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Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:10 PM


Our story begin somewhere over East Germany. Mordhaus is passing over Europe and the band has just finished up their tour in Asia. It was a succesful tour with lots of lights, sound and plenty of pethetic fans dying in the chaos known as a Dethklok concert. The boys are ready to head home for some well deserved R&R when news reachest them that their manager, Charles Foster Ofdensen, has signed a rival band that has been sky rocketting to stardom and are now going to be living at Mordhaus with the men. Most upsetting of it all though, the new band is an all female metal band known as Shick Kicker.

Like Dethklok, Shick Kicker has five members in the band, each seeming to mirror their counter part in the other band. This has raised the eye brows of the Tribunal, who seek desprately to shut down Dethklok. Though their way of life could be even more threatened by Shick Kicker, they hope the rivals will fight themselves into a stale mate where both sides will stop producing music; alternatively however, things could just go from bad to worse IF the two 'evils' should join forces.

In the mean time, in Japan, and darkness is stiring under the broken chain of islands. Awoken by the neuclear chemicals spilt by the Dethklok's Neuclear Sub while they recorded their album Dethwaters, an evil Kappa demon has come to wreak havoc on the world. Feeding on the darkness emited by the two bands music, the Kappa has been growing larger and larger, soon to break free from deepest trench in the ocean.

With nothing in their power to do they sit, they watch and they WAAAAAAIIIIIIT.....

-Menewshan rules obviously
-Swearing neededs to be stared out (s*** for example)
-Death of non major chars. okay! (with concent of char. owner)
-This thread is to embrace brutallity with a comical twist, if you don't like it please just choose to leave the thread.
-Shick Kicker name's must remain the same, but character design and photo's are up to you as long as they have at least one VERY OBVIOUS trait that mirrors their opposition
-PM me you skelly's for an organized profile collection
-Non-band apps will also be acceptable (IE: Fans, bfs/gfs, parents/family/friends etc)
-Stay in Character. (IE: Nathan wouldn't own a cute little kitten and Pickles wouldn't be a sober saint!)
-Romance okay and encouraged between bands
-Limit of 3 (three) character's per person please

Profile Skelleton:

Name: (characters name here)
Band: (Which band are you in or do you fallow? "Neutral" For tribunal members)
Age: (aprox is okay. nothing under 21)
Bio: (a quick description of your char and how they act)
Photo(s): (cartoon prefferable, live action okay)
**SHICH KICKERS ONLY-- Mirror Trait: (It what way/s is you character like thier opposite)
Other: (Extra information we should know about your character)
User: (YOUR name here)



Charles Foster Ofdensen:
Nathan Explosion:
Skwisgaar Skwigelf:
Toki Wartooth: Inuyami
William Murderface:

Shick Kicker-

Vicky Greenleaf: (Vocals)
Veronica Ellefson: (Lead Guitar)
Janice Flymerre: (2nd Guitar)
Erica Clotts: (Bass)
Mani: (drums)

The Tribunal-

General Crozier:
Mr. Selatcia:
Senator Stampingston:


Dr. Rockzo: (Rock and Roll clown)
Klokateer 1: (people who work for Dethklok, more will be added)
Shickadee 1: (People who work for Shick Kicker, more will be added)
Jean-Pierre: (the chef)
Dick Knubbler: (Music producer)
Dr. Johnathan Twinkletits: (Band Therapist)

Last edited by Inuyami; 02-18-2012 at 03:01 AM..

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 03-04-2011, 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Inuyami
Name: Toki Wartooth
Band: Dethklok
Age: 27
Bio: Toki is from a small, mostly abandoned town in Norway. He is very childish and is most times and not as dark as his fellow band mates. He's often seen with his 'pal' Dr. Rockzo or doing his own child-like thing weather it be playing arcade games, eatting candy or arguing with Skwishgaar. Easily angered by not getting a chance to put his two cents in, Toki often lashes out at the other members of the band, claiming he never gets the chance to do anything.

User: Inuyami
Originally Posted by Kyuuna Zaraki
Name: Nathan Explosion
Band: you really gonna ask me that?! I'm the F***ING SINGER OF DETHKLOK!
Age: F*** I dunno 29 maybe
Bio: Nathan had a less than sane Childhood thanks to a naggingly overbearing mother and a seemingly resentful father; though its revealed he had a good relationship with his dad. He also is shown to be fairly naive about anything outside the realm of 'metal' or 'music'. Though he does seem to have a gift for songwriting despite being a dropout in school. Never seems to get angry even when his personal space is violently invaded unlike his bandmates; who would likely kill said annoyance.
Another difference between Nathan and his bandmates is his ability to attempt a normal relationship with a girl...only for his bandmates to F*** it up for him. When he finally DOES get mad he tends to break anything he can reach.

Other: Nathan recently adopted a creature he calls 'dethkitty' despite the thing looking more like a demon than a housecat
User: Kyuuna Zaraki
Originally Posted by Inuyami
Name: Charles Foster Ofdensen:
Band: Both
Age: Perhaps 42
Bio: Charels has been managin Dethklok since the begining of their carreer and is often the one who straitens out all the problem the band creates for others and themselves He is very protective of the bands he represents and will stop at no end to make sure their safety is top priority.

Other: N/A
User: Inuyami

Shick Kicker--

Originally Posted by Inuyami
Name: Mani
Band: Shick Kicker
Age: 21
Bio: Mani has always been a girl who lives on the darker side of life. She began to listen and idolize metal when she was six years old and always wanted to be in a big named band. After being lead vocalist in a handful of go-nowhere bands, she joined up with Shick Kicker as their drummer and back up vox. Mani has a very get back attitude which doesn't always mix well with her tom-boy personality but she's a deep down good person with a passion for the darkness that consumes life.

Mirror Traits: Much like Pickles; Mani is a party girl who can handle her drinks and drugs, she also is a very laid back person who seems to be the only one with any real brains in the band.

Last edited by Inuyami; 02-18-2012 at 03:07 AM..

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:36 PM


2/16/12-- Thank you to the brillient mind of Kyuuna Zaraki, the plot has been edited and given more depth. Please refer to Paragraph #3 underneith our Story Line. More updates to come, and hopefully soon things will be moving along. Here Is a referance photo for our Kappa Demon:

Last edited by Inuyami; 02-17-2012 at 03:22 AM..

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 02-17-2012, 05:43 PM



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