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Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-03-2011, 06:52 PM

This is a private thread for Neko Ninja and myself Please do not post in it. We can't exactly stop you, but please don't. Feel free to read along though.

Axel thumbed through the various magazines that held his idol in them. His name was Roxas. He loved everything about the younger idol. His hair, his eyes, his laugh, and even his smile. He smiled wickedly as some dark thoughts came into his mind. He would make this idol his. His cell phone beeped signalling that it was time to leave for the show. The show that would change his life and that of the young idol. He placed the magazine back in the drawer near the head of the bed as he went out the door towards the club where Roxas would be singing.

Last edited by 0ri0n83; 02-06-2011 at 06:15 PM..

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-06-2011, 07:26 PM

Roxas sat backstage. It was time for another show. He personally loved going out and singing for all of his fans. But sometimes he wished that he could have some time to himself. He didn't get that very often. He took a few deep breaths when he was told it was time to go. He stood and went out the stage. The fans instantly started screaming when they saw him. He smiled at them. And then, he began his first set.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-06-2011, 09:15 PM

Axel sat in the middle as he watched his soon to be lover begin his set on stage. He would put his plan into action when the show was over. He licked his lips. He could hardly wait. The lyrics that the younger blonde was singing made him swoon like the rest of the restless crowd. Soon he would only be singing for him. He knew all of his songs by heart. Heck, he owned all of the CD's, even the rare exclusive ones that were really hard to get. He waited patiently as he made sure that he had everything that he needed to make a quick entrance, and an even quicker exit once he had his blonde charge with him. He had rope, handcuffs, a few sleeping tranquilizers, hopefully it wouldn't resort to that. He would have preferred the blonde to be at least semi-conscious so they could begin the "festivities" as soon as he got home.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-06-2011, 09:20 PM

Roxas finished his set a few hours later. He loved that the crowd was going crazy. And no matter how tired he was, he wouldn't be able to sleep unless he signed a few autographs. So he did. He even took some pictures with the fans. But they time he got back to his dressing room, he was exhausted. It was getting close to midnight and he needed to be up early tomorrow to catch a plane. He collapsed on a small couch that was in the room and closed his eyes.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-06-2011, 09:25 PM

Axel cheered with the rest of the crowd as Roxas' singing was done. He saw the younger one sign autographs, and take pictures with other fans. He growled low in his throat as he managed to sneak his way into the back where he was sure that the younger blonde would probably be resting, and/or changing. He walked into the back where he saw a door which had a golden star on it. In the middle of the star Roxas' name was emblazoned there in black letters. Before he opened the door he took out the pair of handcuffs from the bag that he brought with him, and a roll of duck tape. He didn't even bother knocking on the door. He opened it quietly and walked into the room. Unwinding some of the duck tape he approached the young blonde, and hovered above him. He knew that he had to at least muffle his voice before hand so he practically leaped and placed the piece of tape over the boys mouth when suddenly....

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-06-2011, 09:29 PM

Roxas was about to fall asleep when someone jumped him. His eyes snapped open and they narrowed into a glare at the person in his room. His foot snapped out, hitting the man in the gut. He reached out and pressed a button that would summon security. He then took the tape of his mouth and started screaming for his bodyguard. Why wasn't he guarding the door like he was supposed to?

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 02-06-2011, 09:38 PM

Axel bit back a snarl, when he felt himself being kneed in the gut. Getting up from the ground he glared at the younger blonde. He was too optimistic, thinking that everything would work in his favor. He didn't want to resort to such methods especially since he wanted the blonde mostly unharmed. However, desperate times called for desperate measures. At this point in time he imagined the young blonde was wondering where the guard was. There was a guard outside, but with a well placed $50.00 he was gone for a while. He rushed the boy as he managed to get up off of the ground. The boy in front of him started yelling. The first thing that came to mind for shutting up the child was to lock lips with him. As he did this he found the pressure point on the younger boys neck and applied pressure. Hopefully, this would knock him out.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-06-2011, 09:48 PM

Roxas continued yelling for the guard. Where was he?! He was so going to get fired for this. But then he froze when the man attacking him kissed him. That was shocking. Not something he was expecting. Before he got the chance to push him away, he felt a pressure point was pressed in his neck, he felt himself slipping into darkness. It didn't take him to long for him to sink into darkness.

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 08:43 AM

Axel couldn't believe his luck when he felt the other figure slump against his much larger frame. Knowing that the guards would be coming shortly he maneuvered Roxas so that he could swing him over his shoulder. As soon as this was done he ran out the door as he bent down to pick up the discarded bag that he had left in front of the dressing room. Running out of the door that he knew led to the alleyway of the building, where his car was. He opened the car as he put Roxas in the passenger side of the car. Placing the bag he had in the back seat he managed to procure the handcuffs again and handcuffed Roxas' hands together. He took another piece of the duck tape that he had and placed it over the blondes mouth as well. If he woke up in the car there was going to be little that he could do. Deciding at the last minute he took the blonde and placed him in the back seat, since that would probably be the best for the both of them. He also bound the blonde's legs together with the duck tape as well which completely mobilized the young star. Getting into the drivers seat he sped off to his hideout where he would soon enjoy his spoils.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-07-2011, 03:08 PM

It didn't take Roxas to long to wake up. When he did, he realized he was in a car. His eyes snapped open as he sat up. His hands and feet were bound and his mouth was taped shut. His eyes focused on the man driving. It was the same man who attacked him earlier. His eyes narrowed into a glare as he looked at him. Did the man really think he would get away with kidnapping him? You couldn't just kidnap someone who was famous. Someone was bound to notice. But for now, he worked on getting his hands and feet free.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-08-2011, 04:16 AM

Axel, who was driving at the time, looked behind him to see the younger blonde trying to break free. Sighing to himself he pulled off of the highway that he was driving via an exit ramp, and parked the car in a parking lot nearby. Getting out of the car he walked to the back where he had the bag of "kidnapping" devices and went rummaging through it. He brought out another pair of handcuffs and managed to get Roxas' feet into them. He then rummaged around and found the duck tape again and placed more duck tape around the boys ankles and behind the boys knees as well. He also placed some over the handcuffs that were on the boys wrists. He took one final piece and placed it over the second one over his mouth so that the two pieces crossed. Giving the boy a quick peck on the cheek he closed the door with a bang, got back into the drivers seat, and proceeded back onto the highway.

Once they had been driving for a while he got off of the highway again, and stopped at a residential area. The houses were nice, and well spaced apart. Axel had a few acres of land himself on his own property. The nearest house from his was about 2 miles away. They were in the middle of nowhere. Opening the garage door he brought the car into it. He closed to garage door before he opened the drivers side door. He wasn't going to let his charge escape. There were two exits, the garage door, which was closed, and the door that led to the house. Opening the passenger side door he took one final item out of the bag that he had. It was a black blindfold. He managed to get it around Roxas' head. He scooped Roxas into his arms bridal style, and entered his house. He made his way to the basement, turned the light on, closed the door behind him, and locked it, before descending the stairs to where he would finally be able to enjoy his prize.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-08-2011, 01:08 PM

Roxas tried to stop the man from tying him up more. But wasn't very successful. He tried to see where they were out the window, but all he could see was the sky. So that wasn't very helpful. By the time the car had stopped, he had stopped struggling. He was to tired to try to fight him right now. But that changed when he tried to put a blindfold on him. Again he couldn't stop him. He felt himself being picked up and carried off. Apparently they were going downstairs so he instantly guessed it was a basement. He figured he wasn't going to be able to get away right away.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-09-2011, 03:50 AM

Continuing down the stairs he unceremoniously dumped Roxas onto a bed that was down there. He left him there as he went to the far wall and began rummaging through things that were apparently on the other wall. Coming back over he had a leather choker in his hands with a silver chain ring attached to it; also in his hand was a silver chain. Bending over the boy who was on the bed he managed to loop the choker around the boys neck. Standing back he looked at his handiwork. The pop idol looked like the perfect rebel hostage. Nodding to himself he began making his way up the stairs. He turned around at the top and said," If you are good you get fed. If you are bad, well then be happy that I am a such a benevolent person because I won't hurt you." Axel turned the light on that illuminated part of the stairwell, and then went through the door locking it from the outside so that Roxas was trapped.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 01:12 PM

Roxas winced slightly when he was dropped on what appeared to be a bed. He couldn't tell. He listened as he heard the man looking for something, but flinched away from him when he tried to put something around his neck. It felt like some sort of collar, which he was not happy about. Then he heard the man leave. He barely listened to what he said. 'Couldn't you untie me first?' he thought. If he was going to be locked in here, why did he have to be tied up as well?

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-10-2011, 10:14 PM

Axel sat in front of the T.V. trying to ignore what he had just done. He was giddy at the fact that he had in fact accomplished his current goal, but he was also sad as well seeing as how easy it was. He also was very sad that Roxas didn't understand why he was doing this. Turning off the T.V. he went to the kitchen where he made himself a sandwich. He also made Roxas a sandwich as well, since he knew that the fastest way to making the other trust him was through being nice to him. Placing the food on a plate he grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Opening the door to the basement he went down the stairs, approached the blonde, placed the food on the nearby wooden table, and then began removing some of the restraints off of the blonde. "I know that you must hate me right now," said Axel. "Please just hear me out. I am in love with you. I see how you sing on the stage. Are you truly happy? Your lyrics are full of life and bright days, but you don't seem to be truly happy?"

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-10-2011, 10:23 PM

Roxas was just about to fall asleep when he heard the door open. His eyes snapped open, but of course, he still couldn't see. He turned his head in the direction of the man that he could hear. And yes. He did hate him. He was always going to hate him for this. He was also going to make sure that this man ended up in jail for this. And how could he ask if he was happy or not? He had everything he could possible want. Why shouldn't he be happy. "Of course I am!he snapped when his mouth was free. "Why would you think otherwise?"

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:00 AM

Axel shook his head as he got rid of a decent amount of the duck tape that was surrounding his arms, yet he still kept the duck tape on that was surrounding his legs and ankles so he couldn't run or kick. Axel was a little taken aback when he heard Roxas say those things. "How could I not notice? They way you look so sad when you sing. Your lyrics sound empty with no emotion. No emotion of pain, sorrow, or even love. That is what I see. I brought you something to eat, so if you behave then I will take off your handcuffs so you can eat."

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 01:06 AM

Roxas was silent at what the man said. He didn't know what to say to it. But the mention of food, his stomach growled loudly. He sighed a bit. "Fine. I'll behave." he said. He wanted to be able to eat. He couldn't go very long without eating. He needed to eat often.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-11-2011, 05:51 AM

Axel nodded at the boy as he undid the rest of the binds that were holding his wrists together. "I'm sorry I won't be able to take your leg restraints off yet. Hopefully, someday in the very near future I can though. He brought the table over to the blonde and sat it in front of him. He wanted the blonde to know that as long as he behaved good things would happen.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 11:43 AM

Roxas stayed silent as the man untied his hands. He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He briefly glared at the man when he sat in front of him. But his gaze dropped to the ground. He didn't really even want to look at him. His stomach growled loudly again. He turned his glare down to it. He didn't like seeming hungry or weak in front of others.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-12-2011, 06:06 PM

Axel stared at the younger blonde as he ate. He chuckled a little when he heard his stomach grumble. Grabbing a nearby chair that was by the table he sat there. "So Roxas," said Axel. "Not to be a problem or anything, but since you're going to be here for a while, would you mind telling me a little about yourself? Axel didn't really know where this relationship was going to be going, nor if he should even call it that. He wanted one with the blonde so badly though, and if his hunches were right then the one thing that was missing out of Roxas' life was, Love.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-12-2011, 06:28 PM

"Yes. I do mind. I don't want to be here." Roxas said. He glared at the red-haired man. "You do realize that keeping me here against my will is illegal. If you take me back to the club right now, I won't press charges. But if you don't, your going to be in jail for a long time." he told him. He probably would make sure that the man would be in jail for a long time for this. No matter what he said.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-12-2011, 08:15 PM

Axel gritted his teeth at Roxas' harsh words. True he was right in everything. No! He wasn't going to go and second guess himself on what he had decided to do. Staring hard at the blonde in front of him he said," I wish there was something that I could do to show you that I care about you, other than letting you go. I want to love you. I don't care if you love me back, but you deserve to be loved. Hopefully, the blonde would know how sincere he was in his words.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 02-12-2011, 08:20 PM

"If you really loved me like you say, then you would take me back." Roxas said. How could this man talk about loving him if he was holding him here against his will. He was just a psycho who needed to be locked up. "And I am loved." he added. He knew that a lot of people loved him. He had a lot of friends and family.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 02-13-2011, 05:38 AM

Axel sighed as he looked at the blonde. He really wasn't getting it. He tried one more method. The last thing that he wanted to do was resort to violence with his idol. "Look I know you're angry. Hell, I would be angry too if I was in your position, but believe me when I say this are you really loved. When was the last time someone embraced you or told you that they loved you, and actually showed you that they did? Fan devotion is a very different thing from actual love." Axel got up from where he was sitting and said," I'll leave for tonight, but think about my words. I hope we can talk again in the future. Also if there is anything that you would like to eat don't hesitate to ask me." With that being said he went back upstairs and locked the door from the other side. He went up to the top floor and retired for the night thinking about the imprisoned blonde. "What must I do to make him understand?


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