away but clearly lying wasn't an option now. And if he left her blindfold off then she could find someway of telling her parents where she was. Of getting rescued. She didn't have that many options and as off now agreeing with her captor seemed like the best option. She nodded softly to show him she understood.

The goon listened to the boss strike up an agreement with their target. Once she'd agreed he leaned forward carefully removing her binds and the gag. Once she was free he leaned back in his seat watching Rapunzel in case she decided to bolt. It wouldn't the first time they'd been told one thing and something else happened. He'd rather be safe than sorry. Right now he just wanted to finish this assigment and relax for a bit. Maybe do something a little less goonish.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 06:10 AM

(("maybe do something a little less goonish" that made me laugh XD))

Rick nodded and turned to the driver, instructing him to drive on.

-the next day-

Flynn Rider walked up to a fancy home and rang the doorbell. Soon, it opened and he was invited inside and seated. "Alright... as I understand it, your daughter's been kidnapped?" he asked, the mother nodded, a tear streaming down her cheek. "Alright, could you tell me about her, maybe what she was doing when she disappeared?" he asked, pulling out his notepad. "She's blond, long hair, green eyes, and she always has a chameleon on her shoulder" the father responded. "A chameleon?" Flynn asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, Pascal and Max are her best friends. She had Pascal with her when she left home" said the mother. Flynn wrote down some notes "and who is Max?" he asked. "Max is her dog" the father said and called down the hallway for the dog.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 04:16 PM

(lol glad to see you enjoyed it. I take it we're just focusing on Flynn and Max right now right?)

Max's ears twitched faintly in response to his name being called. What did they want? He let out a soft whimper before slowly getting up. He wasn't hurt or anything. At least not physically. He was just hurt emotionally. Then again wouldn't you be hurt emotionally too if someone had stolen your best friend in the world?Slowly he left his mistresses room his nails clicking as the beautiful dog made it down the hall way. Once he reached the end of it he sat down his butt planted firmly on the floor his tail curled primly around him.

His sensitive nose twitched softly as a barricade of new scents broke apart in front of him. His head tilted forward curiously his doggy brown eyes lighting up just the faintest bit. Hey! This person had the same scent as those from last night! He wasn't dressed the same but there was something about the way he carried himself..maybe he could help!With just that simple though Max snapped back into his usual happy go lucky self. He bounded up onto all for feet and ran forward his nails scrabbling against the floor as he all but threw himself into Flynn's lap his thick fluffy tail wagging furiously as his booming bark echoed around the room.

Now Max was a pretty big dog but he wasn't done growing just yet. He was a still a puppy for the most part and his actions right now showed it. IUnder normal circumstances he would have done anything and everything to try and act grown up. But after the hopelessness of last night he felt just alittle more hopeful. This guy was going to find his Rapunzel..and bring her home! He let out another bark and bounded down from Flynn's lap flying towards the door his large paw frantically scratching on the door as he whined emphatically.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 05:27 PM

Flynn jumped back in surprise when the huge dog jumped up onto his lap. "What in the world?" he muttered to himself as he stared off at the dog. He sighed heavily "well, do you have a picture of her I could take with me?" he asked. The mother nodded and handed him a wallet size of her latest photo. "One more question... do you have any idea why someone would want to kidnap her?" he asked. The father sighed and nodded "recently my company has discovered the secret to staying young... forever. And... I put the secret into her necklace that she wears. They probably brought her along because they could get her to part with the necklace" the father explained while Flynn wrote that down. "Don't worry, I'll bring her home safe and sound" he promised "I know that, my daughter went frying pan shopping when she left. She probably has her new frying pan with her" the mother beamed. Flynn rose an eyebrow and turned his head to the dog at the door "right... well... I think this dog is bound and determined to help me. Do you mind if I take him?" he asked. "Please, he's been really down since Rapunzel disappeared. The exercise would do him some good" the father invited. Flynn nodded, walked to the door and opened it. "Come on Max, you're coming with me" he announced. He turned to the family and nodded his head "I'll keep you updated" he promised and then left, heading for his car.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 06:40 PM

Max sat by the door his huge furry body tense with the urge to get out. What were they doing?! He let out a sharp sounding bark and pawed at the door turning his best puppy dog eyes onto his mistresses parents. If there was one thing he'd learned it was that no one could down the big adorable puppy dog eyes. Surely they didn't think he'd gotten this big from premium dog chow now did they? Oh no he'd conned Rapunzel into feeding him more people food than was good for any dog.

Seeing Flynn move for the dor Max stood up bouncing excitedly his tail whipping through the air and thumping emphatically against Flynn's leg. Any moment now he was going to open the door..and Bingo was his namo!Well not his name but still! He was free! With a final bark he shot out the door his four legs sending him towards Flynn's car. he couldn't tell what color it was let alone what kind of car it was. What exactly did he care anyway? It was just a hance for him to find Rapunzel! And possibly take a few mean bites out of those who'd dared to take her. His eyes narrowed softly with evil doggy intent before he relaxed jumping easily in to Flynn's car once the door was open.

Rapunzel stared around her prison-well it couldn't exactly be called that. It was a nice place. was a little too grand for her. It was all sleek new unused technology and it was al gray. Who in the world could love such a dull color so much? She stepped into the kitchen hesitantly surveying her surroundings before he bright green eyes locked onto an unused frying pan. Her new frying pan! She'd dropped it when she'd been attacked by that one girl..but now it was here! Wow..she felt kind of dumb now. She might not have had a gun like her captors but i she'd actually looked around she would have had a pretty nice weapon. "Well this makes it official Pascal. I am definitely the dumbest blond alive.." she murmured to her friend as she picked up the hefty pan.

Kira smirked softly her full red lips curving upwards with the slight movement. "Tsk tsk Rick. I would have thought you'd do something a little different for once..." she murmured before she stepped out of her car. For today she'd come alone. She wasn't here to fight. No she was going to see if she could strike up a tiny business deal. Although her clothes certainly wouldn't make that impression. She was dressed in clothes far too tight for her usual tastes. She more of the casual dresser but when it came to down to business..well there were certain assets a girl had to make use of. And right now she was definitely making use of hers with the tight black skirt hugging her slim waist. She lifted a slim hand up to wave innocently at a posted goon. "Relax! I come in peace. I was just wondering if you could maybe take me in to see Rick?" she purred her voices dropping a few pitches to a soft seductive purr.

The goon couldn't help but stare at Kira. She looked familiar but at the same she looked vastly different from the girl who went so far as to try and cause his boss bodily harm. Nope she looked like she was here for an entirely different reason now. Maybe now would be his chance to do something a little less goonish..or not. He shook his head a few times and nodded. " do know you won't be able to go up alone though right?" he asked while leading Kira towards the nearest entrance.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 07:04 PM

Rick was about to enter his quarters when he heard a familiar purr. His eye twitched and he moved towards them. He smiled, however, when he saw what Kira was wearing. "Kira, been awhile, hasn't it. You're unusually alone. It's a pleasant change. Why don't you come with me and we can discuss what you came here to discuss over something to drink?" he suggested and turned to the goon "I'll be fine" he assured him and wrapped his arm around Kira's waist before he led her to the elevator. The entire third floor was his. People could only enter if they had his permission. "So... what's with the getup?" he asked, his eyes nonchalantly eying her chest.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 07:52 PM

Ick. Big ick. She could handle some mindless goon eying her like she was some tasty treat. How ever she couldn't handle the king of all goons staring at her like this.It was just a little too much. Sure she'd come to discuss busines but she'd kind of been hoping to have the upper hand. "What get up?" she asked innocently lifting wide imploring eyes up to meet his. "I'm not dressed an differently than I usually am." she said innocently. Too innocently.

Smiling she gently grasped his hand and removed it from her waist. Ahh that was much better. Releasing his hand she gently smoothed her palms over the delicate fabric as if trying to get rid of his hand print. "I was in the neighborhood so I decided to stop by and see if we could strike up an agreement of sorts."

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 08:38 PM

Rick chuckled "alright... what kind of an agreement?" he asked just before the elevator door opened. He invited Kira inside and led her to her personal kitchen. "Can I get you something to drink? Water, Coffee, tea... juice?" he asked as he poured himself a glass of ice water.

Flynn was currently at his apartment, going through every note he had. His eyes moved to the note about the kidnapper's motive. "Hmm... maybe I can find something online..." he mused and pulled up the internet. He typed in "fountain of youth recipe" and hit enter. After a few seconds, the results popped up and he skimmed through them until he found a blog held by a member of a gang. "What kind of idiot keeps his blog updated?" he asked as he read through the stuff, including their plans to get the recipe. His eyes practically bugged out when a new update arrived which said that they had the girl and were waiting for the boss to extract the recipe from her. "Oh my gosh... these guys... such idiots. Come on, Max, time to do some research" he said and began walking towards the door.

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 10:34 PM

Kira bristled softly. Ok so maybe she'd made the wrong idea coming to try and talk to him in this get up. Call her crazy but she'd been hoping for a guys usual reaction. You know the one where said guy trips all over himself while the girl extracts what ever information she needs? Yes that had been her plan..although clearly it wasn't going to work. Why? Oh thats right .Because she wasn't going after some brainless goon. She was going after the friggin brains of the operations!

Stepping into his apartment she surveyed the place before rolling eyes upwards. "Wow I love what you've done with place. This is your..let see 50th new hide out? When are you going to learn to try and decorate the places in something resembling style?" she asked her voice dripping disdain as she lowered herself into a chair listening to him list her choices. "Water will work just fine." she said coolly before moving on. "I know your plans. You do know its just plain idiotic to post your evil schemes in a blog don't you?" she asked with a genlte lilt of her head causing a few raven black strands to sweep forward and brush against her unveiled skin.

Max whined pitifully as he sat perched on the end of Flynn's couch. He'd already explored the apartment and so far there was nothing of interest to him. Well that was a lie. he had allowed himself the liberty of chewing on a pair of shoes...but just one! He'd temporarily forgotten his manners. But now they were back. his whole head jerked up when he heard the magic words. He woofed softly and bounded off the couch trotting towards the door his nails clicking softly as he looked up impatiently at Flynn.

The Princess of Galantry
Midnight_Shadow is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 10:45 PM

Rick smiled when she mentioned his decorating tastes "well, I need a woman's touch" he replied, feeling slightly sick after he said that. yeah, she was gorgeous, but he still hated her. He froze, however, when he heard about the blog. His eyes narrowed and he faced Kira. "What did you say?" he asked, dangerously low. He strode towards her quickly and leaned over her, hovering his nose just above hers. "It sounded like you said that one of my employees has been keeping a blog of what we've been doing" he growled menacingly. Honestly, what kind of idiots did he hire!? Can't they at least have enough sense to not tell the world the mafia's secrets!?!?

Flynn got into the car and started it up before he pulled out his cellphone. "Hey, Nick, who do we have undercover?" he asked. Nick listed off a few names and where they were posted. "Wait... David Stone... where did you say he was?" Flynn asked. Nick answered "can you let me know where they're posted?" Flynn asked. "sure, hold on a minute... alright, they're on the corner of 12th east and Ganlinger, that's all I can tell you" Nick answered. "Thanks Nick" Flynn answered and drove off to do some watching. David Stone was the name of the goon that updated the blog.

Last edited by Midnight_Shadow; 01-08-2011 at 10:53 PM..

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bookwormiam2010 is offline
Old 01-09-2011, 01:14 AM

Kira snorted in a mos tunlady like fashion. "Well I hate to tell you but you sure as heck aren't getting this womans touch." she said with a coy smile. "Unless you have something you'd like to give me.." she purred her voice taking on that oh so seductive purr she'd adapted around his goon. Yeesh the things she would do to get what she'd wanted. But wouldn't be entirely bad. She'd get over what ever it was that she had towards Rick and she'd get the formula. In the end everyone was happy.

She chuckled softly seeing his utter outrage over someone spilling his secrets. "That's exactly what I said. Now just out of curiosity...are you as stupid as the goons you hire? Because I'd really like to believe that but sadly theres just not much here that makes me believe otherwise." she taunted.

Max's nose was pressed against the clear glass window his eyes watching the scenery fly by. The window wasn't open! What kind of person kept the window up like this? It was torture. Woofing softly he placed a paw plaintively on the window his tail wagging softly as he looked expectantly at Flynn. Seeing no reaction he let out another bark before drawing away from the window to tug on Flynn's shirt. Come on..just open the window!


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