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Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-26-2011, 07:07 AM

When your asleep, there is nothing but darkness. Your eyes are closed and you are silent (unless you snore....). You think you are doing nothing and that your body's at rest but really your mind is at its peak of action. You see images flash by and unexplainable scenes unfold, you are in a new world, you are in a dream.

So tell me, What Do You Dream?

Last edited by Nananohumugae; 02-26-2011 at 07:59 AM..

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-26-2011, 07:58 AM

Nana's dream-
The cafeteria bustled with the voices of high-schoolers. I was sitting with a good friend and a group of people I wasn't too found of. That day I decided not to eat the schools food, the greasy pizza had sickend me at first sight. Rosie finished her food but did not move, a person next to her stood up to dispose of garbage and asked her to move. She refused for some reason. I looked at the person and stood as well, I picked up Rosie's tray and offered to take the persons trash as well. Rosie stood abruptly and she yelled at me to give her her tray back, shocked I flinched and did not move. Her fist flew in my face and before I knew it we were in a full fledged scuffle. I looked to my side only to see my best friend Jess, the one I care the most about, pointing her figure, laughing at me. I ran with the goal to leave school. Running down the hallway I reached the large metal door. Its was locked, bolted shut. Spinning around I ran even faster. Hearing steps come near, I turned my head. There was someone else running next to me, all around me were people running. (What the hell?) We make it to the main foyer and to my surprise, there were bars on all of the doors and windows. Were all panicked. But before I knew it (Mind skip) I was on a bus surrounded by familiar faces. The bus driver told us that we were going to be stuck there because the door was bolted too. I saw a guy in the front stand and say that if enough force is pressed on to the door that it would eventuality give out and that we could run. So we tried it and the idea worked. The guy that had thought it was the first one out. There was a bang in the distance and he fell to the ground. Someone had shot him. Screams filled my ears and people rushed out of the bus. More shots were fired and more people fell. Someone who started to climb the fence had just reached the top when a bullet went through his back and he dropped back to earth. I was lost then. Only able to see 55 people left running through the cold snow, darkness crept all around them and they were running aimlessly through the night. 2 boys crouched in a bush outside a brick house with light poring through its windows. I young women dressed in fancy silk garments walked out. The boys jumped out and surrounded her, but her features remained calm and blank. "Whats going on!?" They asked, there voices strained from running through the cold. They were 2 of the 55 survivors and they wanted an answer. The women smiled a wide grin and shook her head. "There gonna get you, you shouldn't of ran."

It turned out that the government bought the school and students to do biological testing to create artificial life forms (Aka- Aliens). They put pills that turned even the most innocent of minds into wild and unpredictable wastelands, into the cafeteria food. They turned the school into a bio-base, so that anyone coming in could not get out. Our parents sold us for money.

I can be very skeptic at time and I love my mother dearly but sometimes I think that something bad will happen and that she would sacrifice me for the greater good. Sometimes deep in my mind I cant stand my friends and I just want to leave. Rosie gets on my nerves the most but Jessica is my best friend and I always worry that she will trade me up for something better or she would get hurt. I hate the government and its not surprising that they are the bad guys in my dream. Im also afraid of aliens, if they really exists, oh please don't not invade the earth my alien friends!!!

Last edited by Nananohumugae; 02-26-2011 at 05:56 PM..

Louis duLac
Purveyor of Yaoi
Louis duLac is offline
Old 02-26-2011, 11:40 AM

I have too many interesting dreams that I can never remember. Last night I took a trip around the world, but I don't remember anywhere I went. All I remember now is that our van broke down with all the souvenirs we piled into it, and on top of it. XD

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Old 02-26-2011, 04:31 PM

Most of the time, about someone I've been thinking about lately and really good things about them, sex with them, killing them, or they're murdering me.

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-26-2011, 05:45 PM

Louis duLac- Thats a very victorious dream, standing triumphantly on top of your treasures, your mind is telling you something.
> < You may have some good fortune coming your way. (I sound like a fortune teller now XD)

SceneRaverNeko- Your horny. <<<--- > < Outside your a very nice person but in your dreams you dream of stuff you may not do, like kill someone. You long for lusty romance with a side of killer action, do you enjoy action movies?. You found that deep in your mind is lust that you may have not told your real-world friends about. >If you are not 18, wait to have sex please< My friend is 5 months pregnant because she couldn't wait 2 years.

mirinum1 is offline
Old 02-26-2011, 08:29 PM

My dream I had today: I was in the backyard and we had a HUGE! tank and I had my little fishy I am not sure if its the fishy that died recently...or the one I still have alive and here I come with a really awesome looking fish that doesn't exist because it just looked soo glowy and was grabbing it from it sides and it was dead..I but it in the tank and I moved it side to side like a fish would normally move...and IT MOVED! it was alive!! I started screaming high pitch in joy...and then my throat went dry and I woke up with my dry throat...haha :3

Vix Viral
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Old 02-26-2011, 11:32 PM

I don't usually remember my dreams but when I do, they tend to be nightmares involved zombies, other monsters, and killing/being killed. I am much more likely to remember the dreams that I have while napping but those tend to be quite dirty.

Leerah is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 01:56 AM

My dreams always involve famous people in one way or another. Usually it's just a mention of them, by name or something.
And tend to be really wacky.

I can't really remember my most recent one that well, but I think it involved rings, and when you put on the ring you get this weapon thing, and they look really plastic and incredibly fake, but apparently worked well. And I had to start running away from someone I think. And I accidentally killed someone. I think it was LeVar Burton...

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 02:16 AM

Mirinum1 Very interesting. You have a great imagination, you urn to see somthing new, like a big giant fishy annnd a giant fish tank in your backyard. You love fish and care for them deeply, and if you are dreaming that your fish is with you, you loved that one allot. You also have an interest in the prehistoric. Do you like water? (Swim alot?)

Vix Viral Allot of people cant remember their dreams, they only see them as a flash of an image, that is was there and then wasnt. You long for action too almost like Scene longing. It helps if you wright your dreams down as soon as you wake up. =3

Leerah- You must have heard of alot of famous people, if you can remember them being mentioned with some practice you can remember your whole dream. Your mind back tracts memories and your aquired knowledge, your mind is a sponge, it remembers everything even if you can not. ----->>>Do you watch anime?<<<----- :?

Last edited by Nananohumugae; 02-27-2011 at 02:23 AM..

mirinum1 is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 05:25 AM

Thank you ^^ my brain goes everywhere :o aww that made want to cry :'( -sigh please tell me your not just saying these thing are you like a fortune cookie? lol I don't know how to say it hehe I like water yes but no I haven't swam in a loong time Dx

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by mirinum1 View Post
Thank you ^^ my brain goes everywhere :o aww that made want to cry :'( -sigh please tell me your not just saying these thing are you like a fortune cookie? lol I don't know how to say it hehe I like water yes but no I haven't swam in a loong time Dx
XD Your welcome. I put everything together that people dream of, specific detail and things that may seem off or high-lighted the most and I can describe a person from that information. I do this every now and then but I normally dont tell people what I find out like im doing now, somtimes what I get out from it is bad. Like there are some dreams that could have a chance at being precognitive dreams, dreams that have insight on future events that will occur in real life. "Precognition is the direct knowledge or perception of the future" And somethimes the future is bad. :cry:

mirinum1 is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by Nananohumugae View Post
XD Your welcome. I put everything together that people dream of, specific detail and things that may seem off or high-lighted the most and I can describe a person from that information. I do this every now and then but I normally dont tell people what I find out like im doing now, somtimes what I get out from it is bad. Like there are some dreams that could have a chance at being precognitive dreams, dreams that have insight on future events that will occur in real life. "Precognition is the direct knowledge or perception of the future" And somethimes the future is bad. :cry:
Oh yeah yeah that's nice :3 you made me remember the movie inception <3 very nice movie have you watched iiitttt :D

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by mirinum1 View Post
Oh yeah yeah that's nice :3 you made me remember the movie inception <3 very nice movie have you watched iiitttt :D
XD I never got a chance to see that one, I saw the trailor though and I thought it looked interesting. My friend watched it and said it was amazing, she even put the soundtrack on her computer because she loved the music from it. I will see it sooner or later. ^ ^

YamiSora is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 09:02 AM

Man, Sora's dream can be so random depending on what he watched, what he did, etc. the day of the dream.
Sora almost all of January and February, Sora didn't dream at all which was kinda scary, but lately Sora has been having dreams! 8DD
as of late, because of watching a lot of his movies, Sora has had dreams with Gerard Butler in them XP

Vix Viral
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Old 02-27-2011, 04:32 PM

Just woke up and dreamt I met and slept with the singer from a band I like. It was good :cool:

Tranquility is offline
Old 02-28-2011, 07:20 AM

i had a very lovely dream once... well it made me giggle.

i was in the middle of a giant just like digital meadow and there were monsters and people and goofy the dog... we were all just standing around or something and they got closer and closer like they were going to attack me when i THOUGHT inside the dream that 'hey this is a dream', pulled a pipe bomb out of my pocket and threw it on the ground. giant black ripples went around like a hypno board and i woke up laughing.

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 02-28-2011, 10:26 AM

-So sorry I havent been keeping up- _ _'

Tranquility- I would of probably had laughed too. I had a dream a long time ago (fell asleep on the bus) that I was riding a little red pull wagon down my driveway (it was a precognitive dream because I actually ended up doing it because my brother thought it would be fun (We crashed....) and I was laughing all the way down. I woke up with people staring at me because I was laughing outside my dream with my head bowed down and my eyes closed. It looked like I was going to do somthing evil.

Vix Viral- What a night, right!? XD Yay to vividly awesome dreams that are sexy! Yaaaay!

YamiSora- I hate when I cant dream, I like the hidden tales in my head. Yes, your thinking about your movie after you have seen it so your mind is focased on that topic and adds on to your train of thought when you are asleep. Somtimes I hate when that happens, like when I was 7 and watched the movie "it" I woke up screaming because a killer clown was just about to eat me.... XD

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-28-2011, 10:31 AM

hmmm. most common dreams atm are where im drunk. Cause since i split with my ex thats pretty much all i've done.

but before that. I used to dream about going round in circles alot. Like there was one dream where i was at a waterpark, and there was one slide i wanted to go out. But getting there was like going through a maze that felt liek 10 miles long. So i'd go round and round and finally get to the ride, go on it, then its off around the big maze again. and everytime i went round the maze it would harder or scarier or more complicated to get back to the slide xD

I used to have dreams where i was missing a shoe or an item of clothing alot too. Especially at festivals. I'd b cold and have no sleeping bag or we'd be packing to go home and i wouldn't be able to find my shoes or pants xDD

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Decode is offline
Old 02-28-2011, 01:36 PM

I Just dreamed that I was in a car race and I was PWNING everybody ;D

\ (•◡•) /
Taviren is offline
Old 02-28-2011, 05:31 PM

Oh goodness. Ok. Last nights dreams.

A war in a medieval setting, not our world. The gods awaken and are attacked by foolish mortals. Then, with a word, the gods command their attackers to stop, and the mortals have no choice but to obey. They then realize that these people truly are the gods.

Next dream.

An area on the map is scorched and barren; a lake surrounded by mountains on three sides. The reason for that is that one of the mountains is a volcano and its lava kills anything that gets too close. On the other side, however, is a secret military base, so two souls venture inside. They get caught in one of the traps but the woman, who's good at cracking her neck, finds a way to do it just so to get the trap to release. She coaches the man how to do it. Once through the cavern (I have no idea how they weren't fried) the woman, unskilled at stealth, takes a path without avoiding cameras and the man is forced to follow. They have to make their escape quickly to avoid capture.

Next dream.

Based on the series Bones. Booth, who has a vintage Mustang, himself, finds an old beat up Pinto and restores it for Brennan. This dream is pretty much just about admiring the car.

Next dream.

Trying to find the source of the glitter on the floor that keeps getting all over everyone's socks.

Next dream.

There is political turmoil amongst the werewolves. The males are holding a gathering in the male den, but females are not permitted except for... certain reasons. While our female protagonist, who is mostly unknown amongst the wolves, finds a male willing to go along with the rouse and escort her in, the guardsman still discourages it. However, the male she chose thinks highly enough of himself to ignore the guard. At the gathering, she keeps up a very meek appearance and notices that at least two others also brought females. She keeps her eyes and ears open during the proceedings... which at one point include poker.

And... those were my dreams for the night. I'm very impressed with myself. ^^ Not a one included my "self" getting tortured and the only one where I was chased, there wasn't too much panic.

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 03-02-2011, 09:36 PM

Decode - You like action XD It was a good dream so I'm guessing you like to go fast and win. It might be that you don't win very often so your thoughts were focused mostly on you winning and deifying those who think you couldn't. And it could also be a precognitive dream telling you that you will win in some case or another in the future.

Taviren- Your mind is very active and your also intelligent, especially on the topic of fantasy. I have seen many dreams that were fit anough for the books but your Lycan dream would be a great plot/beginning to a top seller. Your an artistic person too (not just looking at your sig....) but glitter is definitely a dream that is artistic. > < You know allot of history and political dealings too.

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jupiter is offline
Old 03-02-2011, 10:40 PM

I had a dream that I was scolding a homeless man for asking me for change.

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 02:57 AM

ooooohhhh, poor homless man, I would of gave him some money.. > < Hopefully just a dream.

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jupiter is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 03:04 AM

It's a pet peeve of mine, being hassled for change or some product at a kiosk.
I've been approached too many times in compromising situations by the homeless to be sympathetic towards them.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 03-03-2011, 03:12 AM

I don't tend to have dreams often and I have a photographic memory, so I can actually list them all, but I'll list the most interesting ones:

I can't remember the ones when I was younger than 6...
Barney was Santa- Age 6
I was getting chased by teletubbies- Age 6
Those weird orange mechanical robot things from Ben 10 were destroying the Asian after-school I went to- Age 7
(I had the above dream 3 or 4 times)
A really weird dream where everything was white and there was a piece of notebook paper and a pencil- Age 7(Another recurring dream)
Scary dream where I can't really remember it but I remember that there was this face and skeletons and stuff like that- Age 8 (Had this dream 3 times, NIGHTMARE!)
Was on broadway- Age 8
House was invaded by cats- Age 9
-No interesting dreams for Age 10-
I went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry- Age 11 (OMG AGE 11!!)
I was being killed by bouncing red balls- Age 11
Weird dream where my cousin and I were in a library- Age 12
Some guy asked me out in my dream, and he asked me out the next day (In real life, so this dream was kinda spooky-weird)-Age 13
I traveled around the world in a hot air balloon- Age 13
I was a vampire- Age 14
I was a werewolf- Age 14
I was a sea otter- Age 14 (And other animals...)
My friends and I went to the zoo and I got bit by a rabid penguin- Age 15
I went to sleepaway camp and Justin Bieber became my best friend- Age 15
I watched a movie during this night before I went to bed, and when I went to sleep, my dream was this whole entire exact same movie, except my friends and I were in it- Age 15
I was a FBI agent for some reason and I shot President Obama in the head (Whoops)- Age 16 (Had this dream 3 times)
I got raped by an ex-boyfriend (This was gross-creepy)- Age 16
My house was flooded with post-it notes- Age 16 (Last night's dream)

...Yeah, I have to say, most of my interesting dreams are pretty weird.


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